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Sonoma PvP thread

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ChrlieBrwn [ISO]

Gabrial plays one time a month on his red. Dianna use to play a red HIDER. Come out when sombody is redlined and pop them.. but thats ended also. GET RED NAME CHICKEN KQ!


Yes I know I am funny. I know my words attract a lot of attention... thank you! I hope you just didnt notice that by now... HAHAHA

but anyways still... please STFU!


once a month? ok i can see where you would say that , ask some of your allies if ive been around they might tell a diffrent tale , they might not have seen me though cause they were to busy redecorating there house , and when i say redecorating there house i mean trying to get out of the way of the KQ pain train , so on that note keep it real everyone , and i am really enjoying all the talk from everyone , i hope u can come up with somthing diffrent to flame me on in these posts , if not being on alot because i have a real life besides UO is the best u can do im feeling pretty good about myself

Grand Council (KQ)

P.S. (KQ) for the win , against all odd , bring your numbers , bring your BIG name vet pvpers , bring your gimp (soon to be nerfed) archers , bring everything you got , and then we can play this game like it was ment to be played

ill see you all there



Sara Sara....tell u what, when u shut slippery, CB, Philos and Hamburglar up, I'll stop responding to their BS in stratics. KQ is a respectable guild because self interested people like Philos and Trinity are gone. KQ is respectable guild because most of us like eachother and don't recruit just to "own" like 3f, iso and fel do. KQ is a respectable guild because we don't have to ally a million people just so we can bash people in stratics and in game.

So don't get all self righteous with me sara when your allies talk yards more BS then I have ever thought of posting here. Slippery even has grief lines macro'd so tell ya what, shut him and charlie up, and you won't have an issue with me. If you're not willing to do that then mind your business and stfu cause u have no right to talk because frankly, nearly every KQ has to endure a ration of BS from slippery and CB everytime we see them in game. You wanna talk about being respectable? Look to your own house before you try to sound all shocked and amazed at the volume of my rants cause you obviously have no clue what's going on in game.........K thx.


[/ QUOTE ]

U can't leave well enough alone can ya??? U have to bring my name out in a post at some time or another... U still BUTTHURT over me leaving the guild cause u cannot seem to handle 2 months of running it in my absense??? I'm gonna tell it how it is and EVERYONE would agree with this analysis... Ur a punk a$$ pancake Moon period... No if's ands or buts about it... Ur juss a flat out prick...

U say KQ is a guild of class??? Ur absolutely right which is why u don't belong in that guild... How bout u take a seat and listen to ur GM Galford... He has been talkin to me on a nightly basis and assures me he is trying to get KQ to stop talkin [censored] no matter what is said... Oh guess u didn't get that memo... Or is it that ur EGO (dunno why u would have one cause u blow balls at this game) won't let u let [censored] go??? Isn't it funny how u seem to say that I'm the one who don't let [censored] go... I've not [censored] talked u on the boards or in game in the past month yet here u come out of the blue bringin my name into [censored]... and what's pitiful is u really know nothing that u speak of...

TO THIS DAY I STILL HELP OUT KQ MEMBERS pancake... Who the [censored] do u think made ur [censored] armor jackass??? Flint Fireforge is my tailor moron... ur wearing my [censored] that I gave to Espit to SHARE with KQ... Why don't u ask some of ur members juss how much I have helped KQ out from day 1 to present... They have 10 million in guild funds that I came up with the idea to do and spent countless hours raising it with the guild moron... I've never once used any of that on me... others have benefited from some of the gold via getting artifacts... oh and then there were the powerscrolls... I ALWAYS protected when I was there and if someone needed a scroll it was theirs no questions asked... if noone needed it, then it went to the guild fund... not for my riches or anyone elses riches...

So why don't u choke on the truth here and think of a witty way to attack me personally again like u did last time cause ur a worthless punk pancake who I'd like nothing more than to slap the fuxxin double whopper with cheese right outta ya...

Isn't it funny how u talk [censored] bout COP zerging in the past yet u sit there in game huggin their nuttsacks healing them and clinging to their coat pockets???

Isn't it funny how u say ISO hasn't accomplished anything in game yet ur GM has a ton of respect for the majority of us??? Where the heck were u when Fel was on Origin and ISO was solo during the day kid??? We ran [censored] back then and will continue to run this shard much to the dislike of u and everyone else not green to us...



you still use double clicking as a warrior??

hmm beginner

please stfu... before you make yourself even more shame.... you're simply not that level yet... noobie.

