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Should Supernova potions now activate with a one second delay at the use location?

  • Total voters

Critical Gaming

Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Except when you non-thoughtfully use a nova, then a kill shot presents itself and you're on timer.



Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
@Bleak The supernova is used only by pvpers. This will render this small amount of dmg pointless in pvp. It will turn the nova into nothing more than a shortened timer explosion potion. I hope you take the message I sent you on parry as well as balancing pvp into consideration. This is not one of the changes that will balance pvp, if anything this will hurt mages further. Any real pvper knows that these are effective for mages in finishing off kills where people will just run away constantly. The ones that are voting "Yes" either do not pvp or do not know how to use these potions effectively. It's as simple as that.


Seasoned Veteran
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Not just pvpers. It's one of the few usable rewards for joining VvV and risking stat loss. The damage could be scaled down a few points but a timer is just nonsense.
Out of curiosity, where are non PVPers using novas?


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Seeing has how 50% of the PvP playerbase is banned from stratics, and we're still leaning towards NO.. I'd say this is open and shut. I checked the "Yes" list and I can identify some of them as people who only play siege and don't pvp or use novas.
LOL how true


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Getting really bored of cry baby people on here banging on and on about nerfing something basically making 80% of the nerf arguement themselves and purely because they have all the time in the world to sit and type about it means its probably going to happen. NO DELAY for novas. No timer and leave the damage alone, or at the very most, cap damage equal to that of a bombard trigger. [the downside to the lesser amount of skillpoints is its not a targettable spell and can still miss if the player is not in range].


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Seeing has how 50% of the PvP playerbase is banned from stratics, and we're still leaning towards NO.. I'd say this is open and shut. I checked the "Yes" list and I can identify some of them as people who only play siege and don't pvp or use novas.
A vast majority of the No's are heavily biased, and I'm pretty sure at least 3 of them don't pvp...but I believe they sell supernovas, so they aren't gonna want the cash cow to disappear.

Where people play is irrelevant, as is the "they don't use novas" argument. You don't have to use something to know it's overpowered...and maybe "half of the pvp playerbase" wouldn't have been banned if they weren't ********.

Not saying this is the right one, but novas need a change. They require absolutely zero thought to use effectively. At least spell trigger, which is probably the closest comparison one could make, requires you to find time to recast it before you can use it again.
I'm on the fence. I do like the delay idea, but I'm not sure the currently implemented one is right. You can still see it coming, which is good, but I'm kinda leaning towards it being thrown similar to explosion/conflag.

Getting really bored of cry baby people on here banging on and on about nerfing something basically making 80% of the nerf arguement themselves and purely because they have all the time in the world to sit and type about it means its probably going to happen. NO DELAY for novas. No timer and leave the damage alone, or at the very most, cap damage equal to that of a bombard trigger. [the downside to the lesser amount of skillpoints is its not a targettable spell and can still miss if the player is not in range].
And the pro-nova's side argument has boiled down to "they're fine as they are, leave them as is." which is NOT an argument, especially compared to what the anti-nova people have been posting. It's the equivalent of a 5 year old saying "nuh-uh, you're wrong" and throwing a temper-tantrum.


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
There are different things I would think could make novas a bit better. I am not saying to apply all of these, but different solutions could help solve the problem.

1. Scale back the damage a bit.
2. Split damage if it hits more than one target.
3. Make it so you target only one person (like a bombard), but have to be within 3 tiles.
4. Delete the potion from game =)

Adding a delay... is not the answer.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A vast majority of the No's are heavily biased, and I'm pretty sure at least 3 of them don't pvp...but I believe they sell supernovas, so they aren't gonna want the cash cow to disappear.

Where people play is irrelevant, as is the "they don't use novas" argument. You don't have to use something to know it's overpowered...and maybe "half of the pvp playerbase" wouldn't have been banned if they weren't ********.

I'm on the fence. I do like the delay idea, but I'm not sure the currently implemented one is right. You can still see it coming, which is good, but I'm kinda leaning towards it being thrown similar to explosion/conflag.

And the pro-nova's side argument has boiled down to "they're fine as they are, leave them as is." which is NOT an argument, especially compared to what the anti-nova people have been posting. It's the equivalent of a 5 year old saying "nuh-uh, you're wrong" and throwing a temper-tantrum.
Nice wall of text, im not reading it, because i've decided you don't actually take in whats been said from the "against" nerf crowd anyway.

