@PwnySlaystation &
I gave my arguments on why novas are OP. Not once was it refuted, other than "it's fine as they are", "Novas aren't an issue", etc - do you want me to pull specific examples of people saying that?
There's 3. Saying "They're fine as they are" is not an argument in favor of them. Saying "they do too much damage for the investment required" is an ACTUAL argument against them. As is "they're an uninterruptible and unavoidable source of damage that goes off instantly." Saying "they're fine, leave them alone" does not help your case unless you give reasons WHY. You're not giving reasons.
BODs is a non sequitur, btw. I do pvp, and while I certainly don't use novas, they can affect me when I play, and in a lot of cases, actually do so. I have the right to complain about them. Not sure how you guys aren't getting this.
Of course, Pwny is going to ignore this "Wall of text" because it shuts down his argument.