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Sonoma PvP thread, v. 3.05 - ENTER AT OWN RISK

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Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Looks like its a bunch of the same old same old. Would it be worth coming back without getting sa or would a person be at too much of a disadvantage?

I don't know if any of the people i played with are still playing anymore. I have the itch, and reading the pvp thread always makes me laugh since its the same trash talk just a different day.

Only thing you miss with SA is the new skills. Mysticism is somewhat nice in PvP. You can get all the stuf fyou need imbued by folks and can use without SA. If your itching to see whats up though just get in game. if got any questions PM me or ICQ me...

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Peon...your adoration is noted. You can get off your knees now. :bowdown:

I had given you more credit for intelligence than you deserve, it seems. Lesson learned.. Peon..dumbass, in game...got it!

Besides being an absolutely horrid PvPer, you seem to be lacking in many other areas, in game. It is well known, even by anyone who has ever played with you...even by your own admission..that you wouldn't play this game without your "additives".

I PvP with none at all...and still dirtnap you and yours ...every...single... day. :thumbup:

LOL...can you claim the same (I won't say "with honesty" because that simply removes you from the equation)? :thumbdown:

Loser is all you are ever going to be Peon, until you grow up, man up and develop some sort of sense of honor towards yourself and the things that you do, ingame. Deal with it. I own you. It is no wonder why you absolutely idolize me. :loser:

:stir: in game


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Happy Thanksgiving to the PVP community on Sonoma. I love all of you!!! This includes Calisto, Ruff, KMS, TMI, Whoa, Peon, Woo, Goldberg, Jesse, Eli, Goldberg, Gernize, all of WAKA and LBC, Ruffles, Darth and even Lego (pretty much everyone who has ever killed me). If you got left out, then you probably only killed me once.

Darth, Lego also told me that he quit SCAM because you did and he wanted to follow his boy.


Balinor of Pk?

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Looks like its a bunch of the same old same old. Would it be worth coming back without getting sa or would a person be at too much of a disadvantage?

I don't know if any of the people i played with are still playing anymore. I have the itch, and reading the pvp thread always makes me laugh since its the same trash talk just a different day.

If any of you girls need me to come back and put SCAM into stat for you, just let me know. I'm a little busy owning up 2 other shards at the moment, but I always have time to stat a few SCAM.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

@ SNAKE....

Anyway.. being the Moronic Juvenile that I am I think I *Might* be able to simply laugh at your "oh soooo entertaining attempts" and just call it a day wishing everyone a Happy THX Giving and go Start cooking the Turkey for my Wife. Don't worry Snake I had her read the cooking instructions out loud to me since apparently the imbecile that I am probably can't read....

*oh good stuff =)

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Keep heaping the adoration on me son, the folks here at work are just busting a gut laughing at your feeble attempts.

In all seriousness though...

It is disturbing to see you refer to yourself as "Moronic Juvenile" and "imbecile" ...almost like someone called you that here. I searched back through the posts and did not find those terms used towards you. I would have chided anyone that did refer to you in those terms because I personally know they are not true. :mf_prop:

I know you to be a moderately intelligent (not as much as I thought though) young man...but....you are a dumbass (ingame), you lack moral integrity (ingame), you lack the ability to make good judgment decisions (ingame) and have the common sense of a sock (ingame). Did you perhaps have a Freudian slip there? Insightful...

That is very different. Do you need a hug? Maybe an explanation? :loser:

Maybe the folks here could suggest some self help reading material to try to help you.

I think that about covers it.

Anyways..Happy Thanksgiving All!


Happy late thanksgiving to all!

also i think Lego did not want to burn in bridges with scam, so he could go back if needed. Lego is cool to hang with, but will never be a good guildmate. He wants to be on top, but not be zerg. Well, you can not be on top with 3 guildmembers, and if you build up like scam did, then you get to much ego in one guild and it falls apart (just like it did).


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Widow Maker said in another Thread:

Referring to SCAM killing a bluebie doing DSP which apparently Snakes people Tried to protect...
Unfortunately, we could not overcome their enhanced game experience and allow you to finish it.
I'm going to simply assume your tying to imply that SCAM is Cheating somehow so lemme ask you this.
Pls explain How you collected the MASSIVE amounts of regular Gems needed to be the first person on Sonoma to 120 Imbuing?? eh? lol..

