then why doesnt uo boast about their current subscribers the way they use to?
[/ QUOTE ]
When UO had was the only MMORPG...no competition. Now there are bunches...of competition...and the most popular? MILLIONS of subscribers.
Nothing close to old UO. Old UO could never hold a candle to the subscription numbers of Consensual PvP games...in any case.
What part of that are you unable to comprehend?
All of it, I guess.
The darn Hands covering your eyes and ears are getting in the way, methinks. I will debate this with you, nor Sneaky any further...I would use the word "Debate" very loosely with Black Rain...naw...that is just too far off the scope...Debates involve the use of logic on both sides, and his posts exhibit not a lot of that, by my measure. Nor will I present any further evidence to you, after I end this final post. You will have none of it, even in your lap, so...you are stuck in your paradigm, and I in mine. But in closing, I will attempt, one more time, to demonstrate the folly of poorly adjusted, and/or skewed Paradigms, on any side.
Time has told, and will tell, whose filter, and paradigm, is working properly.
Paradigms are real funny things. The Swiss Watch makers know this, all too well.
So does Timex and Sanyo. Go research how Digital Quartz watches came into being...and then...apply the logic presented, to MMORPGs. Particularly when looking at the "Original" MMORPG, it's popularity, and subsequent competitors, and THEIR popularity.
The Non-Con side holds a very firm, albeit skewed, belief, that is NOT backed by reality, in the real world, by real companies, who have real subscribers, that pay money monthly, to play their games.
"That's not a Fun MMORPG!! THIS is!! Can't you SEE?? UO came FIRST, so it IS the way a game should be played!! It is the best way, with Non-Con PvP!! The proof is right there!!" Keeping in mind that the people that cry this th eloudest like to kill, and be killed by, other players...a Minority, by most Game Company standards to date.
Yeah right... Swiss Watch makers had like over 90% - NINETY PERCENT of ALL watch sales. Their own PEOPLE created Digital Quartz Watches...and the Company couldn't see that the old watches were now going to be obsolete. Dang Paradigms. Paradigms of what a REAL watch is precluded even protecting the Digital Watch...because it WASN'T a watch, based on their filters...no springs...no hands...not a watch.
It was a watch...within less than half the time UO has been alive, the Swiss lost a humongous share of their market share in watches...an absolutely HUGE percentage of it...
I fully understand that with your hands over your ears and eyes, this story, and it's meaning, carries little to no weight, and is likely to have the same effect as anything that tells you...Non-Con PvP is NOT the Way, if you want HUGE subscriber bases. SOME people like it, and will pay for it, but not NEARLY as many, as will play a Consensual ONLY PvP game...not nearly as many.
I know...I know...you, and the others think:
"If "They"...the Big Companies would just LISTEN!!", you adamantly state. If they would JUST make a Pre-Ren Game...SO many want to pay to play it!!" LOL.
You, and the others, somehow REALLY believe, that the big companies that love to make money are just somehow missing the opportunity to offer completely Non-Con PvP to the waiting millions? That with all the years they have had to watch attempts like Shadowbane and Fury demonstrate time after time that SOME love it, but not nearly enough? They are just too blind to see it YOUR way? That THEIR Paradigms must be the skewed ones, and yours are the accurate ones?
Well...nothing new, and not likely to change. I should attempt to understand that your paradigms are just too rigid, and the filter just too clogged, to allow objectivity, and understanding. But I, on the other hand, am persistent to a fault.
So...with you, and your tiny entourage of Stuck Paradigm Viewers, I will waste no more time.
I will however, close on this: If and when the masses are shown to be wrong...and we see a sudden upwelling and increase of completely Non-Con PvP Games, like uO used to be...I will come back here, in the forums, and sing your praises, whilst flagellating myself for a myopic, and skewed view of what the Paying world that produces actual Profits, REALLY wants.
Until then, I will play the game I have loved, in all it's forms over the last 10+ years, some more than others, quietly content, that sometimes, and so far in this case, I would seem to have gotten one right.