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Sonoma PvP thread, v. 3.05 - ENTER AT OWN RISK

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R u freaking kiddin me, me, woo woo, darth, and cal. r the main members. And to tell u the truth we only have fun with scam cause they put up a fight. KC, u guys r the biggest trashyest stealth archers on the planet. so yes u r worse then ruffles. Trinity, keep talk we all no u sux. 2v6 and u guys r bragging about it. get a freakin life. For ur info, there is only 2 evasion dexxer in our guild. I dont have a bushido dexxer on this shard and if i did id be wrecking waka kc and cop. Keep talking smack about PAL, cause cop logged out when we kicked their butts well actually we killed 3 cop in the field against 9v3. And they log. So seriously snake, stop posting cause wat u say dont matter. Peekaboo is better then u. And u want to talk about us helping scam, why dont we take a look back when u were helping cop and dont say u were cause u were. Cop/KCvWaka/LBCvScamvPal. And the 2 best guilds do not have a zerg. U get the hint. Zerg=Trash. So Peeka Jr, just stfu spend more time on a real temp. Scam and Pal have all real temp, and kc has stealthers, and cop has stealthers, and lbc has a freaking stealther mage r u serious. Wolfie, by the way "its just country". God we need more competition. PAL Wrecks All.

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
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LOL..was going to post about tonights fights but Buster said it all..especially:

"Was fun fighting, but seriously, why quit scam, then be up their butt each night??? Turning more and more into cop with each passing day." :drool:


On a side note..COP got completely and utterly owned and logged off again tonight..but that just isn't news anymore.


Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
Yami....all anyone can say about your posts is:


You type, spell, compose and play UO like a 4 year old. You also cry like one, boy.

*Hands Yami a tissue* There is NO crying in UO..stop it or "I'll give you something to cry about"!! (Heard that more than a few times during childhood..lol...worked too!) (apparently not for Yami though)

PAL got and gets wrecked on a daily basis. The only time they get an upper hand is when they team up with COP or SCAM against us. Everyone knows and sees this every day. I'll let you in on a little not-so-secret secret...Everyone is laughing at you when you try desperately to deny it. Really...everyone...

Even numbers..you always get wrecked..hard...in the buttocks.

Face it, you are not 1/4 as good as you THINK you are. If the servers were to change today and your crutches were no longer around..admit it...you would quit the game. C'mon..you can admit it...it is ok...

Need another tissue to blow your nose with?

Deal with it son...



Yami....all anyone can say about your posts is:


You type, spell, compose and play UO like a 4 year old. You also cry like one, boy.

*Hands Yami a tissue* There is NO crying in UO..stop it or "I'll give you something to cry about"!! (Heard that more than a few times during childhood..lol...worked too!) (apparently not for Yami though)

PAL got and gets wrecked on a daily basis. The only time they get an upper hand is when they team up with COP or SCAM against us. Everyone knows and sees this every day. I'll let you in on a little not-so-secret secret...Everyone is laughing at you when you try desperately to deny it. Really...everyone...

Even numbers..you always get wrecked..hard...in the buttocks.

Face it, you are not 1/4 as good as you THINK you are. If the servers were to change today and your crutches were no longer around..admit it...you would quit the game. C'mon..you can admit it...it is ok...

Need another tissue to blow your nose with?

Deal with it son...

all i have to say snake is lol... if you really wanna prove that you guys kill PAL more than PAL kills you then accept the war invite... PAL only plays red faction characters so don't go... "waaahhhh just gonna bank kill us".... u have no excuse not to accept... plus this will only prove you guys more right? right? lol.... i honestly want you to prove me wrong snake... prove to me that PAL is < K C... only way your gonna do it is either by screenshots or the easiest way is with a war that can keep score for you.... by the way trin waka has been sent an invite also but i don't expect much from you as does anyone els on this shat shard lol