PS ... Any PvPer that scripts in PvP is just asking to get stomped on by someone smarter. You can't beat the human brain lol. It's funny to watch certain OJ's I fight Miraculously go from instant T-boxing para's to Not instant T-boxing when I sleep them isntead lol.. just cracks me up.

PPS... I forsee Excuses about How Snake's not actually BAD and SCAM just Cheats... lots of accusations to follow Me thinx.. Remeber Folks he's the mature adult amoungst all us kids too... lol

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Pls explain How you collected the MASSIVE amounts of regular Gems needed to be the first person on Sonoma to 120 Imbuing?? eh? lol..
Im gonna just toss it out..but gems spawn 500 at a time and insta respawn...after every 1k sold they increase cost by 1gp...yes...it gets more expensive, but you could in theory buy all the gems you needed to 120 imbueing from NPC gem vendors in around 1 hour max...I would figure would prolly take longer to write a script to do that, than to actually just go do it. Just a guess though.

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wow..I see the "assuming" saying bit Peon in the ass...hard!!

LAWLS..Peon, please do not insult people's intelligence here about your "enhanced" gaming experience. Remember..we sat in your vent for a long time. We know everything...we do stress "everything"... about your enhanced gaming experience. :loser:

We just chose not to be a part of it..you know..the whole self-respect thing that you seem to know nothing about. One of those "lacking" things we spoke of earlier. :loser:

As far as gems?? Bahahahahahahaaaaaaa.......once again, you demonstrate that my opinion of your overall knowledge base was seriously over estimated. Even the lowest UO newbie is laughing at you right now. I know pretty much everyone here is (thank you for pointing out the obvious to him BM, we're busting a gut at this kid right now).

Not that it needs explaining to anyone else..but for you..I will make an exception; Walking over to the gem NPC at the soul forge (right there, I might add) and spending obscene amounts of gold required such an incredible client enhancement, kinda along the lines of running through stuff..right Peon rolleyes:? LOL Remember... "everything". :loser:

Be honest with yourself and the things you do son. If you don't learn to apply that simple policy in everything you say and do, you're not going to be of much use to anyone..ever...ingame (of course). :thumbup:

With every post, Peon, you are showing yourself to be more and more pathetic...and a...

Dumbass. :loser:

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
SONOMA HERE I COME!!!! I shall be here in less than a week , in COM faction!!!
I think I have heard of you. I think I heard you was a big nub!! Not sure if you are who I think you are, but welcome aboard. Look forward to fighting with or against you.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think I have heard of you. I think I heard you was a big nub!! Not sure if you are who I think you are, but welcome aboard. Look forward to fighting with or against you.
Thanks for the welcome!! You heard wrong vile sir! I shall slay thee! :fight:


Well if you are a newbie, then you should probably go sl or minax, because those 2 guilds hold the newbies/crappy pvpers of the shard. If you go com, you will be in our faction, does not mean we won't kill you, but it's just sad we won't be able to stat ya :thumbdown:


Well if you are a newbie, then you should probably go sl or minax, because those 2 guilds hold the newbies/crappy pvpers of the shard. If you go com, you will be in our faction, does not mean we won't kill you, but it's just sad we won't be able to stat ya :thumbdown:
hahahaha well said...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well if you are a newbie, then you should probably go sl or minax, because those 2 guilds hold the newbies/crappy pvpers of the shard. If you go com, you will be in our faction, does not mean we won't kill you, but it's just sad we won't be able to stat ya :thumbdown:
Well , I'm going to be CoM no matter what. Joining my buddy WORD's crew.
: ] I am enthusiastic about fighting same faction.


the video of worm mia has been removed tmi you need to find a new one lol


Lookin forward to some good fights in the upcoming weeks...

On a side note the newcomers to Waka/LBC were dueling some SCAM members last night... the 2 lost to GOLDBERG however, Naka Yama Su Ki or however his name is spelled beat Gernize on top of the bank... Here comes SCAM with their butthurt tactics of ganking the victor shortly there after... Wow such class...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Lookin forward to some good fights in the upcoming weeks...

