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enough is enough time to nerf moving shots ROUND 2

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
umm yah.. Maybe so, but you don't have 211 stamina right?

And the real point is archery shouldn't force mages to play with parry, and that's what happened.
OMG you must have never herd of the old school Parry/Mages. I guess now a days all these kids want everything handed to them. Lets bring back the old school Tamers with no control slots and listen to all the whiners.


Stratics Veteran
OMG you must have never herd of the old school Parry/Mages. I guess now a days all these kids want everything handed to them. Lets bring back the old school Tamers with no control slots and listen to all the whiners.
old school tamers also had no pet bonding


Crazed Zealot
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I believe I was agreeing with Virem who presented his argument. Do you want me to repeat the same thing?
Yes because despite my post refuting it you blindly agreed which baffles me having supported something that was completely false.

But you are entitled to your opinion...


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What does that even mean?
It means playing the same templates as everyone else (because they're "overpowered") is boring and takes less skill to compete.
it gets to the point, where you fight any variant of "Archer" or any variant of "Parry-Mage", melee has nerve strike/DS.

"Well if im cursed/ and i get hit by a flamestrike/ and i got omen'd/ and the mage had me sashed up"
You're absolutely right! You do realize that Dexers can use a focus gem on their weapon AND benefit from the focus sash damage RIGHT? Focusing gem increases the damage of your "weapon" & the Focusing Sash increases the damage of your "Hit-spells".

It's amazing some of you guys. I swear.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Archer is the only template in the game without a real weakness or downside. It's last weakness was taken away with the masteries that stopped them from being disarmed.

Archers have;

Most DPS in the game.
Ninja form and mirror image while on foot.
Healing and damage while running.
Best overall combination of special moves on weapons (besides thrower)

Things that have changed that made archery so strong now;

No more disarm
Super suits make 1.25 second comp bow possible
Super suits allow mana to be 130+ with 55 Lmc
Mortal spamming
Super suits allow max damage increase when before you had to give something up for it.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Archer is the only template in the game without a real weakness or downside. It's last weakness was taken away with the masteries that stopped them from being disarmed.

Archers have;

Most DPS in the game.
Ninja form and mirror image while on foot.
Healing and damage while running.
Best overall combination of special moves on weapons (besides thrower)

Things that have changed that made archery so strong now;

No more disarm
Super suits make 1.25 second comp bow possible
Super suits allow mana to be 130+ with 55 Lmc
Mortal spamming
Super suits allow max damage increase when before you had to give something up for it.
I think mages can have ninjitsu unless there was a patch i missed?

And now there is a thing called a super suit?!

I am so far behind in the times.

Speaking the Truth

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Off topic... the first part of the post couldn't be more ON Topic?
Where are the flaws?

It's a shocker you agree with the "addition" of skills, as those skills are also found on most archer templates...
I've posted about balance before, I don't claim it to be "perfect" but most people seem to always favor whichever template they can play most effectively.

Which is most definitely the case in this thread...
Yes as you talk about ways to make a lot of skills terrible, none of which has anything to do with moving shot that sure is on topic.

You think only archers use those skills? I guess you've never seen tactic mages or melee dexers...

The changes would be nice so people aren't forced to play the same handful of temps. Or according to you only archers..


Stratics Veteran
It means playing the same templates as everyone else (because they're "overpowered") is boring and takes less skill to compete.
it gets to the point, where you fight any variant of "Archer" or any variant of "Parry-Mage", melee has nerve strike/DS.
What makes UO special is the ability to customize your character. To be creative and try out a variety of templates. To be not stuck in a "class". It's what separates UO from other games.

Now people are forced into playing a parry mage or archer... Only 2 templates... That goes against the spirit of this game.


Stratics Veteran
What makes UO special is the ability to customize your character. To be creative and try out a variety of templates. To be not stuck in a "class". It's what separates UO from other games.

Now people are forced into playing a parry mage or archer... Only 2 templates... That goes against the spirit of this game.
This is far from true. There any many deathstrike temps, 4/6 temps, evasion warriors, poison mages, tactics mages, tamers of sort.

I think the conclusion is you need to not be so bad on whatever the temp your trying to play is and maybe try something else.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What makes UO special is the ability to customize your character. To be creative and try out a variety of templates. To be not stuck in a "class". It's what separates UO from other games.

Now people are forced into playing a parry mage or archer... Only 2 templates... That goes against the spirit of this game.
No one is forced to play a parry mage for one. For two, if you have parry on a mage, you can still play a variety of other mage/parry templates. So that is already not just 2 templates.

