so what your saying is that you will have 15 or more on that day.
so what your trying to say is courage your right we need numbers to beat swat. well you did not have to post it everyone that plays this shard knows the only time ffbz is brave is if you have help. so i think you wasted your time posting.
Let me break this down for you, since your brain is a bit too simple to take it in for yourself. Firstly, I said there was 15 INCLUDING myself in vent for the two harrowers they did the other day. That means 14, not the 20 ffbz PLUS allies that you put in the accusation. So fact one, Courage has trouble with counting.
Secondly, You made a challenge for FFBz to do a harrower and to bring however many they want and SW@T will raid. Dont make challenges if you dont intend to keep true to your word because your scared. Who wouldnt want to show up if we know swat was actually going to try to raid. You guys dont leave the house so its a nice opportunity to kill you somewhere thats not out of boundries to us to go loot. So fact two, Courage is losing his courage and is getting scared for the harrower.
Third, Since you think we're so reliant on numbers, lets set up a group fight FFBZ vs SW@t to see how good you are. Then you cant very well hide behind the numbers claim. Fact three, Courage wont put up, he'll just find something else to try to tear at since we all know SW@T cant hold its own vs any decent guild.
And lastly, but not least, if you're so confident in how much better quality SW@T is then the rest of the shard, I fully anticipate a good showing of numbers competing in the 1 v 1 tournament that is being arranged, correct? Surely with such advancted pvpers as your guild you should be taking 1, 2nd and 3rd, yes? So lets see your best against the shards other talents in the tourney. Last fact, I doubt any swat even enter the tournament. It'll be some excuse or another why none of the show up. The only way I see them coming is to try to disrupt the tournament because they are worthless chumps with no good players.
Moral of the story is SW@t is outclassed compared to any other guild on the shard. If I'm wrong, lets see you prove me wrong. Fighting out of a house impresses nobody.