went over to the new forums to read what some people are posting. Man Does UO now have their hands full. They just added another mess they have to monitor when they had perfectly good working forums dedicated to their game. I will forever not understand their logic.
LOL You could say this about most things they have done in the last 5 , 10 ? Years
When anther dev added ninjas “because their COOL” I thought we had seen the worst of it from devs.
BUT Hell no we now have dinosaurs and my little pony mounts WTF LOL
Elf’s before Orcs or goblins wth.
EA has done a few star wars games Star Wars is cool right ?
Well to be fair Ultima has always had a sifi edge in its single player games.
New vet reward Lazer gun and life saver.
Highs seas WHAT A GRIND just to fire a cannon F@$& ME no thank you
They should have went steam punk meets Tim Burton if anything imho and that’s lame tbh.
Sorry rant over.........