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Sonoma PvP thread, v. 3.05 - ENTER AT OWN RISK

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they havn't played mages since I left DS... and they prolly won't till Big Worm or Jack Danials gets back... Goldberg is just too slow and he'll admit it and eggy is the only one that will play a mage cuz hes good at it


It's common knowledge that people that pvp these days as opposed to those of us who have done this **** forever, they will do whatever it takes to win... Even if it's sacrificing skill for gimp tactics... Case in point the fact that all of SCAM with the exception of Eli, Peon, and Joe Lord have disappeared at patch time everytime...

It's quite sad really...

But as for Eggy, he might seem good but it's again common knowledge he has help if u get my meaning... I've been in guilds with a lot of these pvpers... and there's reasons why I stay with the people I run with...


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
they havn't played mages since I left DS... and they prolly won't till Big Worm or Jack Danials gets back... Goldberg is just too slow and he'll admit it and eggy is the only one that will play a mage cuz hes good at it
I believe Goldberg is tweaking a mage at the moment. He did post in the mage forums about Wrestling. I been out of the loop for some time so I don't know how well mages work out in todays pvp climate. I have a lot to catch up on.

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
@ Kyle...Ya...I left just a bit before you. I dont remember what most folks were playing. Worm and Jesse!! Come back!!!! Get your guild on mages again!!! Make PvP fun again!!!!

@ Lefty...Im not sure what tempalte he is going to put wrestle on....I finally took it off my scribe mage and have yet to put anything else on him...just not been on too train up new skill. I would be interested to see if he can come up an effective template with wrestle if he is trying.

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
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Not a lot of time to play today but I did log on and saw that a lot of SCAM and COP, who haven't been on for a couple days, were back on.

It must be horrible to be so completely dependent on some non-EA/Mythic programming to play this game. With another patch coming in a couple days, they will be absent again.

How sad. :sad3:


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
@ Kyle...Ya...I left just a bit before you. I dont remember what most folks were playing. Worm and Jesse!! Come back!!!! Get your guild on mages again!!! Make PvP fun again!!!!

@ Lefty...Im not sure what tempalte he is going to put wrestle on....I finally took it off my scribe mage and have yet to put anything else on him...just not been on too train up new skill. I would be interested to see if he can come up an effective template with wrestle if he is trying.
hmm Maybe as a backup skill. Say you're running around with an imbued mage wep, you get disarmed, you still have Wrestling and able to block,disarm.

Wrestling is ok, but it doesn't help other than DCI wise from archers zapping you from 8 tiles away.


So when I talk about hacks and programs that these losers use I get banned 57 times in a row and my posts deleted, but when OTHER non-zog people post its ok... Thanks OSI for ****ing my guild over!!...sad they let these kinda kids come to power on my server. I can just see it now.. not to name names..but you can totally picture certain "now day pvpers that use various programs" crying on EA forums to change UO with patches so that they can be good at pvp.

Lord Hunter

Babbling Loonie
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Once again Thrax, you can not see what actions I take agaisnt people as I dont make them public. Talking about hacks will not be tolerated at all and you have received so many warnings on this issue I fail to see why you dont understand it.

Stratics is not a EA forum that I know of. But when your on your vacation and it turns out they are let me know.

As a remidner to everyone talking about hacks, glitchs, accusing people of it, attacking someones RL character or anything listed on the front page of this post will get action taken agaisnt your account and eventually a temp ban that could escalate after repeat offenses into a permanant ban.


just thought i'd let everyone know that Zogs has officially surrendered the war with PAL... and im sure with others from the looks of things


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
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Well if you all haven't visted UOhall today. EA/Mythic announced that they will be implementing a anti speed hack and 3rd party buster as soon as it passes QA.

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well if you all haven't visited UHall today. EA/Mythic announced that they will be implementing a anti speed hack and 3rd party buster as soon as it passes QA.
A little birdie told me a little bit back that some "surprises" were coming shortly. :talktothehand:

In advance, to all those who could never play the game without something "special" to help them along, it wasn't really nice to know ya and don't let the door smack your ass on the way out..just get out and let the real PvPers show you how it is done! :loser:



A little birdie told me a little bit back that some "surprises" were coming shortly. :talktothehand:

In advance, to all those who could never play the game without something "special" to help them along, it wasn't really nice to know ya and don't let the door smack your ass on the way out..just get out and let the real PvPers show you how it is done! :loser:

Ahhh gentlemen... There are many of us that do not use the "enhancements to playing". Looks like we just might be on an advantage on the field for once as the ones that rely on "help" get used to PvPing without their "friends". It will be most interesting to see who stays and adapts and who quits entirely.

Are the "wars" still going on? It has been a very long two months away from home and being able to play UO. Still though, wouldn't have missed the experience of seeing the US and meeting some wonderful people.

I am so looking forward to getting home and being able to play. Miss ya'll bunches!

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to ya'll


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yep another patch put in just now...

