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Sonoma PvP thread, v. 3.05 - ENTER AT OWN RISK

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Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Good luck seeing HIM on the field... I've been fighting everynight the past 2 weeks and I think I've seen HIM out of the house 2 nights... 1 night he died on both the chars he played... As stated it is not our fault that SCAM ran people off and that the others simply just don't log on at all... Instead of War coming on here and complaining maybe he should ICQ his guildies and tell them to come play...
Aww typical liar, screenshots plz. GG

Sweet I came out of house 2 times and got all these face down ass up. Hahaha shows how good you guys are.

GG girl GG


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
IDK about the COP part. We shoot for who we feel like. Sometimes we just feel like killing SCAM over COP and vice versa. As far as holding hands with Waka. Just so you can comprehend it. K_C and Waka are the same guild.....We have pretty much merged. I stay out of the politics of things, but Wyld, Snake, Bear, and the rest of the gang (sorry if left your name out) are in vent with myself, trin, willy, ham and the rest of waka (again sorry if left name out).

Now as far as zerging it up. Whatever you wanna say. I seem too remember being in scam and there being 11 people on in SCAM vent 1-2 times a week average was around 8. We have 6-8 on usually. Sorry if yall dont feild those numbers anymore and yall pissed off/bored your members. Why dont you get all the folks who quit because there were not fights back. Theres an idea. That or do some recruiting. That or just fight and have fun. Its a game. Im actually going to be on for a bit tonight myself. See you in the field...hopefully...
We are enjoying the challenge actually. Good job zerging it up tho COP2.

Keep it up you can use more number since you still dont beat the 3 of us reliably even with Beastmaster and Ruffrider on your side with all the wakas. Consider recruiting from COP or other shards? Oh yea you guys are already working on it.

I guess it's Scam vs COP vs COP2 on sonoma now. Zerg it up COP2 kiddos zerg it up we are waiting. :thumbup:

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Before you completely convince everyone of your intellectual challenges, ask your girls about teaming up with COP. Just ask...




Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Before you completely convince everyone of your intellectual challenges, ask your girls about teaming up with COP. Just ask...


And KMS said he hates us more than you guys thats why he helped you guys while you guys didnt attack them... So what's your point? :confused:

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And KMS said he hates us more than you guys thats why he helped you guys while you guys didnt attack them... So what's your point? :confused:
Just pointing out that sometimes, the shoe is on the other foot. You may not know about it, but it has been and will likely continue to be. **** happens..deal with it and have fun :thumbup:


War, you are so full of it. You never come outside your house outnumbered. I may see one scam come outside, and of coarse he will never flag, then here comes another 5 scam to help. Scam does not fight outnumbered, they are just like cop, they stay in the house then come out when they have more numbers. Then if they fail to beat anyone on their "main" templates, they then break out the 5 archers to try to win. Scam is the same as cop (pathetic):thumbdown:


I would just like to point out that everyone on Sonoma who claims to pvp is a joke with no skill. you are all item *****s that play at least 6 hours each day and use various third party programs to help you pvp. Key words "To help you pvp".

Friendly reminder from true pvpers since 1997.

I have watch this servers pvpers all leave in disgust when the gangster generation grew up and made guilds like Waka or Scam.. COP is just full of old women and little boys so I can't really talk **** about them..they give off the **** vibe when they enter a room (prob a room in their houses that they hide in unless they have the zerg going on)

Scam is a guild full of the same quality of pvpers as COP or Waka. Little boys that get pwned 1on1 by true pvpers such as ZOG.

Hack, zerg, house hide, and blue heal against 4 or 5 Zogs? It is true we are at war with all of your guilds..and it took years to get you ***gots to war us because your all products of PAS and queen mum teaching you how to pvp over the years. Why didn't you cockblocks war zog when we had an army? Why did you wait til ZOG had almost zero pvpers to war? Why did you wait til hacks were not bannable anymore to war?

I will tell you why, because 99.9% of you are ****ty pvpers just like you were before OSI ruined Sonoma and other servers. Lord knows you all unite together when you see one of my D-list pvper Zogs that I have left on Sonoma..even though you all clearly out number him or her. It is not just your little ***gy alliance of Internet pen pals because you live on your PCs, All guilds these days act the same as Andy..the little asian boy who was spoiled by his parents and suddenly became good at pvp over night? Every pvper on sonoma is Andy of PAS in my mind and thus 12 with a giant *****!

