Let me try to look at your list
>Only "Felucca" and T2A land masses
I would take Ilshenar too with fel ruleset, the reason, alot love Ilshenar
>No Follower Slot System
Did you forget about grief tamers with 7 WW? I can tell you, they was a pain on Siege. Some balance do not hurt.
Or what about 20 polar bears in shops in town?
>Monster loot set back to original levels (Most likely a 75% reduction in gold and much much much rarer magic item spawn)
As long we get rid of non useful drop of items.
>No Power Scrolls, Champion Spawns & Harrower can remain with other rewards
Why, let champions & Harrower spawn be in Ilshenar insted of destroy Felucca's dungeons with it.
>No Character Advancement purchases, Character transfer, or Soulstones allowed
I don't think soulstones are a big problem. I agree with the other two.
>Return of "Monthy" rare spawns
Never heard about it, what is it?
>No Luck
>No Item Insurance
>No Bulk Order Deeds
>Thieves would no longer keep stolen items upon death
>No Pet Bonding
>No Bags of Sending
>Item Enhancement would be removed
>There would be no powder of temperment, creating the much sought "item decay" system
>Houses would have to be refreshed by friends, co-owners, or owner every ~10 days or it would decay
I think the house rules are fine, as long you pay your account you keep your house, just changes the 90 days rule to 30 days.
>Starting Gold Set back to 100
No need for that with Felucca rules, most will get killed and looted so 1000gp is fine to help replace your first lose.
>Private Houses would now allow entry, but non-friends will flag grey to house friends, co-owners, and owner
That will work fine and we can make them flag grey to the house owners guild too and this way the guild secure will allow a guild to defend their guild house.
>Khaldun Would Exist, along with Solan Tunnels, Orc Dungeon, and some other Scenario Historical Events
>Runebooks, along with many other items, would no longer be blessed
>No Veteren Rewards, however some current rewards would be given out in-game somehow including Black, Special, Leather Dye Tubs, Monster Statues, Banners, etc. (Possible Champion Spawn Rewards?)
Just make them not blessed and useable for all, then no items insurance will take care of the problems. What comes around, goes around
>Return of Invisibility and Teleport items
Not sure, smoke bombs could replace Invisibility items if they had 25% chances for success if no ninja skill.
>Return of item identification and mana drain wands & staves
Not sure we need item identification back, I rather saw you have to stand close to a person to inspect his armor and weapons.
>All magical damage would be reclassifed into a single "magical" damage class and would only be defended against by the Resisting Spells skill, as it used to be
>All melee damage would be physical, and armors would be rebalanced into the old Armor Rating (AR) system of defense rating
>All item properties would be removed except for:
Damage Increase renamed and balanced to older style increments of Ruin to Vanquishing
And crafting should work like before so the vendor prices will tell how powerful a weapon is. Some with very high vendor defalt price was = a Vanquishing weapon
>Hit Chance Increase renamed and balanced to older style increments of blah-blah accurate to Supremely Accurate
>Durability renamed and balanced to older style increments of
>Factions: maybe it should stay or maybe it should go. Leaning more towards going then staying.
Get rid of it, it's not needed at all
>House Customization: I view this as a major enhancement to UO, adding a lot of personality and freedom to players. And that is what Pre-UOR was all about, player creativity and freedom. I would probably keep this.
Me too but limit the size to 14x14 and remove Keeps and Castles. Let Large Towers stay but let them cost 10 x the price they cost now. Maybe even limit the customizing so you only can place the 2 stories but not the 3 stories.
>Chivalry and Necromancy skills could be kept, with a bit of balancing. But they are kind of pathetic compared to what they could have been (Anyone remember the old Necromancy proposal?). Would probably leave this up to the players to vote on
Yes keep them.
>Ninjitsu and Bushido, on the other hand seem very inbalanced. Probably would never be added.
I think they are fine, just bring back tracking to what it was before the nerf and Ninja's will get nerfed.
>Combat Special Moves: another thing that would probably be left up to the players to decide on. Click and Follow might not be too appealing to players anymore.
I like the special moves, they put more skills into warrior templates.
>UOSE and AOS Weapons/Armors: I think they should not be craftable or given out as magic weapons. >They might make good rares at quests and rewards for certain things such as champion spawns.
They would not be there, if we go back to old resist and damage system. They would need a rewarp.
>Spawns: Would have to be reworked. Most newer stuff would be removed and reverted back.
I like the spawn before UO:R and would like to see it back.
>No recall/gate into Dungeons/T2A: Up to the players.
If the Champ spawn get removed, I would allow recall/gate to T2A and keep the teleporters from the champ spawn.
>Spined/Horned/Barbed Leathers: No thoughts on this yet.
Keep it, just make it add a little more AR. Did we not get colored ingots before UO:R? It worked fine with pre AoS items so I think colored leather would work fine too.
>If the shard became really crowded I could see Ilshenar being opened. Malas and Tokuno Overlands or Dungeons would never be added.
I believe there is alot good in Ilshenar and there is no houses. I see no reason why we should not add Ilshenar as long it's with Felucca ruleset.