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Sonoma PvP thread, v. 3.05 - ENTER AT OWN RISK

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Lord Hunter

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Lord hunter are you really talking? I mean what have you ever done in the game? ROFL . Your comment means nothing...you are a nobody hence why your running some board instead of fighting....You can say what you want to say mr hunter..but you know nothing about this game...or anything to do with pvp....so plz shut it.
I have been on Sonoma and red since before you stepped through that gate into fel from coming from tram, and have done more in game then you probably ever have. If your not from Sonoma I wouldnt expect you to know anything about its history so please dont try and bring it up.

Your types of posts are not wanted here.



I love ruffling feathers here. Your shard is so pathetic. I mean nobody on this shard excluding some scam cant fight worth a %#^. Don't be jelous of players on atl, pac, chessy, gl. You cannot compete...your shard is dead get over it...they should just delete sonoma from the list of shards its so bad....you squabble over what? Seriously your on the list of the lower uo community...keep the comments coming...i love it...i show it to people on the other shards and you get laughed at LAWLS =)
You're just another lower life form attempting to make some thing out of himself online. I seen it come and go for over 10 years. You're pathetic.

Hunter has been around in UO for years, most likely before you bought your first copy of UO.
Sonoma is a dead a community compared to most sure, but deleting it isn't the remendy.

That would be like me saying you should be killed for being immature, cocky, ignorant. But that isn't right, now is it?

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
LOL....without an ingame name and some sort of proof..this kid is a utter noob who couldn't fight his way out of a pack of mongbats. :sad2:

Nothing it says has any validity. :thumbsup:


Just like the nut sacks you are obviously hanging off of..everyone here is laughing at you and your idols..since we sent them packing like the cowards they are. :eek:snap::owned:

Cal: the BIGGEST coward I have ever seen in almost 13 years playing this game. :loser:

Kryrite: the loudest **** talker in cheerios who could never back up one single word that I have ever seen. :loser:

They spent more time in monochrome here than they did in color. They were completel PvP weaklings who just couldn't stand being assuped all day and night long. They were so horrid that they packed up and left the shard. Nuff said! :stretcher:

If these are your idols...all I can say is:

Bahahahahahahahahahahaaaaahahahahahaaaa........... :thumbup1:

You suck. :mf_prop:


I love ruffling feathers here. Your shard is so pathetic. I mean nobody on this shard excluding some scam cant fight worth a %#^. Don't be jelous of players on atl, pac, chessy, gl. You cannot compete...your shard is dead get over it...they should just delete sonoma from the list of shards its so bad....you squabble over what? Seriously your on the list of the lower uo community...keep the comments coming...i love it...i show it to people on the other shards and you get laughed at LAWLS =)
I have had the pleasure of fighting with and against people in ur guild and I don't dispute that ur group is very talented. Kal/Judah and I were a part of Waka for years together and a great player... Calisto DOM and Kyrite I was a part of R60S with them... The 3 of us killed SCAM together on numerous occasions before Kyrite and I both busted up our arms on the same night... Rediculous how 2 of the better mages in that guild got taken out IRL on the same night but such is life... the others I've fought against and each have their obvious talents in the field and in dueling... With all that said...

Coming to Sonoma boards and claiming that our shard is utterly worthless, yet here u r posting is quite hypocritical don't ya think??? Ummm if something was as "worthless" as u state why r u wasting ur time here then???

I've come to the conclusion that WarUltima is an assclown and isn't worthy of me wasting my time posting any replies to his bitter ass anymore... I suggest u do the same cause quite frankly it makes ya look like a hypocrite that ur here buddy...

Lord Hunter

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Id like some imput on a new thead rule I was thinking of making effective Immediately.

I was thinking of puting in the thread rules that one of the conditions in posting in the pvp thread is that you have a post count of atleast 50 posts or higher.

This is a Sonoma community pvp thread, and those that have been posting here for years are part of the community, I am personally tired of seeing people with no post count and a name no one knows coming into this thread trying to stir up trouble.

Whats everyones thoughts on this?