So in closing little girls of Sonoma, there is a reason why everyone left including my guild. Never think you are good at pvp when you use third party programs and Joo tactics to fight your battles for you. Zog has zero supplies and people who even log in anymore, yet you all act like its some massive war when its 50 vs 5.. gimmie a ****'n **** break you nubs lol.

We laugh at the amount of **** talking you kids still do when we kill you 1on1 before you call the zerg patrols of various guilds to help you. Some of you know that I have members whom have alts in your guild. They show me recordings of how you kids flip out... its just a ****ing game you stupid *******s! It's people like you who send me death threats and try to sue me over a video game. Get a life Sonoma! In the end we always win!


((just a side note but not that it matters because your all ****ing idiots in my mind, but I never post in this pvp thread because its full of mormons and drama queens, I just needed to vent at you ****s after the horse **** pvp we saw yesterday))

Balinor of Pk?

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Looks like Thrax lost another war that he is claiming he "won." He always gets his panties in a bunch when that happens. Well I'm here to remind you Thrax. You're not good. And you never were. Your little war is a shard joke. And you are the punchline. Have fun playing daddy to the 10 year olds in your guild that think it's "cool" you are warred with real pvpers tho.


thats funny because half of zog is made up of scam and cop players whom have alts in there.

Your the one who got his **** handed to him until zog quit this shard 4 years ago. This "shard war" as you call it is just left over zogs dicking around against hackers and wanna be pvpers who think they are good because they can run off the screen fast and zerg.

You will always be the little **** up from 1999 Vhinn. :-( AOS warfare is pure trammel warfare. half the time you nubs are pvming for loot and the other time your "pvping" around loot spawns and houses. You guys accept this as pvp but whatever..reason nobody plays sonoma anymore and plays free shards.

We are just ****ing around and killing time on here because it is pointless to pvp these days. Fact the truth is I can beat most ppl 1on1 with my ****ty dex char. I was always good, it was the game that catters to little pancake chars who spend all their time playing uo and have no social life. If I had the time you losers had I would rule this server all over again, but I don't. Just a joke what you kids did to Sonoma. Ask anyone on Atlantic of Pacific..Sonoma is a joke shard. I call it Queen Mum pvping


And KMS said he hates us more than you guys thats why he helped you guys while you guys didnt attack them... So what's your point? :confused:
Have you ever noticed that you/scam are the only ones that come here and complain about 2 guilds going against you??? We have been on the other side of the stick before, and so has cop, noone else complains but you guys. Just last night i had 3 scam on me alone, and 2 cop joined in to dismount me and kill me. Should i cry about it like you do war?? It's a game, it happens, get over it. The way me and most waka see it is that we attack the bigger guild out of the scam and cop. Cop of coarse has had a good 8 people on, but scam has at least had 6 to 7 on the past couple nights. Scam is better then cop, so we take them out first. The only way that scam can beat us is if they go all archer, which is what you guys have had to play the past few nights because we pwn your primary reds, so you go grab your blues :stir:

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Bahahahahahaaa...what he said!!

SCAM equals COP..end of story. :loser:

Can't hang on real characters or even play with a real client. I would be willing to bet they are the kind that stole from their mother's in game purse. They have no self-respect and yet still get wtfpwnd. :loser:

Has anyone ever seen such a group of losers before? Not to my knowledge. :loser:



Any stupid **** can gank..that is a proven fact. When you post pictures of 1 dead corpse with many surrounding it...makes you all look like ****ing ******* in my mind and the minds of real pvpers.

Unless it was a great battle with many dead...your all just a bunch of ****ing ******* from an AOS era of bisexuals whom are confused about their path in life. ^_^



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Any stupid **** can gank..that is a proven fact. When you post pictures of 1 dead corpse with many surrounding it...makes you all look like ****ing ******* in my mind and the minds of real pvpers.

Unless it was a great battle with many dead...your all just a bunch of ****ing ******* from an AOS era of bisexuals whom are confused about their path in life. ^_^

We had 3 chars all in faction versus...
Wakanooblet had all blues and attacking us from gzone w/ one(1) orange Vlad trying to take cheapshot from stealth as they try to do a gzone gank.(I forgot to catch Hawk And Vlad the stealth noob when we ass up face up them). Yes they had a bit more than we do.

