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Sonoma PvP thread, v. 3.05 - ENTER AT OWN RISK

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Black Majick

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LMAO...heard scam has lost atleast two more in the past couple days...LOL!!! Mix thigns up!! I like it!!!

Balinor of Pk?

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
LMAO...heard scam has lost atleast two more in the past couple days...LOL!!! Mix thigns up!! I like it!!!
That's because SCAM/MOO as a group can't get along for more than a summer before they all get sick of each other. Especially that noob Steve. That guy is so annoying, I think he hates himself. haha


LMAO...heard scam has lost atleast two more in the past couple days...LOL!!! Mix thigns up!! I like it!!!
Ya know what I found funny, was a little birdie told me how obsessed a few of SCAM's members were over me... I heard some pretty funny stuff...

GOLDBERG for example "Someone come get Trinity off me"

NEO/WarUltima "I want ASS UP Trinity"

LMAO... that last one was classic... Makes someone wonder his ummmm, "preference" if u guys know what I mean...

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
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PvP has been a bit boring with this Halloween crap going on but it will soon end.

I see that SCAM's ranks are getting..a bit thin one might say?

I would like to say I am surprised...but I am not..so I won't say it. All I will say to my friends over there..ITYS!

Certain folks, and you know who you are, are welcome with us in KC anytime. Some of you I miss playing with.

Anyways, see you all back on the field when this Halloween crap is over.

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That's because SCAM/MOO as a group can't get along for more than a summer before they all get sick of each other. Especially that noob Steve. That guy is so annoying, I think he hates himself. haha
Hrmmm....It must be a coincidence this guys name happens to be steve. Mine IRL is...haha...I dont remember him from while I was in SCAM. Hopeing not talking about be Vhinn. Ill have to come find you and give you a dirt nap! If it is at me, I do hate myself, for ever joining SCAM!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dont play that card dude.
Silbuster was red for YEARS, took stat countless times. I retired that account.
Balla has always been red, was in statloss for over a freaking year.
I even Pked people on my dad's crafter Tim the Toolman.
Donovan another one of my old friend's account that I got given to me, he was red.
Evil Assassin/Tainted spirit, all red and in statloss.

If I ever seen your name in even UO:R I don't remember it at 'all'.

Every name I listed has been apart of Sonoma before your time.

Your hear bragging about BS.
Sorry kiddo, UOR is what happened a few years after I started UO. So I really dont see your points. I probably went thru more accounts than all Waka nooblets combined. Thats about $2500 profit from selling my arround thru my 12 years of UO. I was playng when UO graphics was even more ****ter and your 2D character looks like stick figure.

And I am sorry you just arent in game long enough to experience the ear that the game actually took skill. As for great pvpers they adapt, just like what I said I stuck my hally right up yours and ASS YOU UP back then when you were some noob thats making bandanas for gold and looks like I am still assing you up. Quit the game you cannot win (you just cant beat a vet who was invited to join the closed beta of UO). But at least you can get some skill and win something that you can do NOW, that you and your entire guild has failed to do.


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
I am in vent with my guildmates and you are not...Thank God. Both Ruff Ryder and No Mercy are hands down far above anyone left in SCAM on the maturity scale. As for ettiquette? Who says one has to be polite when killing your enemies?

In case you haven't noticed, never once did I include myself in the better group of PvP'ers, not once. I am observant though and can tell when someone is only adequate at PvP. War falls into the barely adequate group and his frequent boasting about how great HE is is silly at best. SCAM is pretty in a group of 6 or better, but they give up pretty quickly when they start getting owned. I have seen and battled with many in KC & WAKA, they beat SCAM hands down as formidable enemies and that makes the game challenging and fun. COP are tenacious...they love to fight for the sheer joy of the battles. Yes we die, in my case more than most, but the FUN of the battles are what is first and formost. Winning is just icing on the cake.

It makes me laugh when I read War's post because he reminds me of a wee little banty rooster that thinks he is so great when all he is is just crowing.

Oh, and War...can you possibly come up with a new phrase for killing? ASS UP is getting VERY old and tired.
LOL Ruffles you still plays? Sorry but you need to scroll back and read some posts from the last PvP thread. I have killed AND cought on screenshot on ASSING UP TMI at least 20 times and thats just TMI along. KMS probably 10, and I wont even go into the whole stealthers that I killed.