Anyways it will be a while till I can hit the pvp playing grounds. I have support chars to train, get some gear and hopefully get my new pc built by tax time.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
GG great DSP fight.

Believe we all had fun.
Great to see some old/new faces.

COPs/WaCops/PAL/Scam all showed... and also I found it ironic that the roflcopter KC dudes is crying about archers considering they had 100% pure archers out there today in DSP. Is it because other than pwning you guys mage on mage we are also pwning you archer v archer? Considering you guys have played archers (or should I say stealthers?) exclusively forever up until wacop zergliance is formed, I would be upset too. Yea I mean for a group that played archer all their life now getting archer owned by the "mage players", I totally hear ya. But it's ok my veteran archers, a lil more practice you still have a chance.

Anyways great fight Sonoma, and thanks for the free coon. :thumbup1:


GG great DSP fight.

Believe we all had fun.
Great to see some old/new faces.

COPs/WaCops/PAL/Scam all showed... and also I found it ironic that the roflcopter KC dudes is crying about archers considering they had 100% pure archers out there today in DSP. Is it because other than pwning you guys mage on mage we are also pwning you archer v archer? Considering you guys have played archers (or should I say stealthers?) exclusively forever up until wacop zergliance is formed, I would be upset too. Yea I mean for a group that played archer all their life now getting archer owned by the "mage players", I totally hear ya. But it's ok my veteran archers, a lil more practice you still have a chance.

Anyways great fight Sonoma, and thanks for the free coon. :thumbup1:
Zergliance??? LMAO... U do realize that we had Willy Loman, myself, Brown Bear, Wyldchild, Ham, and Snoop on only right??? Hardly a zerg there... While SCAM came in with Joe Lord, Ii, Juicey, GOLDBERG, BamBam, Gernize, Alevi, ICYUNVME, and Sir Gimp A Lot... Sounds to me as tho yall outnumbered 9 to 6 us buddy boy... Oh well... not worth arguin over as I had fun... we statted a few considering half of us were on mages getting disarm spammed by Juicey...


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Trin.. I would say we had 5 1/2. I was on a mage during the first scuffle, so I shouldn't count as a full person. :lol:



Trin.. I would say we had 5 1/2. I was on a mage during the first scuffle, so I shouldn't count as a full person. :lol:

Well then with that being said, we were the ones that got zerged...

and no WarUltima I don't have screenshots... was too busy trying to not get zerged to take any pics of yall's numbers... But my above name count was 100% accurate... And if any SCAM had any integrity they would come on here and admit that my summarization of the fight is accurate...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ohh I thought I was the only one that cry about zergs... I guess Trinity girl ran out of stuff to say. And good girl you learned something, screenshots worth thousand words (and in my case, owns your lies).

We were fighting PAL + COP + WaCops, it was very intense for us. KMS and his crew skipped waka and went for us while we are having a shootout with waka + KC archer/stealther/dismounter crew. You guys need to learn some math, between you guys, cop and PALs, scams were outnumbered. And you guys never attacked each other when we roll in and kicked the living **** out of you all. A lot of face down in dirt ass up in the sky. :sad2::sad2::sad2::sad2::sad2::sad2::sad2::sad2::sad2::sad2::sad2:

If you guys are holding hands whenever we are around dont even try to :sad2::sad2::sad2::sad2::sad2: about us. I suggest WaCop, Cop and possibly PAL officially ally each other. That's a sounding solution especially for guild like waka that rely on either the gzone or a huge zerg and hand holding/ass kissing enemy guilds on the field to survive. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Welcome to Fel into SCAM's areas where guards cant pamper you, good job trying to leave gzone and fight. GG, better luck next time. (seriously consider allying cop):sad2::sad2::sad2::sad2::sad2:

I always wondered why some kiddies would use so many smilies in their post. So I tried it.

Anyways GG.


rofl war! I don't know what fight you were at, but there were no pal there for that fight. There was one tb guy there and he was fighting us. Plus the only 2 cop i saw just ran right through several times and never did fight anyone, so i'm still not getting how you fought the masses??? But oh well, i guess this is coming from a guy who takes screenshots of dead 3 dead bodies that all belong to the same guy and say you were outnumbered 3to1:thumbup1: As for cop not fighting us is not very accurate. We spent about and hour before the despise fight fighting cop with there guards in yew while you all stayed in your house afraid to come out and join in. Also there we only 2 archers on our side last night, rest were on mages, so i think you got a little lost there. But we all know War is totally accurate on everything he says:thumbup:


Ohh I thought I was the only one that cry about zergs... I guess Trinity girl ran out of stuff to say. And good girl you learned something, screenshots worth thousand words (and in my case, owns your lies).

