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The Babble Thread #1!!!



HRMM since no one is posting anything new on our babble thread here for us to babble about.................we are mummifying !!

THUS and THEREFORE, two topics came up this past week in the rl world that had some folks talking up a storm, thus I will dump them here and ye all can comment or not as ye wish.

BABBLE thingy ONE : What teachers do you remember in highschool that really were THE PITS ..ya could not stand them they were just ..so out there ??

Babble Thingie TWO : Tis the season...what halloween treats or goodies did you so want to recieve most in your big trick and treat bags or from neighbors like a partyhaunted house that they repeated yearly for halloween, when you were a kid ?


Replys to self:

Babble ONE:

GAH I had this one English Lit teacher that was literally IN LOVE with William Shakespeare ..I mean the woman acted like he was still alive and her boyfriend or something ...............she soo sucked !! The other teacher was Ms. Dehmere my mom even had her..I had her. She wore the same two dresses ALL year round a blue dress with white polka dots and her other dress was a black dress with........white polka dots. She was my Geometry teacher..she fell asleep on her own lectures to us ! GAH !!! I was amazed I even passed those classes at all with those two teachers !!


Babble TWO HaLLoWeen

Back in the day before crazy folks ruined the halloween for many a kid, we had this couple down the street from us when we were kids.

Every halloween they had a bbq grill in the front yard and every trick and treater got fresh made hot dogs in a bun off the grill, her famous dipped candy carmel apples, popcornballs, orange koolaid for us all to drink, their house was open and we got to tour their spook house..they stayed outside and us and usually our parents behind us all got to eat there and tour their home..and oddly there were NEVER any problems. Then after hitting that house first like for our supper we kids all go trick or treating to all the houses in the neighborhood and beyond.

My favorites were anything chocolate all choc candy bars and salted nut roll candy bars, Good & Plentys in the lil box, *still like those*, tootsie pops, bubble gum of course ..the more the better, rice krispie bars,
and those thingies like jaw breakers but FIREY HOT ..atomic somethings, I doubt they even exist any longer...and of course as a kid I liked the wax lips wax vampire teeth and those icky lil bottles of wax full of syrupy flavored juices and before political correctness they used to make those nice sweet candy cigarettes that kids loved to munch and get too for halloween. I am sure I forgot some of the favs back then..but even nowadays..it just isnt October without a candy or carmel apple, and a lil box of Good and Plentys, reeses peanutbutter cups done for halloween, & some of those halloweeny candy corns !

Innocent One

I have missed allot of babble I see...I have been so busy lately, but had a little time this morning so I am here to get my babble fix!
Its funny that as I sit here trying to remember teachers that I didn't like, it appears that the couple that made a positive impact on my young mind are the only ones I can remember. I had a guidance counselor in 8th grade named Mr. Thomas. His door was always open and he seemed so wise to me and really helped me to see the right path to go on some issues. I looked up to him and thought he was the greatest...alass, he must of had issues of his own though because just a couple years after that he shot and killed himself. I was shocked. I wish I could have told him the impact he had on me and thank him, but it wasn't to be. The other was Ms. Stiles, she was my business teacher all 4 years of high school and she wouldn't let me stumble, she even called my mother one time to tell her that she thought I was hanging around a girl that was trash and bad for me. Those were her words..."that girl is trash and a bad influence"... she cared and in the end as I graduated top 25 in my class with an advanced diploma with the little governor stamp and business stamp blah blah blah I seen Ms. Stiles over to the side of the stage wiping that tear from her eyes. I did get to thank her and tell her how important she was to my growing up.
Halloween memories...when I was a kid it was ok to go out alone to trick-r-treat it was ok to eat the candy if you wanted to without your parents examing every piece and most of my costumes were hand made by my mom. We always had certain neighbors who would go crazy for Halloween and others who wouldn't even give out candy at all. OMG, the wax lips and teeth! LOL I would always go to the Kings house at the far end of the neighborhood first, she would bake cookies and have cider. Now days...my kids want the $25 costume that looks like it will fall apart any moment, I have them walk with the biggest flashlight I can find and I follow them reminding them not to touch the candy until I can look through it. Heck, some counties in my state won't even allow trick-r-treating anymore. Oh and the haunted houses back when I was a teenage were the greatest! Now, they suck. It might be that I am old and things seem a bit more cheesy, but back then when that freaky guy with the chainsaw came after me it was the scariest thing I had even seen and would go back for more!

Ok, enough babbling for me this morning! Just remember...
The Freaks Come Out At Night!


Thought I was going to have to pretty much give up all internet when we move back to my hometown in two years. Found out today that the entire area is under a wi-fi cloud. This is just awesome. Who says it's bad to live out in the country? I can be out living on our farm and have coverage. Hmm maybe I should teach the chickens how to go online and tell me when they lay an egg.



WELL! I had this one ... man he was a jerk!I missed one lab and he called me out for it in front of the entire class. I had to stand up for myself and say hey I missed this one but what about these two losers in front of me that haven't turned in ONE yet? Why are you picking on me and not on them? I admit, I played the "you pick on me because I'm a girl" card. He got so mad he went into his office and punched his filing cabinet. My mom had a little chat with him LOL. One of the few time she stood up for me with a teacher. I had/have a mouth on me and MANY opinions so ... she had lots of chats with my teachers LOL.