I see many dexers without archery, i see tamers, etc etc etc. I am not sure where you are getting your facts of people playing only two templates, but it is not correct.


Stratics Veteran
It means playing the same templates as everyone else (because they're "overpowered") is boring and takes less skill to compete.
it gets to the point, where you fight any variant of "Archer" or any variant of "Parry-Mage", melee has nerve strike/DS.

You're absolutely right! You do realize that Dexers can use a focus gem on their weapon AND benefit from the focus sash damage RIGHT? Focusing gem increases the damage of your "weapon" & the Focusing Sash increases the damage of your "Hit-spells".

It's amazing some of you guys. I swear.
Please dont quote my posts until you can understand them properly and the points that are being made.


Stratics Veteran
It's not an exaggeration at all.... Mana vamp takes like 50-60 mana vs a zero resist target... So it's going to take 3 to put you at 0 mana. It's hard enough casting 1 7th level spell, let alone 3. Then if you are at 0 mana and gain 2 mana per second seems like you will be able to running shot again in a few seconds to me..
This is BS. you might only get 50-60 mana back because thats what u were missing but a vamp will take 120+ mana


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes as you talk about ways to make a lot of skills terrible, none of which has anything to do with moving shot that sure is on topic.
Terrible? you mean on par with the rest of the skills?

You think only archers use those skills? I guess you've never seen tactic mages or melee dexers...
I never said "Only" archers use those skills, but they are commonly found on MOST archer templates. (which is irrelevant) because they're BETTER with an Archer than anything else... I'm not sure how else to explain it tbh.

The changes would be nice so people aren't forced to play the same handful of temps. Or according to you only archers..
According to me, you think I want people to only play archers? haha, I'm not sure where you got that... incase you haven't noticed, there are more archers in UO compared to ANY other pvp template.

I am aiming for viability for more templates... and that shows self contradiction.

You know the templates in pvp right now are roughly ~60% Archers, ~30% Parry-mages. the remaining ~10% has to be a mix between the NS/DS dexers, dismount tamers (non-archery) & 4/6 chiv dexers, melee only dexers. non-parry mages & Throwers*.

*Throwers aren't as common as archers because of the "uber item" accessibility and the ease of reaching max SSI because of wood adding +10 SSI from enhancing vs throwing weapon counterparts. Other utilities factor into this as well, such as mounts vs flying and certain artifacts that are NOT available for the gargoyle race.
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Stratics Veteran
This is far from true. There any many deathstrike temps, 4/6 temps, evasion warriors, poison mages, tactics mages, tamers of sort.

I think the conclusion is you need to not be so bad on whatever the temp your trying to play is and maybe try something else.
Well you keep telling everyone to get parry whenever they make a case against moving shot, so from your own reasoning, it is true


Stratics Veteran
Well you keep telling everyone to get parry whenever they make a case against moving shot, so from your own reasoning, it is true
No im telling the people who are crying about getting hit with rng, if you want better rng then get parry. If you want the chance to be hit and to not be hit be even then dont. News flash, not everyone who doesnt have parry has problems living from moving shots. Maybe this is a testament to your pvp capabilities.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You know the templates in pvp right now are roughly ~60% Archers, ~30% Parry-mages. the remaining ~10% has to be a mix between the NS/DS dexers, dismount tamers (non-archery) & 4/6 chiv dexers, melee only dexers. non-parry mages & Throwers*.
Where did this stat come from? Because it sounds made up to me.

Speaking the Truth

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Terrible? you mean on par with the rest of the skills?

I never said "Only" archers use those skills, but they are commonly found on MOST archer templates. (which is irrelevant) because they're BETTER with an Archer than anything else... I'm not sure how else to explain it tbh.

According to me, you think I want people to only play archers? haha, I'm not sure where you got that... incase you haven't noticed, there are more archers in UO compared to ANY other pvp template.

I am aiming for viability for more templates... and that shows self contradiction.

You know the templates in pvp right now are roughly ~60% Archers, ~30% Parry-mages. the remaining ~10% has to be a mix between the NS/DS dexers, dismount tamers (non-archery) & 4/6 chiv dexers, melee only dexers. non-parry mages & Throwers*.

*Throwers aren't as common as archers because of the "uber item" accessibility and the ease of reaching max SSI because of wood adding +10 SSI from enhancing vs throwing weapon counterparts. Other utilities factor into this as well, such as mounts vs flying and certain artifacts that are NOT available for the gargoyle race.
No I mean terrible. You had a lot of horrible suggestions with the exception of adding skills to count toward the 300 combat points.

