First off UO NEVER gad 285k subs. The max it had was right after AOS and I think they said it was 250k players. There are more than 15 subs playing UO at the moment also. I tell you what you get 50000 of the 285k+ people you somehow know personally and get them to come to stratics make an account and post how they want a pre uor server. They must also include names and phone numbers so we can verify them.
If that happens then I will stand corrected as enough people will be interested to make it worth EAs time. EA is not going to make ti first and hope they come. If I make a business plan and I do not show concrete how I will not only return the dev cost but also make a ton of money for EA they will never accept the idea.
EA is thinking alot of these people who want this pre uor server will get bored very fast once they realize it is not the same (and there is no way in hell it will be the same its not possible to time travel to 1999). How can they justify another pvp server when the one they have now is a failure? You say trust me just spend the money and hope I am right. Spouting these "facts" that have went from 100k subs will run to it to 285k subs will run to it (which is more subs than UO has total by double now) is just nonsense. With all the new games out noone will come back to the nightmare days of UO (well except for a few who were the dregs of the UO society back then and for everyone one drive off 5-6 players easy) and make a game the lowest form of mmorpg society would enjoy.
Just does not seem viable to me. Your free shards will not so easily give up the user base and the players of those free shards will not leave enmasse and join EA again. Never happen.
Also how can you call wanting to mkae UO into a success like WoW silly? You go tell the shareholders we want to lose money so some person can have a game he likes. Rather than lets make UO appeal to a broader audience and make millions. God forbid EA looks at making money over what you think is best.
[/ QUOTE ]
Gareth, I read some posts a few pages back with people flaming you, I was new to the forum and didnt really see why.... but I'm beginning to think it was well founded flaming.
For starters, could you HONESTLY not detect the sarcasm in my post? of course i know there arent just 15 subscriptions for UO, and of course i know there wouldnt have been as many as 285k subscribers to the game. Please point out Gareth, exactly where did i state that i knew all '258,000' of these UO players personally? did I say that? I dont think i did. (also, i realise the beginning of your post was an attempt at sarcasm, I thought i'd let you know that i knew this so you couldnt flame back saying how you were also being sarcastic).
Your whole argument is, its not 1999 therefore people cannot physically like something they enjoyed in that year, correct? Why so? I understand gaming has come a long way since, BUT this advancement has ONLY been in the field of graphics. There has not been a MMORPG to date that can rival UO's original skill/lvling system. I know I, and all of the friends I met in UO, and i'd bet pretty much everyone posting on this thread apart from you, would agree that UO had the most enjoyable and grind free play style of any MMORPG they've ever played. So why exactly would this not be enjoyable in the year 2005? it cant be because of the graphics Gareth, because your still playing UO now with its same old shabby graphic system. So why? It cant be because of the 'older' game systems, because they WERE better than the current ones. So why would people not enjoy it? why would people get bored?
Would you honestly say you think the current UO is a better game than it was at the beginning? If you think so, then you are not a true UO fan, and I can only come to the conclusion that you were basically not cut out for the original UO. its as simple as that i'm afraid.
I'm not saying making UO a success like WoW a silly idea, i'm calling trying to make UO THE SAME as WoW a VERY silly idea. BECAUSE ITS NOT THE SAME BLOODY GAME! the very basis of UO is different, the skill system, the pvp system, the loot system, the pve system, the group system, the travelling system, EVERYTHING is VERY different.
Its like taking Sonic and trying to turn it into Resident Evil, IT WONT WORK!
If you truely think EA can save UO by adding expansion after expansion, useless feature after useless feature, new random skill after new random skill, you are sadly mistaken. UO is dying, as i've said before it wont last a great deal longer, especially if EA keep going at the rate they have been.
The only thing that could save UO now is a pre UO:R shard, which is what I honestly think the majority of people that actually played pre UO:R would like. What harm could it possibly do? it couldnt surely make UO any worse? you'd still have your god aweful 'silly' servers, and the more serious gamers would have quality UO gameplay servers. I highly highly doubt it would lose EA any money, how much could it cost to un-develop a game? god i think even I could do that. And as i've said in many posts previous to this, running costs would be minimal as no major development would be nessasary for the pre UO:R shard.
I think your fighting a losing battle here Gareth. I dont quite see why you find the idea so offensive.. maybe its because deep down inside you realise nearly everyone from the current 'normal' servers would flock to the pre UO:R server and you'd be left alone in trammel.
I dont want to have a huge go at you, You are entitled to your opinion and I respect that, even if its very, very wrong.