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
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R u freaking kiddin me, me, woo woo, darth, and cal. r the main members. And to tell u the truth we only have fun with scam cause they put up a fight. KC, u guys r the biggest trashyest stealth archers on the planet. so yes u r worse then ruffles. Trinity, keep talk we all no u sux. 2v6 and u guys r bragging about it. get a freakin life. For ur info, there is only 2 evasion dexxer in our guild. I dont have a bushido dexxer on this shard and if i did id be wrecking waka kc and cop. Keep talking smack about PAL, cause cop logged out when we kicked their butts well actually we killed 3 cop in the field against 9v3. And they log. So seriously snake, stop posting cause wat u say dont matter. Peekaboo is better then u. And u want to talk about us helping scam, why dont we take a look back when u were helping cop and dont say u were cause u were. Cop/KCvWaka/LBCvScamvPal. And the 2 best guilds do not have a zerg. U get the hint. Zerg=Trash. So Peeka Jr, just stfu spend more time on a real temp. Scam and Pal have all real temp, and kc has stealthers, and cop has stealthers, and lbc has a freaking stealther mage r u serious. Wolfie, by the way "its just country". God we need more competition. PAL Wrecks All.
This post is funny. I just need to touch on a couple difffrent items in this post.

1. SCAM is the only one that puts up a fight against you? I have never seen you fight them in the field. I have seen you cross heal them and dismount/PARA gank with them.

2. You made COP log with the three of PAL? We were fighting them also. Unlike PAL, we fight every guild on the shard. Not just the ones that we think suck.

3. The two best guilds don't have a zerg? We have all seen PAL and SCAM fight together when they outnumber us.

4. SCAM & PAL have real templates. Their are no disarm archers in your guild? Tricky is not a stealth archer? I know he is in SCAM, but is their really a diffrence. Next time you decide to point out trashy guilds because of stealth archers, make sure you add SCAM into the conversation.

5. You need more competition? Why don't you just fight every guild on the shard like we do. Are you sure you need more competition? We had an exchange last night. It was four on four. Sprite, Cal, Lego and Undertaker vs Buckwheat, Wyld, Jimmy and Trinity. The four of you died. THATS A FACT!!

PAL (SCAM 2) will never get any respect from anyone on the shard until they start fighting EVERY guild on the shard. So quit coming to the boards and posting how good you guys are. I would think more of you guys if you would fight SCAM in the field. Hell, I would think more of you all if you just stayed in SCAM.

Until you fight SCAM, you will always be the rejects of SCAM to me.

Calisto- From what I heard in VENT, everyone hated him. Was in SCAM once but never would be allowed in. I guess he found his way in.

WOO- Booted from SCAM (I think). I guess he is back in.

Lego- Left SCAM to mix things up on the shard. I guess he realized that was a mistake.

Hugo- See LEGO.

Have a great weekend.



I aint no????? Really!! I aint no???? Anyways, I am sorry I confused you with Hugu/Straight Wreckin/Fallacy. I did not realize you would take that as an insult. I don't post on these boards to insult people. I post to state the facts (they seem to get overlooked on these boards).

OK than mr justice holy virtous paladin knight, why are you stating things that arent fact than? Hugo/Straight wreckin/fallacy, does not have a character in tb or pal so why do you keep saying that? i mean dont get me wrong i aint no angel or diamond in the dirt either but if I say im gonna do something at least i do it,this is not a disrespectful post towards you either because your a good guy and good pvper, this is an informational post for you ok.


Wyld, I'm gonna correct u juss a second... it was actually Calisto, Lego, Sprite, and Undertaker vs. Wyldchild, Bruno, Snake, and Trinity... 4 on 4 and they all went sleepy time... Now before they try and make excuses I'm gonna go ahead and knock out all "possible" escape routes for them...

Yes Undertaker is not in ur guild. But then again I'm not in the K C guild either...
Undertaker can heal u guys... However I cannot heal the KC boys being factions...
Calisto dropped first (ur groups best and healer out the way. true battle leaders called that one!) I actually like Calisto and do feel he made a wrong choice by joining ur group... He'll wake up eventually tho...
yall got dismounted so ur uber speed couldn't save u yet again... I let the K C boys get the finishing shot on yall to stat ya as I juss poisoned over and over when yall were redlined... chalk it up to smarts I guess...

As to Lego, u may not have an evasion "dexxer" but u certainly have an evasion mage... U said that all of SCAM and PAL has real templates??? Spoken like a true AOS superstar... anytime u forego resist on ur template it's not a REAL template anymore... children these days...

Woo Woo, the 2 on 4 eh??? It appears as tho Waka spotted u guys 1 more guildy the other night 3 vs 4... We won... It appears yall were spotted 2 people last night in a 4 vs 4... We won again...