On a side note the newcomers to Waka/LBC were dueling some SCAM members last night... the 2 lost to GOLDBERG however, Naka Yama Su Ki or however his name is spelled beat Gernize on top of the bank... Here comes SCAM with their butthurt tactics of ganking the victor shortly there after... Wow such class...
LOL you are so full of ****, everyone there started ganking scam after their the "losses".

You even said yourself you lost 2 and won 1...

Scam 2 Zergliance 1, scam won the duel how do we gank the victors when it's clear that we won?


Here comes SCAM with their butthurt tactics of ganking the victor shortly there after... Wow such class...
... considering who is in scam, you expected something different?

LOL you are so full of ****, everyone there started ganking scam after their the "losses".

You even said yourself you lost 2 and won 1...

Scam 2 Zergliance 1, scam won the duel how do we gank the victors when it's clear that we won?
I've read this 4 times...can't make sense of it. Is it the late hour or is it just his usual gibberish?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
... considering who is in scam, you expected something different?

I've read this 4 times...can't make sense of it. Is it the late hour or is it just his usual gibberish?
Maybe you need some English 101.

Trinity girl in her post mentioned a total of 3 duels. 2 Wins goes to Goldberg and Gernize got killed once.

Ruffles sorry maybe it doesnt work like this on Mars but on Earth 2 is bigger than 1. We won the mage duels 2 out of 3 making us the victors so there's no point for the the winner (scam) to gank the victor (also scam).

Sigh, I am starting to worry about your kids.

And yet COP is still hiding. GG.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
WoW nice DSP fight, me and Eli just charged into 6 Waka zergliance and a few in Woowoo's guild.

The entire field of noob zerg that was fighting each other turned on us and it became an ugly 2 on 10+ (I had 10 enemy bars).

Eli got dismount ganked while I killed and stated Cushingara and Naka Yama whatever. 2 on 10, 2 kills and 1 death, not bad eh.

It was nice to see you guys working together man LBC, WAKA, KC, WORD's crew, PAL, Calisto (who I only saw for 1 second and left the sence) all held hands when 2 dreaded scam rolls in with less than 1/5 of your number total.

I wish we had more than 2 people tho, we still tried. Good job killing Eli tho (took you 2 deaths to do it), our new favorite COP zerg II.


Sigh, I am starting to worry about your kids.

And yet COP is still hiding. GG.
Awww War, don't worry yourself over my kids, ok? Even the 2 year olds have better communication skills than you do :)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hail to the Calisto the Queen, the Runner and the dead.

Lego (Crazy Leg) was focusing on sync dumping me with Cal while I was taking Calisto down. And after calisto is face planted solo by 1 scam(me) the new COP-Style zerg decided to hold hands because 2 scams are apperently too big of a threat while there are 8 of them.

Here's the truth behind the whole new zerg (COP died out and Waka to take over their reign with our new PAL zerglings)

8 on 2 and the 8 of them hold hands... a lie? think otherwise...


Hail to the Calisto the Queen, the Runner and the dead.

Lego (Crazy Leg) was focusing on sync dumping me with Cal while I was taking Calisto down. And after calisto is face planted solo by 1 scam(me) the new COP-Style zerg decided to hold hands because 2 scams are apperently too big of a threat while there are 8 of them.

Here's the truth behind the whole new zerg (COP died out and Waka to take over their reign with our new PAL zerglings)

8 on 2 and the 8 of them hold hands... a lie? think otherwise...
Ya know this is quite funny... yet only a partial tale of the whole story... We fought them shortly after keeping u guys in the house... And not more than 30 mins later we were fighting PAL and SCAM together since SCAM finally had the balls to come out... So post them screen shots too please??? Oh wait, I forget ur guild only paints the picture yall want ppl to see...

6-8 people is hardly a zerg brohammer... get a grip on reality...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ya know this is quite funny... yet only a partial tale of the whole story... We fought them shortly after keeping u guys in the house... And not more than 30 mins later we were fighting PAL and SCAM together since SCAM finally had the balls to come out... So post them screen shots too please??? Oh wait, I forget ur guild only paints the picture yall want ppl to see...

6-8 people is hardly a zerg brohammer... get a grip on reality...
Why dont you post something? You have video enhancement on your client that u cant even post something to counter mine?

Oh yea 8 people thats 4 times more people than we do and thats not a zerg I see sorry a zerg has to be a group with 10 times more people than the other with waka nooblet standard (which I understand you guys did ally zerglet 3F years ago just so weaklings like wakas can stand a chance again better players).