We were fighting PAL + COP + WaCops, it was very intense for us. KMS and his crew skipped waka and went for us while we are having a shootout with waka + KC archer/stealther/dismounter crew. You guys need to learn some math, between you guys, cop and PALs, scams were outnumbered. And you guys never attacked each other when we roll in and kicked the living **** out of you all. A lot of face down in dirt ass up in the sky. :sad2::sad2::sad2::sad2::sad2::sad2::sad2::sad2::sad2::sad2::sad2:

If you guys are holding hands whenever we are around dont even try to :sad2::sad2::sad2::sad2::sad2: about us. I suggest WaCop, Cop and possibly PAL officially ally each other. That's a sounding solution especially for guild like waka that rely on either the gzone or a huge zerg and hand holding/ass kissing enemy guilds on the field to survive. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Welcome to Fel into SCAM's areas where guards cant pamper you, good job trying to leave gzone and fight. GG, better luck next time. (seriously consider allying cop):sad2::sad2::sad2::sad2::sad2:

I always wondered why some kiddies would use so many smilies in their post. So I tried it.

Anyways GG.
This post screams what everyone thought of u... Assjockey...

Where's ur screenshots to prove that ur not lying right now??? everyone who was at the fight with any INTEGRITY (please tell me u understand the word) on both sides would admit it... but we can't expect too much out of u guys...


This post screams what everyone thought of u... Assjockey...

Where's ur screenshots to prove that ur not lying right now??? everyone who was at the fight with any INTEGRITY (please tell me u understand the word) on both sides would admit it... but we can't expect too much out of u guys...
I don't know where war is usually, but the only time waka hits gz is when it's 3to1 odds and they have to use blues to fight. We are in the field every night fighting cop and you guys never leave your house unless you outnumber us. I love when you call us zerg when you field more people then we do majority of the time. I actually think you are a step down from cop, because they are getting better about coming out of their house, scam on the other hand will not leave their house anymore unless they outnumber us, especially war = newbie archer/dexer, but never a mage :party:


Ya know I especially found it funny when I got ganked 5 on 1 in Despise 2nd level... got walled in that the ettin walkway... dismounted, disarmed and 4 people hitting me... WarUltima sat there on his blue watching... it was quite funny... never getting involved in the fight yet sat there when I died finally and said ASS UP SON... Like he did anything... ****in *****... grow a sack and come see me on the field son... but please please stay on field so u can go to sleep...

pathetic child... lol

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This post screams what everyone thought of u... Assjockey...
LAWLS...ass jockey..pretty accurate ingame description.

Sits around ingame just riding that thumb up his bottom, watching everyone else play,doing nothing at all, grabbing a pic of any body he can find so he can try to make people think he can actually pvp. That's our War! GG there girlieman. :loser:

Everyone is laughing at you again.. :thumbup1:



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ya know I especially found it funny when I got ganked 5 on 1 in Despise 2nd level... got walled in that the ettin walkway... dismounted, disarmed and 4 people hitting me... WarUltima sat there on his blue watching... it was quite funny... never getting involved in the fight yet sat there when I died finally and said ASS UP SON... Like he did anything... ****in *****... grow a sack and come see me on the field son... but please please stay on field so u can go to sleep...

pathetic child... lol
Wow so I didnt even attack any of you and you guys along with your cop friend got ASSED UP. Ok GG Ass Up Son. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::sad2::sad2::sad2::sad2::sad2::sad2::sad2:

I didnt have to do anything, noob just die, works for me.

Poor kids:sad2::sad2::sad2::sad2::sad2::sad2::sad2::sad2::sad2::sad2::sad2:

Again GG...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
LoL, it's cool whatever you say, if it makes you guys sleep at night after a hard pwning.

Pwned is Pwned

GG Ass Up.

And apperently Trinity didnt just got owned on the island, this one is from after we wiped all cop and waka and the only kc guy that survived smokebombed and stealthed away (doh) Trinity took off and running and looks like he got owned mage walling style. I thought Scam are pure archer now... sorry busted another lie of yours.

I mean yea I kinda understand why WaCops rarely play on their faction characters.

Plenty of shots but I will post these two, I dont know who Naka Yama Sushi is but he was just running and die (i thought he should be one of the pwnage xsharders that came to join WaCops), and of course Trinity is there because he doesnt get stated (and funny how he complains me on a blue while hes blue 100% of the time).


at least this Sushi guy is orange to me not on a blue noob mage running away after ALL HIS BUDDIES and COP friends die.



Again WarUltima shows up after the largest portion of the fight is over... I got statted on Melody Trucido in COM already... only char at that point that I could bring in for a fight was Trinity... Ya see if u actually came to fight when the real fight took place then u would know wtf is up... But u never come til u guys have the upper hand... it's quite sad but it's common knowledge that WarUltima never logs on til yall have a lot... It's ARTIFACT RARITY 13 that u see WarUltima on outnumbered... Everyone knows this...

Anyways, nice try at painting the fight ur way again... Ask ur boys before u actually open ur **** cutter for once what happens before u show up...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Again WarUltima shows up after the largest portion of the fight is over... I got statted on Melody Trucido in COM already... only char at that point that I could bring in for a fight was Trinity... Ya see if u actually came to fight when the real fight took place then u would know wtf is up... But u never come til u guys have the upper hand... it's quite sad but it's common knowledge that WarUltima never logs on til yall have a lot... It's ARTIFACT RARITY 13 that u see WarUltima on outnumbered... Everyone knows this...