Obviously this effects no one currenty posting here with the exception of someone that is currently on vacation from stratics.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The only problem with the 50+ post rule would be the people who created a new account then posted on every thread they could even if it is a stupid answer or just a smiley :thumbup1: to get their count up. I guess you could make a rule that they have to list at least one of their Sonoma chars, PVP char perferred, so people know who you are.


Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sok Hunter..it is a decent thought but just to easy to bypass.

Let em come in...

Until he states and makes a name for himself on the shard... it means nothing... it's probably a good thing he can blow smoke out of his ass because he and his pals were ass up all the time the last time they were here.

I am happy to make them assume the position anytime, if they feel like trying again..which I highly doubt. :loser:

I get the feeling this guy is kinda like those barking cat dogs..funny (in a child like way)..irritating (like a grain of sand stuck between the lower cheeks)..and you know that if they intrude on your space or cross the line...

You just step back and punt! :eek:snap: :owned: :ten:

Balinor of Pk?

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Then its considered spamming the boards and they will receive an infraction :)
I mean if we have to listen to posts like the above, I'm sure we can hear Mr Pinks too... I love when people think they're better than they actually are... actually...


Waka made a pretty decent showing last night at the gate... we tangled with COP and SCAM simultaneously... Came out of it pretty well last night... At one point everyone in COP and SCAM were down... ya we may have had a few more people at the time but who cares we're always outnumbered...

There were outside witnesses too so WarUltima need not reply to this post with his standard "Without pics there's no proof" cause there r outside sources whom witnessed it all and were involved in it all as well and wouldn't gain anything by stating what happened...
there was carnage everywhere. of course some of us died too but was overall pretty great teamwork for a guild that doesn't play much together...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
WOW Mr Hunter is upset...take it easy Kenny G. The Truth hurts don't it? You cant play your way out of this one hero =) but nice try you gave me a good laugh LAWLS

Lord Hunter

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think its kind of funny that someone likes to thump their chests when no one even knows who they are. You get to hide behind a mask and claim your good when your really cant prove it. Now thats a good luagh.

And just FYI, I have no bias agaisnt anyone here and I have no favorites your more then free to ask around.


Google you can't be serious, you are the one wearing the red clown's nose here. In short, you're the one giving us laughs. Lawls? Sounds like a movement, sort of like the text you spew out ^.~

Every thing you've said doesn't hold water in ANYONE's eyes here on Sonoma.

Lord Hunter

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Cheaters and greifers never win. You may now return to your regular PvP Thread talk without annoying interuptions.

Now back to the :popcorn:

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I detect the smell of burnt ash. I get the feeling someone was just fried. I suspect we will not be seeing goggles again, or at least for a bit :)

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Waka made a pretty decent showing last night at the gate... we tangled with COP and SCAM simultaneously... Came out of it pretty well last night... At one point everyone in COP and SCAM were down... ya we may have had a few more people at the time but who cares we're always outnumbered...

There were outside witnesses too so WarUltima need not reply to this post with his standard "Without pics there's no proof" cause there r outside sources whom witnessed it all and were involved in it all as well and wouldn't gain anything by stating what happened...
there was carnage everywhere. of course some of us died too but was overall pretty great teamwork for a guild that doesn't play much together...
Was a good fight. Both COP and SCAM (also known as COP, reference all archer, hide in house until they can outnumber the foes) got ground smashed. Thanx for the points..both COP and COP (SCAM).


I thought is was pretty hilarious when scam(the new cop) lost a fight when it was 5v4, 3 scam died while the other ran off, happened several times. Yes scam was outnumbered by 1, but with them being so good i would have thought they would have put on a better show. Seems they are becoming more and more like cop, all of them on archers. Thanks again for the points :thumbup1:


Legendary Assassin
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
well well folks whats up. Hunter i was gonna make a different thread but i figured it get moved here cause everyone disikes me on this shard for the most part anyways.

anyways here goes, few months back i was married, had another kid... spent alot of time gathering gems for the abyss. didnt have much time to do much of anything..besides take care of my boys and my wife. not to mention my mortgage my job etc. so i been away from UO for the first time in my life really since i was a freshmen in college some 13 odd years ago now. but saying that it was time for a month or two break anyways..

