- a first!
- -but
No Paragon Chest ?
- - they wouldn't do that to us - would they - - ??

- a first!
- -but
No Paragon Chest ?
- - they wouldn't do that to us - would they - - ??
That's my experience as wellI can't see the pictures in Posts #'s:
139, 153, 156, 180, 183, 186, 189, 201
says invalid link if rt click,open in new tab
or times out if just clicked
any ideas, all the others in this thread are fine, any ideas?
Invalid Attachment specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administratorLook at Post #201
Since the stroke, i have involuntary ignore, it's not selectiveHave you guys got me on ignore
Thanks Kayne. Originally I thought you meant UO Staff wasn't working on putting Paragon Chests in Paragon Killer Pumpkin corpses.Jade they didnt work again...
Since I didn't see anyone reply to this, the items you got are what I call *semi-rare* trick or treating items. Those are attanable (Wow I can't spell) at I think any lvl of begging, I got my first pumpkin pizza at lvl 46 begging.I believe the gm begging requirement to get the rare trick or treats has been disabled. I spent yesterday trick or treating on my mule (mage/med/blacksmith/tailoring/mining/i forget the last skill but it wasn't begging) and I got 2 creepy cakes, a pumpkin pie, and some harvest wine.
Learned something new again! GM Beggar! = fun!- -
To get the GM rewards - -
SEVINOooO - yeah, how to post pictures, Cheers M8Originally Posted by Jade of Sonoma
Learned something new again!
Incredible Patience Blood Ghoul! Thanks for replying. I am thinking so too!I am on number 14 paragon and no chest. Most likely not going to happen
We now find ourselves nearing the end of the month.Umm.... 10-02-11 (2 days after patch) is a little bit early to be judging the halloween season as lame. Last I checked Halloween was October 31! Which means there is lots of time for additional events, content, player contests, and EM's to do their thing. I know you are anxious to have the candy in your bucket! But I think someone needs to chillax a bit!
Thanks KayneYay Jade, you got pictures working now.Well done
Yes Larisa! I wondered too if clearing the pumpkin fields helped at all this year.I never clear fields and I average about 12 pumpkins a round give or take.
This is just in fel mind you, Occlo, cove (Ive never seen a killer pumpkin in cove, which i find odd)
And then I make the run to Del (there are 2 patches there in case anyone didn't know)
I've just stood in a field and watched the things spawn with a full field of baby pumpkins so I just make a quick run every few hours and manage quite well![]()
They had to be keeping the cleared field's pumpkins in a too-close location (not over a server line far away from the field) or else someone has a stash of those pumpkins in the nearby house or has dropped them somewhere close to the field behind houses or in the bushes where no one would see them -- so you would have to wait a couple of hours or more, before getting respawn to occur. If it is a big field, then it would be prudent to check the area or move to a different field to clear.I ws just at a field near skara for about 20-30mins, helping someone keep it clear, they had been there 2 Hours - NADA - Lame enough for me
hey guys if u wanna kill paragon pumpkins dont waste ur time on the fields in is that only spawn 2 pumpkins. right under lord blackthorns castle there is a savage camp. in this camp there are 2 fields that have 14-16 pumpkins each with a quick spawn back rate. if u kill off the savage spawn when u 1st get there and stay close to the wall u wont have any trouble managing both fields.Actually... I only camped the 2 pumpkin spawn sinces its right near the gate and they auto-spawn basically. "I pick up the 2 pumkins..recall to a field somewhere else, drop those two pumpkins on the ground, kill anything up, recall back to gate, portal back to Ish, check the field, pick up the pumpkins, and repeat" Its brutal.....Actually got one more late last night so 15 paragons and no chest
I don't think that's entirely true. I won't let these guys off the hook for this one. There is absolutely no reason that there couldn't have been content for every level of play in the game, aside from Trick or Treating that is. It might not have been the killer pumpkins, but there could have been something.Hey Ned888
It's impossible for any UO Program to please everyone because they
are set up to satisfy both Veterans of the game and new players
You can only do what you are capable of doing so you must
develop stronger skills. That is the game's challenge. So - - maybe next year will work out better for you.
Stay in Haven, spend time working skills up to snuff then take on Killer Pumpkins ..ask around and connect with someone who is
willing to help heal you while you fight killer pumpkins. Call them when you find a killer pumpkin and learn to INVIS self until they come to your aid. Or simply don't touch the big Jack O'lanterns until you can call and get someone to come.
There's always helpful players to be found, often
standing around the bank in Haven at prime times.
- - *maybe they willl add a Paragon Killer Pumpkin Chest ON
Halloween?* ... hopeful to the end - -
What happened to the picture in my message - top of this page? ... back to the drawing board .. argh!
/Signageis there any way to turn on the graveyard invasions?
/Double Signed!!!/Signage
Oh, stop it.I feel Uo is comming to very slow end...
Oh, stop it.
If we were being left to die on the vine, they wouldn't have hired a new producer for us.
They aren't hiring ANYONE they don't have to. The fact that they hired a gamer as producer has me encouraged.