Anyways, nice try at painting the fight ur way again... Ask ur boys before u actually open ur **** cutter for once what happens before u show up...
Yep girl you were pwnt, assed up, face planted, dirt napped, mangled, juiced, owned, reeeeeeeped.






Calisto wasnt gonna die for you guys it seems since he was the only mage on and we (the 3 of us) were focusing on him. You guys again on pure archers/stealthers crew 4 on 3 (5 including calisto, she was xhealing and dipped after we ass up Solid Snake)... And of course Snake gets stated and get on blue, tried to take a count on me by dismounting all kill me for them to gank AND died again. Sorry I understand old KS is pure archer/stealther plz dont get upset when we own you with your very own template (well we dont smokebomb/hide/stealther). Again GG, nice try on your COP tactics there stealthers and dismount all kill tamers. LOL

Looks at the screenshots, stealthers and dismount tamer... just like fighting COP. Advise to you stealther archer noobs, come out of stealth when ur buddies is being attacked. You guys DO outnumber us for god's sake. Play something that doesnt involve with hiding stealth and all kill. Jeez... Nice try tho. GG.


Yep girl you were pwnt, assed up, face planted, dirt napped, mangled, juiced, owned, reeeeeeeped.






Calisto wasnt gonna die for you guys it seems since he was the only mage on and we (the 3 of us) were focusing on him. You guys again on pure archers/stealthers crew 4 on 3 (5 including calisto, she was xhealing and dipped after we ass up Solid Snake)... And of course Snake gets stated and get on blue, tried to take a count on me by dismounting all kill me for them to gank AND died again. Sorry I understand old KS is pure archer/stealther plz dont get upset when we own you with your very own template (well we dont smokebomb/hide/stealther). Again GG, nice try on your COP tactics there stealthers and dismount all kill tamers. LOL

Looks at the screenshots, stealthers and dismount tamer... just like fighting COP. Advise to you stealther archer noobs, come out of stealth when ur buddies is being attacked. You guys DO outnumber us for god's sake. Play something that doesnt involve with hiding stealth and all kill. Jeez... Nice try tho. GG.
Forgive me if I'm wrong but based on ur screenshots, I ONLY see Solid Snake/Violent Moods and Wyldchild... That's 2 any day of the week and twice on Sundays... U "claim" Calisto was there yet he's not in any of the pictures so in ur words "UR A LYING NOOBLET ****TARD. SHOW PROOFS" LMAO

Anyways it appears as tho again u never got any kill shots... GJ tugging on the rest of ur guilds coat tails again...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Forgive me if I'm wrong but based on ur screenshots, I ONLY see Solid Snake/Violent Moods and Wyldchild... That's 2 any day of the week and twice on Sundays... U "claim" Calisto was there yet he's not in any of the pictures so in ur words "UR A LYING NOOBLET ****TARD. SHOW PROOFS" LMAO

Anyways it appears as tho again u never got any kill shots... GJ tugging on the rest of ur guilds coat tails again...
Aww sorry, I am unable to prove that because I didnt kill calisto. But that's besides the point. Ok Calisto wasnt there... and lets see the screenshots again... ohh still ASS UP WaCops. so GG.


Now go cry somewhere else


GG WaCops.

Lord Hunter

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have to ask.

What the hell is up with all the smiley faces WarUltima? It hurts my eyes to read your posts, tone it down a bit, makes the thread take too long to load.

And it just looks stupid.



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have to ask.

What the hell is up with all the smiley faces WarUltima? It hurts my eyes to read your posts, tone it down a bit, makes the thread take too long to load.

And it just looks stupid.

Haha I am sorry. I know I know. But sometimes kiddies prefer pictures over texts.

I mean you got pure archer/stealther/dismount tamer guilds here (COP and KC) crying about people that switches from mages to archers. I mean it's obvious that they dont understand what "hypocrite" means but they sure understand a crying face (or a lot of them) mean I am making fun of them for asscuing people doing stuff that they do themselves. Or in some cases the dead guy in screenshots trying to come up with something to make themselves less laughable (especially since some of them are so famous in PvP yet gets owned on daily bases by the people they call noob). Heck you even see BLUE NON-FACTION people here complaining about people playing blue FACTION character.YES I know they cant compete on faction char and is sick and tired of their nearly perma statloss, I REALLY DO understand the whole gzone carebear/nonfaction blue thing but dont pancake on people who play blue faction.

Remember wacop girls, they are only blue to you because you cant play/compete on your faction characters.

Anyways, I will try to cut down the smilie usages down to 30 to 50 of them per post tho. :lol:


Haha I am sorry. I know I know. But sometimes kiddies prefer pictures over texts.

