before you had to drag the bar, position it, cast the spell then target. Now you just drag, is already positioned and you just have to target. I don't see what is the problem about that...Can somebody explain the advantage of the new health bar system over the old one? Maybe I'm just dumb and stuck in the old ways, but it still seems to much easier for me to drag the health bars of the enemies I want to target off to the side, as in the EC or the old Pinco's.
Also dragging stuff around consumes more resources than simply creating the bar in a fixed position, which in general improves the performances
Keep the pinned bars ordered by appearance and they will always be sorted in same order you have drag them.I was used to dragging them when on my bard, to keep track of who was fighting who.... I don't have a new method yet.
Having multiple dockspots like before also takes half of the screen, is not that if you separate them it takes less space, you just have to move them outside the game area where they won't bother you, or use the alpha mode to make them more transparentYes, I find them cumbersome also but I do like to have them appear when the monster/player/guildie/friend/etc appear but like you, I haven't found a working method. To me it's the bar areas take up so much space and it's hard to organize them without taking half the screen, but I do like the appearance of the healthbars when they appear on screen without pulling them.
I also have Yadd's problem, they lock and then it's the worst of both worlds but I know Pinco has said this is the server side so what can he/we do to get around this? I have tried closing them and reopening them and that doesn't work, logging out and back in seems to work but you can't say time out to everyone around you when you're fighting. I have a couple of friends who play the vanilla EC and they say they don't have a problem. I'm scared to try the vanilla EC cause Pinco said it would mess up when you changed back so I dare not test, everything else is working so well right now and I'm not willing to jeopardize that and Pinco's is so far superior in my opinion that I sure don't want to get it messed up and have hours or days of work to straighten it out.
The old system used to destroy, re-create and re-position the bars continuously (and keep forcefully to ask updates from the server) eating a HUGE amount of resources, the current system work as the client bars were designed to act: create the bar, re-position it if needed and get the updates when the server sends them. Obviously if the client is not receiving any update the bar won't update.
In this last patch I've added something to get updates more aggressively, maybe it will help
yay! you found another amazing client bug... probably by crossing a server line the followers list got erased... check if this workaround fix the problem or not...This happened a few minutes ago, my pet bar shows up on the Mobiles and even closing and reopening them, it stays on the Mobiles.
These are errors I think, I can't figure out the code for the errors for new ones.
Script Call failed - Error while calling [MapCommon.WaypointMouseOver]:
[string "UserInterface/Pinco's UI/Source/Map/MapCommon.lua"]:1108: attempt to index field 'SOSWaypoints' (a nil value)
RROR: The process cannot access the file 'C:\Electronic Arts\Ultima Online Enhanced\logs\playSoundConfirm.txt' because it is being used by another process.
Error in function call 'WindowSetScale': Window WarButton does not exist
RROR: The process cannot access the file 'C:\Electronic Arts\Ultima Online Enhanced\logs\musLenght.txt' because it is being used by another process.
View attachment 85580
You should check for errors to be sure, but the main issue of switching UI is that makes your profile dirty, and since the client is such a work of art, after a while you'll have to delete it completely or you'll start having troubles.Switching back and forth EC Pinco’s messes up things? Uh, oh, I switch back and forth all the time - is that why I can't get health bars to work at all?
That's a bug with the new targeting protection system, and if noone reports this kind of stuff it will never get fixed.I switch back and forth, too, mostly to resolve issues.
For instance, this morning I can't use the Stealing skill. Despite standing one tile away (the items are in my beetle's backpack), I'm told they are out of range. I can steal it if I use a macro or last target, though.
Even if it sounds impossible I don't magically know everything that is broken, in fact I don't know if something is broken until someone reports it
This is paranoia not an UI limitation... as said before: the only things that you cannot have more than once are spells/actions that have only 1 possible target (or no target at all) and make no sense to have more than once. Healing spells are ALLOWED, for bandages you have bandage self/bandage target/etc... so it's pointless to switch UI to do what you already CAN do....I also switch when trying to add things to the hotbars. My characters all have similar hotbars, and "H" is always primary heal. "B" is always enhanced bandage. But depending on if I'm on my warrior or tamer, the targets are different. So "H" might be heal myself, but I need an "Alt-H" to heal my pet. Pinco's says I can only have 1 of those on my hotbars. So I switch to Vanilla, put the extra heal icon on my hotbar, then switch back to Pinco's and it all works like I want it to.
Now in this patch I've done something interesting: when the don't have the mobile data, it will show a purple bar with NO DATA written on it, so you'll know what's going on
That will mean that you did not get the data from the server at all...