And us Aussies who were unable to attend due to it being during our work hours....
And the Brits who couldnt make it due to it being late sunday night for them...
And the MANY who couldnt make it as they no longer have accounts
Id say though... that rally rivaled the Aussie shard rallie back in 99 for turnout.... though not quite reaching the same numbers... [which is to be expected since we did ours on a saturday US time so it was sunday for us and everyone was able to attend not to mention the subscription numbers were equal then and there was no need for multiple accounts *grins*]
Sorry I was not there... thankyou JC for setting it up.... Hope it sparks some more interest from the devs and EA themselves....
It is always nice to be able to demonstrate account numbers to the bigwigs through pictures that say "every single person here is a 12.99$ a month figure...."
So.. the support base upon those pictures alone actually heads into the $1,500 mark per month...
And that was a little publicised event.....
Perhaps we should make it a Bi-Monthly instalment JC?
Or just plan a follow up.... for a month from now..... to raise our army somewhat more
PM me if I can help with anything like that in any way