I had another one ... everyone said pray you don't get Mrs. Tessier. Well, wouldn't you know it .. I had her for three years. She was all of 5 foot nothing and had to be at least 70. I had her for algebra and geometry I think. Lord have mercy! Her room was right next to the library door ... if someone ran by or slammed the library door ... she sprang into action! She'd run out (and I mean she was FAST) and grab them. Remember, she was 5 foot nothing if she was an inch. She'd grab the offender by their collar (it was usually a boy) and escort him back to try again LMAO. She was scary!! She'd say things like "Mr. DiBattista, where are your spectacles?" and if you forgot your book, she was more likely than not to have you STAND behind someone to share. My boyfriend at the time was a math whiz and I was not. I was staying after school for help one day and he was there doing his homework. She turns to him and says "Just WHAT do you and her do after school?" LMAO! She'd ride her bike to school every day just about. Except in winter when it was too icy. One Monday, one of the guys in my class comes in and says "OH MAN! I was riding my bike up to the mall and I was huffing and puffing and all of the sudden Mrs Tessier PASSES me! She wasn't even breaking a sweat!"

She was so tough that by my senior year, I was convinced I was a dumbbutt in all things mathematics. So, I took an algebra review for a semester. I aced it! It was easy! I squeaked out with a C or a D in her classes but obviously I learned because I got 100 plus the bonus questions on all the tests in the review class. The teacher asked me why are you here? I told her I had Tessier for three years and had nearly failed every class. She went OHHHHHH okay!

My parents have the house everyone wants to come to. In fact, my mom was already starting the decorating this last weekend. They have always been involved in theater so Halloween is just an excuse to have a set in our house with lighting and fabulous props. One year, I was out trick or treating and these HUGE BATS swooped by me. I was like HUH???? and then one of the bats winked at me. OH NO NO NO!! It was my parents testing out their bat costumes they had made for a party they were going to later on!!!!!

I love Bit O Honey. I never had it during the year. I only got it during Halloween. I would save them and make them last for a month or more. And back in my day, they still gave out candied and caramel apples. I remember the first year my candy was xrayed. That was a sad holiday indeed.

Now, I celebrate Halloween differently but it's probably one of if not my favorite holiday. This year, I'll be alone because my husband is going to Florida for a stupid business trip but that's okay. I have all my supplies ready and am totally looking forward to it!


oh oh I just thought of one more(no make that two) Oct. goodies that only seem to matter to eat.. around halloween. Hostess snowballs, I never eat em year round but there was always something special when Hostess dyed them snowballs orange for Oct. ie halloween and OREOS with the double stuff dyed

<font color="orange">orange </font>for halloween..oh yummy YUMMM ! HAHA


We had chickens when we lived on our 11 acres in Wisconsin but we were right at the city line of Green Bay, so not like we were way out in the country. Anyhow I always knew when our hens layed eggs but hrmm your idea would be an easier way to find out if we could hook em to the internet haha to let us know they layed us some farm fresh eggs per morning. Cuz the only way we have now is to go out there in the hen house and go look ..which involves moving chicky sitting in her lil cozy room per chicken, and becoming pecked at violently haha if she laid some eggs.

I always knew if they had eggs, cuz they got real parentally pissy mooded while sitting on them eggs like protective mommas and I would say.. "EXCUSE ME henny hen but these are not fertile eggies, thus they humans' eating eggs till we let rooster cogburn and ye mate sooo sorry gimme my breakfast.
PECK PECK PECK owwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I take that as a NO from ye oh hennie hen...haha alrighty then u can just sit on an egg or four then, that is going nowhere and will never become a chicken baby chick, just see if I care ! HAHA


James Spader is a hottie. I can't think of one single movie he's been in where I haven't stopped everything to watch it. Even the bad ones.

The first time I saw him was in Less Than Zero. OOoo ... playing that mean ol' drug dealing pimpster.

I don't even like blonds being as I am one I like the dark-haired men. But James Spader ... *sigh*



I am almost sure you are the one who posted how to tell if your eggs are bad by putting them in water.

I have a real problem with eggs. I like them but I am grossed out by them. I can't even begin to think about what they are or what they come from and that little story has just put me off the eggs.




Ya know that is very strange how it happens sometimes oft times that persons of a certain hair color..end up attracted to someone with a entirely different hair color. I have dk. brown hair. In all my years even in high school, I seemed always attracted to blonde haired guys...whom being blonde always seemed attracted by dark haired girls save for some blonde guys that only seemed to like blonde haired girls *or visa versa*.

My hubby is a blonde ..all the viking/germanic bloodline in him but he was quite taken by the long dark haired feisty lil italian american chicky he met one year...hehe we been married 34 yrs.

