*steps up to the mic, clears throat**
First of all I want to thank G.v.P. for starting this conversation off and would like to say that you Sir are a very insightful man. You speak of memories, change, chasing our youth, addiction, becoming bored and feeling trapped.
Most can not cope with any of these things without ranting about them in some shape or form. I have many happy memories in UO and have seen many friends come and go. I have always felt change was a good thing and keeps one on his/her toes. Every one wants to be/feel young because getting old means death at some point. Ah..addiction...it is possible but keeping with a true addict I dont believe it. I refuse to think I am addicted to a game! Becoming bored and feeling trapped is something I have felt in the past and did quit the game because of it.
But, again being "addicted" as you say...I came back because I really never got it out of my system....thought about it through the years and would come here and peek at what was happening with the game. I guess I was in the closet with it for a while.
Why do we expect things not to change you ask....
We are creatures of habbit...we have a comfort zone around us...we feel safe with the way things are. Change = different...unfamiliar...scary to a degree. Is the comfort zone going to be in jepordy?...
You say "no more joy"...people take the "joy" from themselves, becoming bitter, becoming to serious, sucking the pleasure right out of "their" game thus they rant and want the past memories back...change it back, change it back so that I can try to find that happy place again. When the game finally does come to an end it will be a sad day, but their will always be another and another and another to take its place in some form and if their are emotional ties with people then the fear of losing touch wont be there if the friendship is/was worth it.
I could say more but I am just babbling my head off.