While it may be completely biased and at times unbelievably ignorant... in the end it is your opinion.
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It amazes me the Mods leave your posts with comments like this. Oh well. I will not resort to the same name calling.
I do not find your opinions to be ignorant.
I do, however find posts that call other's opinions ignorant to be more than slightly subjective, and offensive. There really is no need to be so abrasive, in that regard, IMO.
Nobody said you had to even go into dungeons to begin with. With risk comes reward. That is what made the game an MMORPG, and the greatest MMORPG of them all at that.
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Greatest based on what? Subscriptions? Hardly. MANY MMORPGs kick UO's arse in that regard. The first real MMORPG? Yep. But being first does not make it the Greatest. Otherwise everyone would be driving Model T's?
Oh...it is the greatest
in your opinion
I get it.
If you did not want to encounter a red, their were many places you could go without seeing a single one. If you did not want to have to defend yourself then you should not have ventured into territory that was labeled dangerous. Nobody forced you to. The problem is in your mind you believe you should have the right to venture off wherever you please without any sort of consequences. 8 reds come into a dungeon when you're hunting alone? It's your fault for being in the dungeon and being alone.
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Yes...there were several towns. I wanted to hunt in Dungeons. How in sam hell do you have ANY idea whether I was alone or not?
You make many assumptions. Many are incorrect. I was in a Guild. There was not always Guild Mates to hunt with. But whatever.
8V2 or 8V3 still had the same net effect. Trammel was created to prevent that from happening, if one chose not to have it happen. Simple. I didn't create Trammel, by the way. It was created because of the outcry from paying customers that were nothing more than prey for a few well organized predators. You may like being the Prey...or perhaps the Predator...many do not.
If you see a red name then cast recall before they even appear on your screen.
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Of course that is what we did...finger on the button, and the rune readily available. No runebooks. Sheesh.
If the profession is well thought out and well planned than their are certain ways for them to avoid the consequence of stat loss, however they will always be flagged, always.
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Yep Always flagged...by THEIR OWN CHOICE, yes? Your point is what? That is their "Consequence"? LOL. So...apply your logic, and it is their own fault, yes? So...OK...if I used the phrase "No Consequences", I was incorrect. There were consequences for being Red.
Just not enough to stop the Reds from creating such havoc in Fel, the only land/ruleset available to anyone that wanted to play UO at that time, to avoid the creation of Trammel.
and im sorry to say it but if you're going into what is supposed to be one of the most dangerous places in the game alone, without any escape plan then im sorry but you deserve it.
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I would agree with the fact that if I went in alone, was not prepared, had no escape plan, put a blanket over my head, and duct taped my hands to the desk, turned off my monitor, and set up no macros, yes. I deserved to die.
Not the case. Next scenario, please?
If you did not want to take as many risks than thats your choice, but the more risks you take and the more work you put into the game the more and more rewards you will see. Saying reds had no consequences makes you seem like a complete joke.
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Well then...let's apply your logic to the Reds, shall we?
If a player chose to murder another character against their will, and do that 5 times or more, then aren't ALL of the punishemnts meted out to them the risk they took?
And if the Reds took the risk, went Red, and then travelled in packs to avoid Stat Loss, and say me and two buddies are in Shame, already fighting what we considered to be tough monsters at the time, completely engaged, and 7 Reds run up, and whack 1of us...then we should desert the dead guy? Or should the remaining alive person take on the 7 Reds, whilst getting pummelled and blocked in by the Earies that do not have the Reds targetted?
You have got to be joking.
Oh...I know...then I should have gone back to town, and organized a retribution party of 15 blues to go dust the Reds...that are already long gone, along with our recall runes, and all our gear?
Here is the point you seem to be missing.
This type of gameplay melts your butter. Fair enough. It didn't melt enough people's butter to avoid the creation of Tram. And it hasn't since. That is the main point I am making...SOME people loved that stuff...most did not. You can tell me I am a joke...you can say whatever you would like.
History says that regardless of what YOU think, most people do not care for this type of gameplay. You can try dunning statements, pin it to where it is the victim's fault, et al.
Bottom Line: A very small percentage of people that play UO go for the gameplay you describe. The reasons vary, but the end result is the same...MOST will not go.
Which brings me back to why I posted on this thread in the first place.
It would be a waste of already limited resources. Completely Non-Consensual PvP has never sold well, when there was any competition present that gave a choice, and I seriously doubt that it ever will. No other game that has lasted has been able to do it succesfully when there is competition that offers the choice...why would this Shard be one iota different?
The game was perfectly designed for the simple fact that before trammel you actually had to work for your rewards.
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You call 8-10 Reds ganking solo players "Work"? I do not. You call 8v2 "Work"? You call 15v6 "Work".
That isn't work, IMO. That is ganking. That has gone on since UO was invented. It is anything but perfect.
