Here is a short answer:
I'd talk about IRL if I were bad at this game too.
But let's get this straight...
You are mad, because you have been getting owned. You talk smack in the game, I show screenshots of how you ran away and such. You get lippy and call me a liar, I prove you wrong. Unable to retaliate, you get your buddy who isn't afraid to get banned from stratics (or maybe that was you on his stratics name since he trusts you with his accounts?) and I hint I know things about you IRL too, and correct all the slander thrown at me.
Now, you are even angrier, and now you threaten more things, this time including Nas. So now, not only have you and your guild lost, but then you want to bring up IRL stuff on a board about a game, and when you figured out I know things, you throw more out there.
So, who started this? Instead of saying "Hey good fight we lost. We will get you next time" It has escalated to this, all because you lost Ultima Online PVP fights.
Correct me if I am wrong here?
Again; Just accept a fight. 3v3, 4v4, 5v5, whatever. Get beaten, and let bygones be bygones. We only talk **** to people who claim to be so "super awesome!" but are medicore at best.
So, ball's in your court bud.