[/ QUOTE ]

MJY-ur juss a fuxxin moron... ur main char is an archer... u, urself double click to fight people... now stfu already idiot



Gabrial plays one time a month on his red. Dianna use to play a red HIDER. Come out when sombody is redlined and pop them.. but thats ended also. GET RED NAME CHICKEN KQ!

[/ QUOTE ]

Umm being red proves nothing so you argueing that point is mute.
I could take my blue and pk lumberjacks to be red. If being red ment you were a killer then most of my chars are killers casue they are knight's of justice which would mean i'd had to of killed alot with them.

Plus I might add Kq has more reds than you care to mention but just as always you are trying to make it look like you all own yet you infact gank like the rest of the guilds.

I know for a fact that i hadn't gone to the gate much for a couple days casue i got tired of all the trash talk spewing out of certain ISo/fel members when they had 8 archers backing them.
Yeah makes you look real good to call someone out with 8 archers standing there.

BTW who was is rezzing your dead today during the day time? Wasn't that a KQ mage rezzing your dead like he does to every other guild? Yes the gate is supposed to be a place where you can go pick a fight in fun. not try and dominate with sheer numbers.

So galf respects alot of ISo he also respects alot of non iso. Doesn't mean he's gonna swap spit in the shower with them. hell I respect a few ISO and when I die to them I sit back and think thru the actions of how they got me and try to learn from it. but then again i'm not gonna swap the spit either.

Bottom line is this from my time on sonoma i've seen all guilds pull the same thing the others have aka hugging guard zones, fighting from houses, and yes ganking in numbers.

And yes slip trash talks too much for his own good. if he'd step out of his ego for one minute he might fight people would be more civil to him. but when every other word is nothing but cursing many just see him as a immature child who needs to put to bed without dinner.



Umm being red proves nothing so you argueing that point is mute.
I could take my blue and pk lumberjacks to be red. If being red ment you were a killer then most of my chars are killers casue they are knight's of justice which would mean i'd had to of killed alot with them.

[/ QUOTE ]

Untrue. Playing a red character is more challenging, and here's why. One obvious difference is you can't run to guardzones when you're getting killed. More importantly however, when you're playing a red, you have 23487 more people attacking you. Those blue characters that sit around waiting to attack each other all pounce when a red shows up. Blue characters attack reds because its the only person they can attack, Red characters attack reds because its finally someone that won't run into a guardzone when their healthbar gets low. You become the victim of duel targeting, great teamwork, even though its just by default. If you're playing a blue character, its just not the same. Sure reds attack you freely without actually worrying about getting those extra counts, but it would just be that person attacking you in most cases. If there's more than one red with them, there aren't any guardzones, and they actually do have good teamwork, then you might end up with uneven odds, assuming you're out there alone. In any case, none of the enemy blues are going to help attack you. Playing a blue is a safety net. I'm not trying to sound condescending because I only have one red character, the rest are blue. There's nothing wrong with blues, they're a necessity for some situations. But it's true, playing a blue character in fel is alot easier than playing a red.


ill agree , reds r more challenging , BUT you can always run in to a house *winks* and everyone has houses at the gate . O WAIT !!!!!! KQ dosent , wow never even thought about that CRAZY!!!!!!


but that's also why you always die Gabe!!! hehehe just kidding buddy... everyone hates on the Gabe.

ChrlieBrwn [ISO]


trying to get out of the way of the KQ pain train

[/ QUOTE ]



KQ doesnt need a house, they are blue. You guys hide in all gzones and behind every guild on the shard besides our alliance. Dianna/KQ heals/Helps "ANYONE" attacking an iso member. You knotice MOO/COP/PAN/EFL/Everyone els that isnt my alliance doesnt attack kq. when iso is around its whole shard vrs us. <font color="red">ISO WINS UO. "PERIOD"</font>


oh ya $hit manic, that hurts me alot... why would you only reply to me when there are other people who are talking smack on this forum.


Because i own you 24/7 in UO thats why you hate me like any of the enemies from Fel, ISO, 3F or R1Z

HEHEHE... its okay noobie... i know i am better than you, i know i kill you all day long, dont cry now...

please stfu



you still double click people to attack someone as a warrior?