Oddly our kids all ended up blondes..BITE ME biology teachers ...ya know they *SAY* that brown is the dominante gene but I had recessive genes for the blonding and light color eyes so mixed with hubby genes and we ended up with all blonde kids with blue eyes for the girls and green eyes for our blonde son. THEIR mates and significant others are all...............brunettes. Heather's first ever crush on a guy in hs was this really good lookin chap that had french german and native american in him..and he had very dark hair nearly black and those mystery green eyes. First time he come to the house I was giggling inside thinking..aha I can SEE what she seeing in that one.
All of Lisa's dates and husband that followed ..are all brunette guys. Our son's finance is an auburn cute lil gal..her hair kinda looks dark brown very long till ya get closer and see the auburny highlights in there ..yes natural very pretty hair color..but yes its far darker than his blonde hair.

There oft is some theory of ..opposites attracting sometimes it is only in hair or skin tones..some times it is in entire personalities that seem in direct opposition to each other, that end up attracted by that very huge personality differences between em.

I think that huge personality differences, are probably the more challenging or risky ..or boring even, depending how one looks at it, if two people hook up for forever with too extremely different personalities or if they do not have tolerance for those huge differences in each other and their personality differences.


I agree with you Queen, I have dark brown hair and green/grey eyes and my wife has blonde hair and blue eyes. oddly enough, my daughter has blonde hair and blue eyes. other than the physical differences we are alot alike. we both like the same foods, sports, spot teams (except she is a Steeler fan and i am Raider fan), we both have the same kind of sense of humor ( like someone being assualted by frozen poultry) and things like that.

Now that i think about it 93.2% (i did the math) of my ex-girlfriends have had blonde hair and blue eyes, but the celebrities i think are hot are all dark-haired girls. Weird


WELL pfft the eggs we get in the stores, are all white shelled eggs mass produced by chicken farmer companies that have their hens all cubbyholed in a tiny *prison cell* of a cage never letting em out of their lil cage to eat or walk or nothing. They toss some grains in there to keep em fed till they reach about *fryer size* then butcher em all. Till then they have em *mass produce* eggs for market in our grocery stores. In some of the health food stores you can find brown shelled eggs supposidly healthier raised from *free range chickens* in other wards people raising chickens maybe only a handful of em or a dozen..but they let the chickens roam their yard and to eat stuff chickens eat and to feed em better chicken feed. Chickens like to walk around clucking pecking around for grains and even some lil bugs to keep bug populations down and to do their chicken thing. Caged up ones are just miserable but mass producer kinda chicken and egg raisers do do it that way, keepin the chickens all caged up, layin eggs, till they become a plump *fryer size* then off with their heads. BAH poor chickies.

Aye twas me ..the water test for if eggs are good or gone bad. And someone else posted that the normal bacteria or whatever inside an egg will change to abnormal ie gasses and stuff when or ..if an egg is going bad thus changes it internally so yeh the bad eggs will float in a pan or bowl of water..instead of lie ..east west ..bad eggs will float up like a buoy in the sea n s.

If one is the egg farmer ...there also was *candling* and other methods, to see if the egg has been possibly fertilised or not ..you can see thru the shells sometimes into the contents by proper procedures of *candling* ..and let me tell ya ..ya do not wish to crack open an egg..to fry or to eat ..that is a *fetus* EWWWW WE kept our roosters separated from the hens until or unless we wanted more..chicks to make more chickens to lay more eggs etc.

Eggs are not plentifully laid either by chickens if they in a normal plain old hen house..and as the seasons change they lay less eggs toward the chillier seasons. They instinctively know when to lay less eggs !!! They hugest amounts of eggs a hen can lay per day, in places that have a true spring..is springtime. Cuz one they thinking reproduction..if not fertilized you get your best and tastier and more plentiful amts of good eating eggs oft springtime, even more than summer time. They slow down in the fall and barely will lay eggs in say a ...wisconsin winter ! They not as dumb as they seem ! HAHA

But she isn't really going to care if the eggs are non fertile or fertile to her it is her children, so yes she gonna peck you in the morning if ya want to lift her lil belly and self up on her lil nest to see if she laid ya some breakfast eggis ! HAHA OH they can be very materal and sassy if they got eggs they are sitting upon !

Our pet dove laid eggs some times in her birdy cage and only time the peace dovey might try to peck at us..is if she *brooding* on some non fertile egg of hers..yet we had to remove it cuz hello no boy dove in there with ya..you will get leg cramps sitting on an egg waiting for baby to arrive when no baby is ever coming ! Soon as we took the dove's egg away she go back to flying in her cage flitting about giggling like whew thought I was gonna be stuck being a parent ! HAHA

Eggs are cool eggs are good..I dont care what they say about the cholesterol..that comes and goes where the american med society will say GAH EGGS are bad dont eat em cholesterol..then they do a total turnabout saying..an egg now and then is very good provides protein yadda yadda. I would venture to say eating an egg instead of a big mac is way healthier !! Brownshelled eggs some say are healthier..depends on chickey breed and the farmer really cuz be it white shelled or brown shelled egg chicken farmer breeder... if ya feed em junk to produce eggs or chickens ..them eggs wont be as healthy no matter what color the shell, as a healthily well fed *exercised* or free walkin free ranged normal behavior permitted in its daily routine kinda chicken.

