"But now hes just trash like everyone else".
WOWZ = trash, because when a fight night was set up, they all came into an enclosed space and witherbombed everyone and killed them (I wasn't on, but it was posted numerous times) Hence, why no one trusts you guys.
Maybe you weren't there for that bud, but I'm sure you wouldnt disobey your gm when he yells "EVERYONE WITHERBOMB!!"
Your ally mates; FPD; drop a wall when no one is ready, then kill the spectators also, but when we switch chars with even numbers and come back and kill them, they forget to mention that part.
Does anyone else see a pattern here? I would like to know a time when a duel was set up specifically and UHOH; ROT; or even CHAMPS! did bullsh*t like this? But then again, all of you run around with XXX template/tamers and think its a golden age with super dragons. Were you the same people who were running WOD AI Stealth archers when that crap was out?
Now honestly for a second here, all sh*t talking aside; why does everyone use the dragons in PVP? Real answers here, no "OH WE LIKE THE TEMPLATE" because you would of liked it with a MARE/BEETLE before the dragon was out, and no one ran that crap except one kid I fought on GL. So is it to compete because you think everyone else is using it, or the easy way out template, or does it help with uneven numbers or something? Because I have the slightest clue as to why EVERYONE and their mothers are using this template.