Pre-UOR Interview with Admiral Ruffie</u>
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<Admiral_Ruffie> Ahoy!</font color=red>
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<JCtheBuilder> Hi
<JCtheBuilder> I see your got IRC working</font color=blue>
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<Admiral_Ruffie> Ready when you are</font color=red>
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<JCtheBuilder> Ok, lets start with something easy =]
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<JCtheBuilder> What drew you to the seas of UO? To becoming a pirate?</font color=blue>
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<Admiral_Ruffie> Well, a few weeks into UO I found an unlocked boat in a river north of Vesper. I had no idea how they worked at the time, but the plank was open so I boarded it and took it on a joyride...
<Admiral_Ruffie> ...I was amazed at how big the sea was, and immediately fascinated by the potential.
<Admiral_Ruffie> The pirate part came a little later.
<Admiral_Ruffie> Back then, the PKs dominated all the spawn - dungeons, wilderness. I found spawns of water elementals so remote that they became my private preferred placed to camp.</font color=red>
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<JCtheBuilder> What is your fondest memory of Pre-Renaissance UO?</font color=blue>
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<Admiral_Ruffie> A single event or a general feeling about the game? The single event was when I stood up to and defeated a PK for the first time....
<Admiral_Ruffie> Generally, though...
<Admiral_Ruffie> It was the sense of danger that every trip out of town meant. There was, in those days, very little spawn to camp and intense competition among the players for them. Every pile of gold meant victory when you banked it.</font color=red>
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<JCtheBuilder> Elaborating on your experiance defeating a PK for the first time, Do you feel a player has fully "experianced" UO without ever facing a murderer?
<JCtheBuilder> Do you feel a player can fully, is what I meant
<JCtheBuilder> On the fly question =]</font color=blue>
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<Admiral_Ruffie> Well, UO is a diverse game with a diverse playerbase. They certainly can't expereince one of the most challenging aspects of the game without facing a murderer, or even without being one...
<Admiral_Ruffie> However, the freedom of choice that we have is a necessity. It seems clear that a lot of players don't want those challenges, so while I might think they missed something...
<Admiral_Ruffie> ...they clearly feel that UO is defined for them by other aspects (group PvM, crafting, etc).</font color=red>
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<JCtheBuilder> From the release of UOR to a few months later, how did the expansion impact your gameplay as a pirate?</font color=blue>
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<Admiral_Ruffie> An immediate loss of victims at sea. All the fishers, and a lot of the shoreline boats, went to Trammel.
<Admiral_Ruffie> Very few stayed behind, and a few months later my entire crew at the time had quit UO.</font color=red>
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<JCtheBuilder> So you could say that UOR devestated the pirate class in UO?</font color=blue>
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<Admiral_Ruffie> Well, the pirate class was kind of thrown together by players who found they could make massive amounts of loot and have all kinds of RP fun at sea...
<Admiral_Ruffie> It wasn't really a class by design, then...however, by the end of 2000...
<Admiral_Ruffie> ...there was a slight resurgence of pirate activity on Atlantic, at least, as players began to discover 8x8.</font color=red>
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<JCtheBuilder> Hehe, you made reference to my next question.....
<JCtheBuilder> How much do you think the pirate class could help prevent unattended macroing on the seas? Would you have fun in helping "police" UO like that?</font color=blue>
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<Admiral_Ruffie> Like pirates on other shards, I've been doing that for years now - killing macroers, most unattended. While the loot is often fantastic, and....
<Admiral_Ruffie> ...it does help curtail such activities, I'd much rather run into an attended person at sea who either wants to fight back, or is willing to surrended some sort of loot tribute to be spared...
<Admiral_Ruffie> I once let a guy go who appreciated my roleplayed pirate and only had a few regs to give.</font color=red>
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<JCtheBuilder> Do you believe the piracy class could ever make a real comeback on normal UO production shards?</font color=blue>
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<Admiral_Ruffie> EA has to give players a reason to sail on the Feluccan waters for that to happen - something like a Feluccan sea-champios spawn that appears at random spots on the water so it's can't be boat camped.