Mass producers of food do this oft with everything nowadays to cut their time involvement and to cut their expenses..but I still say the cattle, hogs, grains, chickens and eggs, seafood products, fish, dairy products and the rest etc. and everything we eat ..was probably healthier and better tasting when not raised by chemicals, cagings, mass producing ..jerks that only care about 'their' bottom line of making a profit for ..them selves as rapidly as possible.



*wants to save the chicken now too*

I gave up veal a long time ago after seeing a picture of a poor baby cow penned up. Everytime I went by feed lots in Hereford, Texas I would burst into tears and then eat chicken for a long long time.

Then I saw documentary on Mad Cow Disease soooo we don't eat a lot of red meat in this household. Of course, no Bambis or Thumpers. My friend raised a pig and then a cow. I was mad when she slaughtered the pig even though I knew he was going to get it. But, when she slaughtered the cow, who she had raised from a baby cow and he even had to be bottle fed, I made her promise me NO MORE ANIMALS. I know its the circle of life blah blah blah but I can't take it (and I think the only thing that made Moo's death okay with her is her bloodthirsty love of beef).

I would go to full blown vegatarian if not for my husband. He balks when he doesn't get the amount of meat he feels he needs to. And, I love pepperoni on pizza. I can't give that up.



and if we weren't supposed to eat cow, then why are they made of hamburger?


Less Than Zero? Loved the book, guess I better rent the movie.

With me, the first thing that attracts me to a woman is her mind, if she is dumb it doesn't really matter to me how attractive she might be physically...


so you are trying to tell us that the first thing you think when you see a woman is, wow, i bet she can talk for hours about quantum physics??

yeah, um...me too...


I don't know much about chickens, but if the cages are anything like the crates used for sows, then may be some reason behind them. Can't say for certain.
The problem up until recently is people wanted cheap food, period. Most consumers didn't care WHERE their food came from, as long as it was cheap. Food in the US is still cheap (the cheapest anywhere in the world), but consumers are becoming more aware how their food is produced, and are willing to pay more for ag products that are produced in a healthy manner. I'm all for it, I will see my family farm grown, humanely treated, hormone &amp; steriod free beef to anyone. I'm all for science based changes in the industry, but along with that will come higher costs.


I used to work for a company that manufactured equipment for the big poultry farms. Huge warehouse type buildings, and row after row, layer after layer of cages. Egg drop lines run underneath each level and feed lines run in front. It's all very automated, and the noise and stench is unbelievable. It's really pathetic.


Not only that, if you have ever eaten chicken, lamb, beef, pork or eggs raised on a small scale, not factory farmed with antibiotics and hormones pumped into them, you would find factory farmed food virtually tasteless. The bad part is once you eat the real stuff for a while, you can't go back to store bought crap without severe seasoning. So, for those of you near a rural area, go find a nice small scale farmer and buy the real food. A pox on store bought food!!!!!


*covers ears*

Don't taint the pepperoni for me!!! If I don't think about it ... all is well.


it's kind of funny ... looks matter less to me. My husband is a hottie as far as I'm concerned but I love him because ... well as my best friend puts it "because no one else in the world would put up with your nasty-*** attitude and still think you are the nicest and most beautiful person in the world." He treats me like a princess but still says no so I don't walk all over him. He's just about as perfect as a man can be LOL.

Having said that ... I tend to linger longer than when I was younger when i see a good looking man. Right now I am really very appreciative of the well-dressed younger man and the man whose temples are just starting to grey. Yummy!

But would I invite them to dinner? Probably not. I like people I can talk with and debate with and who know that just because I argue with you doesn't mean I think you are wrong.

*Not that pretty people are dumb ... but they wouldn't get to my table just on their good looks alone.


My family is a bunch of farmers. The stuff they sell in the grocery stores is junk. Bringing myself to eat what they call 'fresh' fruit and veggies there is hard. My great uncle raised all the beef we ate on grass. I know that fruit tastes best sun warmed and fresh off the tree. I've eaten enough watermelon to make myself sick in one sitting. Greens aren't supposed to be wilted. Tomatoes are supposed to have flavor. Eggs are best fresh unless your boiling them. We've got roughly two years left here then we are going back the county. I'm going to have my garden and chickens and raise some goats and sheep.


well not quantum physics cause she might lose me there... but Shakepeare, Emily Dickensen, art, music, any of that fun liberal arts stuff
If she is a gamer that's a plus too


hmmm women like a touch of gray.. maybe I can quit dying my hair


Aye for sure !!

We do not purchase pork chops in the stores anymore since we get nice thick one inch Iowa porky chops, from hogs that got feed right and thus their meat tastes right and it never hit the stores. . locally grown hubby's family if not raising it all them selves buy local off like the people down the street and ship us Iowa farm raised yet properly raised porky chops a few times a year, or they flash freeze it wrap em all up and fly down here with it all in their luggage to give it to us for like christmas giftages ! HEHE YUMMY

Every year soon as I can plant..I am planting. I will not unless utterly desparate purchase those cardboard tasty wonder yucks the stores call fresh tomatos HAHA NOT ! I get mine right off the vine seasons permitting right in my own back yard, &amp; peppers, lettuce, green beans, eggplant, zucchini, carrots, onions our own herbs ...when the squirrels not stealing our veggies haha we have a good amount of it all from early spring to very late fall. In fact since we do live in the south, we still have some onions and carrots *fresh* yet in the garden till it does frost here but that isnt till like november so we literally can grow things from march to nov. here of various veggies. Some of it sooo tasty ya just go outside and GRAZE for breakfast or lunch.. nothing tastier to me than a warm sun vine ripened tomato to munch right off the vines, whilst sitting next to the pool.