In case yall aren't smart enough to realize this, Waka isn't a bunch of pushovers, sure we're not the best... We're not the type of people that stab others in the back... This is a good group of guys and we're here to have fun... Sure we talk a lot of **** and there's reasoning... We get the rise out of u kiddies that we try to achieve...

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Woo has always been just a bit outside of the truth and reality..just one of the MANY reasons he can't keep any game friends.

Lego..Cal...Darth...throw out the in-house trash. The stench that surrounds you right now will be gone. You can then start playing with real friends and real PvPers again.

You had best do it soon though, there will soon come a time when you can no longer get the stench off of you. It's kind of like cat ****...if you don't get it off quickly..you can never get the smell out. You will instantly be way better off.


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
Darth, Sorry for the confusion (not sarcasm). I don't know why I keep getting you confused with HUGU.

Anyways.. I also want to apologize for using the term Rejects in my post before. That could have been taken as an insult and that was not my intention. I should have used the term Wannabees.

Calisto WANTS TO BE IN scam because he realizes that he can not beat them in COP and R6. I have heard in SCAM vent that he would never be allowed in again. Anyways.. I guess he is in. My personal opinion. I only spent two days in channel with him. Sounded like a kewl guy. I definately had the wrong opinion of him from what I have heard in SCAM channel. If Trinity likes him, then he must be a kewl guy. I hope he sees the light and joins us. That would surely be the end of PAL.

WOO WANTS TO BE IN scam but got booted or left (still not 100% sure on that one). I gues he found a way back in. My personal opinion. I have no problem with WOO. He likes to fight and I am sure he does not care what guild tag he is wearing as long as he has targets. I am suprised that he does not attack SCAM. I thought he left on bad terms.

Lego WANTS TO BE IN scam but left. I think he realized that the grass is not always greener on the other side. I guess your back in. My opinion. The man is FAST and takes this game to personal. Its just a game Lego!!!

HUGO (NOT VADER) I give up on this whole Vader/Hugo thing. Every time I post on it I look more and more stupid.

I know you all could really give two ****s about my opinon, but I am bored and I don't feel like gaming.


Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
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You are right Bear.

Cal was definetly not what he was painted to us..even by certain people he is currently hanging with. I am very pleased to admit I was very wrong about him. I would play the game with him.

I will even officially apologize to him for past remarks


You are right Bear.

Cal was definetly not what he was painted to us..even by certain people he is currently hanging with. I am very pleased to admit I was very wrong about him. I would play the game with him.
I've been with Calisto on 3 occasions in his time on Sonoma and always been a pleasant run... I've also been against Calisto on 3 different times... Hasn't **** talked me... and I haven't **** talked him on the field... must be mutual respect... I do hope he wakes up and realizes that he truly is rolling with people who will end up stabbing him in the back...

Ya know I find it funny... Darth is a good guy and he has been very respectful... Lego on the other hand is quite 2 faced/hypocritical... I never had a problem with him til his latest bout to stepping on someone(s)... In vent he was always like "Trinity ur a cool guy" "we will always attack SCAM and COP when on field at same time"... Now he's talkin trash on me on the boards to save face??? LMAO... ganking us with SCAM the guild he left with Darth... LMAO...

If PAL is gonna sit here and say it's them against the shard, I have no problems... Be about it then... Don't hide and chat with SCAM after teaming up to take us on... That's for chumps... Fight us all u like... team up against us all u like... But don't sit there and be buddy buddy with the people u just left if ur "stance" is PAL against the shard... U won't ever see us be buddy buddy with SCAM or COP or even PAL...


It is one thing to team up with another guild to take people out, (like cop with a larger guild). We did help cop kill scam at one point, but once scam died and then attacked cop, sometimes you have to help one guild kill another. But the funny thing last night was that when it was already even numbers, pal had to team up with scam to take us out. I take that as you are pretty scared of us since you could not take us alone??? I am like most, that i love the fights, and could care less who helps who, but i still find it hilarious when scam (the guild who says they can kill anyone alone) has to group up with people that left on bad terms every night to fight. Why not just reguild to scam or all join pal if you guys have to work together every night to get anything done?? The big thing i find funny, is how woo says how we are trash, and yet, him and his guild got owned last night in an even fight!! I used to think lego was a cool guy, but now i see him as someone who just wants to be on top, and will do whatever to get there. Maybe lego should go join up with cop again, seems he can't be in a guild with few numbers, he always needs a zerg behind him. Guess that explains pal/scam alliance.:stir:


screen shots or accept the war is all i ask lol... as we can see your whole guild can talk up a storm lol.... almost 6 posts of just K_C/waka members rambling about the same thing over and over again lol.... it doesn't matter what type of char i play i will be called a gimp or whatever excuse you need lol... i could play a straight 5x mage and be called gimp or some excuse name by you guys so i dun even bother with you guys anymore lol... lets see what snake has to say next.....