This conversation should be reserved for people who actually PvP to a standard that isn't "Hand me how to do this on a plate please so i can simply run away and live".


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Where people play is irrelevant, as is the "they don't use novas" argument. You don't have to use something to know it's overpowered...and maybe "half of the pvp playerbase" wouldn't have been banned if they weren't ********.
Complaining that people are giving their input on something they don't use / doesn't affect them is a valid complaint. I wouldn't sit here and talk about what the devs should do about BODs when I don't do anything with them, and people certainly would have the right to tell me I don't have a say in the argument.


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
@PwnySlaystation & @elster

I gave my arguments on why novas are OP. Not once was it refuted, other than "it's fine as they are", "Novas aren't an issue", etc - do you want me to pull specific examples of people saying that?

Nova not an issue at all. I would even make more pots for pvp
Can we maybe get off supernovas for a while? The vast majority of us believe they are fine. Three to four people keep posting over and over and over hijacking the threads for the real changes.
no point in fighting with them.good news almost every other pvper thinks novas they are fine so i think we are ok :)
There's 3. Saying "They're fine as they are" is not an argument in favor of them. Saying "they do too much damage for the investment required" is an ACTUAL argument against them. As is "they're an uninterruptible and unavoidable source of damage that goes off instantly." Saying "they're fine, leave them alone" does not help your case unless you give reasons WHY. You're not giving reasons.

BODs is a non sequitur, btw. I do pvp, and while I certainly don't use novas, they can affect me when I play, and in a lot of cases, actually do so. I have the right to complain about them. Not sure how you guys aren't getting this.

Of course, Pwny is going to ignore this "Wall of text" because it shuts down his argument.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yah but here's the thing, we have told you why they are fine. You just ignored it. You are a bad player who doesn't understand the game and thinks that if something is killing you over and over it must be overpowered.

Great DC

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
LOLOL. All you guys have as an argument is "I can't kill someone that runs away". How bad are you at pvp that without supernovas you cant finish someone off. In other words this potion has become your crutch.

The poll on stratics wont give you an accurate opinion on anything due to the fact that maybe 15-20% of UO population even read stratics.

I mean right now on live shards why would anyone use bombard trigger at 240 skill points when you can get a higher damage insta pot with a much shorter cooldown. Not only that but you get to keep max SDI on top. Its laughable that the so called "top tier pvpers" think this is not OP.

Cmon guys its not even an argument anymore, the more you say I need it to get kill shots the more it helps the anti-nova argument.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yah but here's the thing, we have told you why they are fine. You just ignored it. You are a bad player who doesn't understand the game and thinks that if something is killing you over and over it must be overpowered.
Again, point out where and how you said that. With reasons. Quote as many posts as you want.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And the no's aren't biased, they are actual pvpers who have both killed and died to supernovas. The yes's are literally people who haven't posted a single msg about combat changes and might not even be pvpers at all, I only recognize like a third of them.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The damage is avoidable by moving away from the person when you have low hp.

The damage isn't too high as it's only an extra 13 point for a total of 100 skill invested.

Spell trigger is another game mechanic with a similar result of supernova.

The vast majority of the UO population thinks they are fine, they have been this way for what? 5 years? They are used more now because they fit into meta templates because archers forced people onto parry mages.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The damage is avoidable by moving away from the person when you have low hp.

The damage isn't too high as it's only an extra 13 point for a total of 100 skill invested.

Spell trigger is another game mechanic with a similar result of supernova.

The vast majority of the UO population thinks they are fine, they have been this way for what? 5 years? They are used more now because they fit into meta templates because archers forced people onto parry mages.
Extra 13 points for 100 skill invested? Yeah, ok, if you have just Alchemy. Which nobody does - everyone has 50% EP to go along with it.

Spell Trigger requires 240 skill points. Supernova requires 100 and an easy-to-get item property to attain its max damage. Which would you pick? In 10/10 cases, the answer will be "Supernova potion"

And the no's aren't biased, they are actual pvpers who have both killed and died to supernovas. The yes's are literally people who haven't posted a single msg about combat changes and might not even be pvpers at all, I only recognize like a third of them.
I haven't posted a single thing about combat changes? @CovenantX hasn't? @Great DC hasn't? And others who are arguing against Novas/voted yes in this poll?



Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The damage is avoidable by moving away from the person when you have low hp.

The damage isn't too high as it's only an extra 13 point for a total of 100 skill invested.

Spell trigger is another game mechanic with a similar result of supernova.

The vast majority of the UO population thinks they are fine, they have been this way for what? 5 years? They are used more now because they fit into meta templates because archers forced people onto parry mages.
gotta love that spell-trigger comparison. yea man, trigger has a 5min cooldown & needs to be re-cast, also taking 120 mystic & focus. (not sure how many times I need to say this)... but, there's no comparison. trigger = 21-23 damage (cursed or not)

Nova = 20-27 damage (cursed) 100 skill points.

Hey, focus spec been the same since novas came out too? look what they have created. archers vs parry-mages online! (everyone with room, also has alchemy).

I'd like to see someone (anyone) say something in defense of nerfing novas that makes the slightest bit of sense.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Lol yup, you three sure have. 3 out of 28.
Perhaps the people not posting about it, don't need too, because they see the argument being sorely lost on the defense, what else could it be?


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you have alchemy the damage changes from 14 to 27 that's the 13 points.

Mystic provides other things for the 240 skill points, are you that dense? If you think the ONLY reason to have mystic is spell trigger you have literally never played the game.


Stratics Veteran
LOLOL. All you guys have as an argument is "I can't kill someone that runs away". How bad are you at pvp that without supernovas you cant finish someone off. In other words this potion has become your crutch.

The poll on stratics wont give you an accurate opinion on anything due to the fact that maybe 15-20% of UO population even read stratics.

I mean right now on live shards why would anyone use bombard trigger at 240 skill points when you can get a higher damage insta pot with a much shorter cooldown. Not only that but you get to keep max SDI on top. Its laughable that the so called "top tier pvpers" think this is not OP.

Cmon guys its not even an argument anymore, the more you say I need it to get kill shots the more it helps the anti-nova argument.
Just so you guys know, this is WARSHAK ^ of all people. The ultimate talking in all chat from his house troll. And these are the people they are actually taking suggestions from.


Stratics Veteran
I mean right now on live shards why would anyone use bombard trigger at 240 skill points when you can get a higher damage insta pot with a much shorter cooldown. Not only that but you get to keep max SDI on top. Its laughable that the so called "top tier pvpers" think this is not OP.
IDK maybe because you get 16 (SIXTEEN) other spells + bonus mana/stam regen ?


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Perhaps the people not posting about it, don't need too, because they see the argument being sorely lost on the defense, what else could it be?
Or maybe it's because they are not real pvpers, and have no idea what the argument is about.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Extra 13 points for 100 skill invested? Yeah, ok, if you have just Alchemy. Which nobody does - everyone has 50% EP to go along with it.

Spell Trigger requires 240 skill points. Supernova requires 100 and an easy-to-get item property to attain its max damage. Which would you pick? In 10/10 cases, the answer will be "Supernova potion"

I haven't posted a single thing about combat changes? @CovenantX hasn't? @Great DC hasn't? And others who are arguing against Novas/voted yes in this poll?
@drcossack You clearly do not understand the game mechanics at all. Half of the issue with all of this is the people that do not even pvp even having an input on pvp changes. What they are doing is dumbing down the game to meet their limited playing abilities. I have personally watched you try to compete and use super nova's, you do not understand when to use them and when not to. You also do not understand spell play or timing. I could go on and on about this but at the risk of turning this into even more of an argument, I'll just say this: Half of the changes given on this new update are geared towards the "squeaky wheels" that are not higher end pvpers. Here's a new flash for people like Cossack, no mater what changes you make to "nerf" us, we'll find templates that we can use to full capacity, being that we understand the mechanics and will take full advantage of each template and resource we play. All we're trying to do at this point is salvage what's left of the real pvpers community.