Well our lil bands of chickies were spoiled rotten ! HAHA

We had our *hen house* and on the walls of that were their lil wooden *boxes* or cubicles like apartments for one, to nest upon with fresh straw and hay daily.

Hubby made em so they each had their privacy cubicles/apartment..unmovable wood walls*wood warmer than metals of any kind, oft used in Wisconsin to keep birdies warmer) ..yet the bottom of the rows per rows, was done like latch door set up,so one could unhook those latches and thus ..the *bottom fall out* of the hens apartments per row, to expidite cleaning and sterilising of their flooring.

We didnt do that when they were sitting in there brooding ..but when they went walking around. They had a routine sit on eggs, fly down scratch around in the hen house, go stretch their legs in the yard scaring bugs in the lawn, quibble about who of em was the prettier hen, tell off the roosters, haha then they all go back in sit on the eggs some more..if we were letting em raise chicks other wise ..their eggs were ..already in the house stored up for breakfasts and they knew it thus free to carryon playing around in the hen house or yard, till egg laying time again next morning !

We had two kinds of chickens the lil banty chickens and this one other kind forget its breed big white ones. In theory after chickens get nicely plump and x amt of age ..you are supposed to turn em into a *fryer* ..but I make lousy kinda farmer that way. I named em all haha they ended up like pets ..so we had no chicken meat only their eggs ! HAHA some of em hit 2 and a half yrs old when my mother in law come to visit and said GAH they now too old to barely even make good chicken soup and she ummm did her thing and they all ended up in the freezer. I actually had to LEAVE the property ! HAHA But aye they were long over due to be *harvested* for their meat potential hens and roosters both.

But we enjoyed them as pets too, and watchin their lil chick peeps get born and survive too ..just was TOO CUTE ! HAHA

We decided even though we spoil em rotten that taking on hogs or cows would probably not be too wise with me on the property..I would end up naming em all and have pet herds of cows and hogs instead ! HAHA So we never raised anything per say but vegtables mostly and the chickens, and a pet goat.

But that one time I had an entire HERD of herfords and a brahma bull in my yard *or acreage.* I was very glad when I seen them that closely that, I never tried to raise cows or bulls..dang that brahma bull that mosey into MY yard scared the flip out of me..he was crabby mean and scary with all them horns, kept thinkin he a plant from the Dallas Cowboys in Packer territory ! I FLED in my house called the Wisconsin animal control and said...'umm there is a HERD of cattle in my yard ..and the brahma bull is lookin at me mean..no clue where they come from but ..can yall send someone to get em OUT of my front yard ! ?

HAHA That was a weird week that week in Wisconsin..had deer jump OVER my head that week, had a baby crabby yet good sized black bear come in my yard and a herd of cattle *yu see city girl RUN indoors* haha ...........GAH !!


I don't think I would raise goats and sheep but I agree about the veggies and fruits.

We had a peach tree at the last house we were at. Well, I didn't know until my hubby brought in one perfect peach .. that was all the tree produced that year and that was how I found out we had a peach tree. OMG I bit into nirvana. So, I spent the short winter researching peach trees. I made him prune the tree in the spring for maximum sun exposure and I made sure it got water and was bug and bird free. We had sooooo many peaches I was giving them away to anyone who even looked at the tree. But they were so good!

We also planted a garden there. Alot of my veggies didn't make it thanks to those darn bugs but the ones that did mmmmm. Now, I plant a lot of stuff indoors in smaller batches because of the substantially shorter growing season here. I am big on herbs and flowers. I like the old style herbs and stuff ... Victorian era stuff that was popular back then but I am still having some trouble with it. Stupid aphids!!

My dad has an allergy. He can eat fruit and veggies right off the tree/vine/ground whatever but after a few days, I guess there is some sort of enzymatic change and he can't eat them. He goes apple picking and my mom does most of the picking while my dad sits and eats apples LOL. When we were kids, my dad would go out and "weed" in the garden but what he was really doing was eating stuff. Peas he loved the peas. He pigs out for about three days but then he starts to get a tingle in his throat and he knows he can't eat them anymore. If he did, his throat would close, his eyes would swell shut and he can't breathe. This happened when I was a kid before he knew about the allergy.

He can eat them if they are cooked but can you imagine a life without raw fresh fruit and veggies ever? So, I guess I can understand him gorging on it while he can. He can have lettuce and tomatoes ... I know that for sure but the others he can't.


I have always liked that on a man. But again, I've always like dark-haired men.

I think the thing I find most attractive in a man is someone who is comfortable in their skin. My hubby has no hang ups and doesn't worry about how he looks (which sometimes makes me stop him at the door in some odd getup) dressed or undressed.

