Well, everyone else is doing it... so I might as well weigh in on the subject.
1. IDOC housing changes - AWESOME. Now, just make sure there's some sort of confirmation button when you say the magic words, AND when you try to replace your house and we'll be good.
2. Trade ins - Uh, wow. Alot has been said, and most of it I agree with. I surely didn't play the Moonglow event to gather items. In fact, I didn't loot most of the things I killed. I had fun. However, I would love to have some sort of souvenir from the event that I could carry forward with me. A sash, a statue... something that I know was from participation in the Moonglow event. It doesn't have to be valuable. It doesn't have to have enhancing item properties. It just needs to be marked as from the event, and cannot be obtained without participating in the event. (This is how every theme park in the world makes its cash... )
The items that ARE in this system right now seem trivial, and out of whack for the effort it takes to get them. I'd almost rather have a few boxes of ophidian rations in my house then a tshirt, or night sight earrings. (I'm an elf, what do I need those for?) Like has been said by others - where are the items that could be of use to us? Bless deeds, Power Scrolls, etc? Heck, if I could turn in a bunch of junk for a Soulstone token I would be in heaven... or an advanced character token, etc? I guess I'm saying they don't have to be "new" items, but it would be nice if they were either somewhat useful, or specifically signified the event that the person participated in.
3. Event progression - VERY exciting. I can't wait to see how things progress here... and I know the devs are purposely holding back information... but please, please, please... give at least some indications of the things that will unfold. (You've done pretty nicely in this post, I'm just asking that you continue this as we move forward)
4. Factions - The only thing I can see as a problem has been mentioned - which is the spy thing. Might want to reconsider this. I'm not sure if the answer lies in the 30 day restriction, but I can see how this would be a problem that should be addressed; especially if factions are going to be a part of this event.
5. Evil vs Good. I can see that evil is starting to win the battle... give us some hope that there will be some hope for "good" folks.