UO should be a challenge to play, not something that is dumbed down everytime one of the weaker players cries foul.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
UO should be fun to play. I look forward to seeing more variety.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
@drcossack You clearly do not understand the game mechanics at all. Half of the issue with all of this is the people that do not even pvp even having an input on pvp changes. What they are doing is dumbing down the game to meet their limited playing abilities. I have personally watched you try to compete and use super nova's, you do not understand when to use them and when not to. You also do not understand spell play or timing. I could go on and on about this but at the risk of turning this into even more of an argument, I'll just say this: Half of the changes given on this new update are geared towards the "squeaky wheels" that are not higher end pvpers. Here's a new flash for people like Cossack, no mater what changes you make to "nerf" us, we'll find templates that we can use to full capacity, being that we understand the mechanics and will take full advantage of each template and resource we play. All we're trying to do at this point is salvage what's left of the real pvpers community.

UO should be a challenge to play, not something that is dumbed down everytime one of the weaker players cries foul.
LOL. When have I ever used a Supernova on Atlantic or LS? Your argument is complete nonsense from that sentence alone, and you cannot be taken seriously.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If everyone's main gripe is that it is instant- I would also be fine with a 1 second delay where the nova goes off where you are- not the location you hit it at. So a player would have some time to react. But it would not render them useless.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
LOL. When have I ever used a Supernova on Atlantic or LS? Your argument is complete nonsense from that sentence alone, and you cannot be taken seriously.
Multiple times I have seen you attempt to use them. The fact that you're lying about this further proves your real agenda here, which is to try to screw the pvpers that constantly beat you. I know you're used to winning arguments with children but the adults see right through you.

For once I actually agree with @PaithanTheElf on this one. If you're going to add a delay, at least make it where the explosion is where you are standing currently.

For anyone comparing this to bombard, you clearly do not understand that bombard is a distance attack where as nova you have to be within a tile or two of your target. Give me a nova that i can target someone at range with, and we'll compare the two at that point. Until then, they are entirely different.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Paith, the real point is, it's not everyone. It's the minority, and of that minority most of them really don't know what they are talking about. Why would we make any change at all because the vocal minority of below average players believe that something is overpowered?

Old Vet Back Again

Stratics Veteran
If everyone's main gripe is that it is instant- I would also be fine with a 1 second delay where the nova goes off where you are- not the location you hit it at. So a player would have some time to react. But it would not render them useless.

It needs 1 of 2 things to happen with the current mechanics on TC. Either get rid of the warning OR keep the warning but have it stay on tile with the player using it.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Paith, the real point is, to not everyone. It's the minority, and of that minority most of them really don't know what they are talking about. Why would we make any change at all because the vocal minority of below average players believe that something is overpowered?
Can I like this 1000 times? Perfectly said Virem.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Patron
If everyone's main gripe is that it is instant- I would also be fine with a 1 second delay where the nova goes off where you are- not the location you hit it at. So a player would have some time to react. But it would not render them useless.
Yeah not only does it give the purple potion animation to signal it's about to go off, it goes off in the location you pushed it.

The odds of hitting a target are close to nil unless the other person is just completely oblivious they are getting dumped on or they disconnected.

The delay should be removed. When I asked for the basis of the change, it was to be based in skill, though I don't know what he meant by that.

I don't buy the argument "it needs nerfed because it's overpowered" or the "it should be nerfed because you haven't proven why it shouldn't"

The primary complaint I see is that it does 27 damage and is instant.

I'm not sure why they thought the better of the two options was adding an unviable timer when it was already agreed a damage tweak would be fine.

Although 27 damage in two minutes I would hardly call overpowered...

If it's a damage burst issue that was already nerfed down with the sdi changes. How far down does it have to go before those against it consider Mage damage output to be "fair" despite the lopsided comparison of an archer damage output.

Long story short, remove the timer and nerf the damage or tile radius. Seems like a reasonable trade.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Trigger - No inability to miss at full spell casting range. This alone makes it way more powerful.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Multiple times I have seen you attempt to use them. The fact that you're lying about this further proves your real agenda here, which is to try to screw the pvpers that constantly beat you. I know you're used to winning arguments with children but the adults see right through you.

For once I actually agree with @PaithanTheElf on this one. If you're going to add a delay, at least make it where the explosion is where you are standing currently.

