I dont get how people think the regular forged pardons will be useless now. If anything, their value will GO UP.
Think about it, if you only have a couple of counts, you aren't going to spend all that time getting 10k points, and spend it on the forged pardon. Its much easier to just buy a couple of pardons.
PLUS, you are opening up a whole new market for them. People who wiped away their 1000 counts obviously dont want to be red anymore, hence they will need pardons in the future when they take counts. And again, I really doubt someones blowing 10k points on a pardon when they can just buy one for 1-2m.
There is one detail missing in your analysis, but one that will make a whole world of difference whether regular forged pardons will be needed more or much less : VvV..........
How so ?
Because VvV basically does away with murder counts, period. It is way, but WAY easier to become attackable in Felucca now under VvV (orange) and that applies
anywhere in Felucca. Furthermore, there is just NO WAY that one can get rid of the orange targeting other then getting killed by a VvV character which, "surprise", will bring NO MURDER COUNT to the VvV player....
This, will result in reds turned blue thanking to "Royal" forged pardons, attacking freely without much problems of murder counts thanking to the VvV system.....
Yes, there "might" still be an occasional kill here and there bringing up a murder count or two, but it will by no means, IMHO, be enough to sustain the number of regular forged pardons currently existing and further spawning in treasure chests.
I have hardly any doubt, regular forged pardons are dead, obsolete, useless, worthless (and this WILL hurt Treasure Hunters)....... UNLESS, the developers do something to mitigate the devastating effects which VvV and "Royal" forged pardons have done to them and their market.
Personally, I suggest changing them into something else that the game needs or could need.....