Die 1v11 open field on a 4/6 chiv guy lately
Yes, actually, I generally die solo vs. 11. I don't have any forms to run away on, no magery to tele onto buildings, no FREE heals (potions, stones, triggers, bandies etc.), no invis, hiding, stealth, smoke bombs - nothing extra at all. What I do have is honor to fight till the end and am mature enough not to get upset with a video game. As for the 4/6 Chiv, I suppose it would be more helpful with positive karma (which I do not have) and you would have more standing with your insult if my heals gave more than 21 hp each time. Hell, GH potions give more than that.
A few people recently asked why I still use this template so I will respond here. I am proud to say that I play the most difficult template in the game to stay alive and kill people on. No potions, regs, bandies, apples, fruits, hacks, buffs, heal stones, magery, summons, pets or non-interruptable healing ability.. umm, I am sure I missed something there. EVERYTHING Sadist does requires mana and CAN be interrupted except swinging a fork, with at most, 55 Stamina (strange that peeps still consider Sadist a dexxer

I follow the
TRUE Old-School ways, unlike 99.9% of the people out there. I never expect anyone to adhere to those ways like I do and when I am 1 on 1, 2 on 1 and sometimes 3 on 1, I take the fight to the end, good outcome or not. Not too many can still say that and not be lying.
I will duel anyone straight up my template vs. yours, no crutches, pets, mounts or summons (see item list above) and never have a problem with winning or losing.. straight up.
You Win = respect from me, You Lose = Give Respect to me. So, before you go bashing someone, take them on in a duel so you have the right, to do so.
Any takers? Win or lose it will be fun, eh?
*NOTE* Keep in mind that any replies may go unanswered for a bit because I am most likely going to be without power for a good number of days from Hurricane Irene, so no crap-talk about "refusing a duel" if your reply goes unanswered for a few.