For anyone comparing this to bombard, you clearly do not understand that bombard is a distance attack where as nova you have to be within a tile or two of your target. Give me a nova that i can target someone at range with, and we'll compare the two at that point. Until then, they are entirely different.
Video and/or unedited screenshot of me using a Nova then? Surely you have them since you claim I use them, so it won't be hard to back it up with proof.

btw: Nova has a 5 tile range.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Paith, the real point is, it's not everyone. It's the minority, and of that minority most of them really don't know what they are talking about. Why would we make any change at all because the vocal minority of below average players believe that something is overpowered?
I would be fine with a minimal toning down of the novas in some fashion. They are a bit overpowered as is.

Don't get me wrong if they are unchanged I will have no problem fighting with and against them.

My only agenda is to hope they don't make them completely useless. It is going from one extreme to the other.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Paith, the real point is, it's not everyone. It's the minority, and of that minority most of them really don't know what they are talking about. Why would we make any change at all because the vocal minority of below average players believe that something is overpowered?
I echo this.

Sub-level pvpers are using their own personal experiences in their minority to make a change to make the game EASIER for them. When the rest of us, including @PaithanTheElf @virem @Aeyko @Kiss Of Death, myself and multiple other contributors have used novas against each other with zero complaints?

This is namby pamby give in to the cry babies tactics that has sent UO further and further into the dirt since the dawn of Age of Shadows, allowing people who have no idea what they're talking about, by using numbers to argue a "balance" instead of taking "player ability" into overall account.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Video and/or unedited screenshot of me using a Nova then? Surely you have them since you claim I use them, so it won't be hard to back it up with proof.

btw: Nova has a 5 tile range.
Sincere question here @drcossack , what player in UO would video or screenshot YOU in action? This is a serious question. You speak on subjects you have no idea about. You're attempting to derail this by lying and again showing your true agenda. It's easy to hate something you do not understand how to use. I'm sure there are players out there that believe conflags are OP as well. Keep in mind that people use 100 skill points for alchy bonuses and should rightfully be rewarded for using those 100 points. It's as simple as @PwnySlaystation said, UO is being changed so weaker players can adapt and it's not taken into consideration the skill level of he players they are listening to when "nerfing" skills and items.


Stratics Veteran
Has anyone seen Warshak or his buddy pvp in the last 6 months? Last time I saw them was LS behind 20 people.Taking pvp advice from guys who don't partake in pvp is like me going into the event threads and telling them how to run pvm events.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sincere question here @drcossack , what player in UO would video or screenshot YOU in action? This is a serious question. You speak on subjects you have no idea about. You're attempting to derail this by lying and again showing your true agenda. It's easy to hate something you do not understand how to use. I'm sure there are players out there that believe conflags are OP as well. Keep in mind that people use 100 skill points for alchy bonuses and should rightfully be rewarded for using those 100 points. It's as simple as @PwnySlaystation said, UO is being changed so weaker players can adapt and it's not taken into consideration the skill level of he players they are listening to when "nerfing" skills and items.
So you don't have proof of me using a Supernova? Thought so...but then again, I already knew you didn't have a leg to stand on.

What have I lied about? Nova damage with various modifiers? Nope. Tested that. 5 tile range? Nah, tested that too. Instant use? Check. Unavoidable? See last comment.

I'm not trying to derail anything here, YOU ARE. btw, the devs are clearly listening & reading posts, and they're taking our attitudes into consideration. Which do you think the devs would pay more attention to: posts with a logical argument about why something is broken/what should be fixed, or posts like yours which are insulting, demeaning, and full of easily-spotted lies?

Got any more BS I can shut down, or are you going to let the adults talk now?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you have alchemy the damage changes from 14 to 27 that's the 13 points.

Mystic provides other things for the 240 skill points, are you that dense? If you think the ONLY reason to have mystic is spell trigger you have literally never played the game.
Hey, Alchemy provides bonuses to other potions for less than half the skill investment into mysticism for those "other things" but guess what ? everything you get from mystic+focus has a cast time, the only thing comparable to supernovas is Spell-trigger being instant cast (but delayed) and um... has a cooldown more than twice as long for less Damage? not to mention mystic/focus will break focus spec.

What else ya got?

Trigger - No inability to miss at full spell casting range. This alone makes it way more powerful.
that double negative....
If it was more powerful, people would be playing alchy-mystics. ..... It's not rocket science.. It's UO.

