Excuse me. You talk of hyper-extended e-peens and then you come here and stroke your own?
Translation: DEFEND THE PEEN!
I never dismissed your playstyle. What I did was clearly define it and you just didn't want to hear (read) the truth.
Let me get that quote again. It seems to be quoted a lot in this thread. Do you know why? Because not only was it breathtakingly stupid, but you, rather hilariously, in the face of all evidence, keep
denying it.
"Of course, the mindless NPCs are no where near the challenge level of another human and the only thing I can come up with (the only difference) is that the trammies really can't stand playing videogames at a more challenging level.
I'd wager these are the same people who purchase a console game in the store and play it on "Easy" even if they can handle medium. I suppose they know full-well they can't do it on hard so why not cry about it.
Anything else is just bull****."
Really, now. Surely, if you're man enough to go out and battle other players in supreme combat!, you're man enough to not do backflips on your own expressed opinion on a forum. What's the matter? Is dealing with the consequences of your words too
hard for you? Would you prefer some sort of
easy version? Maybe you'd like a Trammelised forum - one where people can't quote previous posts, so if you keep saying "I didn't say that!" or "I didn't mean that!" for long enough, the other posters will start to believe you.
I read the BS by the Trammies saying that players were leaving in droves because of Felucca... which by all accounts of the data is total BS because UO was steadily GAINING in subscriptions. I read that 85% of the UO playerbase prefer Trammel... which by all accounts of data is total BS. I read that Trammel saved UO because it would have been doomed to die... which is TOTAL BS as there are today, emulations of pre-tram going strong with servers that rival production server populations. All this crap I read constantly which is untrue is acceptable, but someone can't point out that Trammel is the easier version of Felucca?!?!? Which is 100% true?
Is your freaking ego hurt or something?
That's some rather frantic use of the term BS. I like to imagine you flailing wildly at the keyboard, muttering "It's BS! He's BS! You're BS! Everything's BS! Question mark, exclamation point, question mark, exclamation point, question mark, exclamation point... hah, that'll learn him, he'll know I'm
really angry and he'll be scared because I'm so tough that I play Ultima Online on Hard mode. Heh. Trammie." Be careful with that punctuation, by the way. I don't want you to hurt yourself.
So the statistics are total BS? The devs introduced Trammel for
no reason at all? You're starting to sound like you think they introduced it just to upset you. And everybody who provides you with evidence is lying. Lying! Because the statistics are BS! How can they not understand it when you've repeated it so many times?!
One more thing. Production servers are paid for. Free servers are free. I won't spell out to you the difference between being content to put up with things because you don't have to pay for your time, and having the right to demand your money's worth; I hope that you're cleverer than that, although something - maybe it was all the exclamation points - makes me a bit dubious.
And yes. You've hurt my ego. My e-peen, it is a-wilt.
Where I don't agree, is the notion that your playstyle is somehow better than mine. It is not. And neither is it vice versa.
What my playstyle is-is more challenging than your playstyle.
Regardless of how you try to spin it.
Oh yes. I think my playstyle is better than yours. I think that roleplaying is the only playstyle that Ultima Online supports, that it should be compulsory, and that anybody who doesn't roleplay is a slavering fool.
Here is a post wherein I, in my verbose way, wholeheartedly agree with somebody saying just that.
I challenge you to find one quote from my post where I said that my playstyle is better than yours. Saying that I don't like being griefed, abused and basically treated like crap because I don't PvP != saying that roleplaying is superior.
Although, you know... when it comes to roleplayers, I can understand how hard it must be for you. Not only do you have to be afflicted by the sight of them in the bank, not killing people, not playing properly, using their
words on each other like it's 1702, but it really sucks, the things they do to this forum. I mean, it's terrible how post after post lines up of "Devs, the game is going to die if you don't fix this insignificant glitch with roleplay that nobody but myself has experienced,
right now!!!!!!", "Devs! I want a roleplaying event! I demand a roleplaying event! I demand it now! By God I have the emotional control of a toddler and if you're not careful I'm going to use it!", and "Devs! I understand that you spent hours trying to implement fixes and new content for roleplaying in your last publish, but it still wasn't enough! If every single thing wrong with roleplaying is not fixed by this time next week, I am taking my eighteen paid accounts and I AM LEAVING FOREVER." And it's so annoying how they hijack every second thread with advertisements for their precious roleplay-only shard that approximately four people play, all the while disparaging anybody who plays on any other shard as not being a "real" player. And all those PvP threads that are invaded by roleplayers going "LOL pvp is so sad UO is all about roleplay LEARN TO ROLEPLAY FELLIES I PROMISE YOU IT'S SO MUCH BETTER THAN BEING A LONELY PvPing HOUSEWIFE which is what you are if you PvP because only girls, gays and bored fat lonely women PvP LOL"... it's just tragic.
PS. Feluccans Role-Play too... we do everything done in Trammel and more... which is why I laughed at your analogy. It didn't even warrant a response.
Did I say that I hated all Feluccans? No. I said that I hated the immature, griefing, ganking, abusive, superiority-complex-toting Feluccans, the likes of which are rather prevalent on this board. Again, I will repeat myself. I don't want to play with Felucca-only rules because I don't like Felucca. I don't want to play with Felucca-only rules because I don't like the people who
inhabit Felucca, and your shrill cries of "PERSECUTION! YOU DON'T LIKE MY PLAYSTYLE!" are doing little to change that.