GG Snake for brave up and flag me and of course die (as shown in screenshot, you are gray to me, got any lies that you wanna say about that?)

Yes Thrax you are right, Waka ganked us from gzone 5 on 1 as we cant gank them back but they still died. Notice only 1 guy in there died outta gzone. But you are in no way shape or form a PvPer since 97 and you've been a non-pvp noob for 12 years now so I dont blame you.

Btw trammie nooblet you cannot attack blues in gzone without getting wacked. But since you never PvPed when there's no tram and have been in tram 99.% % of the time scamming new players in tram you probably have zero clue on how gzone works.

GG btw sorry we are winning the war that finally accept. We sent the invitation out 3 months ago that u refused to accept because you said we use tamers (nice one *****).


rofl, the first one looks like a res kill, the rest are pictures of bodies with no money shots. GG newbie, maybe i should go take pictures of someones corpse like you did. :thumbup1: Also nice job taking pictures of 1 guy on 3 dif chars, so it seems that 5v2 was really a 3v2, but nice try. And i noticed every picture you take is on a archer, so that proves my point that you guys can't stand a chance on your mages, just like last night when icu and lego got pwned by 3 guys, or we can say 20 guys if that makes you feel better?? Nice to see you guys took back lego again. Seems like you need the help.
As your guild would say, "play something besides an archer you newb". rofl, seems scam is becoming more and more like cop, always on archers, and using more tamers now. :stir:


We had 3 chars all in faction versus...
Wakanooblet had all blues and attacking us from gzone w/ one(1) orange Vlad trying to take cheapshot from stealth as they try to do a gzone gank.(I forgot to catch Hawk And Vlad the stealth noob when we ass up face up them). Yes they had a bit more than we do.

GG Snake for brave up and flag me and of course die (as shown in screenshot, you are gray to me, got any lies that you wanna say about that?)

Yes Thrax you are right, Waka ganked us from gzone 5 on 1 as we cant gank them back but they still died. Notice only 1 guy in there died outta gzone. But you are in no way shape or form a PvPer since 97 and you've been a non-pvp noob for 12 years now so I dont blame you.

Btw trammie nooblet you cannot attack blues in gzone without getting wacked. But since you never PvPed when there's no tram and have been in tram 99.% % of the time scamming new players in tram you probably have zero clue on how gzone works.

GG btw sorry we are winning the war that finally accept. We sent the invitation out 3 months ago that u refused to accept because you said we use tamers (nice one *****).

That's funny actually... First of all we had 3... MoT/Violent Moods/Jack are all the same people... and u had 4... Miss Behaven, Ii, Joe Lord and one name u managed to not capture in the photos was Ellissar Tassitar... Seems to be u guys had the advantage no??? Again u failed to include that into ur post... 1 sided stories for the lose... the bones right above my corpse belong to Joe Lord whom I had just finished dirtnapping... Oh wells... noone believes ur lies anyway, juss wanting to clarify for the outsiders who still don't know anything that spews from ur mouth smells like hot garbage...

As for MoT's bones being grey to u, he got guard whacked cause he poisoned ur horse thinking it was red... U never went grey except from looting someone's corpse that one of ur other guildies killed... Hense why u never got any money shots or any action shots... Juss u riding the rest of ur guilds coattails like always... GG girl GG

Just noticed something... In picture #5 u actually have 4 archers on ur screen... All SCAM members... At that point it was down to Jack and Sindra/Hawke as the only ones left on... I had gone to bed due to work this morning... So in turn it was never once an even fight... Again proven that u guys r hypocrital in talkin **** about other guilds outnumbering u guys... Kthnxdrivethru


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nice story noob,wheres ur proof?
Ok so the 5 screenies have 3 people are you going to lie that hawk and vlad wasnt there? Making it 5 waka gzone ganking 4 scams right? Exactly. All that carebear gzone 5 to 1 gank and what do you see here? Waka got face down ass up over and over and over and over and over even with 5 players 7 different characters, with gzone.

Anyways lets cut the story telling, look at the true physical evidences here. 5 waka chars assed up each at least once with guards pampering waka blue trammies and still asses up everywhere.

