I have played Siege exclusively for the last 3 years, there are lots of people here that have no wish to PvP, Crafters, PvMers, Merchants, Role Players. Granted not as many as there used to be, but that goes for the Pvpers as well and you can speculate all you want as to why the population has dropped, but I still see People Joining the "New" Guild and I still see newb books and candles on the Bank floor.
Everything is Fel here, Tokuno, Malas, Ilshenar, the peerless Dungeons... everything. It's not for everyone, but when you get tired of no risk, no real danger, everything insured, no housing, smart arse teenagers, 50,000,000 Gold Suits, nothing to lose Shards. Come check out our dis-functional Community Forums, second only to U-Hall in activity.
Do we still have problems that normal Shards do,..... yes, but when you see that AFK scripter walking a rail in Cove GZ mining, you can kill him. Thieves can actually do something besides stealing useless Artifacts in a Dungeon here.
Reds are not all evil, your just as likely to be killed by a Blue, just don't take it personal, give a count... you may get rezzed and given all your Items back, sometimes maybe more then what you died with. You might be Rk'ed, more then once is your fault for not knowing when to leave and cut your losses. Say hi to Krystal when you see her, she will kill you sooner or later, give her a count and she'll rez ya and light or no loot ya.