Maybe you need to check out the war score we have stated your kiddie brothers and sisters so much that forced TMI and KMS to take characters out of the warring guild to avoid surrendering.

Wolfie joined Mofo2 to avoid pvping and getting stated and all your point horders (including your own) chickened out and joined the other guild to ensure your safety on your home in trammel land.

You just missed a lot of action girl. And your childish guildies that left warring cop guild also. Thank god you arent in my vent I will hate to get yelled for when I say something like YOU SUXXXXX. Still havent giving me the character names for your hubby and kids and if you do make sure they dont come to fel or hope they are stealthers too (I bet they are).

Again if COP is such a great guild why dont you take a close look at your WINNING NUMBERS. :coco: And I dont PvP in UO to pamper noobies by telling them nice things when I FACE THEM DOWN and ASS THEM UP. Maybe COP is caring like that but Scam was never a softcore guild like that. So sorry.

As for the ASSING UP? nothing fits better for COP, look at the 50ish screenshots I got in there and tell me a few that TMI or KMS wasnt dead ass up.



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Stratics Legend
LOL Ruffles you still plays? Sorry but you need to scroll back and read some posts from the last PvP thread. I have killed AND cought on screenshot on ASSING UP TMI at least 20 times and thats just TMI along. KMS probably 10, and I wont even go into the whole stealthers that I killed.

Maybe you need to check out the war score we have stated your kiddie brothers and sisters so much that forced TMI and KMS to take characters out of the warring guild to avoid surrendering.

Wolfie joined Mofo2 to avoid pvping and getting stated and all your point horders (including your own) chickened out and joined the other guild to ensure your safety on your home in trammel land.

You just missed a lot of action girl. And your childish guildies that left warring cop guild also. Thank god you arent in my vent I will hate to get yelled for when I say something like YOU SUXXXXX. Still havent giving me the character names for your hubby and kids and if you do make sure they dont come to fel or hope they are stealthers too (I bet they are).

Again if COP is such a great guild why dont you take a close look at your WINNING NUMBERS. :coco: And I dont PvP in UO to pamper noobies by telling them nice things when I FACE THEM DOWN and ASS THEM UP. Maybe COP is caring like that but Scam was never a softcore guild like that. So sorry.

As for the ASSING UP? nothing fits better for COP, look at the 50ish screenshots I got in there and tell me a few that TMI or KMS wasnt dead ass up.

Just WOW at how blantly f*cking stupid you are War.

You comment on things you know jack sh*t about.

I personally dropped my char Wolfe from the war guild due to me having a different char now (Saphira). Wolfe has been, still is and will always be a damn PVM char.

As for our members joining our other guild.. what the hell is wrong with you ?? Did you not get the memo about guilds factioned and non factioned being un-allianced. We had some chars that were in the ONLY faction guild the alliance had the time, but after we dealt early on with the change coming, we were able to use 2 faction guilds.. Sorry that you can't kill my point holder, I mean she is a crafter after all.

Please before you let loose the crap that usually comes from your mouth, know your facts.

You CANNOT win UO War, give it up already.

Balinor of Pk?

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hey, idiots, I personally went through a lot of CRAP to get this thread opened up and useable again. In the rules it's clearly stated that you shouldn't avoid the word filter. You know some overzealous mod will close this thread for one persons actions. So shut it. It doesn't make you cool to avoid the word filter. It makes you look uneducated.


LOL Ruffles you still plays? Sorry but you need to scroll back and read some posts from the last PvP thread. I have killed AND cought on screenshot on ASSING UP TMI at least 20 times and thats just TMI along. KMS probably 10, and I wont even go into the whole stealthers that I killed.

Maybe you need to check out the war score we have stated your kiddie brothers and sisters so much that forced TMI and KMS to take characters out of the warring guild to avoid surrendering.

Wolfie joined Mofo2 to avoid pvping and getting stated and all your point horders (including your own) chickened out and joined the other guild to ensure your safety on your home in trammel land.

You just missed a lot of action girl. And your childish guildies that left warring cop guild also. Thank god you arent in my vent I will hate to get yelled for when I say something like YOU SUXXXXX. Still havent giving me the character names for your hubby and kids and if you do make sure they dont come to fel or hope they are stealthers too (I bet they are).