Are you talking about snake being a super ****** by attacking my horse when he knows damn well whats gonna happen especially for an alliance like waka that rely heavily on using gzones to pvp? Hes either ******** or he got straight up face owned as a waka member... pick one that suits you.

Oh wheres your proof for your counter arguments/lies/stories? Thought so.


Maybe I didn't make it clear... Figuring that since I am in deed talking bout said incident I will elaborate on it a bit more since obviously ur a twit and can't understand... I will list every character that we had there and ALL the players they belong to... I already posted this but ur a bit slow in the art of grasping information and retaining it...

MoT, Jack, Violent Moods= Snake.
Tanis Half-Elven= Trinity.


Ii= WarBitterBitch
Elissar Tessitar= Eli McCorbin
Miss Behaven= Lego was prolly the one playing it
Joe Lord= Joe Lord
and in the very last screenshot there is one more archer in the screen cause he/she surely isn't one of ours or COPs based on the look...

Now u say Vlad was there... He wasn't in vent, map, or talking to us so in that scenario he wasn't working with us being that there was no coorinating whatsoever... So hell, let's give u that one and say we had 4... U still had 5... Am I speaking slow enough so that a twit AKA WarBitterBitch can understand me??? Or did I lose u counting past 1???


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ahhh so now we got 5 people and you wanna lie about vlad being there which is fine by me.

Lets say even number you can gank any of us from gzone while we would have to fight you 1 v 4 in guard therefore its reasonable you guys gets assed up IN gzone like real coplings.

Ok good for you, but you guys still got face down ass up ****ed bu scams as shown in evidences. All i can say is GG ass up waka try harder next time.

I mean, Snake on MoT got ASS UP switch to Violent Mood then got ASS UP AGAIN and switch to Jack then got ASS UP over and over.

Then Sindra got ASS UP on Sindra then switch to Hawk and got ASS UP over and over.

Vlad took one shot from stealth and smokebomb ran back to house (nice one typical COP2).

Tanis the disarm spamming noob that I have yet seen killing anyone since 99 got ASS UP as well as other Wakas that got ASS UP there. I mean that's a lot of ASSES got UPPED. I mean damn I tried to not post multiple kills on the same char, if you wanna count rez kills I personally killed Hawk 5 times. Thats so many ASSES UP man. Geez.... I mean how can waka the self proclaimed PvP Guild (also the only blue gzone guild on Sonoma) gets ASS UP like that when they have the choice on who to gank with their insta-kill S.K.I.L.L "GUARDS SAVE US NOW BAD PEOPLE ATT US!!"


Just get out of the gzone please WaCops.

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
LMAO..Just got in from OKC...this is what I have been missing huh?? Not much I can see...guess not even gonna log into game tonight..Ill just hit the sack...

btw war...in said pics..I see 5 diff peeps....1 out of 5 being a mage..rest are archers...why dont you guys actually get and play something that challenges you..makes for better fights and isnt gimp template? Too much to ask?? Prolly so...but its worth asking. I stopped playing my dexer just because it got boring trying to chase around all you silly archers all day!


Ahhh so now we got 5 people and you wanna lie about vlad being there which is fine by me.

Lets say even number you can gank any of us from gzone while we would have to fight you 1 v 4 in guard therefore its reasonable you guys gets assed up IN gzone like real coplings.

Ok good for you, but you guys still got face down ass up ****ed bu scams as shown in evidences. All i can say is GG ass up waka try harder next time.

I mean, Snake on MoT got ASS UP switch to Violent Mood then got ASS UP AGAIN and switch to Jack then got ASS UP over and over.

Then Sindra got ASS UP on Sindra then switch to Hawk and got ASS UP over and over.

Vlad took one shot from stealth and smokebomb ran back to house (nice one typical COP2).

Tanis the disarm spamming noob that I have yet seen killing anyone since 99 got ASS UP as well as other Wakas that got ASS UP there. I mean that's a lot of ASSES got UPPED. I mean damn I tried to not post multiple kills on the same char, if you wanna count rez kills I personally killed Hawk 5 times. Thats so many ASSES UP man. Geez.... I mean how can waka the self proclaimed PvP Guild (also the only blue gzone guild on Sonoma) gets ASS UP like that when they have the choice on who to gank with their insta-kill S.K.I.L.L "GUARDS SAVE US NOW BAD PEOPLE ATT US!!"


