try like this, but the healthbars bug is an annoying thing that sometimes pop up no matter what UI you use
basically when you create an healthbars you create a connection between server and client to receive updates on that mobile. Sometimes that connection is severed and the client is stupid enough to not know that
Sorry I don't buy that Pinco, Europa didn't seem to be lagging in any way, the server is always pretty much lag free and I have a solid 33ms and I never use wireless.
I've been playing UO pretty much non stop all last week and your older client I was non stop throwing in my Cu into lvl 6/7 treasure map spawns, Miasma's, Cu farming and it's health getting rekt, basically my Cu was in action sooooo much for last week and the follower health/mana info was ALWAYS updating with zero issues.
Edit - Also I've only had the client up for 5 min this morning, a backpack inside my backpack went invis by dragging it somewhere else, I had multiples so I tested the rest and it was fairly easy to get all of them invisible. The logs are showing hundreds of warnings "text is cut off in lebal hotbarxxbuttonxstats." and one noteable warning that popped up after every hundreth "text is cut off".
Warning: Calling 'DestroyWindow' on window 'ContainerWindow_1115849120GridViewSocket20' has been deferred because this window or one of its children is active
only error I had in whole morning : [18/07/07][07:48:10] <string>: [string "UserInterface/Pinco's UI/Source/Gumps/GumpsParsing.lua"]:753: attempt to index local 'mobileData' (a nil value)
Edit2 - ok found the issue, When you unmount from a pet their HP info will stay at 100% until you heal it, never used to do this before

It doesn't happen 100% of the time by high enough to notice!