The pet revamp has been around a while. We should have some nice builds that may help others decide what they want to do with their Cu Sidhe. I have made a post about almost every other pet except for this one that is very popular.
Cu Sidhe - Stratics Community Wiki | Stratics Community Forums
The Cu Sidhe starting Stats and Abilities determine what we can do. They start at 3 slots and go to 5 slots. You get 3002 points to use. The Hits and Str will cut in half when you tame them.
The example below is a very good starting Cu Sidhe. The Hit points and Strength are 3 points each. If these are close to maximum you can add more things in other areas.
The Hit Points range from low 500s to near 600. That means a difference of 300 points.
The Strength does not vary much. I've only seen 590s to 613.
If you do find a rare color with low Hit Points (`514) you can still make an excellent pet. Just do not add a magic and you can have everything else. Or you can add a magic and sacrifice Hit Points or another area.
The Resistances look like this:
They can have over 80 in Cold and Energy. They don't always have over 80. But the cold and energy will be the two highest.
Here is the damage type they deal:
There are many Mobs that have low cold and energy resists. This is one reason the Cus are excellent pets.
They start with these abilities:
The training menu looks like this:
The Area Effect abilities are:
The Special Moves are:
The Special Abilities are:
The Magical Abilities are:
Magery would cost 1501 Points, The rest cost 501.
You can choose: (Always start from the bottom) (Choosing a magic first will turn off the other choices.)
A. 1 area, and one special move or special ability
B. one special move and one special ability.
Then you can choose a Magic Ability.
On any build you want to add 30 Mana regeneration. A Cu Sidhe is not a natural high mana regeneration pet.
You should add some stamina regen. I never have needed more than 5.
Hit point regen is up to you. If you have enough points, add it.
If you use the pet before you add points, the Stamina and Dexterity will go to 125. It takes a long time. You want those at 150 on all pets.
The Wrestling skill needs to be 100 before you can see the parry value or add a Parry scroll.
Cu Sidhes can use many scrolls. Here is the cost:
If you want to 120 all the skills, here is the required points:
Wrestling 200
Tactics 200
Anatomy 20
Parry 20
Healing 20
Focus 20
Resisting spells 20
Meditation 20
Magic 100
Total 620 points.
If you want to 110 all the skills, it would cost:
310 points
There are many builds for a Cu Sidhe. After building many of these pets, I have decided to put Magics on the one that start really with real high HP and Str. You do not have to have a magic ability to make an excellent killing machine.
Please add some of your favorites.

Cu Sidhe - Stratics Community Wiki | Stratics Community Forums
The Cu Sidhe starting Stats and Abilities determine what we can do. They start at 3 slots and go to 5 slots. You get 3002 points to use. The Hits and Str will cut in half when you tame them.
The example below is a very good starting Cu Sidhe. The Hit points and Strength are 3 points each. If these are close to maximum you can add more things in other areas.
The Hit Points range from low 500s to near 600. That means a difference of 300 points.
The Strength does not vary much. I've only seen 590s to 613.

If you do find a rare color with low Hit Points (`514) you can still make an excellent pet. Just do not add a magic and you can have everything else. Or you can add a magic and sacrifice Hit Points or another area.
The Resistances look like this:

They can have over 80 in Cold and Energy. They don't always have over 80. But the cold and energy will be the two highest.
Here is the damage type they deal:

There are many Mobs that have low cold and energy resists. This is one reason the Cus are excellent pets.
They start with these abilities:

The training menu looks like this:

The Area Effect abilities are:

The Special Moves are:

The Special Abilities are:

The Magical Abilities are:

Magery would cost 1501 Points, The rest cost 501.
You can choose: (Always start from the bottom) (Choosing a magic first will turn off the other choices.)
A. 1 area, and one special move or special ability
B. one special move and one special ability.
Then you can choose a Magic Ability.
On any build you want to add 30 Mana regeneration. A Cu Sidhe is not a natural high mana regeneration pet.
You should add some stamina regen. I never have needed more than 5.
Hit point regen is up to you. If you have enough points, add it.
If you use the pet before you add points, the Stamina and Dexterity will go to 125. It takes a long time. You want those at 150 on all pets.
The Wrestling skill needs to be 100 before you can see the parry value or add a Parry scroll.
Cu Sidhes can use many scrolls. Here is the cost:
- Magery, Mysticism, Necromancy,Spellweaving, Chivalry, Bushido, Ninjitsu, Discordance
(105 Magic scroll will use 25 training points, 110 Magic will use 50 training points, 115 – 75 points, 120 – 100 points) - Focus, Meditation or Resist Spells - (105 costs 5 points, 110 costs 10 points, 115 cost 15 points 120 costs 20 points)
- Wrestling or Tactics - (105 costs 50 points, 110 costs 100 points, 115 cost 150 points, 120 costs 200 points)
- Anatomy, Healing or Parry - (105 costs 5 points, 110 costs 10 points, 115 cost 15 points 120 costs 20 points)
If you want to 120 all the skills, here is the required points:
Wrestling 200
Tactics 200
Anatomy 20
Parry 20
Healing 20
Focus 20
Resisting spells 20
Meditation 20
Magic 100
Total 620 points.
If you want to 110 all the skills, it would cost:
310 points
There are many builds for a Cu Sidhe. After building many of these pets, I have decided to put Magics on the one that start really with real high HP and Str. You do not have to have a magic ability to make an excellent killing machine.
Please add some of your favorites.

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