Aye - Best wishes for the year-turnover to all you kind people - been a bit around last night visiting places
- also upgraded to abyss and now need some time to actually understand the game again - feel like a total n00b
Edit: And the total n00b was total pwned when i was visiting old friends' locations to see if they are still about - happen to recall into a PvP Practise Hour it seems - various people were fighting each others and they (or at least two) seem to welcome the apearance of a fresh victim.
So after about 5 sec i had my first 'Being PKed-Experience' since my return thanks to a red called The Raidinator (a name wich connects more to WoW than to UO in my head
) - but that then leads to a very nice meet with a nice and friendly guy named Dread Heart, who even seems to know me better than he admitted (
) - at least i think so - but it was heart-warming and i am thankfull for that warm welcome
He gave me a res and let me collect my stuff - wich i then lost again to one of his fellow fighters after i was heading to my own place
All in all its good to know that the Game is alife still and havent lost its adventourous spirit - something most other games can not compete with.
My greetings to all involved people, who just been all very kind to me
P.S.: Can i have my Dye-Tub and my Dyes back please