Hmm... and you talk about the past pvp experiences with me??

Sorry, not my level yet... keep practicing... also, please refer to below... message...

stfu noobie.


ISO wins UO!


How?? In what perspective do they win UO?? You mean in the perspective of having the most corpses laying around at Brit Gate throughout UO that wins UO? Yea I agree with that also! LoL.

You mean having peeps like Ron, Trinity and Slip the corpse carpet will win UO?

LoL.... you guys make me laugh...


please here is a message for you also Charlie the brownish noob....

STFU please! THANKS!


Yes that is right i wont reply to you unless other people are talking first........ OR perhaps its the little fact that ive only made 4 posts on here meaning i have not had much time to point out your retardation.... Yes you own me in a pixel world....good job......

Lets all take a moment of silence for the waste of human life that was put into Riley0888

Ok now that, that moment is over let me take another moment of your time to question why you have to say STFU in every single post(since page 15)..... Please learn a few more words before you try to sound half way intelligent with your insults...

Good Day


Hmm... just answer me a few questions..

1. If you dont care about my post, if you think my post is retardation, why you even bother to read it?

2. The worst part is you even reply to my post when it is sounding retardation to you?? Dont you feel yourself being a ******?

3. Why do you have the picture or sign on the bottom of your every post then just similiar to many others. Anyhow, STFU have similiar meaning to that... YOU UNDERSTAND or not??

Please.... read the below message again...

and STFU.

Btw, I am glad you could clarify one point and be honest with one point though is that I own you guys every single day whenever in any pvp encounter in UO.

I am sure you is so mad la!

2nd time, stfu now!


Keep trying....perhaps you will make a point in your next post.....or even better use some form of noticeable grammar....


U can't leave well enough alone can ya??? U have to bring my name out in a post at some time or another... U still BUTTHURT over me leaving the guild cause u cannot seem to handle 2 months of running it in my absense??? I'm gonna tell it how it is and EVERYONE would agree with this analysis... Ur a punk a$$ pancake Moon period... No if's ands or buts about it... Ur juss a flat out prick...

U say KQ is a guild of class??? Ur absolutely right which is why u don't belong in that guild... How bout u take a seat and listen to ur GM Galford... He has been talkin to me on a nightly basis and assures me he is trying to get KQ to stop talkin [censored] no matter what is said... Oh guess u didn't get that memo... Or is it that ur EGO (dunno why u would have one cause u blow balls at this game) won't let u let [censored] go??? Isn't it funny how u seem to say that I'm the one who don't let [censored] go... I've not [censored] talked u on the boards or in game in the past month yet here u come out of the blue bringin my name into [censored]... and what's pitiful is u really know nothing that u speak of...

TO THIS DAY I STILL HELP OUT KQ MEMBERS pancake... Who the [censored] do u think made ur [censored] armor jackass??? Flint Fireforge is my tailor moron... ur wearing my [censored] that I gave to Espit to SHARE with KQ... Why don't u ask some of ur members juss how much I have helped KQ out from day 1 to present... They have 10 million in guild funds that I came up with the idea to do and spent countless hours raising it with the guild moron... I've never once used any of that on me... others have benefited from some of the gold via getting artifacts... oh and then there were the powerscrolls... I ALWAYS protected when I was there and if someone needed a scroll it was theirs no questions asked... if noone needed it, then it went to the guild fund... not for my riches or anyone elses riches...

So why don't u choke on the truth here and think of a witty way to attack me personally again like u did last time cause ur a worthless punk pancake who I'd like nothing more than to slap the fuxxin double whopper with cheese right outta ya...

Isn't it funny how u talk [censored] bout COP zerging in the past yet u sit there in game huggin their nuttsacks healing them and clinging to their coat pockets???

Isn't it funny how u say ISO hasn't accomplished anything in game yet ur GM has a ton of respect for the majority of us??? Where the heck were u when Fel was on Origin and ISO was solo during the day kid??? We ran [censored] back then and will continue to run this shard much to the dislike of u and everyone else not green to us...

[/ QUOTE ]

Aww Trin....feeling a little sensitive? That's too bad. I hear ISO is having a little trouble these days. Little membership shakeup? I really hope ISO stays together cause if it doesn't, you're really up a creek cause you'll never be in KQ again....ever and what guild you gonna join then?