Um no they are found on most dexers. You do realize most dexers have two fighting skills because they need to in order to count towards the 300 combat point. So by that logic we can say there are tons of fencers etc. You're bias is showing that you think it ONLY helps with ARCHERS.

No I didn't say you want people to only play archers, my point is that you're acting as though it's ONLY beneficial to archers which is absurd.

Can you put the numbers to back up the %. You're just throwing made up %'s out.

Cliff notes - all your suggestions were bad, except for the putting more skills toward the 300 combat points so that people can play a lot more template(No, not just archers)


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So were going to complain that if your cursed you get hit for more? Okay so then i cant start a thread complaining that if im cursed a mage can hit me for 60 dmg with a flamestrike.
How can you even add evil omen to this list? So you have to be omen'd, you have to get hit by the rng, hit before the omen wears off, and you have to take no other dmg before the archer hit.

"Well if im cursed/ and i get hit by a flamestrike/ and i got omen'd/ and the mage had me sashed up"
I added Curse and Evil Omen for demonstration (that's it).

Then clearly you're adding in Omen, 30% sdi, AND sash build up to achieve a 60 damage Flamestrike. (This is NOT achievable without Omen or the Sash build-up) As a matter of fact, if you add Scribe you could actually hit for UP to 70 with a flamestrike to someone who is cursed in addition to omen, sash, & scribe.

Please dont quote my posts until you can understand them properly and the points that are being made.
What exactly did I not understand?

Oh and you're welcome for the pvp lesson on sashes working for dexers by the way....and you thought SDI didn't effect hit-spells.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Where did this stat come from? Because it sounds made up to me.
it is based on what I see when I'm pvping in UO. anyone can feel free to post it, sure it's an opinion, it may not be 100% accurate. however it's more accurate than it's not.


Stratics Veteran
Archery/melee skills have the strongest counter in the game against them, in parry. Use it to your advantage.
i really doubt this guy in the post even has parry or anatomy.
If you run Parry, a combat skill or mage weapon, and the correct DCI, you're going to block around 67% of the time. if youre not running at least one of these things, youre crazy.
Archers are fine if you are running parry. If you chose to not run party and pick up something more offensive. Like scribe or weapon skill then prepare to be treated like a glass cannon cause that is all you are.
If you dont like running shots, get parry. Or better yet, stop running like 92% of "pvpers" do.
lmfao. now we are adding the fact that you are disarmed and splintered? i got a great idea for you cobb its really good man. get parry.
I have never chased a parry mage from full to 0 with running shots. The HPR alone counterplays more damage then i will get by RNG. Good attempt tho.
Why doesn't yours?

Doesn't seem like these people want a variety of templates in the game


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No I mean terrible. You had a lot of horrible suggestions with the exception of adding skills to count toward the 300 combat points.

Um no they are found on most dexers. You do realize most dexers have two fighting skills because they need to in order to count towards the 300 combat point. So by that logic we can say there are tons of fencers etc. You're bias is showing that you think it ONLY helps with ARCHERS.

No I didn't say you want people to only play archers, my point is that you're acting as though it's ONLY beneficial to archers which is absurd.

Can you put the numbers to back up the %. You're just throwing made up %'s out.

Cliff notes - all your suggestions were bad, except for the putting more skills toward the 300 combat points so that people can play a lot more template(No, not just archers)
Ok, you obviously misunderstood.

They are found of MOST dexers (most dexers are archers, coincidence? I think not.).

Secondly, a Dexer that has Fencing & Archery, primarily uses Archery (Thus they are an archer), they literally ONLY have a melee skill for Disarm & or Splinter, please prove to me that this is NOT Correct. I'll wait as long as you need.

"your suggestions are bad" - No points to prove they are or are not- you're a funny guy.

You're also free to post a percentage in which you think template variety is divided as well, post them and see if people agree?
I posted mine, I feel they are pretty accurate based on what I see in pvp nowadays.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
it is based on what I see when I'm pvping in UO. anyone can feel free to post it, sure it's an opinion, it may not be 100% accurate. however it's more accurate than it's not.
lol. ok so I was correct that it was just made up. Thanks for that. Don't provide made up stats. It does not help anything. I can sit and make up stats too.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
lol. ok so I was correct that it was just made up. Thanks for that. Don't provide made up stats. It does not help anything. I can sit and make up stats too.
Well, get someone to post official numbers? I'll wager mine aren't far off. (if they're off at all).


Stratics Veteran
I added Curse and Evil Omen for demonstration (that's it).

Then clearly you're adding in Omen, 30% sdi, AND sash build up to achieve a 60 damage Flamestrike. (This is NOT achievable without Omen or the Sash build-up) As a matter of fact, if you add Scribe you could actually hit for UP to 70 with a flamestrike to someone who is cursed in addition to omen, sash, & scribe.