<Admiral_Ruffie> Plus, perhaps a major revamp of boat combat techniques and tactics would help. Heck, we just need an expansion.</font color=red>
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<JCtheBuilder> Do you believe a Pre-UOR shard, or something like it, would attract pirates like yourself to the play?</font color=blue>
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<Admiral_Ruffie> If they really did it, and I saw a large player population flock to it, then yes I would probably give it a go. But they'd have to do it right and there are a lot of questions I'd have about its exact design.</font color=red>
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<JCtheBuilder> That was actually the next question, would you play on a Pre-UOR shard =/
<JCtheBuilder> I was actually asking whether a Pre-UOR shard would appeal to pirates. Could you explain what the difference between Siege Pirating and Pre-UOR (that is if you have tried Siege)</font color=blue>
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<Admiral_Ruffie> I haven't tried Siege, mainly because the price of boats there combined with the low player population makes me think that there wouldn't be much action. Others have reported pirating there, though - Salt Foambreaker comes to mind, I think he had a pirate guild there.</font color=red>
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<JCtheBuilder> You said you would play Pre-UOR if many others did, what advice or wisdom would you give to someone thinking of trying out a Pre-UOR shard (if one was created)?
<JCtheBuilder> Basically, why should they play on a Pre-UOR shard as opposed to a normal production.</font color=blue>
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<Admiral_Ruffie> If it's a new player, I guess the best way would be to entice them with the challenge of it. Intense competition over spawns and resources...
<Admiral_Ruffie> ...if it was an old UO vet you were trying to entice back, then sell it with two words : No Trammel.</font color=red>
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<JCtheBuilder> Final question I think
<JCtheBuilder> What question would you like to add and answer to this interview?</font color=blue>
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<Admiral_Ruffie> Why do you pirate? (I think you asked it as part 2 of your first question, but I got confused).
<Admiral_Ruffie> My answer : 3 reasons...
<Admiral_Ruffie> 1. To provide an in-character threat on the seas of Felucca that EA/OSI has failed to deliver.
<Admiral_Ruffie> 2. To keep up with ship combat techniques and tricks - something I have to do for my fansite.
<Admiral_Ruffie> 3. Loot! Hey, I'm a pirate, saavy?</font color=red>
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<JCtheBuilder> And your web site is (I don't have a link handy).............</font color=blue>
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<Admiral_Ruffie> The Turbulent Waters at
http://home.columbus.rr.com/turbwaters</font color=red>
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<JCtheBuilder> Ok, I guess I lied. Final question:</font color=blue>
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<Admiral_Ruffie> Feel free to correct any embarassing spelling mistakes in my answers above.
<Admiral_Ruffie> go ahead.</font color=red>
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<JCtheBuilder> Do you think a Pre-UOR based shard would be a success?
<JCtheBuilder> properly done Pre-UOR shard</font color=blue>
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<Admiral_Ruffie> Well, that's a tough one. I suspect that there is still a significant hardcore PvP playerbase that left when Trammel opened that could be enticed back, but...
<Admiral_Ruffie> ...that number is dwindling with the options that have opened up in the last years - Planetside, WoW, and next week Guild Wars....
<Admiral_Ruffie> I think any real window for a Pre-UOR shard is certainly closing more each year. Enticing the current playerbase to it might prove even more difficult, but not impossible...
<Admiral_Ruffie> I really don't think it could hurt them to test the waters on it, though, or do some research.</font color=red>
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<JCtheBuilder> Test the waters, hehe. Good one.</font color=blue>
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<Admiral_Ruffie> Thanks - and let me just say that if you really believe in a pre-UOR shard...
<Admiral_Ruffie> ...then go for it. I know a thing or two about lost causes in UO, and never let anyone tell you that it's not worth the effort..
<Admiral_Ruffie> ..if you believe in it,.</font color=red></font color=blue>
A special thanks for the Admiral for doing the interview on such short notice!
I have also recieved an
old screenshot from JerryH and some commentary: <blockquote><hr>
Think the pic's is from early 98. Invasions would pop up from time to time and the message would get out for all to come and participate.
It would only last a day or so, then it'd be gone. Was pretty kewl. Notice the red "you are attacking a mummy". Was funny considering the ruleset nowadays.
Thiefs and murderers would usually stay on the periphery waiting to clean up anyone that strayed away from the main group.
aka - havoc
[/ QUOTE ]
Halberds were a common sight Pre-UOR.