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
I don't need to say anything to trash.

We will just continue to dog whip you, until you inevitably screw over those who are currently around you and leave you all alone, once again. It's as sure as the sun coming up.

Dance on son..dance on...


Has anyone seen COP around??? I've seen them briefly like 3 times... it's turned into a PAL vs Waka/KC shard of late...

Please come back guys... lol
Awww .....

I can't speak for the rest of COP but as for me, my family and I are on holiday in the States. We have a couple laptops but the connection is at times iffy at best, if we have the time to even sit down.

For the most part, the USA is an incredibly beautiful place and we want our family to be able to see just how beautiful it is. We just left Yosemite and have stopped in Utah. Tomorrow heading across country and well be on the east coast for a few weeks.

I REALLY REALLY miss playing UO but this opportunity surpasses even dismounting SCAM, KC, and WAKA...as for PAL...pfffttt, not even a challenge there.

Ya'll have a wonderful Thanksgiving...living in the states, you have much to be thankful for.


I would be happy to accept war with you woo, but it will now be up to waka, because we are moving into another faction:), won't matter for you, because we will still stat ya, but things will change for cop


Ive been gone for a while, and I am curious as to whats going on with pvp now. Is it still a bunch of tamers and dismounters? From what i could gather from this thread its still cop scam and waka as the main players in pvp. Is there still much fighting for spawns or have people given up on that? Has imbuing made the gear better or just more imbalanced?


Ive been gone for a while, and I am curious as to whats going on with pvp now. Is it still a bunch of tamers and dismounters? From what i could gather from this thread its still cop scam and waka as the main players in pvp. Is there still much fighting for spawns or have people given up on that? Has imbuing made the gear better or just more imbalanced?
Truthfully, imbuing has made archers more dominant... and it allows the mages that run 24/7 be able to heal on the run uninterupted with wands. The concept of imbuing was great, as it enabled the not so rich to level the playing field as far as items r concerned... However it just made the people that make the gimpest templates move to playing archers more often... Not many mages in the field anymore unfortunately...

Waka just recently came back on the seen... I mean we've been around just been around in various different guilds and such... trying to make a revival of it all... getting some folks back and have recently added a few good people to the mix... Should be fun when the rest of our original players get back into playing more...


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
Cept for you cannot gheal on the run with a wand. Most "pvpers" know about this. Therefore I can't blame you for not knowing.


Cept for you cannot gheal on the run with a wand. Most "pvpers" know about this. Therefore I can't blame you for not knowing.
Oh wow... Forgive me for not clarifying for those people such as urself that don't understand things in their entirety... Gheal wands cannot be disrupted so yea u pause for a sec and a half and wala... it's like mini healing ON THE RUN but with more hp's coming back... Understand me now kiddo??? Any "real" pvper would've UNDERSTOOD what I was saying


So uhhhh who's this new group that's come to Sonoma??? I saw a couple names I recognized but couldn't quite pin the names to any guild... started out as Calisto fighting that Naka Yama Tsu Mi guy... I was watching... then one of his buddies shows up... starts gankin so I jumped in... then another guys shows up... Sa Vok appeared outta nowhere and I think smacked him around... then another showed up...

Whoever they are welcome to the shard... May ur corpses litter the ground... :)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So uhhhh who's this new group that's come to Sonoma??? I saw a couple names I recognized but couldn't quite pin the names to any guild... started out as Calisto fighting that Naka Yama Tsu Mi guy... I was watching... then one of his buddies shows up... starts gankin so I jumped in... then another guys shows up... Sa Vok appeared outta nowhere and I think smacked him around... then another showed up...