Just get out of the gzone please WaCops.

Ur whorship is noted... Tanis has more notoriety than any of ur chars ever will on this shard... I get people telling me all the time that they had no idea I was Tanis... That they ABSOLUTELY hated my char simply cause I made mofo's RIP... Ur name will forever be in blunt terms "Just another wannabe"... U attempt to be Wasp/Ember, EPIC FAIL... Noone even knows the name WarUltima at all... old pvpers, new pvpers noone... GG asshat GG


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Trinity Said:
Noone even knows the name WarUltima at all... old pvpers, new pvpers no one... GG asshat GG
Well... lemme just point out the contradiction. You Bothered to QUOTE someone who's a nobody?? lol. I mean if Tanis is Famous (he's not btw) You'd think the guy who can Drop Tanis "like it's HOT!" would be famous too??well... unless of course dropping Tanis is nothing special lol

Tanis could perhaps be "famous" but only so much as every Harry Potter character lol.


TIMBRA, u r without a doubt entitled to ur opinion... and I respect that... I was well known and u can bet ur bottom dollar on that... I'm still getting ppl to this day that return telling me that they had no idea I was him and how much they hated to fight me... Hell u and I on TIMBRA and Tanis had some great fights pre AOS... U've turned that char into a gold farmer now... But it's all good... Ur coming to the defense of the bitter guildmate... I get that...


This shard next to napa might have the worst mages in any server in uo, Its so bad here that dexxers and tamers and stealth archers talk crap,

I have never seen a shard with so many ego's and so horrid players,

Look at these screen shots,
50% of u play tamers, the other 40 play archers,

Man you guys are very luckey my boys are not here because all u would get is QQ,

Hmm well to be honest I have my guys xfer players here so sonoma can get a taste what real pvpers do...

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
SCAM won't play mages because they get biatch smacked every time they try. Like good little COP sack danglers, they all play archers now. :loser:



SCAM won't play mages because they get biatch smacked every time they try. Like good little COP sack danglers, they all play archers now. :loser:

your a idiot, either duel me or dont post


well bring your boys here, we will make you x-fer back just like every other trash talker that came to this shard

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
your a idiot, either duel me or dont post
Says the little cur who already got ran off the shard, tail firmly tucked, by us. :eek:snap: :owned:

Sure Kryriteaway..come on back, bring your little girls. Maybe you can get the king of sack huggers, Lego..to join you and then be your escort back off the shard. It's not like you are not used to it already. :stretcher:

Oh..Oh..I know....he can join SCAM and by proxy, be a part of COP. He always wanted to join them anyways. How's your archery Kryriteallniteandallday? :thumbup1:

SCAM's little sack suckle up to COP didn't work out too well tonight. They both got rolled..hard. :stretcher:



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I sure enjoy dropping all these "famous" people that clearly are famous for being "Face Down Ass Up(F.D.A.U.)" on the field.

Trinity you and your kinds you reminds me of the "Famous" American Idol singer "William Hung". Yes you guys are sure famous in the same fashion as PvPers of William Hung is famous as a singer.

GG to all you famous F.D.A.U. PvPers.

She bangs!!! Enjoy...
Damn this guy sure is famous alright he's probably as famous as Tanis the Ass Up'er.


I sure enjoy dropping all these "famous" people that clearly are famous for being "Face Down Ass Up(F.D.A.U.)" on the field.

Trinity you and your kinds you reminds me of the "Famous" American Idol singer "William Hung". Yes you guys are sure famous in the same fashion as PvPers of William Hung is famous as a singer.

GG to all you famous F.D.A.U. PvPers.

She bangs!!! Enjoy...
Damn this guy sure is famous alright he's probably as famous as Tanis the Ass Up'er.
Ya see, War I don't really need to say anything to give myself praise u do it for me... Tanis the Ass Up'er OBVIOUSLY dictates that I am the giver and not the receiver in this sense... In short u juss gave me the compliment of laying people to rest and not the one taking the dirtnap... thanx... Again, ur worship is duely noted... TyComeAgain

Psst, u've never dropped me 1v1...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ya see, War I don't really need to say anything to give myself praise u do it for me... Tanis the Ass Up'er OBVIOUSLY dictates that I am the giver and not the receiver in this sense... In short u juss gave me the compliment of laying people to rest and not the one taking the dirtnap... thanx... Again, ur worship is duely noted... TyComeAgain

Psst, u've never dropped me 1v1...
Yep, just like William Hung. I am sure you didnt have professional training course neither. :lol:

Here's more of your very own special famous people.