i started playing uo with windows 95 which originally had windows 2 on it and old piece of shiat system anyways. then i had another it blew up about 6 yrs ago then up until the end of summer i played on a hp with a 900 mghz chip 128 mb video card.. which was always suitable for UO just coudlnt keep up with speedy people and always dominated when i played.. well after a long long discussion with the wife daddy was able to talk the wife into letting me upgrade for the first time in many, many years. now i have many pcs set up in my den but most are for second clients etc. but now i have what i would like to think of as the cream of the crop:>

costs me over 2 grand but im very very happy....not that anyone gives two shiats but here is whats in it with some pics...now bare in mind i dont play wow, i dont play star wars or many 3d games but believe this one will do the job:>

EVGA nForce 790i SLI FTW Motherboard
Intel Core 2 Quad Q9400 Processor BX80580Q9400 2.66GHz, 6MB Cache
Zalman CNPS9500 AT CPU Cooler - Socket 775
OCZ Fatal1ty Dual Channel 4096MB PC10666 DDR3 1333MHz Memory (2 x 2048MB)
XION Power Real 1000W ATX Power Supply
Lite ON Blu Ray 4x ROM

3 of theses cards/ SLI connected/omfg is all i have to say my favorite part of my system is these cards:>
GeForce GTX 260 Core 216 Superclocked - 896MB DDR3 Memory 2106Mhz Memory Clock Speed NVIDIA SLI ready

3 of these hard drives/ set for raid-5 config/ with the raid 5 setup i get 1.86 TB of free space rest is for system
Seagate ST31000528AS Barracuda 7200.12 Hard Drive - 1TB, 7200 rpm, 32MB, SATA-3G

windows xp pro 32 bit OS (for the record i hate that 4 gb of ram is max with 32 bit:/)
Apevia X-Plorer Steel Case - Black/Blue
i put in 2 80mm fans on front, and one on top, there is a 120 mm on back and its all blue led. well i got everything in blue led i like this clear side on my case plus manual controls on front for fans, digital temp readouts. i have it clocked at 2000 mhtz frt side bus and never had a temp reading over 80 degrees:>

ASUS VW246H 24" Widescreen LCD Monitor
Logisys Multimedia Illuminated Keyboard - Black
Logitech G500 Gaming Mouse - Adjustable Sensitivity, 5700 DPI, Dual Mode Scroll Wheel, Weight Tuning, 10 Programmable Buttons

now i still work first shift and i dont get that much time to play or i should say i wont get that much time to play.. specially at prime time during the week...but im back in black and ready to slay as always...

im very proud of my new system the only reason i posted it on here is many years i have passed and i have over 12,800 long terms on my main character and never cheated a day in my life in this game.. and every time i think of all those people doing all those things to get a edge and still dying to me on my old system always made me smile. rolleyes:

now down to business... i recieved your email snake about what went down with scam and someone getting killed etc...sorry to hear that was hoping to come back and find same old guys doing the same old things...wether anyone likes it or not snake is a straight shooter and always been loyal to me balls to the wall same as most of scam. my characters are still guilded so when i get icq installed and all that other jazz i wanna know in detail what happened... and ya im sure if i went back through the threads i could get the loe down but im too tired and dont have time for that jazz...anyhow...i have only installed my email, pc procs and security so far..

went to install uo and uoa that went great but what is it with uoam? it patchs to files and then quits wont run, just crashes. iv reinstalled dblckd firewalls.. whole nine yards.. just wierd anyone have suggestions?

and as far as Stygian occurs all i really care about is imbuing so if some one could throw me a strategy, way to train the skill or link me to some thing that would be kool. other than imbuing any of the new trammie shiat worth my time? i was so pissed of when OSI created trammel now we have what is it 5 blubie worlds and yet still one felluca facet? this game was build on PVP not pixel crack for kiddies.

let the bodies hit the floor!

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Damned good to hear from you Six...I hadn't given up on ya.

Latest scene:

SCAM still running but has lost the main percentage of their players. I stay away from their drama. Very dysfunctional now but still have some decent folks. I doubt you will be there very long, not your kind of people there now.