Whoever they are welcome to the shard... May ur corpses litter the ground... :)
Chushingara, Naka, Nogero, Ungoro in guild [POLE] that's in Minax faction, they just got stated and restated multiple times fighting me and Savok 4 on 2. Pictures to come. :party:

At least chushingara isnt new to sonoma. If I wasnt mistaken he's originally from Pac who rolls in Queen Cryrite's guild. At least they are all oranges not bluebies in gzone. Chushigara is ninja mage (the TMI runner template), Naka is sleep mage, Nogero is bushido evasion, Ungoro is some melee dexer (he died too quickly to tell what template he's on). They para spams and omen para ganks, they arent that bad but the 4 on 2 failure isnt helping their reputation maybe they should also leave faction get on blue and sit in guardzone wait for their zerg friends in faction to show up. :party:


I'm pretty sure the "blue gzone" comment wasn't towards me... Cause if it was ur surely the most ignorant person I've ever come across... As we have been on our factioners statting people left and right... Maybe u should climb out from under that rock you've been living under and ACTUALLY get out in the field and see for urself and come get killed like the others that actually pvp still... T.T.F.N.


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Yea the POLE guys will just add some spice to the mix.... If you haven't seen it in action then be forewarned their combo of choice is 2 mages & Negero (NERVE striker) ... Just don't let them nerve ya when the mages have precasts and your good to go... it's obvious etc.. but I'm sure it'll work on some..


It will be nice to get another guild out in the field, it has been fun fighting with cop and pal the past few nights. We got lucky enough to see some scam the other night, but only one stealther last night, hopefully all will be in force soon. Good luck to all, and keep giving points, we do appreciate them greatly!:fight:


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Busters Said:
it has been fun fighting with cop and pal the past few nights

I may actually be on primetime tonight for a change but otherwise I work evenings & don't play UO on the days off with wife, which is why I'm never on primetime 7-10pm... We will see.


They should've gone TB... Minax is already large as is... TB has what 4-6 active pvpers in it???


we are now com, so that way 4 pvp guilds in 4 dif factions, and we didn't want to go tb, because they are 2 much fun to stat

Black Majick

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So....8 LBC/Waka.....6 of us on RED COUNCIL OF MAGES CHARACTERS!!! Where is everyone at?? I remember not even 2-3 weeks ago it was Waka sucks....blue trammie guard zone hugging...well we came out...like was asked of us....where did everyone else run off too??? Keep us interested. I toss out challenge now..SCAM, COP, POLE (wow they suck), and PAL. Come out and play. We want the fights. The DSP we went and did...said it right in front of COP house...no one showed up...So we went back to gate...to put COP into stat 2x in a row....only one man down and he admitted he was being a nub and it was his fault he didnt watch his own life.

My challenge though...come out and play!!! Show us really how great you are....


I was actually hoping for a fight too... COP knew we were going down there cause we got tired of waiting for them to come out of the house to fight... they had a good number on... Ruff, KMS, 3 or 4 stealthers, Profile, Pixel Perfect, Trent, and one other name escapes me... 9 or 10 vs 8... They chose to stay in Yew unfortunately... :(

Oh well, maybe again tonight...


I was equally dissapointed 2, hopefully they will show up tonight! Also i have only seen one scam the past 2 nights, and that was a stealther looking to take a kill shot but would not fight other then that. As much as they talk about stealthers, looks like they are becoming more and more like cop with each passing day.


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Stratics Legend
Well as of Tuesday night ~7:00 pm or so there was



6 Waka + 2 PAL (Calisto & Lego on their Dog Mages)

If you guys are going to complain about not getting a fight then try not teaming up with other guilds to fight your betters.... Eventually we just got tired of your lamness and went to turtle up in the SL base where the non-faction zerg coudln't follow... (I then had guests arrive so had to log, but sheesh guys 9 on 3 ?? come on...)


Well as of Tuesday night ~7:00 pm or so there was



6 Waka + 2 PAL (Calisto & Lego on their Dog Mages)

If you guys are going to complain about not getting a fight then try not teaming up with other guilds to fight your betters.... Eventually we just got tired of your lamness and went to turtle up in the SL base where the non-faction zerg coudln't follow... (I then had guests arrive so had to log, but sheesh guys 9 on 3 ?? come on...)
ok was it 9v3 or 8v3?? You kind of changed in less then a minute in your post, so it's hard to tell which it is. I was not there, i'm never usually on till around 11 pm eastern time. And it's kind of funny that you complain about that when it's usually always pal and scam on us, the tables turned for one round of fighting and you complain now???? rofl, scam is dead and whoever logs on gets pwned and then logs off. So i'm guessing there was no company, u just got pwned, so you logged off and came here to complain? gg newbie:thumbdown:

Also, you call yourself the better group?? rofl, we have owned you every time with even numbers and yet you still call us newbs?? So if we are the newbs for winning, then what does that make your guild??