I guess the best thing to put on in the morning is confidence. That is what is attractive to me. Not egotistical I'm so hot confidence ... just knowing that you are clean and put together well and that you are who you are. That makes a man attractive to me.


One of my fondest memories of my grandma, my dad's mother was how she took me even when I was a wee toddler into her many gardens.

In one of these her many gardens and plots, she let me help her pick the sweet peas..and when she had a big pile of em in her apron she always said to me.. "SIT munjah " which is or was for her, the italian word for 'eat'. I felt sooo special sooo many grandchildren and I was by far not her first nor last.

She always took time just for each of us, alone many a time, &amp; since she had a horde of grandkids, taking each one of us, in some special way, doing just one something special,with only THAT one grand kid, (per grandkid each thing different sort of per personality of the grandkids) was just so unique for her to do for US. She would do just one something just with them each one alone or me alone, and with me it was pickin peas with her from her garden or sniffing and walking in all her flower gardens, cutting fresh flowers.

We sit and eat the peas fresh picked side by side gazing over the acres of their huge garden..munjaah or however it is spelled eat eat ..and so I ate the fresh peas with her !

I STILL never get the peas into the house haha ..I pick some of em, sit down and EAT EM ALL !
haha Always think of me grandma though when I am munching fresh peas out of the garden !

As per allergies, I have one aunt that can not eat fresh strawberries at all. They make her quit breathing. She is even afraid to try them even in jams or jellies.

We had a peach tree here, but it was oozing sap and seemed to draw thirsty snakes sooooo I had hubby cut that sucker down. It was badly damaged hense the splits in the trunk and it was like perma oozing this sweet sappy stuff all the time and it made snakes come to the peach tree. GONE !! Our plum tree here did well for years and I made lots of plum jams and jellies ..but we been here since 84 so ..plum tree expired from old age a few yrs ago.

I used to love going up to Sturgeon Bay in Wisconsin when we lived in GreenBay for the apple pickin time ..nothing says autumn up north like apple pickin time !
Apple jelly, apple butter, apple sauce, baked apples, apple pies, apple turnovers, apple fritters, carmel and candy apples home made for halloween. YUMMMMMMMMMMM haha


We always would go and pick blackberries on this place that was about two miles from my grandmothers when I was kid. Oh those were so sweet. Then we would come home and make all sorts of stuff. Pies, cobblers and jam. Mom is mean sometimes when I call her and tells me all about the fresh fruit she just got from some relative and how good it is. Last night it was a variety of apples from my great aunt. At least she didn't go on about the grapes this year. She knows how I love them. She said the tomatoes are ripening slow now so that crop is almost done. Frost has been late this year so they lasted longer.

Mom took the apple peels and cores up the the cabin and put them out for the deer. She said the fawns are getting quite big now. The one doe keeps chasing off the buck who comes up to try and get a bite of the mixed grain snack she puts out occasionally. They have been keeping the wild roses in check though which is good. Mom didn't want to have to dig them out.

There is a whole flock of 23 wild turkeys that comes in and chases the deer off of the grain. They have one lookout who is always watching what everyone is doing. No elk have come in though.

I've got to have my goats because I love goat milk and don't want them given hormones. They also make great brush eaters. The sheep are for handspinning and to help preserve the breed. I'm going to get some Jacob's since I think they are interesting. They can have up to 6 horns though two and four are most common. Being an unimproved black and white breed the wool and meat industries have no use for them and so they are endangered.

I'd rather just be self sufficient and pick and choose what technology I want to use. The computer and internet are rather nice.


I try to carry around a peaceful easy feeling with myself, a Zen centeredness, and that way I can have confidence without brash arrogance.



<font color="blue"> I try to carry around a peaceful easy feeling with myself, a Zen centeredness, and that way I can have confidence without brash arrogance </font>

[/ QUOTE ]

that sounds like it should be in the samurai boards

Innocent One

One of my fondest memories as a child was going down the road to the neighbors dairy farm and watch them milk the cows. It was modern as far as the 70's went and they would always give me milk right out of the tank after it went through some kind of screen thing...??...I was only 5 or 6 and cant remember how it worked, just remember the milk passing through this screen into this holding tank and then down into my belly.

My Grandparents on both sides always had huge gardens and canning and freezing went on for what seemed like forever until the celler and freezers were stock piled. As I got older (teen) I didnt care to much for helping and would always try to get out of it.

Oh, just so everyone knows...Queen buys her tomato sauce! (Hunt's)


I don't buy anything unless it comes from Krogers or Food Lion and i dont care how it was made, only that it tastes good.


**fluffs her hair** oh gosh darn and here I thought his Zen centeredness was his eternal... gazing upon me ! HAHAHAHAHa

Odd how some stores foods keep us going there. KROGER for the win here locally for ground BEEF that actually tastes like it came from a ....cow !


HAHA yes well I got some more icky bad Hunts sauce so not sure who's tomato sauce we will be buying now ! BLEH

When we had our 11 acres in Wisconsin, we grew lots of tomatos but the eating kind is not the best for making tomato sauce cuz they have too much water content. I did make tomato juice with all our tomatoes. I just didnt want to grow the pulpier sorta roma tomatoes to try sauce making ..although we did try that one year..in the end some things are more a pain in the butt to make than to just go BUY em done.