What's funny is PAL said they are fighting everyone yet hold hands with anyone if theres even 1 scam on. Scam is the only real stand alone guild so Lego/Woowoo/Waka you can save the lie and go down to the business next time.

I dont have to tell part of the story, I am the only one with hard evidence as usual, with all the liars we got here someone has to at least post some hard evidences.

According to the screenshots we can counter certain lies that liars here have mentioned before.

1. KC fights everyone. (False) They rolled with COP against Scam, and now they roll with everyone against scam.

2. PAL is a small and only lonewolf guild on sonoma (False, see pic tho I understand Calisto on his TAMER MAGE WITH WAND got face down ass up by my mage while Lego is nuking me and xhealing him can cause some haterd...)

3. Scam is the new COP because they zerg (number wise we arent skill wise we are a huge zerg with 2 to 3 players)

4. WAKA is the last mage guild (False, waka got wrecked in mage duels last night as stated by Trinity girl) also I see awefully lot of tamers and archers in Waka/LBC as well as our COP2s (old KC) and they are all holding hands (reasonable action in order to combat stronger individuals)

5. Waka is not a zerg (True, they only roll with quadruple number or they dont pvp and 400% more people hasnt met waka standard of a zerg).

6. I have yet to see any screenshots to counter my arguments (proved by actual ingame screenshots).

GG new COPs. :thumbup: I am loving it.
The only time I died today died to zero skill disarm moving shot from multiple archer that runs faster than me in straight line (died to PAL nice one lego for ur speed.) (It's just hard for clean, legit players like myself to survive nowdays).


I'm sorry... I'm not quite understanding u here... I seem to remember posting a picture (screenie in ur terms) showing my WHOLE screen... Nothing at all as far as "enhanced" programs running... U on the other hand sit here and talk bout people posting screenshots yet all urs r cropped... Quite funny cause when u hit print screen or take an actual screenshot it shows ur whole screen as u see it on ur monitor... Quite funny that u sit here and insinuate that everyone cheats yet there u r posting cropped screenshots...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm sorry... I'm not quite understanding u here... I seem to remember posting a picture (screenie in ur terms) showing my WHOLE screen... Nothing at all as far as "enhanced" programs running... U on the other hand sit here and talk bout people posting screenshots yet all urs r cropped... Quite funny cause when u hit print screen or take an actual screenshot it shows ur whole screen as u see it on ur monitor... Quite funny that u sit here and insinuate that everyone cheats yet there u r posting cropped screenshots...
Oh god loser's typical excuse again. I have posted them before, and stratics will not allow it to be zoomed in causing on-screen text unreadable.

e.g PvP full screenie

Texts barely visible...

I know your guild cant do what I can aka playing clean and legit, and sorry I have evidence supporting my arguments (often facts, because facts come with evidence).

I want you losers to read what's going on therefore the pic will have to be cropped... not because I have to go as low as you wakas and is scared to post clean valid screenshots like I can. Sigh, kiddo wannabes thesedays.

Just for you nooblets, I run a lot of programs as you can see.
From left to right (because it's barely visible also the reason I crop them)
Vent, ICQ, 5 Icq Conversations, Add Contacts, Tradespot, Master Volume, UO Client, UOAssist, UOAM, UOSU Folder, UOSU.
Wow that's a lot of game enhancement I have running, I am sure you wakas only run a few that I clearly do not have while I am PvPing.

Thanks for proving my points.


I've bothered to take 1 screen shot in the middle of fighting... clean shot of everything and u accuse me of cheating... Everyone is entitled to their opinion... It's whatever... think what u wish... I'm done chattin with ya cause in my post I clearly typed everything I wanted people to know and my picture was Nice and Large and everything was noticable... It's all good... I really don't have the desire to waste my time taking screenshots... "Legit" players will admit when others r telling the truth...

Such as u only dying once last night... I have evidence that states otherwise... I got u on ii and Calisto got u on Akatsori or whatever name ur other mage is... I have a screenshot to post when I get home from work... So already I've caught u in a lie... Next???

P.S. In that screenshot it is PLAINLY visible that hey guess what WAKA is attacking PAL... Imagine that... Lie number 2 by WarUltima that we were holding PAL's hands... Next???