I mean you got pure archer/stealther/dismount tamer guilds here (COP and KC) crying about people that switches from mages to archers. I mean it's obvious that they dont understand what "hypocrite" means but they sure understand a crying face (or a lot of them) mean I am making fun of them for asscuing people doing stuff that they do themselves. Or in some cases the dead guy in screenshots trying to come up with something to make themselves less laughable (especially since some of them are so famous in PvP yet gets owned on daily bases by the people they call noob). Heck you even see BLUE NON-FACTION people here complaining about people playing blue FACTION character.YES I know they cant compete on faction char and is sick and tired of their nearly perma statloss, I REALLY DO understand the whole gzone carebear/nonfaction blue thing but dont pancake on people who play blue faction.

Remember wacop girls, they are only blue to you because you cant play/compete on your faction characters.

Anyways, I will try to cut down the smilie usages down to 30 to 50 of them per post tho. :lol:
Hmmmm hypocrisy... WarUltima talking about hypocrisy... That's got to be the post of the year... he's the most hypocritical person in all of Sonoma... All of ur pics and I DO MEAN ALL of ur pics are on ur archer kid... We can go back for 2 FULL years of u complaining about other people playing archers, yet here u r talking about hypocrites... Wow... nothing more needs to be said on this topic...

Has anyone else noticed Warultima's obsession with the word ass??? He uses the terms "Ass Up" "ass owned" "asscuing" at least 4 or 5 times during each post... Something we should know here sir??? LMAO make sure u have a new pair of underroo's ready cause urs will be so far up ur rear end in a bunch ur gonna need a new clean pair to put on buddy... juss kidding with u... don't pop a vein in ur forehead after reading this...

As for the comment about the pics not showing Calisto and that there's no picture of him cause u didn't "KILL HIM"... Well I hate to break it to u... U HAVEN'T KILLED ANYONE IN THE PAST WEEKS WORTH OF PICTURES ya twit... give it up ur not good... ur guild does the work for u cause u just simply can't... period... end of story...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Who wants to talk about that? My screenshots are about ASSING UP the so called super elite famous PvPer on a so-called no skill template. And evidently I am achieving it very very well.

If you wanna talk about hypocrisy then why are you on a pure blue 99% of the time? I mean you want to PvP, and you want to say you got skill so you only get owned on I mean so you play your mage but then why arent you in faction? Or at very least why arent you red. You want skill PvP yet for a very skilled mage player like you the only kill you seem to get on us are from calling guards.

I mean all that talk aside what's left here? Yep Waka famous PvPers face down ass up. And that's exactly what the screenshots are about. A ****ton of waka ass ups.

Oh for waka alliance, more than half of you are archer/stealther/dismount tamer anyways. Look at the screenshots again girl. See those COP tamers died next to their stealthers? And look at our fresh new screenshots of waka tamers and stealther die next to stealthers... you can keep telling AND lie to yourselves that you guys arent like cop but the hard evidence sure say otherwise. The only thing you guys are different from cop is the fact that COP dont rely on gzones to PvP. The only COP I saw that use guards to PvP is April Showers. :lol:


Who wants to talk about that? My screenshots are about ASSING UP the so called super elite famous PvPer on a so-called no skill template. And evidently I am achieving it very very well.

If you wanna talk about hypocrisy then why are you on a pure blue 99% of the time? I mean you want to PvP, and you want to say you got skill so you only get owned on I mean so you play your mage but then why arent you in faction? Or at very least why arent you red. You want skill PvP yet for a very skilled mage player like you the only kill you seem to get on us are from calling guards.

I mean all that talk aside what's left here? Yep Waka famous PvPers face down ass up. And that's exactly what the screenshots are about. A ****ton of waka ass ups.

Oh for waka alliance, more than half of you are archer/stealther/dismount tamer anyways. Look at the screenshots again girl. See those COP tamers died next to their stealthers? And look at our fresh new screenshots of waka tamers and stealther die next to stealthers... you can keep telling AND lie to yourselves that you guys arent like cop but the hard evidence sure say otherwise. The only thing you guys are different from cop is the fact that COP dont rely on gzones to PvP. The only COP I saw that use guards to PvP is April Showers. :lol:
Sooner or later u will wake up and realize that SCAM plays every single template there is too... As does COP and as does Waka... However I'm not the one sitting here complaining bout what template someone else is running... U r... Which makes u the hypocrite not I... U should really look up the word and get the definition before u try and make someone else out to be something they're not... Don't try to match wits with me cause ur only gonna look stupid clown... sit down shut up and play with ur crayons son


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sooner or later u will wake up and realize that SCAM plays every single template there is too... As does COP and as does Waka... However I'm not the one sitting here complaining bout what template someone else is running... U r... Which makes u the hypocrite not I... U should really look up the word and get the definition before u try and make someone else out to be something they're not... Don't try to match wits with me cause ur only gonna look stupid clown... sit down shut up and play with ur crayons son
Of course not my famous little PvPer that's professional in getting mangled.
Of course I am no board warrior like you and your sorry alliance kiddo. Just look at the screenshots and think about it... oh yes you guys are owned very very badly.
And the end of the day you are still playing on your bluebie no faction character from the gzone... go william go william go



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh I didnt even notice you guys have that stealther combo that COP use ever since the beginning.

