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Chessy's PvP Trash Talk Thread

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Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread

So I took on bubbles tonight.... I died 4 out of 4 times. hehe. Some pictures for ya. Don't ask why I had an An Ex Por going for my final spell lol.



Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread

Was a good time, thanks! I did feel a little let down when you came with no fishing pole but its ok, I quickly got over it :) I need lots more practice so anyone who wants to mage duel with me, hit me up! 365-174-033!


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Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread

Cant even believe ur Godliness would vouch for someone who tries to pvp with the gimpest template in the game.. (but what else should i expect from FOA ha)..
Enough said about that wannabe pvper.

No one is responsible for my talk but me this is true champ!
I PERSONALLY have never done a harrower or any spawn with mob, so get ur facts straight. I cant vouch for my guild but im pretty sure none of them have either. We killed a mob person at the gate right before you guys showed up, so ur a confused little kid. Other than Drow i didn't talk trash, I dont have an ego in a video game, its just not me.. I actually said congrats to you and sami, although if you didnt have that noob there I think it would have went very different.

FInally you have me confused with someone else. Ive never fought you 1v1 ever! If ur the original eloominator, i believe on other posts ur one of the few ppl ive ever said actually had skill in FOA and would stay to fight instead of run like a girl! So sorry that ur boy drow is a noob, but if ur sooo godly in this computer game u shouldnt be running with someone with that temp, cuz you wouldnt need it.

P.S. I don't talk trash, I dont even say im a great pvper. Ive used a mage for no time at all. IVE STATED THAT NUMEROUS TIMES!!! I have a scrolled out tamer with a dread cu and dragon.. I could easily get kills on my tamer but id rather die on a real temp then win on a temp that i dont have to do nething cept say all kill haha!!! Sorry im not 12, I play straight up and dont care about dieing, just like to have fun! And yes i always do :p!! And FPD or atleast me and necro raid 5-10 plus in belief of getting a few kills but getting killed ourselves as well.. NOt like FOA that outnumbers, ganks, and if they're outnumbered flee for the hills.. OH no not my PUNKTE... MY ego cant take this!!!

PPS-when we had fields it was 2v3 with a dismount tamer. Put u and another mage against 2 plus a dismount tamer and u will die or run as well slick!! We went into heartwood to make it even 2v2 and u both were redlined and almost dead.. Like i said take the wannabe's out of this game and it would be more fun for all the rest.....

UO Take ALL KILL away from targeting players!!!!!!!!!!!

Reposted under Gareth's guidelines :p, I posted the second one before i checked my messages so my bad..


Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread

Unfortunatly we have not seen him here in a few days. I heard he got took for some items outta his house, apparently crushing his heart and maybe isn't playing? Who knows.


Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread

Unfortunatly we have not seen him here in a few days. I heard he got took for some items outta his house, apparently crushing his heart and maybe isn't playing? Who knows.
Sorry, honey. He's got some real life issues to deal with at the moment and it's not pretty. Let's all put aside our PVP rivalry for a moment and wish him the best. Once its resolved, I'm sure he'll come back get physical with you all again :heart:!

Mr Moosestache

Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread

That's actually very trashy of you Issac. Lox has had past medical issues, so this isn't just some sort of joke. People should really learn to look at UO as a game and not take things so personal. I hope you get better soon bud.

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread

Kijustsu Anei Village, The Chesapeake Community Cooperation and myself wish Lox the best and hope he returns to us soon.


Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread

hi guys
Lox when you get back hit me up and q and let me know your ok. hope your doing good!


Seasoned Veteran
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Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread

I heart lox....and nas....and paris....and Lac.......but i hate broli....HATE HIM!!!! oh and Drow....even though I dont know him......


Stratics Veteran
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Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread

That's actually very trashy of you Issac. Lox has had past medical issues, so this isn't just some sort of joke. People should really learn to look at UO as a game and not take things so personal. I hope you get better soon bud.
AGREED!! its a game!!!! Hope u get better lox!