I use *********** to use as my host for screenshots. It posts a nice sized little thumbnail on stratics then you can click the little arrows in the bottom right hand corner to enlarge it to full sized so that you can see the conversations, the names, etc. It's prety darn easy to upload the pictures there too. Give it a try for your screen shots.

As for War calling everyone a liar...HAHAHAHAHAHA.

War, just because someone has a different point of view than you do, does not make them a liar. You might want to look the word up before you so freely toss it around.


...I dont have to tell part of the story, I am the only one with hard evidence as usual, with all the liars we got here someone has to at least post some hard evidences.

According to the screenshots we can counter certain lies that liars here have mentioned before.
A screenshot is a captured moment in time...it does not tell a whole story. It is not hard evidence other than who or what was on the screen at that precise moment in time. It does not tell what happened before or after that moment.

1. KC fights everyone. (False) They rolled with COP against Scam, and now they roll with everyone against scam.
Just because KC may fight along side anyone to kill scam does not mean that they will not fight COP as well. I guess people are seeing scam for what they are and don't like ya'll very much. Want some cheese to go with your whine?

2. PAL is a small and only lonewolf guild on sonoma (False, see pic tho I understand Calisto on his TAMER MAGE WITH WAND got face down ass up by my mage while Lego is nuking me and xhealing him can cause some haterd...)
You make a statement, call it false and then do not provide any proof. All you do is brag how you killed someone. Illogical.

3. Scam is the new COP because they zerg (number wise we arent skill wise we are a huge zerg with 2 to 3 players)
...might want to look up "zerg" in the dictionary on this one. A zerg is a force that uses numbers rather than skill to win battles. I know you want to be like COP, but quite frankly, War, you just don't have what it takes...

4. WAKA is the last mage guild (False, waka got wrecked in mage duels last night as stated by Trinity girl) also I see awefully lot of tamers and archers in Waka/LBC as well as our COP2s (old KC) and they are all holding hands (reasonable action in order to combat stronger individuals)
Hmmm..in the first few lines you state Waka is a mage guild, then you state they were in mage duels. Ummm, isn't that kinda sorta the duels that mages do? I can't say I have seen Waka on anything other than mages, but when you start tossing other templates along with other guilds, it does kinda sorta confuse things. You must be a very confused person...

5. Waka is not a zerg (True, they only roll with quadruple number or they dont pvp and 400% more people hasnt met waka standard of a zerg).
Confused again, war?

6. I have yet to see any screenshots to counter my arguments (proved by actual ingame screenshots).
Cannot prove much with screenshots alone...that is why most people do not soley rely on them to prove a point.

The only time I died today died to zero skill disarm moving shot from multiple archer that runs faster than me in straight line (died to PAL nice one lego for ur speed.) (It's just hard for clean, legit players like myself to survive nowdays).
So you died to someone with zero skill? War, even I can do better than that!!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've bothered to take 1 screen shot in the middle of fighting... clean shot of everything and u accuse me of cheating... Everyone is entitled to their opinion... It's whatever... think what u wish... I'm done chattin with ya cause in my post I clearly typed everything I wanted people to know and my picture was Nice and Large and everything was noticable... It's all good... I really don't have the desire to waste my time taking screenshots... "Legit" players will admit when others r telling the truth...

Such as u only dying once last night... I have evidence that states otherwise... I got u on ii and Calisto got u on Akatsori or whatever name ur other mage is... I have a screenshot to post when I get home from work... So already I've caught u in a lie... Next???

P.S. In that screenshot it is PLAINLY visible that hey guess what WAKA is attacking PAL... Imagine that... Lie number 2 by WarUltima that we were holding PAL's hands... Next???
Ok so cut the crap where's your evidence of me dying. Please post them to prove that you arent full of **** that you are. You have yet to kill me once, I am sorry I know you really really really want to but you cant. But you could tho, get a lot of friends with you and try to catch me on foot. Waka style is overpower people with at least 400% more # right =)

See my screenshots? exactly where's yours?
Cal AND Lego got me in between houses with fields in middle on their archers while I was disarmed and I said I died to them. There's no shame considering they ganked me, I do have a very nice screenshots taking Calisto down while Lego is ganking me. I kill Calisto 1v2, then got killed 1v2 of course he's furious. I mean I was on my tamer mage versus Lego's tamer mage + pet AND calisto's tamer mage with pet with wand. If I was a waka i would've been running away not trying to fight.

