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Sonoma PvP thread

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lol kms cant drop anyone one on one on a mage....i killed him on my super noobie mage when he had like gm mage and eval, 80 resist, and gm macing....lolers


oh yea, sure you can drop KMS with your gm mage... sure you can....

thats why you die every single time you see me in Fel?

You wanna bet this Slip... if i see you in Fel for 1 time and you die to me = 1 mil.... if i die to you = 2 mil for you?

how's the deal?

Because i am 100% gurantee i wont get killed by you 1 v 1 EVER EVER EVER EVER
yes even i am using this 250 ping with 4% packet loss i will still woop your @ss every every every single day and time i see you.

no because I am just smarter than you, will be smarter than you and will be kicking your noobie @ss all the time...

please dont talk about pvp, you are not at the level yet like i said and will not be at that level until you shut up and start practicing or use your brain to pvp...

To me... you are just like one of the garbages who got good connection and has no knowledge in the real game mechanics, tactics, timing and pvp knowledge... please stfu now...

you cannot beat KMS, you cannot beat me...

1 mil = i kill you once
2 mil = you kill me once.

up for this bet? if not please stfu...


Let's see.....old *P* get's rid of beerman and kim (ie, calls her an F'n B in TS). Then joins the enemy they can't defeat (3F) under the tag of ISO because 3F owns them and their fragile egos can't stand losing.....flipppity floppity, flippity floppity....sellouts on the way!!!!!!! (Biggest sissy move ever on Sonoma btw).

Then.......Fel, who is on hiatus on napa or origin or whatever get's wind that the guild that used to own them daily (*P*) has joined their alliance on sonoma and that if they came back, they could actually come out of their gate house. So they come back in droves.

Add mass recruiting and you have a defacto zerg. Fel has added new members in addition to the crew they had on hiatus and both ISO and Fel are recruiting like gangbusters. So be it. If they are a zerg, they are a zerg.

ISO has no sack. If they did, they wouldn't have run to 3f and Fel for an alliance. If they did it on their own, they might get some respect. Instead, they write self agrandizing blogs about all they accomplished when in fact, much of the burden was borne on the backs of their allies. ISO has accomplished nothing other than a flip flop from one dominant alliance (COP) to another (Fel/3F). The proof in the pudding would be that ISO is on top and fighting everyone - a stand alone guild. But, alas, they aren't as that would have been a true accomplishment and apparently ISO didn't have the sack to try. The mystique of ISO is mere propapganda. The truth is that all this was accomplished on the backs of 3F and buffered with numbers from Fel.

So blog away in your little meglomaniacal circle jerk and trash talk the forum and hey, even in game....why not? Never stopped you from being idiots before. In the end, you're that little herd of sheep on the 5th grade playground who had to huddle in numbers for protection so you could talk smack to 4 guys when 50 of your friends were standing around you. No sack.

Cheers lamers,



Moonchild your an idiot ISO is the american 3F as proposed by the gm of 3f. We have FEL in the alliance because ECKO and Raiden (of 3f) are good friends. It also turns out that the majority of FEL are good people. Finally how can you talk about no sack.....arent you all cozied up with COP, I notice you dont attack them anymore. And besides are you still whining about your best members leaving because you are a jerk and they would rather play with decent people. Please be quiet because every time you open your mouth you look dumber and dumber.

P.S. Riley, KMS ran from me for 15 minutes one on one on a mage yesterday and even started server hopping so he could recall away....lolers. Oh and I will fight you any time one on one for gold as I have stated, your the one who has to hide everytime you see me one on one and wait for numbers, noob.



COP alliance is clearly the number one archer guild (followed closely by MOO and PAS). We all know they cant play mages they used to get owned when mages were dominant (whine about wands all you want you still got pwned). Now the only way they kill anyone is by using the lamest, saddest, gimpest crap out there...bushido or AI archers. LOLERS!!!!

PS Hal I love you!!!!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

As much as I hate posting know I don't agree. Its COP then MOo then PAS?

Look again buddy remember that one day I saw all those archers on?

ISO Teamspeak (Hey guys lets all grab our archers and go to fel brit gate) 10+ of them.

COP Teamspeak ( You guys wanna pvp? Theres a lot of archers out there i'd suggest get the best template against archers which woulden't be mages without parry.)

Sorry slip but your wrong ;/ everytime I go to Brit gate I see more archers on in ISO alliance then ours or PAS ;&gt;. Sorry to burst your bubble.

And yes, I have been playing my mage simply because he doesn't have parry which dies in a couple seconds. I can compete with my archer.


God Slip when did you become a super doper big @ss liar also? I thought you are just a medium lier, but now that you say that, I am sure many people will understand that you are a super doper big @ss liar now.... why?? Because many people know that you die to me every single time in pvp and have yet to kill me once alone.

Its funny how you think your pvp skill is god when you're only a small little potato to me/KMS... anyhow, i will be back in game to kick your noobie @ss when I have to chance to see you this weekend and no you cannot do anything about it sorry.... take care. I wont die to you trust me and I will kill you 100% guranteed unless you hide in your house or behind 49584738957 archers squad.

Its funny how you whine about running now too. First, you whine about archers, then you whine about running.. or whine about hiding.... so what are you gonna whine about next?? Whine about my 250 ping connection that could run or hide from your little noobie @ss 40 ping?? way to go sucker.. whine more, you cannot still do anything about it in game, i will still get your insurance like Walmart Cashier.