I use the smack talk meter to measure my success. The more crap talked about me and KQ by ISO, the better the job I must be doing. I mean we must really be a threat to you junior or why else would you be whining so much?

Let's see, you screw up the COP allaince we had before your hiatus then quit for 2 months, come back, are KQ for one day and see that we are fighting everyone, outnumbered and what does mighty KQ trinity do? Bails on his guild to join one that attacks KQ and raids their spawns. Who's the a$$hole here trin? The one who bailed like a true pancake, or the one who kicked you out for being a traitor and rebuilt KQ from the ashes of the fire you set on your own guild?

As for slapping me? Is that all u got trin? A threat of physical violence over a game? You really should seek help. Serious help. They have some wonderful psychotropic drugs (like lithium, zoloft and prozac) that may help you with your anger management issues. You seem to be blurring the lines of reality and fantasy, which leads me to my next point.....

Are you fixated on my a$$? I mean you seem to mention it an inordinant amount of times. You really should keep me out of your h0m0erotic fantasies trin cause I don't swing that way. I never knew you loved me like that Trinity. Who'd have thought - Trinity is ana11y fixated. Milk milk lemonaide, around the corner fudge is made and there's trinity with a straw, spoon and a little supressed sexuality.

Have fun fighting the shard minus all the people who either x-shard or quit your little schoolyard gang alliance because I really don't see it letting up any time soon. And please, keep flapping your gums cause it just shows how much you regret turning on the KQ gang and what a fine job I must be doing for my guild.....KQ (i love u guys, and you know it by my actions and my deeds!!!)



but but but....when the enemy is mostly red......we dun need reds.


Dianna, the physical threats stem from u being a pancake and having to bring EVRYONE's rl's onto the boards... And juss for ur records idiot I have had the same gf for the past 2 years and hmmm at one point she was even preggo til she misscarried moron... Ya that really shows I'm a **** as u say...

Now for ur misconception on what really happened with me and my playing time/KQ situation... Now listen up slappy cause this is gonna hurt ur ego a lil bit... I didn't quit playing cause I felt like it, I stopped cause it was time to get my life goin again with my gf... call it a new chapter if ya will... We moved out to Ventura to begin our careers and life together... my absence from KQ was due to the apartment not being ready for 2 months and then having to schedule cable installation...

throughout the 2 months I was gone I talked to a lot of the KQ members via my computer at work... I told them all that I would be back shortly and we'd be back in business... One problem... U... They were no longer a part of the guild anymore... 5 people gone in the span of 2 months that I am away... U must be doin something wrong... Nevertheless I come back anyway and start playing again... 3 weeks go by in teamspeak of the trammies u brought into KQ who don't have the tescticular fortitude to do a spawn never. I asked countless times (ask Sorsha she knows) if anyone wanted to do a spawn... the common response was "but we'll juss lose it"... my reply to that is "who cares, ur never gonna get better if ya don't take chances"... They go back to hunting tokuno m-arty's... I was back in KQ playing 2-3 hours a night for 3 weeks not 1 day slappy...

On a side note for ur ignorance Moon, I HAVE NEVER BEEN SCARED OF 3F... Back in the day when they first came Aquamonkey and I were fighting 2 on 7 everyday and NOT running from them... See u wouldn't know this cause u were busy browning ur nose on KINGDAVID'S rear end in PAS NOOB... Even before I took a 2 month break to get where I am in life today I was still never scared to fight 3F... I'd win and I'd lose who cares... that's what makes it fun... I still to this day wish I could fight 3F cause they were a challenge and that is what u truly do not understand about me... the rest of KQ do so u really need to speak with them before u assume my stand on leaving...

LOL... I screwed up the COP alliance??? That's a good one kiddo... once again ur facts r twisted... The KQ council (not juss I) chose the route of leaving the COP alliance kiddo... Once again speak to the actual leaders of KQ before u open ur trap


so 1 sentence is all you could come up with??

yea just the same as whoever get into a flame war with me because they got nothing else to reply anymore..

please read the below message, open up your eyes and keep it in mind...



Nope your just a moron so we dont need to say much else....lol did COP ally PAS (LOLERS THEY NEED TRAMMIES NOW).