I dont know why some people has to zerg to stand a chance tho. I am loving it, Scam vs shard of zergliance. Exactly what I am looking for.


Ok so cut the crap where's your evidence of me dying. Please post them to prove that you arent full of **** that you are. You have yet to kill me once, I am sorry I know you really really really want to but you cant. But you could tho, get a lot of friends with you and try to catch me on foot. Waka style is overpower people with at least 400% more # right =)

See my screenshots? exactly where's yours?
Cal AND Lego got me in between houses with fields in middle on their archers while I was disarmed and I said I died to them. There's no shame considering they ganked me, I do have a very nice screenshots taking Calisto down while Lego is ganking me. I kill Calisto 1v2, then got killed 1v2 of course he's furious. I mean I was on my tamer mage versus Lego's tamer mage + pet AND calisto's tamer mage with pet with wand. If I was a waka i would've been running away not trying to fight.

I dont know why some people has to zerg to stand a chance tho. I am loving it, Scam vs shard of zergliance. Exactly what I am looking for.
9-10 people is not a zerg... Where u fail to understand is it's not our fault that ur guild is losing members or failing to log on and fight us... Wonder why that is??? Maybe u guys can tell me why SCAM doesn't log on anymore??? Realious, Mercades, Miss Behaven, that silly archer with the silly macro that says "Beware the blue arrow" or something lame like that... Just those guys alone would give u even numbers... Just some food for thought... U've seemed to run off at least 7 people over the past couple months...

One thing u can count on is we (Waka) logged on and fought even with 4 people... Sure we may have picked the people we wanted to fight from the gzone, big deal... U do it from ur house as shown from ur screenshot... No difference there right???

As far as ur death(s) last night??? I don't have to prove that u died... U admitted to it... no need to go any further with that... Ii had 70+ points... He's under 70 points now on uo.com faction leaderboards... go look for urself if ur still unsure if u died and u need proof... LMAO... Onto the 2nd death... Hopefully Ruffles' recommendation shows up... here goes...


it appears as tho u can't zoom... oh wells...


9-10 people is not a zerg... Where u fail to understand is it's not our fault that ur guild is losing members or failing to log on and fight us... Wonder why that is??? Maybe u guys can tell me why SCAM doesn't log on anymore??? Realious, Mercades, Miss Behaven, that silly archer with the silly macro that says "Beware the blue arrow" or something lame like that... Just those guys alone would give u even numbers... Just some food for thought... U've seemed to run off at least 7 people over the past couple months...

One thing u can count on is we (Waka) logged on and fought even with 4 people... Sure we may have picked the people we wanted to fight from the gzone, big deal... U do it from ur house as shown from ur screenshot... No difference there right???

As far as ur death(s) last night??? I don't have to prove that u died... U admitted to it... no need to go any further with that... Ii had 70+ points... He's under 70 points now on uo.com faction leaderboards... go look for urself if ur still unsure if u died and u need proof... LMAO... Onto the 2nd death... Hopefully Ruffles' recommendation shows up... here goes...


it appears as tho u can't zoom... oh wells...
He won't ever understand Trinity. Even last night in Despise it was just Me KMS and Pain Mercy logged in at the end. But we fought you all for hours. SCAM left. War Ultima will never go outside his house out numbered. He is a complete coward with little to no skill. COP was out numbered a lot but still we came out and fought. It was a lot of fun. Glad to see some action.

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just a little uh hum poke, but WarUltima...why is there just a giant white gaggle of names in your UOAM??? Looks like you are out figthing with more than just 2-3 people...SCAM has the numbers...yall just log on at diff times that Waka does. So its all excuses. Also if you were as good as you claim you would actually come out and fight outnumbered. Kill everyone and then laugh about it. You dont though.....neways..Im crashing...work early and got better things to do atm that talk **** to you...

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
He won't ever understand Trinity. Even last night in Despise it was just Me KMS and Pain Mercy logged in at the end. But we fought you all for hours. SCAM left. War Ultima will never go outside his house out numbered. He is a complete coward with little to no skill. COP was out numbered a lot but still we came out and fought. It was a lot of fun. Glad to see some action.
Get your ZERGlings on TMI. We want more fights!!!