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wow War..let it go man. It's ok to not be up to level with your superiors..someone has to occupy that space..might as well be you. :lol:

BTW..you seem to have something for this william hung guy..what's up..boyfriend?..relative?..sleeping bag buddy??..actually you??? The curious want to know!

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
LMAO @ War!!! I had to LOL at that video...been a while since I watched William Hung video...


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This shard next to napa might have the worst mages in any server in uo, Its so bad here that dexxers and tamers and stealth archers talk crap,

I have never seen a shard with so many ego's and so horrid players,

Look at these screen shots,
50% of u play tamers, the other 40 play archers,

Man you guys are very luckey my boys are not here because all u would get is QQ,

Hmm well to be honest I have my guys xfer players here so sonoma can get a taste what real pvpers do...
Bring them over. More than likely they will get gunned down and ripped to shreds and will be looking for the first xfer token off the shard. Sad but true. No off shard guild has owned Sonoma, ever.. Bring em over..

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wow.. I was having massive episodes of deja vu tonight...

We would wupp COP's ass and then they would only fight from the house..dying like dogs when they ventured out...

We would wupp SCAM's ass and then they would only fight from the house..dying like dogs when they ventured out...

It felt just like we were fighting the same people.... :confused:

OMG..it just dawned on me...we WERE fighting the same people... :blushing:

:stir: :stir: :stir:

"It's great to be King!" - Mel Brooks


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wow.. I was having massive episodes of deja vu tonight...

We would wupp COP's ass and then they would only fight from the house..dying like dogs when they ventured out...

We would wupp SCAM's ass and then they would only fight from the house..dying like dogs when they ventured out...

It felt just like we were fighting the same people.... :confused:

OMG..it just dawned on me...we WERE fighting the same people... :blushing:

:stir: :stir: :stir:

"It's great to be King!" - Mel Brooks

Yep just like fighting the same people, them funny hypocritical WaCops.

Oh I am sorry but I am not related to that famous singer in anyway. I used him as an example because I think he's Andy's in-game BF. And since Waka boys is so "famous" in PvP the same fashion as their cousin William in Singing and dancing, I just cant resist. He's just too perfect to represent all the famous waka people.

Btw, say/lie whatever you want if it makes you easier to sleep at night.
I got pictures to demostrate your very own post about dirtnapping WaCops and COPs. *looks at the screenshots* yep!! just like fighting the same group of people.

GG ass up there cops and wakas, thanks for venturing out of your house and stealth and attempted to gank us with your little hands hold on to each other tight. Nice try tho.


So much hostility on the forums, so I thought I'd switch it up.
I have enjoyed playing with all of you in spite of the disagreements and malice. Sonoma is fun shard with an interesting mix of people which makes PvPin' fun, when it does happen.

I hope everyone enjoys the holidays and I hope to see some good fights, I know lately I've been missing a lot.

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That was so warm and fuzzy Merc....just beautiful.


I...I ......I think I am going to ingame cry...War..can you show me how to do it, since you are so good at it? :sad2:


Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
LMAO...War..did you not post most of those same pics the other day?? Just saying there fella.


The poor guy doesn't get many shots of him being in the middle of any action so he hangs onto the few shots he gets so he can think he's a part of the pvp community... Hell, 5 of those pictures he wasn't EVEN involved in the fight... hanging on the coat tails of his guildies... ROOFLE


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Indeed, ass up is ass up. The one with Toxic beastmaster was helping him too. Care to prove your argument on your guild can wreck cop/scam?
I see a lot of pictures here of assed up wakas by scam (i wasnt in the fight because waka NEED to use gzone to PvP, I am on my blue Luna archer that was made to kill Luna cops but they got ran out of luna completely).

Because I was on a blue, blue gzone wacops cannot gank me, and they sure aint trying to 1v1 me as you can see in the screenie other than Snake being ******** or instantly faceplanted 1v1 (pick one).