Oh sure sure... thats why you guys get owned by moron every single damn day huh??

We need trammies?? Hmmm what does your name say? trammiesonia??

Ironic dont you feel?

stfu now please corpse carpet


Thanks for the bow we looted of your archer noob corpse carpet. Charlie is enjoying it. If im a corpse carpet then why is your guild so irrelevant? Why does ISO own Fel (we do more spawns and are pretty much the only guild that raids and successfully takes spawns (I know we have lost no more than two in the last 3 months)


And raided more than you have took. funny how you seem to over look that your track record on raiding isn't that good lately.

Oh wait you lost one the other night that you raided and had but couldn't hold it.

Yes it's very easy to waltz in with a army and take the battle field when you are only facing a plattoon with a battalion to back you.

But when your facing a battalion and you have the same then it's a war not a ganking.


Please, dont even try and tell me anyone can take ISO in even number fights. If you think they can then kindly step up to my 10 mil 5 on 5 mage duel. Finally Word of death is almost as lame as bushido, no one in ISO uses it and I see that all the noob guilds are starting to rely on it (and we still spank them) cant wait til all this gimp crap gets nerfed and all u noobs can stop thinking your all good.


A quote from Moonchild everyones favorite noobie,
"ISO has no sack. If they did, they wouldn't have run to 3f and Fel for an alliance. If they did it on their own, they might get some respect. Instead, they write self agrandizing blogs about all they accomplished when in fact, much of the burden was borne on the backs of their allies. ISO has accomplished nothing other than a flip flop from one dominant alliance (COP) to another (Fel/3F). The proof in the pudding would be that ISO is on top and fighting everyone - a stand alone guild. But, alas, they aren't as that would have been a true accomplishment and apparently ISO didn't have the sack to try. The mystique of ISO is mere propapganda. The truth is that all this was accomplished on the backs of 3F and buffered with numbers from Fel."

Kq just allied COP..................Can you say hypocrite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oh sure no problem, that bow is just from someone else's bow i killed at brit gate while Charlie's tamer just happen to stick his hiryu on my @ss while i got trapped in between the bridge..

As for ISO own Fel??? Hm... like i said, how many times you guys killed me? probably less than 10 times throughout the whole year. How many times i kill you??? Lets not count the other ISO i kill... how many times?? Just in pub.32, i believe you died more than 100 times to Ghost Mouse deathstrike... In this patch?? You die every single time fighting me... so again... please slip... if you wanna talk smack, at least get to my level first at pvp skill before you actually talk $hit... you are simply not at my level yet your corpse carpet...

Continue to talk $hit and be a corpse carpet here, that wont change the fact that I am killing you guys every single days more than you could touch me...

Have a good day noob... stop bull$hit about how good ISO is... no you guys are not good... another group of garbages in my eyes only. Like i said, if I happen to go back to Canada in Febuary during Chinese new year holiday, you will understand why I kept saying that you're simply not my level yet..

For now, just continue to get owned by me...

and for the last word of this post to you..



LoL but the problem is, ISO never go into a even numbers fight with others??

When our alliance is big, they never raid us when our numbers are huge..

When our alliance is small, they raid us with 2 to 3 times the numbers??

HMMM how bout even numbers? Even numbers, you guys get owned... dude. seriously... you guys cant even handle me alone in the brit gate, how could you handle peeps in even numbers??? please rethink again and look at the facts again, HOW MANY TIMES i get u guys killed at brit gate 1 on 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 with that many number of reds out there, you guys still get wracked or eat dirt left and right... THE MOST FUNNIEST part is I get you guys killed left and right with my 250 ping 4% packet loss!! OMFG, seriously please just QUIT UO already... Dont you guys feel shame that you died to a slower connection person 99 out of 100 times?? YEA $hit... no kidding, please shut up or quit UO, you are really worthless

You talk about ISO being good??? I smell bull$hit.

please slip.... just stfu and leave some truth air around here... you are full of lies and jokes corpse carpet...

Just go and upgrade yourself in pvp and board talk before you even start to yap your stinky mouth again....

For now... again 2nd time.. here you go...



I notice riley talking alot too bad his guild and him suck too bad to back it up. ISO dominates fel face it kid, we do all the spawns whenever we want, take your spawns at will and whenever we fight in anything less then 2 to 1 odds we win. Just be quiet cause you are irrelevant.