That held true for peach marmalade by the time we peel all the peaches..get that peach pit out of every darn fool peach..then slice em cook em down add all that sugar..etc etc GAH ..easier to go buy the stuff. Tomatoes while far less work to make into salsas or stuff like that ..still ends up easier to just go buy the sauce. But if we keep finding badly made sauces in cans or jars in the stores much longer..we probably will end up going back to trying to make our own...beats food poisoning off of trusted.. food processing companies.


why milady your picture is quite fair to gaze upon *bows and what better picture to gaze at than a Zen picture

LordWillieNelson&gt; That was a good one.


So today I am doing my banking and I happen upon a conversation. Of course I eavesdropped because I am just like that (but I didn't like try to hide or anything I just sat there in the open).

Seems there was an in-game couple. She plays male chars but is ... from what I gathered ... a female who leans more towards other females. She says she is not quiet about her preferences and the other half of the couple knew all about it. They even had exchanged vows and shared homes in game. The person talking, we'll just call them Betrayed and Broken, went to a shared house to find the significant other cybering with a guy in game. The breakup ensued. The SO told BaB "this is a game and you were the biggest game I played" in front of their mutual friends. Can I just say ... OW! Then I guess the guy involved jumped all over BaB's daughter, who was on and playing, not knowing it was the daughter.

Well, so here we have drama but let me tell you, BaB was just heartbroken. I felt really bad for her. She was upset that some "stuff" had been lost but more, she was devestated by the betrayal and level of hurtfulness this other player exhibited to her.

Of course I don't know the other side but this is at very least the third time I've seen this happen. The first time, the guy quit UO. The second time, they both quit UO. And BaB is thinking of quitting UO too. She said she spent so much time ingame with this other person, she has no hunting partners etc.

I invited her to hunt with us and told her she needed to get out more. Another person there was saying the same thing ... just move on and forget this person. But you could just feel through the pixels how hurt this person was.

It just reminded me ... it may be a game but for the most part (when the scripts are not running), there are real people with real feelings behind those pixels. I am not a compassionate person (I can thank my ex for that) but it never ceases to ... touch me when people are this hurt by in-game "friends".

Do we let our guards down more in-game? Or are we just more surprised by actual human emotions when we see them in-game?

I think I am actually nicer in-game than I am IRL. More giving. But maybe that is because I have more to give in UO. In life, I get by and I have things to give my friends and loved ones but not strangers. Jeez I am sitting here listening to my heat kick on and wonder if I need to turn it down five degrees to 55 overnight so that I can keep my bill payable. In UO, I have so much to give and I try to help out others because I remember how fun this game can be and how totally cool it is to get something really nice from a stranger.

So maybe that is what it is. Maybe we are more open in game because we have more to give but less to lose. Even if I lost everything in UO, as long as I had my chars, I would be okay. If I lost everything IRL ... bouncing back wouldn't be nearly as easy.

I see a higher level of meaness lately in game. This makes me sad but it also makes me ... what is the word? I don't know. All I know is if someone has to cheat, scam, lie, etc a r/l person in order to obtain a collection of pixels, then the real loser is the cheater/scammer/etc. How freaking pathetic is that?

Anyhow, now that I've rambled LOL ... I know I am going to try and be nicer in game. Maybe ask people to hunt with me if they are alone. I don't know. Maybe not be rude LOL.

Innocent One

It's funny what you will over hear (or over read) when you are just an innocent by-stander. In r/l its really wierd when you over hear a cell phone conversation, but you can only hear the one side of it. Sometimes you get the conversation and sometimes it leaves you to wonder.

Feelings can get hurt just as easily in game as they can in r/l I suppose and yes, their are some meanies and down right evil people who play this game. I guess it takes all kinds to make the world go around. I help people all the time, but I trust no one.

Maith, I would have never guessed you to not be a compassionate person. Just from reading your posts etc. you appear to be a caring person with lots of compassion. And I have an Ex too, he made my skin a bit harder, but a lesson learned on that one!

And what was SO thinking? She was cybering/cheating in a shared house that maybe BaB would show up at any time and catch them. Geezz, all the Inn's and she brought him home?! *giggles* Ahemm, seriously...can you say ho ho ho its off to the clinic we go!

On another note, dropping your heat down to 55 degrees? Ack! I am cold natured and our heat stays around 67 degrees in Winter (not my choice), but I am wearing warm clothes and socks... wrapped in a blanket most of the time. Here in Southern Virginia we had the AC on one day and the heat on the next...last night was our first freeze. Everything had that nice coat of frost/ice on it this morning. I hate Winter! I love the Holidays and such, but the cold weather I can live without!

This be for Queen...you haven't had us over for supper in a long time! So, with no ferther ado.... HEY Queen.....Whats fer Supper?!!!!!


Well, this is my second winter since moving from Texas. Last year, my heating bill was high ... I average $200-$300 on a good month and they anticipate it being double (!@##$%^&amp;!!!) I dont like to be hot ... I had to get window units for my house this summer though the heat was nothing like in Texas. I just took them out about a week ago (and when I say me I mean my husband LOL).