Again if COP is such a great guild why dont you take a close look at your WINNING NUMBERS. :coco: And I dont PvP in UO to pamper noobies by telling them nice things when I FACE THEM DOWN and ASS THEM UP. Maybe COP is caring like that but Scam was never a softcore guild like that. So sorry.

As for the ASSING UP? nothing fits better for COP, look at the 50ish screenshots I got in there and tell me a few that TMI or KMS wasnt dead ass up.

Well, we know how you are getting those points... You come out only when you have numbers, then get couple of kills. Once one of you dies you all log off so and don't come back at all. Again, you log on to get couple of kills then log off as soon as you lose couple of your girlfriends.
Get over yourself War, you are really nothing but a lonely teenager with nothing better to do than come here and cry.


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Transformer Said:
Well, we know how you are getting those points... You come out only when you have numbers, then get couple of kills. Once one of you dies you all log off so and don't come back at all.
lol.. Actually I was on Sa-Vok last night & there was 5 Cop vs ME.. I got three kills they got 0.... But of course that's what you get when you PvP with people like Sugar / Spice / Ruffles.. I mean heck.. it was like stepping on bugs...

RUFFLES.... notice how Mature your guildmates are... lol @ Wolfe...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
P.S. Vexxed, maturity has nothing to do with it. I mean I'd be ashamed too to if I was guilded to the Biggest Dumbass (War) in UO. It's ok though, at least COP doesn't remove themselves from the warring nightly like $cam does (Haylee, Miss Behavin, GuPowers). Oh well, orange at night, blue during the day.


No War, I haven't quit UO or COP. Family as always comes first and for the last month have been in the states with family. I got to play for a bit last night actually and as usual, Sa-vok came barely onto the screen, well his name did but then went scampering into his house. Stepping on bugs?? HAHAHAHAHAHA you didn't come out of your house long enough to kill bunnies let alone anyone at the gate! A little bird told me that SCAM made a presence earlier, one died and the rest logged. Such "GREAT" PvP'ers! HAHAHAHAHAHA

Also saw brown bear/bruno/and one other of his. Even outnumbered he at least kept fighting from the house. Can't say I blame him though for staying inside there were 6 of us outside his house. Then there were the "brave souls" of Calisto's group...there were 5 of them but didn't get further than 5 steps from the house before they went scampering back. I DO understand though...even when Calisto was in COP he wasn't very brave on his own.

As for you War...I still stand by the statement that you are barely adequate as a PvPer. Who are you to call anyone names or criticize HOW they play UO? If you are claiming the right to do so based on skill then perhaps you should tuck you're little rat tail between your legs and scurry back to Trammel yourself.

Don't anyone surrender the war!! I can hardly wait to get home and fight!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No War, I haven't quit UO or COP. Family as always comes first and for the last month have been in the states with family. I got to play for a bit last night actually and as usual, Sa-vok came barely onto the screen, well his name did but then went scampering into his house. Stepping on bugs?? HAHAHAHAHAHA you didn't come out of your house long enough to kill bunnies let alone anyone at the gate! A little bird told me that SCAM made a presence earlier, one died and the rest logged. Such "GREAT" PvP'ers! HAHAHAHAHAHA

Also saw brown bear/bruno/and one other of his. Even outnumbered he at least kept fighting from the house. Can't say I blame him though for staying inside there were 6 of us outside his house. Then there were the "brave souls" of Calisto's group...there were 5 of them but didn't get further than 5 steps from the house before they went scampering back. I DO understand though...even when Calisto was in COP he wasn't very brave on his own.

As for you War...I still stand by the statement that you are barely adequate as a PvPer. Who are you to call anyone names or criticize HOW they play UO? If you are claiming the right to do so based on skill then perhaps you should tuck you're little rat tail between your legs and scurry back to Trammel yourself.

Don't anyone surrender the war!! I can hardly wait to get home and fight!
Sigh, this is why you are not a PvPer because you have little clue.