COP still playing. Their number whittled down as well but they can still put some numbers on. Still getting rolled pretty hard but they usually come back to fight or hang in their house. Mostly the latter.

WAKA has come on the scene in a pretty serious way. Decent core group and can field some numbers once in a while. An excellent group of folks geared way more towards the mature level. :thumbup1:

KC still the same 4 guys. We have been hanging with WAKA a bit lately. Has been fun.

The PvP scene picking back up after a slight hiatus for the Halloween grind event. There has been more fighting the last few days than we have seen for the last few weeks.

Shoot me an email and I can give you some of the background news.

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
BTW..COP rolled extremely hard again tonight by WAKA, a couple SCAM and 1 KC. They may have been outnumbered by 2 or 3 but they also were running their tamer/dread combos and still got heavily owned. Dead COP pets EVERYWHERE for a while.

If the Devs ever fulfill their promise of dropping a pet's ability to cast based on their levels of magery and such..won't be long before COP pets can barely cast magic arrow.

:stretcher: :eek:snap: :owned:


Damned good to hear from you Six...I hadn't given up on ya.

Latest scene:

SCAM still running but has lost the main percentage of their players. I stay away from their drama. Very dysfunctional now but still have some decent folks. I doubt you will be there very long, not your kind of people there now.

COP still playing. Their number whittled down as well but they can still put some numbers on. Still getting rolled pretty hard but they usually come back to fight or hang in their house. Mostly the latter.

WAKA has come on the scene in a pretty serious way. Decent core group and can field some numbers once in a while. An excellent group of folks geared way more towards the mature level. :thumbup1:

KC still the same 4 guys. We have been hanging with WAKA a bit lately. Has been fun.

The PvP scene picking back up after a slight hiatus for the Halloween grind event. There has been more fighting the last few days than we have seen for the last few weeks.

Shoot me an email and I can give you some of the background news.
Yes it has been fun rolling with the K.C. boys... Good group of people...

Has been a blast out on the field of late as well... getting lots of fights going on away from the gzone that apparently everyone seems to think Waka hangs out at... gonna start posting screenshots of some of the battles soon...


i guess i gotta start posting screenshots of the new TB guild PAL ;) since widow seems to be leaving them out during most big fights..... SCAM is the only guild on our level so i would like to see what window has to say about PAL


i guess i gotta start posting screenshots of the new TB guild PAL ;) since widow seems to be leaving them out during most big fights..... SCAM is the only guild on our level so i would like to see what window has to say about PAL



anyways here goes, few months back i was married, had another kid... spent alot of time gathering gems for the abyss. didnt have much time to do much of anything..besides take care of my boys and my wife. not to mention my mortgage my job etc. so i been away from UO for the first time in my life really since i was a freshmen in college some 13 odd years ago now. but saying that it was time for a month or two break anyways..
Congratulations!! and Welcome Back!

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i guess i gotta start posting screenshots of the new TB guild PAL ;) since widow seems to be leaving them out during most big fights..... SCAM is the only guild on our level so i would like to see what window has to say about PAL
PAL....LOL!!! Hadn't given PAL/SCAM a thought...at all...none. Just another version of COP that only comes out of their houses when they can zerg. They are left out of any big fight because they are not IN any big fights.

When they come out of their house, extreme rarity, in anything less than zerg strength, we collect their loot and they log off. There is nothing to discuss about your new butt ranger circle..because..well..there is just nothing to discuss.

Bottom line..and I know this falls on deaf ears...learn how to play clean (never going to happen with you, but I am not your judge)...grow up (this will eventually happen, or death..whichever comes first)..and you might start to get something bordering on respect. Until then...well...you know...you will never hear anything but derisive laughter whenever your name is mentioned. :thumbdown:



LOL and who are you widow ? snake? your medichlorian count is too low buddy, ive seen them old third legion guys one v one own you lol oh and btw , juicey plays his disarm ninja, he has resorted to nonstop disarm just like thraximus, hell if he didnt have all them archers to shoot for when he disarms he would be no better than the new thrax lol so sorry to put your business out there but snake is the new ruffles, juicey is the new thraximus and wasp is just a fake wannabe , i mean come on everyone knows this about the scam wasp anyway, hes a fake who probably admired the real wasp lol, snake, i was just mentioning this the other day, i dont post here alot but the people who do are the ones who never come to the gate until they have numbers, truth speaks for itself feel free to meet me anytime before late night and fight me at the gate, ill be there, will you?


