I was looking at the new loot on test using my treasure hunter and after dong 4 level 6 chest and killing all the spawn that let me look at over 600 items but never found a splintering weapon? Did I get unlucky or are they only dropping in shame, wrong and covetous?
I've noticed the same issue too. Not only splintering weapon, but also all the other SA properties don't come with magic items from the loot on certain area/facet.
I've already reported it on an old thread almost a month ago.
I just did T-maps on TC1 again today, just one map on each facet and the issue still remains the same.
Only treasure chests in Illshener and Tel Mur have magic items that have SA properties.
It seems the loot from overland mobs have the same issue too.
I don't know the answer to this but was the other loot good? I've been saving up my treasure maps and SOS ready to try the new loot! Did you have a luck suit and did you dig them in trammel or fel?
I've only tested t-maps and here's what I got from 6 treasure chests I did today on each facet with about 2100 luck suit.
Trammel: Level 6 Total 69 magic items.
Minor: 15, Lesser: 29, Greater: 12, Major: 3, No Artifacts.
Felucca: Level 5 Total 63
Minor: 16, Lesser: 38, Greater: 9, Major: 0, No Artifacts.
Illshener: Level 6 Total 65
Minor: 6, Lesser: 43, Greater: 16, Major: 0, No Artifacts.
Malas: Level 6 Total 67
Minor: 3, Lesser: 51, Greater: 13, Major: 0, No Artifacts.
Tokuno: Level 5 Total 62
Minor: 15, Lesser: 44, Greater: 3, Major: 0, No Artifacts.
Tel Mur: Level 6 Total 71
Minor: 6, Lesser: 48, Greater: 17, Major: 0, No Artifacts.
These numbers are just rough count and not 100% correct.
The loot of treasure chests are pretty disappointing IMO, especially when compared with the loot of Peerless Bosses. I did some Chief Paroxy on felucca and of the 40+ magic items I found on the corpse, actually over half of them are Artifacts and 1-5 of them are Legendary.
All you can get from treasure chests are just tons of second tier jewels/armors/weapons, but at least they are now upgraded to shame style so there are still chances to get nice SSI jewels or splintering weapons.
I also went to Doom Gauntlet, Khaldun puzzle chests, dungeon chests and Slim the Fence, these are not worth trying at all if you go to these places for magic items.