When resizing a house, will you get a moving crate in the new house or do you need to clear it out first?
[/ QUOTE ]Clear it out first. It acts just like Demolish.
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Draconi, I don't see why it should act just like Demolish.
Resizing the house should put all items into a moving crate for a few reasons but the #1 reason is this:
Number of Game Masters who will quit over the number of requests from players that will be complaining about items they've 'lost'.
The #2 reason is this:
Loyal, paying customers play to play UO and own a house on their account yet you're telling them they have to risk losing all their stuff if this is the only account they own?
You're making an account bound zone that only the account player can place in, why wouldn't failure to replace mean that the customer would be able to get their old place back, and have a moving crate that holds all their items.
This is a very big change to the housing system you're implementing, and housing security has always been top priority for players and the EA/Mythic Dev Team. Now, please rewrite the TC code to reflect account security.
Cheers ...
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First of all, moving crates are tied to the house, they are not tied to the account. It wouldn't just be a 'simple' change to the code. You are removing the house.
Secondly, what does this have anything to do with security?
Finally, what I want to see....is the command 'I would like to resize my house' and then a gump box would pop up showing you what size housing plots would fit in the current area, you select one, and it places it.
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And your house's contents gets dumped under the house sign of the new plot, unlocked. If they can code in an area bound to the placement account, they can do the moving crate bound to that area and therefore the placement account as well.
It doesn't even have to be the house customization moving crate. It just has to be a crate only the owner can access while they upgrade their house spot.
They could call it a house relocation crate, that at least would be accurate.
Properties of this crate:
Can hold up to the entire contents of a castle, and is attached to the owning account. Cost per real world day will come out of the character who activated the account, say 10k/hour or part thereof. 240k/day means they will therefore not wish to keep their belongings in this crate for too long. Does not hold any item looted or stolen within the past hour.
Is capable of holding the packing crate's contents, but does not hold the packing crate itself - you're demolishing your house and replacing it, this therrefore takes whatever the old plot had, and whatever the old plot's packing crate would've dumped on the ground.
Because this is a house relocation crate, the owner has a 14-day time period in which to remove all items from this crate, or their posessions will get dumped out under the house sign.
They should add a 14-day cooling off period which expires when the house relocation crate dumps any remaining contents on ground, in which the house owner cannot reuse the house relocation option. This is to prevent exploitation of the house relocation crate's ability to hold house contents.
It would otherwise work like the relocate moving crate option, and it's tied into the character's context menu, the spot being upgraded, and the successful replacement of a bigger house.
Cheers ...
[/ QUOTE ]Moving crate option scares me. You go to resize your house, everything goes in the moving crate. You place the new plot no moveing crate with your stuff in it, because it went poof when you sized your house. I would like to see is an option to send everything to the owners (name on the house sign)bankbox in a crate.your on the house owner and you say I wish to send all my stuff to the my bank. Then once you resize you have so many days to empty that crate, in your bank box or lose the items. would work like when you transfer to another shard, and have so many days to get your stuff out transfer crate.