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
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Some might look at it as;

SCAM got so freakin pwnd again that, like usual..they turtle up in their house and/or at SL base. As my own personal characters cycle into COM, the SL base will no longer be viable for you, same with the rest of KC folks and some sweet runes marked in that base.

Don't complain about numbers..you folks made your bed..now you get to sleep in it. Personally, I will always lay off other targets to make sure the remaining SCAM members get statted and chased out. Only after SCAM is gone will other targets get my attention. It has nothing to do with "teaming" up with anyone or anything. It just means that you are targets, nothing less and nothing more. Do not make the mistake of over-estimating your self importance..

I know I am not alone in those thoughts, which is why you folks don't get much play time on this shard anymore. This is what happens when you screw over your own members...enjoy :)

Karma is a pancake.


Well as of Tuesday night ~7:00 pm or so there was



6 Waka + 2 PAL (Calisto & Lego on their Dog Mages)

If you guys are going to complain about not getting a fight then try not teaming up with other guilds to fight your betters.... Eventually we just got tired of your lamness and went to turtle up in the SL base where the non-faction zerg coudln't follow... (I then had guests arrive so had to log, but sheesh guys 9 on 3 ?? come on...)
I only have one issue with ur post bud... 3 SCAM??? Let's just correct u right there... Mike Lordstrom, Sa Vok, GOLDBERG, Hyunaata, and if I am not mistaken Pwnstar was there as well... I could be mistaken... but the first 4 were definately there...


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Lol @Snake.... The PARAGON of PvP skill. I was cracking up last night bc some newbie named Flutis was running around using Area Peace. Someone filled me in that that was Snake lol....

Widow Maker Said:
Don't complain about numbers..you folks made your bed..now you get to sleep in it.
Um.. lol Snake SCAM is better off the way it is.

1) WooWoo left bc he said we were a Zerg & he wanted more fights. That's fine... there's more fights to be had now.

2) Lego simply wtf bailed on us. He says he did it bc DARTH came back from being in Iraq I believe, but he said it was all just a Loyalty thing. I never understood this bc apparently the people that your in vent with day in and day out for Months aren't the people he was loyal too and the guy that was gone for ages is... Ahh well his decision & he now has to play with CALISTO as punishment lol.

3) Umm.. like I said before Snake I don't even know if you got kicked or quit, but the loss of a non-pvper like you doesn't make a **** for difference to me.

Widow Maker Said:
Only after SCAM is gone will other targets get my attention. It has nothing to do with "teaming" up with anyone or anything.
Umm are you really that dense ?? What do you think Teaming up means? It's all good ... I know you NEED the numbers to stand a chance but your deluding yourself if your telling people your not working with other guilds to kill SCAM.

Widow you just need to accept that what you consider and accomplishment is something most true PvPer's find pathetic..

Widow: "Woot! he's dismounted & I just smokebombed in his FACE baby! Go get him guys!

Widow: "OK there's 3x of us now but they don't know PAL'S coming too... the fight is on!"

Widow:"Lemme log on my BARD and area peace spam!! "

P A T H E T I C......

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
LOL...someone is still a bit butthurt that they can barely play anymore?

Flutist is on to mess with COP pets..otherwise he has no use..just a simple **** off factor. As soon as pets are gone..so is he.

Face it..you quasi-PvP, at the VERY best, with a few remaining fools who can't really PvP at all. To really PvP is to use skill..."and nothing else". That is something you simply do not have. :thumbdown:

You are, once again, on the loosing end of a toothpick you allowed your fools to whittle down from the "big stick" they once had.

If you stopped being as dumb as those left in SCAM, you would find some true friends to PvP with and actually be able to play the game and have fun.

Meanwhile, you are just going to have to put up with house hiding and being run off the game/shard. Doesn't sound like much fun..what ya think there skippy?

Wise up, grow up..pick your friends with a bit more foresite than an rock. Learn to be able to admit you made a mistake and walk away from bad self-created situations. You have yet to learn and demonstrate this adult trait.