Wow, No matter wats is done and wat is said the 2 lamest stealth archers of this shard is still posting, (like u guys r good anyways) PAL is at war with cop and zog even tho i shouldnt even mentiong the zog war, but seriously snake, i will have a war invite for u and ur guild lets see if u panty waste accept. And cop step ur game up ur losing a war with like 6 ppl in PAL. I like Fighting scam cause at least they no wat they r doin. Cop, Kc, Waka, Zog, does not no how to pvp. Cop=Zerg, KC=Stealthers, Waka=Mages that dont work together, Zog=Trash.

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
LOL and who are you widow ? snake? your medichlorian count is too low buddy, ive seen them old third legion guys one v one own you lol oh and btw , juicey plays his disarm ninja, he has resorted to nonstop disarm just like thraximus, hell if he didnt have all them archers to shoot for when he disarms he would be no better than the new thrax lol so sorry to put your business out there but snake is the new ruffles, juicey is the new thraximus and wasp is just a fake wannabe , i mean come on everyone knows this about the scam wasp anyway, hes a fake who probably admired the real wasp lol, snake, i was just mentioning this the other day, i dont post here alot but the people who do are the ones who never come to the gate until they have numbers, truth speaks for itself feel free to meet me anytime before late night and fight me at the gate, ill be there, will you?
Darth seems to be having trouble with being coherent right now. I will wait to respond to him and allow him to post something that makes sense to anyone who is NOT in an altered state right now.

I rolled out the Rosetta stone and what I was able to translate from the diatribe so far is that he seems to have some sort of issue with a movie term, snake, ruffles, archers, scam, an old wasp, a new wasp, an old thrax, a new thrax, juicey, disarm, third legion, ninjas, numbers and wants me to fight him 1v1...did I miss anything? That looks like a lot of concerns and I am sure he has something important to say about all of them.

*waits patiently*

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wow, No matter wats is done and wat is said the 2 lamest stealth archers of this shard is still posting, (like u guys r good anyways) PAL is at war with cop and zog even tho i shouldnt even mentiong the zog war, but seriously snake, i will have a war invite for u and ur guild lets see if u panty waste accept. And cop step ur game up ur losing a war with like 6 ppl in PAL. I like Fighting scam cause at least they no wat they r doin. Cop, Kc, Waka, Zog, does not no how to pvp. Cop=Zerg, KC=Stealthers, Waka=Mages that dont work together, Zog=Trash.
Hmm...not judging you as stupid or anything Yami..I will let others keep doing that for me...heavens knows there are an awful lot of them..but why would you war?

I do not see a lot of PAL blues. We already are fighting constantly in Fel, when you come out of your houses or show up.

If you are looking for some kind of respect, you won't find it because you don't deserve it. You have not earned it. You won't ever have it, I suspect, because of choices you have made that prevent you from ever getting it. You know what of I speak and I won't say anything more about it here. Just remember the quip about cheating at Solitaire.

Maybe you are you feeling an urge to thump your chest and beat branches on the ground while grunting? Let me guess..you have calluses on your knuckles? Everything you have shown so far indicates that you likely have the same intelligence level, moral turpitude and capacity for thought as something that may display those same similar behavioral traits.

Who knows..I could be wrong....

:eek:snap: :owned: :stretcher:



PAL....LOL!!! Hadn't given PAL/SCAM a thought...at all...none. Just another version of COP that only comes out of their houses when they can zerg. They are left out of any big fight because they are not IN any big fights.

When they come out of their house, extreme rarity, in anything less than zerg strength, we collect their loot and they log off. There is nothing to discuss about your new butt ranger circle..because..well..there is just nothing to discuss.