What exactly did I not understand?

Oh and you're welcome for the pvp lesson on sashes working for dexers by the way....and you thought SDI didn't effect hit-spells.
You clearly cant read. That was the whole point of me doing that.

What lesson did you give me? I would never use a sash because did you know they only work if you hit consecutively, which btw on an archer on a melee dexxer that is almost impossible due to rng.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You clearly cant read. That was the whole point of me doing that.

What lesson did you give me? I would never use a sash because did you know they only work if you hit consecutively, which btw on an archer on a melee dexxer that is almost impossible due to rng.
I'll teach you another lesson, The sash increases with each hit whenever the "hit-spell" goes off, this does not reduce the effect because you miss, anything else you want me to teach you?

Speaking the Truth

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok, you obviously misunderstood.

They are found of MOST dexers (most dexers are archers, coincidence? I think not.).

Secondly, a Dexer that has Fencing & Archery, primarily uses Archery (Thus they are an archer), they literally ONLY have a melee skill for Disarm & or Splinter, please prove to me that this is NOT Correct. I'll wait as long as you need.

"your suggestions are bad" - No points to prove they are or are not- you're a funny guy.

You're also free to post a percentage in which you think template variety is divided as well, post them and see if people agree?
I posted mine, I feel they are pretty accurate based on what I see in pvp nowadays.
Most dexers have archery as a secondary skill. See how this works?

I ran the numbers and I found that 73.8% of the time a melee weapon is armed, and only 19.5% a bow, the other 6.7% they are disarmed/ switching weapons.

They are terrible, the evidence being that not a single person anything along the lines of "Yes this guy is onto something".

Well you feeling they are accurate doesn't generate facts. I feel you're not intelligent, wait maybe that is an accurate method, my mistake!


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend

theres much better ways to encourage other templates than just nerfing archers.

removing the tactics requirement for specials would bring back alot of temps
adjusting what skills contribute to the 300 combat skill lmc bonus

just those 2 changes would make tons of other templates more appealing than the common templates.

also the devs gave us huge skill bonus jewels and items. theres tons of templates out there, many just require the right skill jewels.


Stratics Veteran

theres much better ways to encourage other templates than just nerfing archers.

removing the tactics requirement for specials would bring back alot of temps
adjusting what skills contribute to the 300 combat skill lmc bonus

just those 2 changes would make tons of other templates more appealing than the common templates.

also the devs gave us huge skill bonus jewels and items. theres tons of templates out there, many just require the right skill jewels.
Well its good to see you agree that there is not enough variety. Mostly archers and parry mages


Stratics Veteran
I'll teach you another lesson, The sash increases with each hit whenever the "hit-spell" goes off, this does not reduce the effect because you miss, anything else you want me to teach you?
Again, you arent teaching me anything except what not to do on a dexxer. Thank you.
Anyone with half a brain would take 5 INT and 2MR over hoping you stay on the same target long enough and get enough hit spells that it does 2 more damage.

"Sash archers" what a joke this guy is


Stratics Veteran
All these archers are telling me its my fault for not having parry. Then they turn around and pretend that they are in favor of having a variety of templates.



Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
Doesn't seem like these people want a variety of templates in the game
What does this have to do with running shot?

You can run camping on your template for all I care, just don't come here wondering why you're getting smoked.


Stratics Veteran
Because we are discussing the lack of variety of templates due to archers being OP? I think you missed some posts. Please read them


Stratics Veteran
Because we are discussing the lack of variety of templates due to archers being OP? I think you missed some posts. Please read them
That doesn't have nearly as much to do with the lack of variety the 300 combat skill, DS only for stealth, sdi only 15 for most mage templates, and a lack of damage certain melee weapons have these days are a much bigger issue when it comes to variety on templates. I'm not sure who you play but I'm willing to guess you're not interesting in sharing such information either.


Stratics Veteran
That doesn't have nearly as much to do with the lack of variety the 300 combat skill, DS only for stealth, sdi only 15 for most mage templates, and a lack of damage certain melee weapons have these days are a much bigger issue when it comes to variety on templates. I'm not sure who you play but I'm willing to guess you're not interesting in sharing such information either.
I see. Another person who agrees that there are too many archers and parry mages compared to anything else. I agree, something needs to be done.


Stratics Veteran
I see. Another person who agrees that there are too many archers and parry mages compared to anything else. I agree, something needs to be done.
You have really made yourself look foolish in this thread about Archers. Changes need to be made but I don't see Archers or Parry mages being an issue.