Of course I am not an good PvPer but with your standard of decent pvper... that just made the entire COP hmm...... 120% pure trammies that hasnt PvPed once. Which kinda explains the 30+ TMI ass up solo money shot and the 1v1 KMS ass up duel I posted 2 months back. No biggie, just a bad player wtfpwn the worst. :blushing:

Inadequate vs the worst... (btw Ruffles see your GM "ASSed UP" as words described) who gets so scared and gets running shotted down by a mage 1v1?
Maybe I shouldnt be picking on the mixed-mage PvP CHAMPION of Sonoma

And LoL @ COP maturity level thats one of the funniest things you've ever said Ruffles. Along with COP do not use xxxxxx, and COP is a PvP guild.


I'm beginning to think that I kill brain cells everytime I read WarUltima's posts...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm beginning to think that I kill brain cells everytime I read WarUltima's posts...
Dont read pvp more. I post in between face down ass up COP and wakas.

Feels like you need more time to get used to PvP trammlite. Or you can pay Calisto US $ to learn PvP. I heard he teaches it. I mean it's already well known you cannot defeat scam at least you can run like Cal. :thumbsup:

My guildies told me Vhinn is still posting worthless crap and I havent seem him in Fel for at least 3 months now. His post is so garbage that I already put him on ignore months ago. Because some people say stupidity and ignorance is infectious and other than Ruffles Vhinn is by far the worst.

Balinor of Pk?

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My guildies told me Vhinn is still posting true stories about SCAM and I havent seem him in Fel for at least 3 months now because he kills my guildies and me and posts pictures so I put him on ignore cause I have no comebacks for fact...
Spoken like a true gentlemen War.


I'm beginning to think that I kill brain cells everytime I read WarUltima's posts...
I use his posts as examples of why my children need to do homework before playing video games...

Do reading his posts give you a headache when reading them too?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I use his posts as examples of why my children need to do homework before playing video games...

Do reading his posts give you a headache when reading them too?
You are welcome.

In case you have no clue Ruffles, your posts was like the joke of the day for many of us who reads the forum when you used to post a lot more often.

Perfect examples to explain the term "Joke", "Ignorance", "Hypocrate" and "Stupidity" and sometimes "Double Standard".

Oh yea GG on the war and GG on the KMS again ASS UP 1v1. He needs to stay on his tamer, all kill sure own the **** out of his "skill". :thumbup1:


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Vhinn Said:
His posts are filled with so much garbage I think he hauls it for work.
Well... His posts are filled with lots of Killshots on COP.. but I'd agree Garbage is a good synonym for them...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ruffles now lets think on this a moment. War Ultima is right about everything he says about the so called COP guild. I've watched you guys pvp and your best player mr beastmaster plays "all kill" "All day". Your guild is skill less hence why your mouth is running all day trying to defend your trashy mates. It's ok we all get it. As far as your comments about Cal. I play with him on pac and sorry to say he is better then anyone in your crap guild...hell id bet uo gold on it ....if CAL and is crew of players was still in cop...you wouldent be losing the war. Lol girl if i were you id pull a shawl over my head and drown myself. Why dont you google cal on pac and see the LEET players he rolls with. Kyrite, Zhuang Foo, Judah, Pug, Murm, Rand all UO legends....and what are you? a crap stealther with no skill....sonoma is nothing to own anyway its got to be one of the crapiest shards ive ever seen hence why i would never come here. Believe me ---people have scouted this shard...and its so dam boring ...nobody wants to come take it over....and lets be honest ruffles ...u own nothing but your litter

Balinor of Pk?

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
oh in case your to silly to understand this....take a look at the most dominating roster in uo as of right now....your crummy guild is nothing compared to this group you silly lil girl

heres the link http://my.uo.com/cgi-bin/guilds.pl?g=0da239596611c0df:2
Oh you mean like this guy? We sent those noobs packing ages ago. King Kryrite is a joke too. So is mr pinkie. Run all day is their pvp style. Isn't this Kal in this shot? What a noob.



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If you knew anything then maybe u would have a point? THat is not the real RYU'CHHI u dumb A$$. I mean who are you anyway? Bailnor of pk? Never heard of you ...dont get jelous little man of things you have no clue about. So stay in tram where u belong and leave the big talk up to the big boyz...little people arent allowed


Stratics Veteran
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Oh and one more question? You say Kyrite sucks? ARe you kidding? He blew away every good mage on this shard on his noob char Houdini of Thugs. KMS and Gernize of Scam included...you know nothing so plz stop talking ...if you think your tough u know where to find us....in the mean time why dont you learn to play cuz until i hear of you ...your nothing but trash son


Geeze GOOGLE ME/Calisto DOM, I thought you were perma banned from the forums. Oh wait, that's right you have a couple dozen email accounts that you can use and the ability to bounce you IP address.