I can't stand to be hot either unless I'm in the bathtub or wrapped up in blankets. I can't stand stiffling heat. So, we keep the temp around 65 in the winter anyhow. I kicked it down to 60 because we have new windows that seem to help a bunch. But, with all the talk of getting beat up by heating prices ... I still wonder if those 5 degrees will help me LOL.

Unless I can't type because my fingers are too cold ... I do just fine. When they get that cold, I turn it up 5 degrees and it makes a huge difference. Not upstairs where the drafts run through the house unchecked. But, we just snuggle up (hubby, me and the dog) with three blankets and we do just fine. The dog doesn't like to be under the covers ... he stays next to one of us until he thinks we are in for the night the he goes and sleeps on his own bed of old pillows and blankets the just LOVES.

My mom and dad keep their house HOT. OMG i woke up at like 3am last time we were there to open a window, which of course had swollen shut due to rain. It took some doing but I got it open (and by me I mean my poor husband who I woke up with my huffing and puffing). As soon as it was open, I fell right back asleep and slept much better.

I just don't like to be hot or cold ... I am not real good with extremes LOL!



This be for Queen...you haven't had us over for supper in a long time! So, with no ferther ado.... HEY Queen.....Whats fer Supper?!!!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

BEEF, it's whats for dinner. Thats what Sam Elliott tells me anyway


Well dinner was kinda ..non creative today. I baked too many pies yesterday and wasnt in the big mood to cook much. So today's supper was corn bread fresh made, instant rice and porky chops with..a can of corn ! kinda dull but tasty !


Well I was underwhelmed by the costumes on all the kids trick or treating at my house last night. Nothing too cool nor too original ie...boring ! haha

Last year there seemed to be lots more kids in the storebought outfits are a bore lets make up our own really cool ones kinda mood, this year almost all of the kids were in cookie cutter storebought ..blah outfits. *sigh*

I actually give out more treats and candy to the kids that think out of the box ! HAHA '

Last year's winner to me was the little girl dressed in linens and towels by Martha Stewart having all the *gm marks* of Martha Stewart showing on the linens and towels...combined with a ball and chain and prison outfit. I mean her outfit had me cracking up, &amp; so she got soooo much candy off of me too ! HAHA

This year was sooooo boringly dull they all seemed to be 2 things vampires and/or tinker bell ! zzzzzzzzzzzzz


Hey everyone. Fun reading about your Halloween QZ even if it was dull. We went trick or treating on the same base as last year, but since then, they have closed about half of the units and it was a tiny base to start with. This meant more people were moved OFF base, but like us, had to bring their kids on for Halloween and far less candy for more kids.

My kids got about a quarter of what they would most years. They were pretty disappointed, but I pointed out that we still have bags of candy on top of our fridge from all the people who "adopted" their daddy when he was in the desert a YEAR ago and sent him care packages. He had got so much candy from patriotic people that he was sending it home in huge boxes (got to be thankful it's free APO to APO address!) and despite taking it to youth events and such, we still have a ton left.


Ye want an idea of a nightmare for halloween ....our Lisa, our eldest born twin, still US Navy(since 92 she never yet bothers to get out) got to spend her halloween crossing the international date line 2x then 2x more. GAH ! Her last air assignment was San Diego, Alaska, Japan, Japan, Guam, Japan, Guam, Alaska, San Diego ! GAAAAAAAAAAH

She got to do halloween *in the air* repeatedly it was OCT. 31st for her. She home now and barely conscious so wore out this was all done in the past 5 days.

She was so hoping to get to have time to actually get to SEE some of Japan, and maybe to contact a friend of her's, that was a foreign exchange student one year in her high school here.

BUT nope the US. Navy sent her to "somewhere" Japan where the USN gave the welcome letter to them ...' warning: beware of the native 7ft venonomous snakes in the tall grasses and heat exhaustion here '..followed by.. 'welcome to Japan spot 2, warning: hypothermia and frost bite are serious issues here and nothing to fool with' ..............then Guam...'welcome to US Naval base Guam; warning: the mosquitos here carry such and such diseases be sure to carry &amp; use your insect repellent !

Poor kid *well she is grown woman, but my baby girl.*

Sooo she got no candy no nothing but a bowl of rice and halloween flying thru the international dateline ..too many times to count it was oct 31 again again.. again ! She called me yesterday to say momma im home san diego never looked so good but im so tired...I said you sound like u need 4 - 7 solid days of sleep too, preferably in ONE time zone in/on ONE day at a time per 24 hrs. for a week or so more. Talk about ye nightmare for halloween ! GAH


My mom has a little bird and she adores the critter. Sadly, Sunshine got stepped on and broke his little leg. Believe it or not, he was able to have an operation and is healing well. When I saw this picture I kind of giggled because I had never imagined a bird wearing a cast before. Since he is doing well, feel free to laugh.

<font color="red">No no no... you have it all wrong, the PIRATE is supposed to have the pegleg NOT the bird on his shoulder. </font>

Innocent One

Poor Baby! I gotta ask....how in the world did he get stepped on? Was he on the floor?
Funny caption under the pic! LOL