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Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread

I heart lox....and nas....and paris....and Lac.......but i hate broli....HATE HIM!!!! oh and Drow....even though I dont know him......
LMAO... Dont worry, Drow is no one worth knowing

Bombastic Fail

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Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread

Sorry, honey. He's got some real life issues to deal with at the moment and it's not pretty. Let's all put aside our PVP rivalry for a moment and wish him the best. Once its resolved, I'm sure he'll come back get physical with you all again :heart:!
That's actually very trashy of you Issac. Lox has had past medical issues, so this isn't just some sort of joke. People should really learn to look at UO as a game and not take things so personal. I hope you get better soon bud.
Kijustsu Anei Village, The Chesapeake Community Cooperation and myself wish Lox the best and hope he returns to us soon.
hi guys
Lox when you get back hit me up and q and let me know your ok. hope your doing good!
I heart lox....and nas....and paris....and Lac.......but i hate broli....HATE HIM!!!! oh and Drow....even though I dont know him......
AGREED!! its a game!!!! Hope u get better lox!
You all likeeee me! You really like me!! :heart::heart:

Lol, no, all kidding aside, thanks peoples. Long story short, ya stuff got looted from my house, but that isn't why I haven't been on. I had to go to ER the other night, and recently all I've been doin is resting, sleeping, and taking meds! Hope to fix things soon and get back into PVP'n since everyone seems to miss me so much ;p

And don't worry, I believe in karma. It works for everyone and everything :thumbsup:


Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread

I heart lox....and nas....and paris....and Lac.......but i hate broli....HATE HIM!!!! oh and Drow....even though I dont know him......
Thanks big guy.

Thanks alot. :(

Lox hope you get better buddy.

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread

Ya Lox I lost umm 20 character transfer tokens... I miss you LOTS!!!

(Jk bout tokens)


Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread

That's actually very trashy of you Issac. Lox has had past medical issues, so this isn't just some sort of joke. People should really learn to look at UO as a game and not take things so personal. I hope you get better soon bud.

Feel better Lox, get lots of rest.


Seasoned Veteran
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Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread

Thanks big guy.

Thanks alot. :(

Lox hope you get better buddy.
Claire your canadian...and everyone who matters knows how I feel about canadians.....damn lumberjacks


Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread


Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread

*Grows tires of holding onto Canadian Personal Bless deeds*
Slower then our health care reform Clair.


Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread

Good to see your ok lox. and claire everybody knows Canadia has the best bacon!

Mr Moosestache

Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread

Yeah, I have some ham in my fridge right now. I love that Canadia bacon.


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Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread

no no claire.......i wish was a real canadian...VIVA QUEBEC!!!!!


Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread

Quebec is not part of Canada.

I do not know what you speak of.


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Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread

you sir need a map.....or an atlas....perhaps a globe.....but sir I am quite certain Quebec is part of canada........FOR NOW!!!!!

Bombastic Fail

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Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread

Good fights tonight MOB & FOA :thumbsup:

And thanks for everyone who wished me a speedy recovery :)


Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread


hope u feel better.

sorry to hear about being ripped off. That's never a good thing.


p.s. if you got any extra oxy contin or vicodin drop them in a plain brown bag behind the honesty shrine and i'll swing by and pick them up. medicinal purposes only of course :p


Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread

you sir need a map.....or an atlas....perhaps a globe.....but sir I am quite certain Quebec is part of canada........FOR NOW!!!!!

They want to be their own country haha.

WE should try to get some fights tonight.

So boreddddd..


Seasoned Veteran
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Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread

would love too....but my computer is in the shop...borrowing my roomates ****ty laptop to do work stuff.....and check my mail and stuff.....so no UO for me!....

Bombastic Fail

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Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread

BTW @ Lynk;

Dont come to chessy yelling "mage this, mage that" if you aren't willing to go to champs spawns. About 90% of the fighting is in the champ spawn areas on chesapeake, and the little field fighting (AKA Yew gate, etc) is met with a ton of dexxers (Since we don't get to use them that often). We have between 5-8 people active at most, and unless its a despise or lich spawn fight, we will only field 1-2 mages.

Disclaimer: This is for my guild; as I obvisiously don't speak for any other guild.

PS: Gareth get my AIM from someone so I can letcha know when there are fights. =]

ALSO: When Deacon comes back, he WILL put you on foot. Probably after he puts Broli on foot ;) LOL

But an overview for you:


UHOH: Read above [TB]

FOA: Usually number between 6-15. [Minax]
Don't drop items around them you won't get them back, aside from a few of the old RoT/UHOH members.

