Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread
Well either 1 of 3 things went down here.
1. You just joined our faction without any real scouting (Because obvisiously, if we are so inactive, why would you come to the shard we call home? That makes no sense)
You are quite the narcissist. I find it funny that you think you played that heavy of a role in our choice of Chesapeake as the next server.
2. You really did scout and haven't seen anyone [TB]. (Obvisiously, can be true, because I heard you made negative remarks about me being hospitalized and such also, which is fine. But some people hear about things like that and say "WELL! If Lox and Broli won't be on, and Kengo is on vacation, there goes 3 of our 4/5 numbers for the night. I'll go do something productive IRL)
Man you just can't stop with spouting off garbage. I never said anything about you being in the hospital.
It really is this simple. I scouted a few days, saw what faction was the least active (during peak play times), and chose the faction. Are you that dense? Do you really just not get it?
3. You timetable is screwed up. You KNOW from fighting us on other shards we DON'T get on until 10pm and after. If you didn't know that from my various posts (Which you should), then you should know considering the times you've always fought our guild and this was just an excuse.
I know I saw yourself and an archer moving around at luna after 12 last night, so why weren't you scouting then? (BTW; The archer turned off his tag after we noticed him?)
Again, the narcissism. How can you presume to know what I know?
Why would I be scouting at 12am? My char just finished on that shard, I was moving gold to the bank and LOL why does it matter? Why wasn't I scouting at 12 am? Because I don't work 2nd shift at a gas station and was heading to bed.
There is no excuse because there is nothing to hide. We are TB? Why don't you just let your tears flow because you won't be able to stick a pet on me.
So again, whatever it is, it is. People will always have opinions. You should know this. But as I said, unless you learn to go into champ spawns, you won't get much fighting. Unless of course you go red, and you can fight the GS guild, which is equivilent to fighting your best friend Malador over on GL.
Don't you worry about when/where we play or how we play. We are established on four shards now and if you want to turtle despise island you can do that, I have no problem switching to a different shard looking for people that want to fight.
However, if you want to chase us around the entrance to despise and get dropped quick like last time shoot me an icq 270541075. (yes I have screenshots for proof, do you?)
I've come to some conclusions from our somewhat limited interactions.
1.) Every shard I have seen you on you were playing a mediocre tamer.
2.) You really aren't good.
3.) You are a narcissist and for some reason think that everyone elses' decisions are based on something that you did/said/posted about.
4.) You will never post a screen shot that meets the following requirements on Stratics:
a. shows a kill shot message
b. is taken during the fight (no coming back 1 minute later using journal to show the message)
c. without doctoring it with Paint (you did it poorly last time, you used a clean task bar but there was a different character name, christ man - if you're going to doctor it at least do some spot checking of your work before posting)
5.) You continuously make things up, and from the looks of it you actually believe your own bull****.