Bottom line..and I know this falls on deaf ears...learn how to play clean (never going to happen with you, but I am not your judge)...grow up (this will eventually happen, or death..whichever comes first)..and you might start to get something bordering on respect. Until then...well...you know...you will never hear anything but derisive laughter whenever your name is mentioned. :thumbdown:

are you dumb? lol PAL doesn't own a house... and to comment on ruffles R60whatever its Darth Vader Lego Me and Calisto... 3ex scam 1 ex whatever you called that guild lol you guys need to get your facts straight./.... and if the new zerg is 4 people? then we do it the best lol....


lol so sorry to put your business out there but snake is the new ruffles,
Aww geeeeeze *blush* you are paying ME a compliment Darth? I can assure you it is undesrved. In no way am I as good as Snake as a stealth archer. I have never even tried to claim that status. I know my strengths as well as limitations and right now being away from the game so long I know my limitations far outweigh my strengths.

Even though Widow and I do not see eye to eye on a great many things, I must applaud his assessment of both you and Lego. Tonite after the kids are tucked in and I am sitting by the campfire. I'm gonna have a beer and toast you, Widow. *salute*


Wow, No matter wats is done and wat is said the 2 lamest stealth archers of this shard is still posting, (like u guys r good anyways) PAL is at war with cop and zog even tho i shouldnt even mentiong the zog war, but seriously snake, i will have a war invite for u and ur guild lets see if u panty waste accept. And cop step ur game up ur losing a war with like 6 ppl in PAL. I like Fighting scam cause at least they no wat they r doin. Cop, Kc, Waka, Zog, does not no how to pvp. Cop=Zerg, KC=Stealthers, Waka=Mages that dont work together, Zog=Trash.
I'm sorry... Did I see something that needs pointing out... The one and only template that takes any skill to play and what guild is playing pure mages??? See above...

As far as not working together??? Give me a break brotha... We seemed to do quite well for ourselves out there in the field against u guys tonight... How many times did u go to bed on the grass Lego??? The only one tonight that died once in ur whole crew was Calisto... The rest of yall took multiple naps... and might I add all of u were on nerve strike chars??? Pretty worthless template... Where's WarUltima to pipe in bout the nerve strike temp??? the other times we fought it was disarm/archers and nervestrike mages... give me a break here...

Noone deserves to talk crap bout people willing to play mages in a game that everyone has turned to gimp status... when u can grow a pair and play mages again then u have earned the right to badmouth another guild... Until then keep it shut brotha...

P.S. Unlike u we weren't running all over the place... we stayed in that green field like u had asked us to meet u at... Although it was a bit different having to chase yall down every fight... sure we had 1 or 2 guys more... never more than that... but with mages u do need that... I don't know any group of 3 guys that can survive on pure mages against 3 gimplates (nerve strike mages/disarm archers)


I dont care if i was drunk when i wrote that snake, i like to have fun ok. Anyways trinity talking about growing a pair, we are a guild of four people right now and we can ussually only field two or three atm, that is balls in my opinion. doing what we chose to do took balls, turning on the whole shard lol . and the funny thing is that its all for fun and some of you all take it way too seriously.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Turning on the whole shard???? Every time I see you and SCAM on, you are fighting on the same side. Last night it was Gernize, Slim Shady and E-surance and Sprite. The night before it was A SCAM tamer and Sprite.

Aren't you Straight Wreckin? Weren't you fighting with a WAKA member against COP last night? That's right, I forgot, we are good enough to play with when WOO is not on.



i aint no straight wreckin/fallacy\hugo , i am beastmaster dad irl and you shall refer to me as mister or sir from now on ok

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i aint no straight wreckin/fallacy\hugo , i am beastmaster dad irl and you shall refer to me as mister or sir from now on ok
Okay..I LMAO at that comment. To comment on all this.

Have gotten some pretty decent fights the last couple nties.I know the gate has been hopping because everyone is buying my overpriced **** at the vendors.

Last nite 4 Waka v 3 pal when I logged on.