I mean dead stealther, dead but very very very famous BLUEBIE NO FACTION and very very skilled mage.

I mean all that who kill who aside, I see two of you assed up side by side. Dead stealther dead super leet PvPer together, just like COP...

I dont even remember scam still play a stealth archer I haven't got on to my stealther for months. Since COP went semi-hiding Waka has been the hub of all stealther archer, stealther dexer, AND stealther mages... oh also dismount all kill tamers. That's like COP + 1, I will give that to you alright. But yea it's funny to hear from a little joke like you to complain about archers when your entire guild alliance is constructed based on archers, stealthers and dismount tamers... It's just like fighting cop + guard zone.

Rant C.

I can't believe you guys get so worked up over playing a video game. You take so much time so brag on Stratics, post screen shots, and play an online game it's down right depressing. I mean, if you suck at UO or if your awesome at it, who really cares? It hardly means anything at all in the grand scheme of things.


Its crazy cause its still the same ppl posting about the same thing over and over. Snake stfu for once. U r not good at all. Trinity, ill give u a little credit cause u do play a mage, but still u have no commanding skills at all and im pretty sure word is callin the shots in ur vent. And please ruffles, go back on vacation. Kyrite, stop playing napa ur garbo. And if i were u guys i would actually go to different shards and check out the gate cause most those shards actually have templates and fight unlike u guys and ur stealthers. Sonoma is the biggest dead shard that i play. and its sad cause this is my home shard. No one on sonoma would last on other shards. And btw no patch effects me at all. so take that out of ur head. This shard is lame. U guys all sux Scams the best. The End.


Oh I didnt even notice you guys have that stealther combo that COP use ever since the beginning.

I mean dead stealther, dead but very very very famous BLUEBIE NO FACTION and very very skilled mage.

I mean all that who kill who aside, I see two of you assed up side by side. Dead stealther dead super leet PvPer together, just like COP...

I dont even remember scam still play a stealth archer I haven't got on to my stealther for months. Since COP went semi-hiding Waka has been the hub of all stealther archer, stealther dexer, AND stealther mages... oh also dismount all kill tamers. That's like COP + 1, I will give that to you alright. But yea it's funny to hear from a little joke like you to complain about archers when your entire guild alliance is constructed based on archers, stealthers and dismount tamers... It's just like fighting cop + guard zone.
OMG I am loving this... U leave urself open to me pointing out yet more hypocrisy WhineUltima... There is always stuff in ur post that screams "FIX ME I'M LYING"

I am 100% positive remembering u posting that u don't have a stealth archer and for someone to prove it with screenies... It appears as tho that's not needed cause it just came straight from the horses mouth... GG hypocrite GG

Onto topic number 2... I already posted a picture reguarding my death there... I knew u were going to try and post something showing that u "solo'd" me so I beat u to the punch... Ur too easy to read... Again nice try no kill shot, and if u didn't have anything to hide ur staus bar would confirm that it was the SAME EXACT time as my picture shows with Gernize, and 2 others attacking me... Nice try once again... GG liar GG

Onto topic number 3 juss cause I can... According to UO.com SCAM has a higher ARCHERY average than both COP and Waka/LBC... Not to mention SCAM has more people than Waka/LBC which basically means U HAVE MORE ARCHERS period... Stop tryin to feed everyone lies... On second thought ur posts get me through the slow times at work so keep em coming WhineUltima... I'm rather enjoying correcting ur utter nonsense... GG hypocrite GG...



Its crazy cause its still the same ppl posting about the same thing over and over. Snake stfu for once. U r not good at all. Trinity, ill give u a little credit cause u do play a mage, but still u have no commanding skills at all and im pretty sure word is callin the shots in ur vent. And please ruffles, go back on vacation. Kyrite, stop playing napa ur garbo. And if i were u guys i would actually go to different shards and check out the gate cause most those shards actually have templates and fight unlike u guys and ur stealthers. Sonoma is the biggest dead shard that i play. and its sad cause this is my home shard. No one on sonoma would last on other shards. And btw no patch effects me at all. so take that out of ur head. This shard is lame. U guys all sux Scams the best. The End.
I'm sorry did the biggest "ass kisser/I can't survive without the numbers game" seriously juss speak??? For ur record and it states clearly in our Ventrillo that WORD will be the shot caller when he's on, otherwise it's me... Being that I have people from multiple different guilds/shards I have other things to deal with than doing everything... So I asked WORD if he wanted to do it... He stepped up and said yea... I can do it no problem... But honestly how often does WORD play Sonoma with us??? be real... the rest of the time only one other person leads us and we win more than we lose still... So get out of here with that nonsense... good day Lego