Just a test....


yep it worked for me


go to ***********

upload image you can browse...use the default for the size

on share this image chose the image code for forums and message boards

copy paste it onto the forum message

click on the picture once and it will increase in size and have arrows in the bottom left corner...click on the arrows icon and it will open to full size.


test on trinity's

only thing i can think of trin, is that the image you uploaded was a thumbnail.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
He won't ever understand Trinity. Even last night in Despise it was just Me KMS and Pain Mercy logged in at the end. But we fought you all for hours. SCAM left. War Ultima will never go outside his house out numbered. He is a complete coward with little to no skill. COP was out numbered a lot but still we came out and fought. It was a lot of fun. Glad to see some action.
Haha looky loser holding hands. Sorry but you are talking to the 2 scam that charged into the swarm of you zerglings at dsp for hours 2 days ago.

That's again 2 on 10+, TMI would have turned on his crap and run straight line.
Just got down stating you cops and waka/kc/cop alliance. It's funny even cop held hands with LBC when the 4 scam came on. It was 4 on 10+ again.

Sorry TMI I know your client cannot take screenshots, and it's funny to see trinity post that tiny tiny pictures that did not cover any tree. Sorry, but I always have proof and 95% of the times liars do not. And I died to PAL as I said I did. I dont keep track of my points I just kill a lot more than I die, outnumbered by 4x more people on daily basis. If you dont have actual physical proof dont lie here, it's getting old. And with my monitor resolution stratics will not allow a clear full screen images. I posted anyways.

Either way I have either a full taskbar screenies that you cant read or cropped pictures with nothing funky on screen, they all show someone got face down ass up. Id love to see (even if it's cropped) a screenshot showing me died to anyone 1v1.

Calisto died to me 2 v 1 as proven by screenshot so much for a super pvper:thumbdown: and other than Lego was clearly Ebolting me and Ghealing him the only other dude that was there was a waka-alliance bluebie that you see in the next screenshot clearly holding hands with everyone there but scam.

Show us some evidence and cut the lies, I dont have to "understand" lies if I held the facts with the ability to prove it. Here's some more screenshots for tonight's slaughter just for you TMI. :thumbup:

Trent and Kms ran away...

20 minutes later.... Of course recently defeated. Trent and KMS ran away again...

Tons of oranges, Toxics was holding hands with COP and Waka when he take the dirtnap. Too bad his Enhanced Ingame Speed Experience did not help him there.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend


Wow nice but the ads are pretty annoying tho.
Btw Ruffles none of your battle leaders can do this (I think you know it better).



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks for everybody who sent a welcome my way!!! I'm xfering here tomorrow if I get a token!! If not , whenever I get a good deal on an xfer!!!
I can't wait to join the fights!!!! : ]

:heart:33 I hope I find a place in my heart for Sonoma. :heart: :stir: :fight:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks for everybody who sent a welcome my way!!! I'm xfering here tomorrow if I get a token!! If not , whenever I get a good deal on an xfer!!!
I can't wait to join the fights!!!! : ]

:heart:33 I hope I find a place in my heart for Sonoma. :heart: :stir: :fight:
Welcome there's more action now that waka has a zerg alliance.
You guys will either be the 5th force or join up with the COP2 alliance.

1. COP (Min) (works with KC, Waka, PAL when scams are present)

2. Waka/LBC (CoM) (a lot of holding hands with this guild, very zerggy they been zergier than cop for the past few days, works with all other guilds when Scams are present)

3. PAL (TB)(smaller scale guild, works with all other guilds as well when scams are present).

4. $CAM (SL) (much smaller than we used to be, often fighting outnumbered, only guild remaining that do not hold hands).

I didnt mention KC because they are basically with Waka alliance now as the one true and only COP2 of Sonoma. Tons of stealthers and archers run very fast on the field for some reason. They often get on blues when they are stated and/or assisting COPs/PAL against Scam.

When there are $cam regardless how little number we have, it is well known Sonoma shard vs $cam guild, basically zerg or Scam. (reasonable solution)

When there's no scam they usually hold hands against COP, then they will fight each other if nothing else is going on.