I am very happy you found a large guild on pacific. You always were happier with the larger guilds. You know what they say...safety in numbers! I wish I could say you are missed in COP, but it just isn't so. We are a smaller guild now but still have great people that truly enjoy playing together.

I do know you are a good battle leader, just when things turn for the worse you just don't have the staying power to contine to fight. TMI beats you hands down as a battle leader! Another thing about the leaders in COP...even when they die they don't quit a battle when it gets too tough. What happened to "your guild" on Sonoma? Things got a little too tough for you? Ah well, the move to another shard wasn't all that much of a surprise. Running away is what you do best, isn't it.

I know that you are a somewhat talented mage and I know I cannot battle you 1v1 without dying. One thing I do better than you is having FUN in the game when I do get to play. Have you yet come to appreciate the "****ing stealth archers" that dismount people for you or do you still yell in vent when you bump into one?

I wish you well on Pacific...I hope you stay there.


I am very happy you found a large guild on pacific. You always were happier with the larger guilds. You know what they say...safety in numbers! I wish I could say you are missed in COP, but it just isn't so. We are a smaller guild now but still have great people that truly enjoy playing together.
cop is a smaller guild? hahaha thats a joke

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
Kryrite...Calisto??? PvP?????


Now THAT was funny!!!!!!!!!

Both, with their friends, chased off the shard with their stubby little tails firmly tucked between their chubby little legs.

Say no more.

Balinor of Pk?

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you knew anything then maybe u would have a point? THat is not the real RYU'CHHI u dumb A$$. I mean who are you anyway? Bailnor of pk? Never heard of you ...dont get jelous little man of things you have no clue about. So stay in tram where u belong and leave the big talk up to the big boyz...little people arent allowed
Gee how'd I know the "NO NAME" talking up OTHER peoples skills would say something equally as ignorant and twice as irrelevant as what he said before?


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IM not cal ruffles u moron. I wouldent expect anything else from someone like you. I dont know about your battle leaders..but they must do a **** poor job in calling because of your devistating losing to scam in the war! Oh wait i forgot your the best pvp right? Why dont you go spoon feed someone more of your crap. WE are certainly sick of it on the forums. Toodles clown. Maybe your expert battle leaders will have a chance if everyone transfers off the shard ROFL


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Ruffles plz grow some...if you think your guild is so dominate...how come they never tested the waters on any other shards? I can anwser that one for you...you dont have the talent, balls, or brains to survive on any other shard but this one. Well you arent really living sonoma are u? Hiding in the house and losing wars and just getting smacked around must feel good? Cal dident run from any of you idiots...you've got to be seriously delusional. Sonoma is inactive...hence why he came to play with "real" pvpers. I'm sure you knew that ruffles right? Your such good buds with all them and u know what they are thinking 24 hours a day? Remember one thing trash girl...your guild is nothing...has never been nothing...and will never be nothing. You cant play the game for years upon years...and lose constantly and think your good? Give us a break ruffles....plz retire your horrible soul to the bottom of UO...OH wait i forgot your already there sorry =(

Balinor of Pk?

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you knew anything then maybe u would have a point? THat is not the real RYU'CHHI u dumb A$$. I mean who are you anyway? Bailnor of pk?
Now you just sound like SCAM, "That wasn't the real me." I'm the guy who used to holy light your little pixies and watch you run away really fast screaming, "Omg, he ruined my whole pvp tactic in one holy light! I must flee!" haha That was before you tucked tail and left.


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I assure you ms ruffles you couldn't be more wrong...it's nice that you think im cal ...im rather enjoying it. You must really hate all the players that make you look totally stupid.