Its crazy cause its still the same ppl posting about the same thing over and over. Snake stfu for once. U r not good at all. Trinity, ill give u a little credit cause u do play a mage, but still u have no commanding skills at all and im pretty sure word is callin the shots in ur vent. And please ruffles, go back on vacation. Kyrite, stop playing napa ur garbo. And if i were u guys i would actually go to different shards and check out the gate cause most those shards actually have templates and fight unlike u guys and ur stealthers. Sonoma is the biggest dead shard that i play. and its sad cause this is my home shard. No one on sonoma would last on other shards. And btw no patch effects me at all. so take that out of ur head. This shard is lame. U guys all sux Scams the best. The End.
Oh so scam is the best now??? I forgot, that is your guild of the week this week?? You are by far the biggest trash, and cannot kill anyone except on your archer. I don't see how you could survive any other shard since you never fight unless you have people to help you. I have played many shards, and every shard ends up being the same. Every shard has it's own gimp templates and strategy, so all you have to do is find the one that fits your playstyle.

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
lego??? Talking about pvp??? LAWLS...... :thumbup1:

That is pretty much all that needs to be said about that.... :stretcher:

Let me let you in on a little secret; When Darth was inquiring about joining WAKA, while everyone said he would be welcome, not a single person stood up for Lego when it was brought up that if Darth came..Lego would surely want to follow his friend. Even I, who is far more lenient than most anyone else, gave you a thumbs down. :sad2:

You are just not a good pvper, you can't be trusted or counted on, you are just a guild hopper for the flavor of the month, a whiny moocher (the worst kind), not a team player (rage and log), low skills and far to reliant on "crutches" to play. Why a decent guy like Darth allows you to hang around him is a testament to the puppy dog syndrome. :gee:

And those were the good points... :thumbup:

Welcome to reality..this is what the majority of UO players think of you. Outstanding job there son. What is next?



Trinity, like i said i no word calls the shots and i no he doesnt play much but take a damn hint from word and realize people play alot more shards then SLOWNOMA. And u guys only come out at night and when u do and we show up everyone logs on their stealthers. Good Job. Snake u really should stfu sometimes because everyone knows that ur speaking out ur ass, and to let u no darth was never thinking about goin to waka. He sends laughs ur way. And y should i be in a guild were we help other guilds. I will never help waka. Thats y i left in the first place, HINT TO CAL. waka suxs and will always sux when we get bored with the newbs on other shards then i might come to the gate. Word is a good shot caller but with out him u guys r trash. Sonomas boring as hell. and so is ready post from WAKA. U guys now have the worst post in the game. Good Job Ruffles ur not the worst any more, but ur still second. So like i said get some pvp skills and ill think about transferring a cara back. until then im gonna keep the gimpest cara on sonoma since this shard doesnt deserve a good template. Tamers Tamers Tamers and more Tamers get used to it. Live Free, Die Often snake. LMAO. Trinity get off ur high horse u have now been elected "Worst Guild Leader" congrates, Runner up=KMS. CYA later

One last thing please tell me the mofo guy on napa is not cop coming over to napa. cause u sux to. Sonoma suxs period and if u play sonoma all the time then u sux to. Peace Out.


Its crazy cause its still the same ppl posting about the same thing over and over. Snake stfu for once. U r not good at all. Trinity, ill give u a little credit cause u do play a mage, but still u have no commanding skills at all and im pretty sure word is callin the shots in ur vent. And please ruffles, go back on vacation. Kyrite, stop playing napa ur garbo. And if i were u guys i would actually go to different shards and check out the gate cause most those shards actually have templates and fight unlike u guys and ur stealthers. Sonoma is the biggest dead shard that i play. and its sad cause this is my home shard. No one on sonoma would last on other shards. And btw no patch effects me at all. so take that out of ur head. This shard is lame. U guys all sux Scams the best. The End.
I can't go back on vacation as I am still on vacation. Though we both KNOW why you want me to stay away, don't we Lego? As for Snake...he is a hellova better player than you are...better poster too. His posts don't need deciphering to read them. As for bashing Sonoma? If it is such a "dead shard", then why don't you play elsewhere? There are many shards to choose from...pick one and play there and don't let the Yew gate hit your ass on the way out.

Now this BS about templates...is the game supposed to be fun? If you are having fun playing the game what does it matter what template you play as long as you are enjoying yourself? if you are not having fun then why waste your time playing agame or a template that you do not enjoy?

Another thing I have noticed...last year most of the PvPers were bashing COP for using stealth archers and tamers in PVP. Well 'lo and behold most the other guilds (especially SCAM) started using the same templates! Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Your actions spaeak louder than your words.

Then we get accused of "house hiding" when in reality most in COP use it when they are in STAT or their connections suck. I'll be damned if the few times I have been able to get on, here is SCAM running from house to house to house and they were the biggest finger pointers of COP using this tactic. BTW War, those are two examples of hypocrisy (a word that you seem to love to toss around).