Oh I can repost far back when we wercked waka rikky under-numbered too. I mean read alot of trammies/stealthers here saying they can kill us guild v guild and have yet to see enough(actually nothing at all) proof, just bouncha tears and stories made up by the "famous" PvPer that's related to Mr. William H.

In contrast, I have screenies of Waka holding hands with PAL, Waka holding hands with COP. Waka spawn wrecked (pooned?) by scam with less people, Waka assed up on many many characters.

Again think or say what you want if it makes you sleep better at night. Just try to ignore the facts (especially for those that got caught and proven by actual ingame screenshots), you will live happier in game and IRL. :stir::stir::stir:

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
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The poor guy doesn't get many shots of him being in the middle of any action so he hangs onto the few shots he gets so he can think he's a part of the pvp community... Hell, 5 of those pictures he wasn't EVEN involved in the fight... hanging on the coat tails of his guildies... ROOFLE

Of all those repeat/repeat/repeat/etc pics this little girl posted..she did not take one single shot at any of us. She ...well..just sat there doing... well...nothing.

But she was REAL good at it!!! :loser:

If we actually took pics of all the dead SCAM we have pancake slapped into the ground, we would need a server the size of Manhattan. Good thing is..we don't care to do that and fully enjoy just dirt slapping you girls every day. :loser:

Typical SCAM to COP sack suckler. Does it taste good War? Must be because you have been down there a looooong time. KMS says...Oooooooo that's the good stuff War. :lol:



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Stratics Legend
I have to thank the guys in Waka for keeping me entertained until January.. It has been fun playing again...


This shard next to napa might have the worst mages in any server in uo, Its so bad here that dexxers and tamers and stealth archers talk crap,

I have never seen a shard with so many ego's and so horrid players,

Look at these screen shots,
50% of u play tamers, the other 40 play archers,

Man you guys are very luckey my boys are not here because all u would get is QQ,

Hmm well to be honest I have my guys xfer players here so sonoma can get a taste what real pvpers do...
Bring them over. More than likely they will get gunned down and ripped to shreds and will be looking for the first xfer token off the shard. Sad but true. No off shard guild has owned Sonoma, ever.. Bring em over..

I am pretty sure /R/ owned sonoma bad when they were here a few years back sorry :(


Has anyone noticed that SCAM hasn't been on since the last patch hit??? We was actually juss talkin bout it in vent... someone asked if we've gotten to fight yall tonight... I said no such and such program is still down... I'd be willing to bet that now that it is up we will see a few more start coming out...

At least COP and Waka/LBC and PAL r out and about... that right there says a lot about the state of pvp... oh wells


Lore Keeper
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I am pretty sure /R/ owned sonoma bad when they were here a few years back sorry :(

Nope, /R/ never locked down the shard, sorry. Good fighting though...

Seriously though, bring your guys over. It would make for some interesting PvPing.


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
Has anyone noticed that SCAM hasn't been on since the last patch hit??? We was actually juss talkin bout it in vent... someone asked if we've gotten to fight yall tonight... I said no such and such program is still down... I'd be willing to bet that now that it is up we will see a few more start coming out...

At least COP and Waka/LBC and PAL r out and about... that right there says a lot about the state of pvp... oh wells
Ya hehe, after every patch I wonder why????

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
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lol..it's funny to see that pretty much everyone is in agreement about the absence of SCAM after each patch.

This is why they can NEVER be a part of the PvP scene :thumbsup::thumbsup:


Black Majick

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I think when I am on from now on..I am going to have to start getting and taking pics of people that I kill. I think all Waka should. Then it can be proven that everyone dies at one point or another and that despite what folks claim they are not unkillable. Sometimes you die in a gank, sometimes its because of lag or a lost conn, and sometimes 1v1 because you suck! In the end though we all die at one point or another. If it were not for the fact that Archers are lame tempaltes to play and take little to no skill at all to play I would make one. Im also just to lazy to make one is part of my problem, but if I did, I would be just as good as the COP and SCAM I see running around these days. Last night I finally decided to come out a for a few. I think there were 4-5 COP running around against, from what I saw, 2-3 Waka. I think out of all the people I saw 2 mages. Myself included. SCAM now days about all I see is Archers and DS dexers. I remember SCAM used to play mages. Why dont you boys break out the mages. Nothing is funner than a nice mage fight. Good xhealing, sync dumping. Gets the blood flowing. Lets put up the gimps!!!
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