MoB: Somewhere between 2-12 (very sporadic numbers) [COM] May team up wit FPD if need be.
Pretty cool guys.

FPD: Between 2-5 [COM] May team up with MoB if need be.
Also pretty cool people.

I'd say join SL if you wanna fight people and don't wanna be lame and join someone's faction.
But if you don't want stat loss, I'd advise our faction.

And a bunch of random other guilds.

You have the blue GS guild, and they have an SL guild I do believe
(They usually play during the day when I'm not on)

OATH, Mainly trammies, but some are from other older pvp guilds.

FY, Mostly older FOA members like MoB or remains of Slipknots guild.

Sorry if I missed any other guilds. Been a long day.

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread


MoB not cool. Keeps items :p


Grand Poobah
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Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread

Sorry 'brah', but we already went TB.

I was transferring armor over for pps from great lakes and I have plenty of horses there, plus it appears to be the least active faction after 3 days of scouting.

If it is anything like other shards you'll just mad because you wont be able to use pets on us.

**Edit** and you can play whatever temps you want to, we play mages because they are the most effective. Your template choice has no bearing on my tactics as a leader and caller.

Bombastic Fail

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Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread

Well; I'd join our faction too, figuring we are the guild most likely to beat on you and put you into stat. But, unless you are red, or get over the whole "we dont do champ spawns" thing, you aren't going to be doing much but staring at GS at the gate. This isn't GL and for the most part (and its actually weird to say this) people don't house hide or fight out of houses here. But that's usually because of all the fighting at the spawns.

Anyways, we won't take you seriously being in our faction (No Stat / Pts) and will probably fight you if we are bored. That's about all. Oh, and I hope you guys get resist over here. :thumbup:


Grand Poobah
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Bombastic Fail

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Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread

I forgot to mention (Keep forgetting, I'm sorry Gareth :() We have Gareth and the crafters of great justice! They will sew you up, hit you with pickaxes, throw pies at you, and bonk you with fishing poles!!

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread

Pies and Fishing poles!!! Woot Woot!!!

Hey Pvpers I need your input. When do you want the PvP thread locked and remade? So you don't have to go over 60+ posts.

50 posts
60 posts
75 posts
90 posts


Any time it is locked I will transfer over the last 5-10posts to keep it going and also put a reference link on top to the old posts.

Bombastic Fail

Stratics Veteran
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Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread

Pies and Fishing poles!!! Woot Woot!!!

Hey Pvpers I need your input. When do you want the PvP thread locked and remade? So you don't have to go over 60+ posts.

50 posts
60 posts
75 posts
90 posts


Any time it is locked I will transfer over the last 5-10posts to keep it going and also put a reference link on top to the old posts.
I would say between 75-100 is sufficent.


Grand Poobah
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Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread

I suggest we do a fresh thread if/when someone posts a kill shot of me. This way I can pretend like it never happened.


Social Distancing Since '97
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Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread

So....you come to chessy to kill UHOH...But yet you join the same faction as them??

wow ok....LoL way to immediately make it so noone takes your guild seriously.


Grand Poobah
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Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread

So....you come to chessy to kill UHOH...But yet you join the same faction as them??

wow ok....LoL way to immediately make it so noone takes your guild seriously.
Oh no?!!? You don't take me seriously!?!?!? O Geez.

We came here for PvP chump, orange or not we'll still fight them.


Social Distancing Since '97
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Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread

LoL as much as I love anyone who hates Lox....You guys just scream trash :(

If you wanted to prove anything, you should have joined SL. Oh wait...but your afraid UHOH will put you in stat :(


Glad your ok Lox. I realized No Lox = UHOH doesn't log on...and when UHOH doesn't log on, no one wants to fight...and no one to fight = boring.


Grand Poobah
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Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread

LoL as much as I love anyone who hates Lox....You guys just scream trash :(

If you wanted to prove anything, you should have joined SL. Oh wait...but your afraid UHOH will put you in stat :(


Glad your ok Lox. I realized No Lox = UHOH doesn't log on...and when UHOH doesn't log on, no one wants to fight...and no one to fight = boring.
I'm going to be careful with my words, I hate insulting people who clearly have a learning disability.