P.S. Taking bets on how many times he will say STFU in next post.....icq me with wagers!!!!!!!!!!!

Dor of Sonoma


P.S. Taking bets on how many times he will say STFU in next post.....icq me with wagers!

[/ QUOTE ]

Hopefully, NONE.

*growls meaningfully at Mouse*


Simple solution to everyones problems.. some time in the next week or so i will arrange a duel contest.... If you win you can talk all the S**T you want.... If you lose... Deal with it..... this will consist of 1v1 and 3v3 team duels.... Mages only... no one wants to see an archer duel its about as meaningful as tamer pet fights. I will repost more info once i have gotten all the plans figured out..... (yes moonchild this means you actually have to step outside of the moongate alone *shreeks*)


That also means iso can't rely on thier archers either right?

Kinda funny you never see a iso mage hardly anymore. an actual mage not a hybrid warrior mage that is basically a warrior who spams magic arrow for the win while mortallying every other swing.

PS fel would have to step out of the house alone too right?


*nods* no archers from any sides... this is why i am giving untill next tuesday(1st) to get out their rusty mages and enjoy in the fun :) as for hybrid mages thats up to everyone else, If infact we do have a large number of archers show up i suppose we can also do archer duels (no honoring)

No mounts
No Pets
No Wands
No Pots

Pure Oldschool Duels
I will host it on an empty 18x18 (actuall fighting space will be more like 14x14)


ok talk more $hit, you just died again 2 minutes ago...

quit UO please like i said

PLEASE tell everyone HOW MANY damn times you died just at Brit Gate and fire dungeon today Slip... one thing disappointed me is that still the same ole corpse with nothing in it just like Pub.32. SAD slip, SAD

Gosh, just quit UO already man

Also, whats going on in the guardzone this time? 1 on 1 purely mage, you ran off screen in the end and still dead?? HMMM slip... now what do you say? talk more $hit now? quit UO please like i said you get owned by my 250 ping, dont talk $hit anymore, you're not my level yet trust me...

if you really wanna see my real pvp skill, wait til Feb. and u will understand why i kept saying you're not my level yet.

and finally...

s t f ffffffffff u corpse carpet


I'm not one to [censored] talk, but you need to get your facts straight. Those ISO you feel you squashed only stuck around to keep you occupied while we ran out a 120 Swords and Peacemaking. Whether you chose to believe me or not is your own perogative. So, I guess who won is a relative thing?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hey you know what is funny here is we actually have a PAS noob talking [censored] tell ya what noob till you can handle [censored] on your own, in the words of your almighty pvper alliance member Ghostmouse plz just STFU. when will you people learn when it takes 3 to 1 odds to kill people you still lost if I had 5 guilds in an alliance I would be locking [censored] down totally yet you come here to say well you didnt take it from us get a life, get some balls, get some pride and do [censored] alone. Sincerely Hooman E^E.....

The Horselord

And who will E^E be allying next since youre so ready to burn bridges there Hooman? BTW who asked you?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
E^E has done the ally thing we choose to no longer go down that road to many issues and too much emphasis put on everything but your own guild whice IMHO is what matters in the first place.

The Horselord

Ive known E^E to be pretty nice guys im just surprised to see such viciousness from you. Has E^E gotten a bad attitude or something? Ive noticed a shift in attitude recently.


Like I said, I'm not talking trash. And I am not ISO either, but I helped them. Me and Snoop killed Mephitis. I got a 20 and so did he. Protector got 10s. So, the only scrolls we would have lost would have been 10s and the protector stayed back to fight--we don't need or keep 10s like most guilds. I'm glad you could call in all those people, but in the end I am not sure how much good it did. Though, like I said previously, you can be as relative as you like. I don't need to trash talk, I just thought you might like to know.

edit- And if you are PAS I always thought higher of you than to come and talk trash. But, who can resist the calling of being the ultimate board warrior? Well, I can, but I am mature.



But, who can resist the calling of being the ultimate board warrior? Well, I can, but I am mature.

[/ QUOTE ]

I &lt;3 You philos! lol

Bugz Bunny

slippery i dont know why you talk so big, i just fought you 1vs1 finally and i looted a lot of regs
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