Morning babblers!
I woke up, ate a pasty, and now I'm worryingly cheerful for one of these "morning" things...
*Prepares for unforeseen consequences*
[/ QUOTE ]
*wonders how old said pasty was*
[/ QUOTE ]"Use by: 28th Nov"
I'm putting my positive attitude to work, now.
Yesterday, I stoned Inscription onto a mage. 96.2 Points.
Since I was only going to try and train it up to GM, I thought I'd drop Focus (as I was already doing) and Meditation, and take it a little easy.
So, in a hideous lapse of accuracy, I marked "the skill beginning with M" to down, and stoned inscription on.
What other skill, related to Meditation, starts with M?
Hint: My mage had over 110 skill in it.