3 days of scouting showed that TB had the least amount of presence in fel.

THEREFORE - TB is the chosen one.

Nastia Cross

Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread

I haven't been pvping much lately because I've been super busy with other things but I just wondered what shard you were scouting Lynk. I personally haven't seen ANY SL around at all, but like I said, I haven't been pvping much.

SL on Chessy:

TB on Chessy:

While I know uo.com isn't updating very reliably (it seems like half of the guild members of all the guilds on Chessy are not showing up this morning), if you go by faction points, TB is clearly more active than SL.


Grand Poobah
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Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread

I haven't been pvping much lately because I've been super busy with other things but I just wondered what shard you were scouting Lynk.
Cute. I scouted Chessy. I saw a lot of FoA, no TB, sporadic SL, and a few CoM.

Scouting was done at 7:00 p.m. CST. Route was Yew Gate, TB Base, Com Base, Demon Temple, Fire, Despice, marble down to COD.

I don't understand why everyone is crying that we went TB? Let me hand you a tissue.

UO.com hasn't been right for a while in terms of factions and members. Points listed mean nothing. I go by what I see.

Bombastic Fail

Stratics Veteran
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Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread

Cute. I scouted Chessy. I saw a lot of FoA, no TB, sporadic SL, and a few CoM.

Scouting was done at 7:00 p.m. CST. Route was Yew Gate, TB Base, Com Base, Demon Temple, Fire, Despice, marble down to COD.

I don't understand why everyone is crying that we went TB? Let me hand you a tissue.

UO.com hasn't been right for a while in terms of factions and members. Points listed mean nothing. I go by what I see.
Well either 1 of 3 things went down here.

1. You just joined our faction without any real scouting (Because obvisiously, if we are so inactive, why would you come to the shard we call home? That makes no sense)

2. You really did scout and haven't seen anyone [TB]. (Obvisiously, can be true, because I heard you made negative remarks about me being hospitalized and such also, which is fine. But some people hear about things like that and say "WELL! If Lox and Broli won't be on, and Kengo is on vacation, there goes 3 of our 4/5 numbers for the night. I'll go do something productive IRL)

3. You timetable is screwed up. You KNOW from fighting us on other shards we DON'T get on until 10pm and after. If you didn't know that from my various posts (Which you should), then you should know considering the times you've always fought our guild and this was just an excuse.
I know I saw yourself and an archer moving around at luna after 12 last night, so why weren't you scouting then? (BTW; The archer turned off his tag after we noticed him?)

So again, whatever it is, it is. People will always have opinions. You should know this. But as I said, unless you learn to go into champ spawns, you won't get much fighting. Unless of course you go red, and you can fight the GS guild, which is equivilent to fighting your best friend Malador over on GL.


Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread

Cute. I scouted Chessy. I saw a lot of FoA, no TB, sporadic SL, and a few CoM.

Scouting was done at 7:00 p.m. CST. Route was Yew Gate, TB Base, Com Base, Demon Temple, Fire, Despice, marble down to COD.

I don't understand why everyone is crying that we went TB? Let me hand you a tissue.

UO.com hasn't been right for a while in terms of factions and members. Points listed mean nothing. I go by what I see.

Honey, no one's crying that you went TB. A fight is a fight, whether you're orange, blue, green or red :heart:. Some people just think that your guild is taking the easy route by joining the same faction as the guild most likely to do your handsome selves bodily harm, thereby avoiding stat loss. Maybe that's why you joined, maybe it isn't--so long as you and your friends are ready to get rough, we'll always be ready for a throwdown:heart:!


Grand Poobah
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Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread

Well either 1 of 3 things went down here.

1. You just joined our faction without any real scouting (Because obvisiously, if we are so inactive, why would you come to the shard we call home? That makes no sense)
You are quite the narcissist. I find it funny that you think you played that heavy of a role in our choice of Chesapeake as the next server.