Waka 3x Mages, 1x Dexer at first, then 4x Mages when I got on Rai.
Pal - 3x Nervestrike Evasion Mages on Dreadmares (weak to mana vamp btw, hehe)

Overall we had soe good fights. Evasion saved PALs asses more times than I can count. Then Lego got on well Lego and was getting dirt nap after dirtnap (no more evasion).

Later on we let PAL kill the lone COP noobie who wanted to join in, then continued along our reg scheduled programming.

Later a pair of SCAM showed up...teamed up with PAL for a bit to kill Waka (guess we got under yalls skin, good). Then it kinda fell apart. A nice FFA. We fought with the SCAM who ran constantly. Got the archer a few times and he got us a few times. It was a good evening. I eventualy logged as lag was horrible and I was unable to fight. Good fights guys. Enjoyed them. I hope to see some more COP logging on along with SCAM. I liked how the first fight stayed pretty much even....


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I aint no????? Really!! I aint no???? Anyways, I am sorry I confused you with Hugu/Straight Wreckin/Fallacy. I did not realize you would take that as an insult. I don't post on these boards to insult people. I post to state the facts (they seem to get overlooked on these boards).

Anyways, peoople in your guild still enjoy the benefits of fighting along people not in your guild. I would not be so quick to trash those people on these boards. Your guildmates could find themsleves fighting alone when SCAM is not on to help them and COP have 8+ on. (My last post on this topic)

Tell Beast I said hello.


Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
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I dont care if i was drunk when i wrote that snake, i like to have fun ok. Anyways trinity talking about growing a pair, we are a guild of four people right now and we can usually only field two or three atm, that is balls in my opinion. doing what we chose to do took balls, turning on the whole shard lol . and the funny thing is that its all for fun and some of you all take it way too seriously.
Darth..you are a good guy..you know I am just messing with ya..I don't take any of this seriously. Stay cool :thumbup:

Bear has it right though, most in your group are fine until woo shows up..then it seems that you and lego and now cal loose track of exactly who are your real game friends. You know..the ones you were enjoying hanging out and playing the game with.

You folks haven't noticed that most everyone in the game simply won't put up with him being around and refuse to play the game with him? Ever wonder why? Just remember the smoke / fire saying. Y'all will get it eventually.


lol it is pointless darth... no matter how we fight or how little people we have there will always be an excuse or some kind of lame comback as to y we killed everyone.... a 4 man guild that has no sides with anyone... not my fault people want to not attack us first attack you first instead... usually u kill the dumbass's first (SNAKE) then you worry about the others... lol ive hear the same comments from scam members as i do from you snake.... "WAHHH y you teaming up against us WAHHH" everyone knows you take out the threat first then you turn on everyone els... and ya know what since your a minax guild who fights alongside cop mostly because they can't use thier pets... you just happen to be the threat cuz i dun feel like getting dismounted a thousand times and then you hide and watch cop try and kill me....


lol it is pointless darth... no matter how we fight or how little people we have there will always be an excuse or some kind of lame comback as to y we killed everyone.... a 4 man guild that has no sides with anyone... not my fault people want to not attack us first attack you first instead... usually u kill the dumbass's first (SNAKE) then you worry about the others... lol ive hear the same comments from scam members as i do from you snake.... "WAHHH y you teaming up against us WAHHH" everyone knows you take out the threat first then you turn on everyone els... and ya know what since your a minax guild who fights alongside cop mostly because they can't use thier pets... you just happen to be the threat cuz i dun feel like getting dismounted a thousand times and then you hide and watch cop try and kill me....
So wait... noone's making excuses... At least I wasn't... cause we actually won our fights against yall guild to guild... think we lost one or 2 but won the majority... Anyways...

As to the "Usually u kill the dumbasses first" comment... What kind of battle leader r u??? Please tell me that is not ur logic... Any true leader goes after the best that the opposition has... It's the same structure in anything u see... Be it football, the military, basketball, etc..... So not to get a big head does that mean that both PAL, and SCAM think that Waka is the superior opponent when on the field??? lol :)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So wait... noone's making excuses... At least I wasn't... cause we actually won our fights against yall guild to guild... think we lost one or 2 but won the majority... Anyways...