"Ya could have been a contender..now look at ya!"

Trash and stupid to boot. GG there son.. :loser:

Talk about pathetic...LAWLS!!!!! :thumbup:



1) WooWoo left bc he said we were a Zerg & he wanted more fights. That's fine... there's more fights to be had now.
lol see theres method to my madness... i didn't think we were a zerg i was just bored cuz of the so lil fights of just cop lame salsa... and snake of course im still cool with scam we may trash talk on the field or boards but dun mean im not having fun with my buds :)...

definatly more fights to be had... glad K C finally grew a pair and left the cop faction... and now some new peeps to fight... pretty excited about it

I heart you peon... my midnight lover :)


lol see theres method to my madness... i didn't think we were a zerg i was just bored cuz of the so lil fights of just cop lame salsa... and snake of course im still cool with scam we may trash talk on the field or boards but dun mean im not having fun with my buds :)...

definatly more fights to be had... glad K C finally grew a pair and left the cop faction... and now some new peeps to fight... pretty excited about it

I heart you peon... my midnight lover :)

Yea, it is funny how you screw scam over by making a character in another faction to attack scam members, and yet they still can't remove their lips from your arse. They were whining about that for days, and what trash you were for doing it, now look at ya, "i still love scam and they love me". rofl, true liars and scammers always stick together, even when they scam one another. Don't know if thats just stupid or pathetic, either way, both fit.

And Vexxed, you suck as an archer and a mage, so just don't talk anymore about how bad others are.


2) Lego simply wtf bailed on us. He says he did it bc DARTH came back from being in Iraq I believe, but he said it was all just a Loyalty thing. I never understood this bc apparently the people that your in vent with day in and day out for Months aren't the people he was loyal too and the guy that was gone for ages is... Ahh well his decision & he now has to play with CALISTO as punishment lol

HEY peon i know this isnt a proper qoute with and im not using board ettiquette but i just need to clear something up because it seems the facts arent straight, this is exactly what happened, before i left for ntc lego and woo woo asked me to leave scam and join there new guild so we could fight more and i said sure because scam has cool people in it that are very good but it was getting boring and the fights were getting boring so when i got back from ntc i left scam and joined lego and woo woos guild, why is lego saying he quit because i did? i dont know maybe he doesnt want to burn his bridges with you all but i was the one who was approached with the idea of leaving scam by him its not like i am the reason he quit even tho hes my guildmate he should man up and stop saying he left because i did.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hmmm DARTH.. As far as I know you were booted for simple inactivity which is fine and woudln't have counted against you if you'd come back. As far as LEGO is concerned I just know what he told me which was pretty much along the lines of "DARTH's my Boy & taught me all I know and I'm leaving to be a in a guild with him.. no offense etc.. it's just a loyalty thing" that's pretty close to what LEGO told me... Good to know he was planning on bailing for awhile. I know Woowoo was in TI vent alot with The wife etc and ah well.. if you wanna guildhop that's fine. I just never went for that sorta thing.(LEGO that is)

SNAKE... Umm wow... Can I get some of the stuff your taking bc it's obviously good **** lol. Seriously... I PvPed for like 4 hours tonight and YOU AND YOURS got the worst of it BY FAR... so please cease and desist with your BS...

Widow Said:
To really PvP is to use skill..."and nothing else". That is something you simply do not have.
The Reality of PvP in UO is that just like LIFE it's not fair.... Someone's always faster, or ganking, or Smoke Bombing, or Playing the Gimp that just so happens to be your weakness... End Result you Deal with it. It just so happens that SCAM deals with Your guys by giving them deathrobes wholesale..... lol. Matter of fact 3 of us took DSP and when you came back you died and we waited and waited... I even icq'ed Waka but they said they were Also done for the night.... Anyway Snake... You guys deserve a cookie for your efforts.... lol

PS.. could you do me a favor btw. List your PvP chars? er.. I mean Blues that your going to GZ sit with? or maybe even the random Orange Stealther you might play? I can start grabbing those killshots I get of you. I mean you've made such an IMPACT with your PvP SKILLZ that I somehow failed to notice you.....


Looks like its a bunch of the same old same old. Would it be worth coming back without getting sa or would a person be at too much of a disadvantage?

I don't know if any of the people i played with are still playing anymore. I have the itch, and reading the pvp thread always makes me laugh since its the same trash talk just a different day.

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