That's about all you need to know about sonoma pvp, looks like you will be with the new zergliance since you mentioned you are going CoM (and I think your friends also joined the Wakas/LBC aka COP2 Alliance).

As you can see in screenshots, we do not have friendly guilds (PAL used to help us against Sonoma, turned on us after a few slaughters on top of that it's calisto's failure in failing to run away because he think he had me ganked 2 v 1).


Welcome there's more action now that waka has a zerg alliance.
You guys will either be the 5th force or join up with the COP2 alliance.

1. COP (Min) (works with KC, Waka, PAL when scams are present)

2. Waka/LBC (CoM) (a lot of holding hands with this guild, very zerggy they been zergier than cop for the past few days, works with all other guilds when Scams are present)

3. PAL (TB)(smaller scale guild, works with all other guilds as well when scams are present).

4. $CAM (SL) (much smaller than we used to be, often fighting outnumbered, only guild remaining that do not hold hands).

I didnt mention KC because they are basically with Waka alliance now as the one true and only COP2 of Sonoma. Tons of stealthers and archers run very fast on the field for some reason. They often get on blues when they are stated and/or assisting COPs/PAL against Scam.

When there are $cam regardless how little number we have, it is well known Sonoma shard vs $cam guild, basically zerg or Scam. (reasonable solution)

When there's no scam they usually hold hands against COP, then they will fight each other if nothing else is going on.

That's about all you need to know about sonoma pvp, looks like you will be with the new zergliance since you mentioned you are going CoM (and I think your friends also joined the Wakas/LBC aka COP2 Alliance).

As you can see in screenshots, we do not have friendly guilds (PAL used to help us against Sonoma, turned on us after a few slaughters on top of that it's calisto's failure in failing to run away because he think he had me ganked 2 v 1).
Don't pay this guy any mind... He complains that there aren't any fights... then he complains that there's too many people to fight...

He's too ignorant to realize that Waka and LBC r the same set of people... I know it's a hard concept to grasp for simpleminded leet speaking video game players...

As far as the holding hands??? and SCAM never helping another guild out??? I'm gonna call bull**** cause just last night COP and SCAM "teamed" up to take on LBC in the green fields... yall came at us from 2 different sides... Of course WarUltima wasn't around so he wouldn't have the slightest clue what he's talking about once again... So once again he comments on old stuff when everyday is a different day and with each day brings different fights and temporary "teaming" up...

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
1. COP (Min) (works with SCAM when PAL/WAKA/LBC are present, will fight SCAM if no-one else around. Usually found making love to their house.)

2. Waka/LBC (CoM) (fights all guilds, may not be attacking one at a specific time but when their current target is gone will absolutely continue to fight whoever is left)

3. PAL (TB) (smaller scale guild, see #2).

4. $CAM (SL) (#1 whiners. Likes to hang off COPs sack whenever they can).

Fixed that for you, War, to reflect reality and truth. :party:


Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Toxics was holding hands with COP and Waka when he take the dirtnap. Too bad his Enhanced Ingame Speed Experience did not help him there.
IDK about the COP part. We shoot for who we feel like. Sometimes we just feel like killing SCAM over COP and vice versa. As far as holding hands with Waka. Just so you can comprehend it. K_C and Waka are the same guild.....We have pretty much merged. I stay out of the politics of things, but Wyld, Snake, Bear, and the rest of the gang (sorry if left your name out) are in vent with myself, trin, willy, ham and the rest of waka (again sorry if left name out).

Now as far as zerging it up. Whatever you wanna say. I seem too remember being in scam and there being 11 people on in SCAM vent 1-2 times a week average was around 8. We have 6-8 on usually. Sorry if yall dont feild those numbers anymore and yall pissed off/bored your members. Why dont you get all the folks who quit because there were not fights back. Theres an idea. That or do some recruiting. That or just fight and have fun. Its a game. Im actually going to be on for a bit tonight myself. See you in the field...hopefully...


Good luck seeing HIM on the field... I've been fighting everynight the past 2 weeks and I think I've seen HIM out of the house 2 nights... 1 night he died on both the chars he played... As stated it is not our fault that SCAM ran people off and that the others simply just don't log on at all... Instead of War coming on here and complaining maybe he should ICQ his guildies and tell them to come play...
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