As to the "Usually u kill the dumbasses first" comment... What kind of battle leader r u??? Please tell me that is not ur logic... Any true leader goes after the best that the opposition has... It's the same structure in anything u see... Be it football, the military, basketball, etc..... So not to get a big head does that mean that both PAL, and SCAM think that Waka is the superior opponent when on the field??? lol :)
Waka is the gzone guild of sonoma which is very well known. Its funny you think tactics mage is gimp then i guess parry wrestle mage is gimp too. You guys are attacked last coz you are bluebies that sits in guard flagging only 1 red thats probably already fighting other real pvp guilds already.

I dont remember bluebie wakalets ever won a fight but i do know we wrecked your spawn undernumbered as proven by screenies. You cant win a fight if ur in gzone trammie, yes you might get some zerg kills but thats about it. After removing kc stealthers most scam can own any waka coward bluebie gzone ganking mages pure mage 1v1. Again i find its funny you guys talk so loud yet fight only from gzone and when theres no guards you get slaughtered like cop zerglets like in your destard spawn regardless you having more number.

Kc at least joined cop in minax you guys on the other hand is the only guild with no active reds no active faction chars that claim to be pvping. Its gate hogging not pvping.


Waka is the gzone guild of sonoma which is very well known. Its funny you think tactics mage is gimp then i guess parry wrestle mage is gimp too. You guys are attacked last coz you are bluebies that sits in guard flagging only 1 red thats probably already fighting other real pvp guilds already.

I dont remember bluebie wakalets ever won a fight but i do know we wrecked your spawn undernumbered as proven by screenies. You cant win a fight if ur in gzone trammie, yes you might get some zerg kills but thats about it. After removing kc stealthers most scam can own any waka coward bluebie gzone ganking mages pure mage 1v1. Again i find its funny you guys talk so loud yet fight only from gzone and when theres no guards you get slaughtered like cop zerglets like in your destard spawn regardless you having more number.

Kc at least joined cop in minax you guys on the other hand is the only guild with no active reds no active faction chars that claim to be pvping. Its gate hogging not pvping.
Learn how to read... Multiple posts about Waka getting attacked when other guilds are around... Learn how to read before u open up ur poop shoot...


lol trin you don't know the first thing as to being a battle leader and never will... i put my 2 best guys against your best 4 anyday and we'll see who calls a better fight lol.... i got screenshots of that fight last night it was 3 vs 5 at least i'll post em for ya if you seem to forget what happened :)

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
When I orginally logged in Kyle it was 3x Scam v 4x Waka (myself included) So pretty even there. After that the numbers got more lopsided. O well. Its all in good fun!

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
btw..there is no one on this shard as well that truly knows how to call targets and the teamwork of all guilds is meh at best. The real PvPers do not play EA. Come play on a couple of the pre AoS freeshards. You wont get 2 steps after first spell hits you. Its call sync dumping. Then again with all the gimp tempaltes and archers its hard to really do much in the way of good mage fights now days..


lol trin you don't know the first thing as to being a battle leader and never will... i put my 2 best guys against your best 4 anyday and we'll see who calls a better fight lol.... i got screenshots of that fight last night it was 3 vs 5 at least i'll post em for ya if you seem to forget what happened :)
LMAO... U can say anything u want to buddy... It's quite funny actually how little water ur words actually hold... "4 PAL against the shard" right??? LMAO... ROTFLMAO... Hold hands with SCAM again tonight to fight us??? ROTFLMAO... As for ur 2 best vs our 4 best??? Ummm I think we've proven that ur wrong already... Calisto and Lego can easily correct u and ur huge ego buddy... GG tho


Tonight was simply hilarious, the amazing pal guild came out to fight with colisto, lego, and woo, then of coarse 4 of us, (yes we did outnumber themby one) killed lego and woo and colisto. Then they come back on dif chars, and again, lego and woo die and colisto ran. Also in between this we were fighting 2 scam which we killed 1 of them. So what happens next, they team up and take several of us out. Was fun fighting, but seriously, why quit scam, then be up their butt each night??? Turning more and more into cop with each passing day.
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