Stratics Veteran
Enchanted apple was on cooldown.

Virem you can kill everyone of those archers 1 vs 1 if you had a parry mage, but your problem is you want to make a 1 shot kill temp and because of that your survivability suffers. It's just how video game works. So you might be able to kill parry mages 1 vs 1 but you get smashed vs archers. It seems pretty balanced to me.

And if you don't want to deal with running shot archers then take the fight into dungeons and use necros and weavers and tamers. But if you are goint to fight in yew. Get better survivability, or don't run solo.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Virem you can kill everyone of those archers 1 vs 1 if you had a parry mage, but your problem is you want to make a 1 shot kill temp and because of that your survivability suffers. It's just how video game works. So you might be able to kill parry mages 1 vs 1 but you get smashed vs archers. It seems pretty balanced to me.

And if you don't want to deal with running shot archers then take the fight into dungeons and use necros and weavers and tamers. But if you are goint to fight in yew. Get better survivability, or don't run solo.
This^^.... Listen I may not PvP much if at all anymore but I do know that you are not supposed to be able to dominate every possible template... every build has it's pro's and con's... if you all want to make it so your template dominates all then you are left with only 1 gimpplate and everyone has it... which I thought was something we wanted to avoid.

1 vs 1 you are always going to have that certain template that just kicks you... but that's why the game is an MMO and your meant to actually play with others from time to time. I used to know a pair of mages that perfectly complimented one another and they totally dominated in PvP.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This^^.... Listen I may not PvP much if at all anymore but I do know that you are not supposed to be able to dominate every possible template... every build has it's pro's and con's... if you all want to make it so your template dominates all then you are left with only 1 gimpplate and everyone has it... which I thought was something we wanted to avoid.

You don't participate in pvp, you wouldn't know what is overpowered because of that. No one is saying they want one template to "dominate" all.
What most of us are trying to accomplish, is making it balanced so that there's a reason to play other templates. instead of Archers & Parry Mages (this is how it is currently....)

You know why parry mages even exist? It's because of Archery... ask any parry mage why they have parry. 100% of pvpers will say "to block archers".
That's why when I suggested Ranged weapon skills be capped at 1.5s speed that parry should also have a reduced chance when it's not paired with an actual weapon skill... (Wrestling &/or Anatomy) should NOT count as "weapon skills".

If Archery were nerfed without parry being toned down slightly (for mages) Melee dexers would be exactly where they're at right now, which is not in a good spot. melee dexers = best pvm = worst in pvp.

The template that would "dominate" every template has Archery in it (one vs one & in groups).
Just because I don't use it, doesn't mean I don't know about it.


Stratics Veteran
Enchanted apple was on cooldown.

Did you take off fencing for the video? Or are u just trying to justify playing your tactics mage

Oh and if you were not playing 1v4 you would have cross healers and people to take pressure off of you. Great video man its sweet


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
You don't participate in pvp, you wouldn't know what is overpowered because of that. No one is saying they want one template to "dominate" all.
What most of us are trying to accomplish, is making it balanced so that there's a reason to play other templates. instead of Archers & Parry Mages (this is how it is currently....)

You know why parry mages even exist? It's because of Archery... ask any parry mage why they have parry. 100% of pvpers will say "to block archers".
That's why when I suggested Ranged weapon skills be capped at 1.5s speed that parry should also have a reduced chance when it's not paired with an actual weapon skill... (Wrestling &/or Anatomy) should NOT count as "weapon skills".

If Archery were nerfed without parry being toned down slightly (for mages) Melee dexers would be exactly where they're at right now, which is not in a good spot. melee dexers = best pvm = worst in pvp.

The template that would "dominate" every template has Archery in it (one vs one & in groups).
Just because I don't use it, doesn't mean I don't know about it.
Since most the time when I do PvP its either on an Archer or a Tamer I honestly can't say how it is for Dexers... I know how annoying it is to be perpetually disarmed or xfielded... I do also know a bunch of guys who PvP with a group of archers. And as far as that goes there really isn't a defense if you get hit by 2 or 3 stealth archers doing AI and then moving shot. Thankfully they can't do that in animal form.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Did you take off fencing for the video? Or are u just trying to justify playing your tactics mage

Oh and if you were not playing 1v4 you would have cross healers and people to take pressure off of you. Great video man its sweet
I didn't take anything off for the video... I hit someone with my sword right before I teleport.

I was showing how easily running shot can do 35-40 total dmg, in a real game scenario. I'm sure TJ and Blitz aren't even max dmg.

Also, remember when you said velocity can't do more than 9? guess you were wrong.
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