Oh, that must be why there are so few mystics pvping in UO. what's to stop them from having alchemy>nova & trigger? focus spec? no Parry?
You forgot to mention, bombards delay on damage (you can easily cut that damage down by 60-75% with a mini heal (magery) or negate it completely and then some with a heal pot (anyone).

Explain how a nova can miss, I mean... 5 tile range for something instant.... are you saying you use novas when you're not close enough to hit anything with them? -why would you do that?
better yet, why would you invest 240.0 skill for trigger (and -15% SDI) when you could invest 100.0 skill for something better than trigger & stay at 30% sdi?
It'll be fun killing these guys with a 1-sec delayed nova when they claim they're useless with this change.

I'm actually more inclined to pick up alchemy now that novas take timing instead of just being close enough, which is still further away than melee range btw....

Instant 20-27 damage for alchemists (100.0 skill) is OP enough, so that these guys... who say "Nova's are Fine", don't need to consider another skill in-place of alchemy.
meanwhile, anyone without alchemy is penalized more by not having than they benefit from another skill of Equal or Greater investment. - It's getting fixed, deal with it.

Great DC

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
@Aeyko . Everytime one of you guys coins the word "real pvper" you are not adding and constructive feedback on why supernova isn't OP. All your doing is helping the anti-nova argument even more. Try to have an adult conversation instead of insulting and saying people suck. None of you "real pvpers" have done anything but talk down to people cause apparently you need to feed your UO ego. Grow up and lets try to make the game better and more fun!


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Has anyone seen Warshak or his buddy pvp in the last 6 months? Last time I saw them was LS behind 20 people.Taking pvp advice from guys who don't partake in pvp is like me going into the event threads and telling them how to run pvm events.
This is the thing I hate the most with how these changes are happening. The development team listening to this type of player.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
So you don't have proof of me using a Supernova? Thought so...but then again, I already knew you didn't have a leg to stand on.

What have I lied about? Nova damage with various modifiers? Nope. Tested that. 5 tile range? Nah, tested that too. Instant use? Check. Unavoidable? See last comment.

I'm not trying to derail anything here, YOU ARE. btw, the devs are clearly listening & reading posts, and they're taking our attitudes into consideration. Which do you think the devs would pay more attention to: posts with a logical argument about why something is broken/what should be fixed, or posts like yours which are insulting, demeaning, and full of easily-spotted lies?

Got any more BS I can shut down, or are you going to let the adults talk now?
To get this straight, your argument here is that you've never "used" them but you've "tested" them... Hmmmm, very conflicting. If @Bleak or any of the DEV's listen to players like yourself, we will have the MMORPG equivalent to the sims before it's over with. I encourage Bleak and all other DEV's to allow real pvper's to have a voice here and not listen to the minority trammelites with minimal pvp impact / ability. You're simply whining because you cannot compete in today's UO and today's UO is a dumbed down version of years past where you certainly would have spent more time camping with kindling then you do now in pvp. As @randy has mentioned, you and your buddy Higgs haven't been seen for months now on any active shard pvping, but you're here trying to tell DEV's how to make pvp "better".... Give me a break here.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Three people arguing for nova nerf, 35 arguing against.
yea I find it sad, that there's more evidence suggesting that nova's are OP considering the odds in which we're arguing.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
To get this straight, your argument here is that you've never "used" them but you've "tested" them... Hmmmm, very conflicting. If @Bleak or any of the DEV's listen to players like yourself, we will have the MMORPG equivalent to the sims before it's over with. I encourage Bleak and all other DEV's to allow real pvper's to have a voice here and not listen to the minority trammelites with minimal pvp impact / ability. You're simply whining because you cannot compete in today's UO and today's UO is a dumbed down version of years past where you certainly would have spent more time camping with kindling then you do now in pvp. As @randy has mentioned, you and your buddy Higgs haven't been seen for months now on any active shard pvping, but you're here trying to tell DEV's how to make pvp "better".... Give me a break here.
So your counter-arguments for my points advocating a Nova nerf are what exactly? Here, I'll list them so it's easier for you to respond:

1) They do too much damage
2) They're unavoidable
3) They go off instantly

Take as much time as you need, drop the "Real pvp'ers" line and the insults, and get back to me with LOGICAL arguments.