Balinor of pk i asked around shards for your name and on sonoma in particular...heres what i could dig up on you.

comment #1 "He plays a stealther and spends 90% of his game time in hiding and in the guard zone"

comment #2 "That guy has been kicked out of every single guild because hes a total moron"

comment #3 "Why do you even have to ask lol"

comment #4 "Lets be honest here you cannot include pvp and balinor of pk in the same sentence

So yah that pretty much sums it up. Your trash kiddo and im sorry you have to act brave on the boards to make you feel good. Nobody in this game has ever run from you, you have killed absolutly nobody good...you cannot kill any cop, scam or cal that is for dam sure one vs one so plz save your breath kiddo you really are boring me


Lol sad, and whom did you ask? Balinor has almost always been freelance, he was a loyal, and a great teamplayer in E^E when it was rocking this shard a few years back. He wasnt kicked out it, they left for different feats with it's sister guild of Pac.

Those quotes that you used mean what? What names said them if I may ask?
Those people may be as fake as those rumors.

p.s Calling people kid's when yourself don't even have the grammar of a 5th grader.


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Numerous people of sonoma said those comments. If you would like names i'll be sure to remember them next time i ask ...i dident know this was a school lesson there bud. Oh and for your info im not a kid..and dont try and get smart with me ...you'll just get crushed in game ..."that is if you have the balls to fight?"

Balinor of Pk?

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Numerous people of sonoma said those comments. If you would like names i'll be sure to remember them next time i ask ...i dident know this was a school lesson there bud. Oh and for your info im not a kid..and dont try and get smart with me ...you'll just get crushed in game ..."that is if you have the balls to fight?"
You're talking to people I wouldn't be guilded with again if they were the last guild in UO, and that I kill for fun not because it's hard. You're just upset because you NEED to be guilded to be the least bit effective...


Crush me in a 'game' unlike most it doesn't bother me, and proves what? It doesn't make you the person you are, your words how-ever do.

I called you kid for calling him a kid, I mean think about it - I read your post and have the temptation of trying to connect the dots.

You're not very witty at all, I haven't been on in over a week.

Go 'Google' some sense before stepping up to the plate.

Black Majick

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Numerous people of sonoma said those comments. If you would like names i'll be sure to remember them next time i ask ...i dident know this was a school lesson there bud. Oh and for your info im not a kid..and dont try and get smart with me ...you'll just get crushed in game ..."that is if you have the balls to fight?"
Everyone I will interpret for us...this is what he really said:

I talked to no one but SCAM and got my information. Thank you very much! BTW, did I say all the members I talked too were in SCAM?? I wish I could type "didn't" right! Just so you know, I am not a kid, but a 35 year old man living in mamas basement! I dont know what I will do too you through my computer, but watch it! My EPEEN is bigger than yours! I cannot tell you who I am though because you will all laugh at me! I will never see you in game and continue to talk **** on these boards because I rarely go to fel!!
I think I got the jist of his post there. Please do correct me if I am wrong though.


Lord Hunter

Babbling Loonie
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Its always funny when people come on here and no one has any idea who they are, yet they talk all this crap. For all we know you could be Tree. Either put up or shut up.

You sir probably suck more then I do. Go away.

Just a note this post was directed right at Google Me. And also just a side note if we googled you nothing would pop up i expect.


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Lord hunter are you really talking? I mean what have you ever done in the game? ROFL . Your comment means nothing...you are a nobody hence why your running some board instead of fighting....You can say what you want to say mr hunter..but you know nothing about this game...or anything to do with pvp....so plz shut it.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I love ruffling feathers here. Your shard is so pathetic. I mean nobody on this shard excluding some scam cant fight worth a %#^. Don't be jelous of players on atl, pac, chessy, gl. You cannot compete...your shard is dead get over it...they should just delete sonoma from the list of shards its so bad....you squabble over what? Seriously your on the list of the lower uo community...keep the comments coming...i love it...i show it to people on the other shards and you get laughed at LAWLS =)

Balinor of Pk?

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I love ruffling feathers here. Your shard is so pathetic. I mean nobody on this shard excluding some scam cant fight worth a %#^. Don't be jelous of players on atl, pac, chessy, gl. You cannot compete...your shard is dead get over it...they should just delete sonoma from the list of shards its so bad....you squabble over what? Seriously your on the list of the lower uo community...keep the comments coming...i love it...i show it to people on the other shards and you get laughed at LAWLS =)
The first 3 people I met on Chessy I killed in a 3 on 1 with no skills over 80. I wasn't impressed.
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