2. You really did scout and haven't seen anyone [TB]. (Obvisiously, can be true, because I heard you made negative remarks about me being hospitalized and such also, which is fine. But some people hear about things like that and say "WELL! If Lox and Broli won't be on, and Kengo is on vacation, there goes 3 of our 4/5 numbers for the night. I'll go do something productive IRL)
Man you just can't stop with spouting off garbage. I never said anything about you being in the hospital.

It really is this simple. I scouted a few days, saw what faction was the least active (during peak play times), and chose the faction. Are you that dense? Do you really just not get it?

3. You timetable is screwed up. You KNOW from fighting us on other shards we DON'T get on until 10pm and after. If you didn't know that from my various posts (Which you should), then you should know considering the times you've always fought our guild and this was just an excuse.
I know I saw yourself and an archer moving around at luna after 12 last night, so why weren't you scouting then? (BTW; The archer turned off his tag after we noticed him?)
Again, the narcissism. How can you presume to know what I know?

Why would I be scouting at 12am? My char just finished on that shard, I was moving gold to the bank and LOL why does it matter? Why wasn't I scouting at 12 am? Because I don't work 2nd shift at a gas station and was heading to bed.

There is no excuse because there is nothing to hide. We are TB? Why don't you just let your tears flow because you won't be able to stick a pet on me.

So again, whatever it is, it is. People will always have opinions. You should know this. But as I said, unless you learn to go into champ spawns, you won't get much fighting. Unless of course you go red, and you can fight the GS guild, which is equivilent to fighting your best friend Malador over on GL.
Don't you worry about when/where we play or how we play. We are established on four shards now and if you want to turtle despise island you can do that, I have no problem switching to a different shard looking for people that want to fight.

However, if you want to chase us around the entrance to despise and get dropped quick like last time shoot me an icq 270541075. (yes I have screenshots for proof, do you?)

I've come to some conclusions from our somewhat limited interactions.

1.) Every shard I have seen you on you were playing a mediocre tamer.

2.) You really aren't good.

3.) You are a narcissist and for some reason think that everyone elses' decisions are based on something that you did/said/posted about.

4.) You will never post a screen shot that meets the following requirements on Stratics:

a. shows a kill shot message
b. is taken during the fight (no coming back 1 minute later using journal to show the message)
c. without doctoring it with Paint (you did it poorly last time, you used a clean task bar but there was a different character name, christ man - if you're going to doctor it at least do some spot checking of your work before posting)

5.) You continuously make things up, and from the looks of it you actually believe your own bull****.


Social Distancing Since '97
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Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread

UHOH belongs to FoA. Im not going to let some trashy guild from another shard kill them instead of us.

Mr Trash, I hope you are ready to be run off our shard :(


Grand Poobah
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Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread

UHOH belongs to FoA. Im not going to let some trashy guild from another shard kill them instead of us.

Mr Trash, I hope you are ready to be run off our shard :(
I'm giddy with excitement.

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread

Clear a few things up from an outside perspective.

No implications spark plug, just making observations.

You heard right, coming 6 strong. Chessy will make shard number 4, or number 3 that we plan to chase you off of.

We'll be ready to PvP by Wednesday.
Also somewhere no direct quote but, if I recall correctly you said you decided to chase UHOH to their home shard or some other.

This is why they think you are coming to Chessy for UHOH.

Few other things. All of you! Watch your personal attacks on real life situations. The sexy purple hair poster keep up the good looks *wink* 2.0 can't wait to see you in action. Hope you bring much activity to the shard.


Re: Chessy's fight it out PvP Style Thread

UHOH belongs to FoA. Im not going to let some trashy guild from another shard kill them instead of us.

Mr Trash, I hope you are ready to be run off our shard :(
Oh, how exciting! A bond forged between rivals to defeat a common enemy :heart:! I feel a swoon coming on! Truly, our hearts meet on the battlefield and the magnificence of our combat will be told through the ages! FOA fighting to defend the right to fight their bitter rival! UHOH defending Liche and Barraccoon like a fortress caught in a pincer attack! Lynk's guild as the confident newcomers ready to take on all challenges!

Will there be temporary alliances? Epic three-way struggles? Will the Barraccoon take advantage of this distraction and pull a surprise victory?! Someone get Peter Jackson on the phone, I sense developments worthy of a movie :heart::heart::heart:!
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