Another thing, War & Lego...you constantly belittle the PvPers and their templates and tactics in the game. Who gives a rats ass if you play a blue or a red or if you are in factions or not, if you play a mage, a dexxer, an archer or any one of the dozens of hybrids. The fact that you show up at the gate and do your best with your g'mates is to be respected. Oh wait...that isn't what YOU do! Both of you wait until your numbers are higher than the opposition before you even show yourselves, then you come here to the Sonoma PVP Forums and post how great you are. People who are great in this game don't need to post about their greatness. And some of the qualities that make people great don't come from how many kills they have.


One More thing, thanks for being crash dummies for us cause we make more cara then u guys even no about and we test them on u newbs. so feel lucky u feel the bashing of new templates. One Coming Soon to the sonoma yew gate. By the way dip**** (which is ruffles) im playing on 5 shards. learn how to play another template. plz. well it wont matter cause ull still suck. and ruffles seriously u think snake is a better pvper then me PFFT. Garbo. That ******* couldnt fight his way out of a swarm of mongbats let alone kill me, and when he post he just likes to hear himself talk. GET ON MY LEVEL SNAKE. o i forgot u will never get there, so keep posting since u have no real life. LMAO.

stealther archer, stealther mages, stealther tamers.
Archer Tamers Ha All kill no skill (and yes i have one to prove a point anyone can play them its about 3 buttons)

Had fun taking ur guild mates spawn ruffles and put most of them in stat, before the zerg stealthers came from everywhere. TXs for the 120 Magery. AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I would like to see in the near future some new templates from cop, cause jesus christ same thing everyday, plus wakas nose is so far up cops ass they have to copy temp. MAKE UR OWN. O wait i forgot u cant cause ull sux either way.

RUFFLES should be the guild leader cause ruffles and kms r pretty much the same on the pvp field. Face Down Ass Up GG.


stealther archer, stealther mages, stealther tamers.
Archer Tamers Ha All kill no skill (and yes i have one to prove a point anyone can play them its about 3 buttons) .
You have one just to prove a point?? That is the only char that you play anymore because you can't handle anything else. You have 2 tamers that i see and they both suck. You belong with War on that comment.:thumbup1: And you have to play other shards because noone on Sonoma wants anything to do with you anymore. Even people in pal refer to you as dead weight and are glad you went back to scam. Rofl, guess it is time to play other shards, because you can't handle it here:stretcher:


One More thing, thanks for being crash dummies for us cause we make more cara then u guys even no about and we test them on u newbs. so feel lucky u feel the bashing of new templates. One Coming Soon to the sonoma yew gate. By the way dip**** (which is ruffles) im playing on 5 shards. learn how to play another template. plz. well it wont matter cause ull still suck. and ruffles seriously u think snake is a better pvper then me PFFT. Garbo. That ******* couldnt fight his way out of a swarm of mongbats let alone kill me, and when he post he just likes to hear himself talk. GET ON MY LEVEL SNAKE. o i forgot u will never get there, so keep posting since u have no real life. LMAO.

stealther archer, stealther mages, stealther tamers.
Archer Tamers Ha All kill no skill (and yes i have one to prove a point anyone can play them its about 3 buttons)

Had fun taking ur guild mates spawn ruffles and put most of them in stat, before the zerg stealthers came from everywhere. TXs for the 120 Magery. AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I would like to see in the near future some new templates from cop, cause jesus christ same thing everyday, plus wakas nose is so far up cops ass they have to copy temp. MAKE UR OWN. O wait i forgot u cant cause ull sux either way.

RUFFLES should be the guild leader cause ruffles and kms r pretty much the same on the pvp field. Face Down Ass Up GG.
LMAO... we have 3 stealth archers... count them 3... Vlad, Snake, and Wyldchild... 2 archer tamers... Andy and Snoops char... and ur sitting here talkin ****??? SCAM EASILY has more than us in both categories dumbass...

As for u saying this "Archer Tamers Ha All kill no skill (and yes i have one to prove a point anyone can play them its about 3 buttons)"

LMAO... U can't even play that template well... I rarely ever see u kill anyone and u sure as hell have never killed me once on Chong...

I do however remember being in vent with u when Calisto let u in the vent and u continuously said that we were doin well for ourselves... How quickly ur tune has changed eh??? Get on the enemy side of things and ur vision gets cloudy??? lol it's all good... I also do remember u saying multiple times that Waka couldn't ever kill u, NOT EVEN IN A GANK... we did a couple 3 on 3's for fun and I distinctly remember u and Darth napping only one that survived was Calisto...

I really dunno what Darth sees in u... I found it hard enough to stick in vent with u for the short time we were in it... I even told Calisto that u would end up going back to SCAM before he even left CoM... Sure enough... U definately didn't and will never check out right... So do us all a favor and go wipe that nugget off ur nose cause it's really beginning to stink up the joint...

U will never see me leave my friends in Waka for some guild win or lose... When I was in R60S and noone in Waka was playing I pulled for them to get in with me as they started coming back to the game... good luck to u tho...
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