I still work for my rewards. I have spent years adjusting my templates, and acquiring items and gold in game to be able to PvM well. I still suffer consequences when I die. In fact, I suffer the same consequences dying to a monster, as I do dying to a PK. One type of death, however, I signed up for, should it occur, due to whatever reason. The other is one that is imposed, usually (otherwise an invitation to duel would be the ticket, I would think), and there is no choice on the part of the player with three dragons chasing them already, when they get whacked by an opprotunistic Red player, IMO.
It all boils down to the fact that you think it's your right to play the game in complete safety, venture wherever you please without any trace of danger and be rewarded for absolutely nothing. I disagree. case closed. that's what it comes down to.
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Again, exactly how does my dying to an Ancient Wyrm Paragon have any less consequences than dying to a Balron AND three Reds? If you think fighting a Paragon Ancient Wyrm is nothing, then we are way apart on that issue. What is "Something" to me, may not be "Anything" to you.
But really, what it is to me is what matters, NOT what it is to you. You do not pay my monthly fee, I do. And for that reason, I play this game precisely how I see fit, as do most people. And that, IMO, is why this shard would waste resources. Most people do not care for the playstyle of Pre Ren, IMO, or there would already be one.
I will be most interested in your answer. I lose the exact same amount of gold, suffer the same fate...death
That's what it comes down to.
In your opinion, I MUST fight other players to experience danger and consequences in UO.
I diagree most completely with your opinion. So do most of the players in UO, based on facet populations.
The common misconception here is that "Everybody here is a bloodthirsty PK asking for pre UO:R" which could not be further from the truth.
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I am sure some are, and some aren't. In my opinion, the common misconception here, IMO, is that Fel and Siege are not heavily populated, but somehow, a playstyle on an entire shard that is proven to be less than saleable in the long term, and that cannot populate existing facets well, will magically become so full that EA would have to open more shards of that type.
Time will tell, but I believe this to be an unfounded belief, based on history, and current high subscription MMORPGs.
However, you are so against something that would not exist to you in any way shape or form.
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I will ask the question again:
Why spend ANY resources on something like a Pre Ren Shard, when it has NOT proven to be a big draw to a lot of people?
And...if the shard experiences the same population levels as Fel and/or Siege, and subsequently does NOT do as well as Prod Shards that have a Trammel Ruleset, that is proven to be liked by a majority of players, what then? EA is out the money...and YOU and other proponents of this shard are out nothing of consequence.
In other words, you want the REWARD of the resources needed to make this happen, with no RISK to you if it falls flat on it's face.
Sound familiar? It should.....
I challenge OSI or EA or whoever to do one simple thing. Advertise for a month and put up a pre UO:R test center for one week...Monitor the numbers and report them to the higer ups. If any single person looks at the numbers and says it is not worth it than their will no longer be any argument.
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No argument is fine...what about the money and time spent to find out? What about that?
I challenge you and all proponents of this Pre Ren Shard...you find out from EA exactly what a one month trial would cost, and then have the thousands of players split that bill, and pay that price. If it works, then you have your Pre Ren Shard, and everyone wins, including all the people that won't play on it. More revenues...increased subscriptions, etc.
If it fails, which I personally believe it would, only you folks would be out the mony...EA loses nothing, and neither do paying subscribers who wouldn't be playing on that shard if you offered it to them on plate.
Sound fair?
Just throw a TC up and leave it for a week. Maybe throw in a in game poll that asks players who left why they left, and if they would come back to a pre pub 16 shard. Ask players who never played pre UO:R if they like it and if they would play it.
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That SOUNDS good. But I think there may be a wee bit more to it than "Just throw up a TC for a week". I am betting there would need to be significant resources devoted to it, just to get the TC up. I am betting it would be more than anyone wanting this type of shard would be willing to gamble.
You would have real facts, real numbers, from real people.
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Right. You don't think they haven't evaluated the cost/benefit already? I believe they have, and I firmly believe that is exactly why there is no such shard today. That is why I am opposed to EA spending a penny on a project such as this.
Why is that such a ridiculous idea? that will not effect you and it will get everyone from both sides to just shut up 5 years later.
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Because of the costs involved to test and/or impliment the shard, that's why. The playstyle is simply not popular enough for EA to think "We could make some serious profits off of a Pre Ren Shard"!!
After all, it has been requested ever since Ren came out. Do you seriously believe they have not evaluated it's potential?
The problem I see is that if OSI does create a pre UO:R shard the response will be overwhelming... not too much later you will see a pre UO:R East coast, and after that a Pre UO:R West coast, and Pre UO:R Asia, etc, etc.
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I know you want to believe this, but again, why in the world would any business just turn their back on such a huge money-maker...when they have had 5 full years to evaluate it?
I believe it has been evaluated, and determined to not be the huge draw that you and other proponents believe it will be.
If this was so ludacris you would not have a huge chunk of the player base pancakes for a recreation of a 2d game that went out 5 years ago. Obviously we have been on to something all along..
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2D and Non-Consensual PvP are not even in the ballpark for comparison purposes, IMO.