Please note that I am skipping the thought experiment that I had instigated to address this. Skimming the posts... BG may have been the only person who kind of picked up on what I was saying.
Personally, I think that UO has gotten to be too item based to go back to a Fel only ruleset. As others have stated, if UO were to go back to being more skill based and a lot less items based, with no insurance, I might feel otherwise. Having to PvP and wanting to PvP are two totally different things. And right now, no one is forced to PvP. You can get powerscrolls for gold all over the place, so it is not like you have PvP to get them.
Pure, utter, hogwash. The fact that UO has gone in a more item oriented direction does
nothing to stop UO from going back to a more traditionally Feluccan style of play.
Trammel is what makes it impossible to embrace the Feluccan ideology.
Case in point... Item insurance. The game has been tweaked and tailored to it. You have to grind grind grind grind grind to get the suit you want.
this is why so many people have complained about how crappy 99.9% of the loot drops on Tram shards are.
It takes killing a high number of lady mel's in order to get ONE crimson cincture. It is set up to make you succumb to a ridiculous investment of time and energy in order to get a piece of the suit jigsaw puzzle players are trying to piece together.
It is a treadmill and it is one you ride for a LOOOONG time. Collecting sets, suits, rares, whatever... you grind grind grind... because if you do not set it up this way, the Trammel player gets BORED and quits. There has to be a seemingly endless chasing of the carrot to keep them engaged.
Felucca (Siege) is the example I will use to illustrate Feluccan ideology. Siege has the same crappy loot drop rates as the rest of the shards in Ultima Online.
For there to be no item insurance, there would need to be a drastic change in the way items (loot) drop from NPCs. If Treasures of Tokuno were turned on permanently. If killing a doom boss guaranteed you a [cursed] artifact as well as a chance at the real thing. If lvl 6 maps had [cursed] artifacts on them. If ancient wyrms and high level monsters dropped (regularly) items with 5 properties at high intensities. If Peerless and ML named creatures dropped ML arties every time you killed one... as well as 10+ of each ingredient (instead of just 1-3 of a few.)
Not just loot from monsters, but crafting would need attention to. For example: runic kits would need 10x's the charges on them.
You would see Felucca born again.
Players who enjoy PvM, would be out hunting (in a variety of places and not just the hot-spot of the month) and then turning around and SELLING those items to others.
Players who enjoy crafting would be out crafting constantly to supply those who die and lose their items.
Players who enjoy PKing would be out hunting the hunters.
Players who enjoy PvP would be out PvPing.
Players in factions would be factioning (more often.)
Obtaining a suit to PvP or PvM with would be inexpensive. There would be an abundant supply that allowed for players to just suit up and play.
You see... the whole point of Felucca is interacting with eachother. Whether it's role-playing, PvPing, so on and so forth.
Items flow fluidly through the playerbase. Items are lost and replaced endlessly... the whole point of it all. The ULTIMATE gold sink.
Right now on Siege we have too much of trammel bleeding into Felucca... because Siege has the prodo-shard loot drop rates and crafting that is almost identical... players are limited. There is no one hunting in doom because it is not worth the time. There is no one hunting in tokuno or wearing regular runebeetle carapaces because it isn't turned on. There is no one hunting the various peerless (only lady mel) because it is not worth the time/effort to do it.
You see. Felucca and Trammel simply cannot coexist, properly. One is a sandbox and the other is a themepark.
If Siege was given the proper attention it deserved... it would function properly along side the rest of the production shards instead of being in competition with them.
And those talking about item PvP... wake-up. You are more than 6 years living in the past... UO has evolved into the PvP we have and you need to get over it. There are player-run servers if you want to experience 'classic-so-easy-a-caveman-can-figure-it-out' Ultima Online.
Have a nice day.