If you whine about hiding, you have to be the one who do this first:-

you have to take off your shield and get rid of parrying, so thats a 1 to 1 trade... if not please stop whining and stfu.

I will stop hiding if you take off your parrying... you get the point? Oh maybe you get the point, but all i could see is that you're just gonna start your whine again in your next flat @ss lies post... anyhow...

For now just stfu, you cant win me.... thats period.

P.S. Slip, howcome a month ago you were whining about my bushido archer that kicks you guys @ss every single day and playing a bushido archer doesnt have a place to talk $hit. So now, i switched to my ninja archer to kick you guys @ss, you guys then have to whine that OMFG~~~ "Mighty Joe Dung got 2 archers!! Have to compete with Andy who got 3 archers!!!! OMFG!! OMFG!!" Who was that noob that said this? I believe it was Trinity the nobody or is that you Slip the corpse carpet?

Anyhow, to respond to that, please take a quick look at 3F guild in www.uo.com, many of their characters have duplicates and is controlled by one person. One good example is the once and still powerful ninja deathstrike shuriken lighting wand pot mage. So why dont you talk about them and have to talk about me having 2 archers?? I am sorry, but I mean is either one of you ******** or just have to find any excuses to whine when you get @ss wooped???


make any excuse you want slip. you are a zerg zerg zerga zerg.....zerga zerga zerga zerg. I just all em like I see em. 3 stacked guilds recruiting like mad. You all complained about COP and now you've become them. Congratulations. Instead of Andy trash talking ISO has its own court fool (i.e. you).

Zerg zerg zerga zerg....what really has ISO accomplished besides joining an alliance and becoming the mirror image of the COP allaince? Nothing. Just another group of little kids, huddling in a mass like scared kittens.

Ypou all complained about COP's archers - especially you slippy. Whined, moaned complained. What has ISO become? An archer guild. Congrat's.

Now, I suppose I have to educate you a bit slippery becuse you don't seem like the sharpest tool in the shed and you talk waaaaaay more than u listen (I'm sure your pops smacked u around a bit for that quality, but that's another post on a therapy blog). Let's learn a little english, shall we?

hy·poc·ri·sy ( P ) Pronunciation Key (h-pkr-s)
n. pl. hy·poc·ri·sies
1. The practice of professing beliefs, feelings, or virtues that one does not hold or possess; falseness.
2. An act or instance of such falseness.

Therefore, by definition, you are a hypocrite. And you are the emblem of what ISO has stood for from its inception which is suck up to the enemy you can't defeat because you posses neither the intestinal fortitude nor the will to work towards accomplishing anything on your own. An alliance with 3f and a returning Fel is all that you have accomplished as a group on this shard. That, and yards and yards of trash talking about who sucks and who doesn't. That amounts to a wheelbarrow full of crap. Sellout guild, sellout members......alliance for the win.

If ISO is so bada$$, why do they need allies to back them up? Are they the big bad stand alone guild? Proof is in the pudding baby, now here's the whipped cream......

ISO is no more or less anything COP that COP hasn't been. An ally in a zerg. If that's an accomplishment, KQ and every other active felluca guild has done it -- big deal. Now go log on your archers and get Fel to be your meat shields cause frankly, y'all aren't as special as you think you are in your cute little "gee, aren't we so cool" blogfest. (Seriously, those of you browsing the posts should check out their blog links near their sigs. They massage eachother lovers and it's just one big megalomania fest. Oops, better define that one for ya slip:

meg·a·lo·ma·ni·a ( P ) Pronunciation Key (mg-l-mn-, -mny)
1. A psychopathological condition characterized by delusional fantasies of wealth, power, or omnipotence.
2. An obsession with grandiose or extravagant things or actions.

(I esecially liked the delusional aspect of the word as it applies even more exactly to my point)

Have a megalomanical day hypocrite boy!!!!

You're such a loud mouthed fool Slippy



Did any of you notice how nice and fun this thread was the last couple of pages. Man, you all just drain the god damn fun out of everything.

Moonchild just let it go for [censored] sake. Freeze we have archers. Everyone has archers. If 12 people is a zerg then we zerg. It's not really that offensive. I think having to play an archer is offensive and I do play one. And I hate it. When was the last time other than on a Saturday that anyone has seen a lot of 3F on or at 5am??? I haven't.

Moon the blogs are about having fun and making some jokes. You know, I am beginning to wonder if the difference isn't that we are better... but we have a good, goofy time. You all take this [censored] too far. Moon you are [censored] forty years old, act like it. Even if others aren't. You are like one of those crazy parents everyones embarassed for.

Ya'll talk about numbers, but your numbers fluctuate daily as much as ours do. Maybe ours just log in more. Why? My guess would be because, as a group, we are having more fun.

Lord Ron Fellows

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
lmao yea, when we have more than 12 iso on you will find us doing a harrower. we arent a giant guild you know.


lol moonchild calm down its just a game...Riley if you all own me why do you stay in your house or hiding?

Lord Ron Fellows

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

meg·a·lo·ma·ni·a ( P ) Pronunciation Key (mg-l-mn-, -mny)
1. A psychopathological condition characterized by delusional fantasies of wealth, power, or omnipotence.
2. An obsession with grandiose or extravagant things or actions.

(I esecially liked the delusional aspect of the word as it applies even more exactly to my point)

Have a megalomanical day hypocrite boy!!!!

You're such a loud mouthed fool Slippy


[/ QUOTE ]

Look moonchild can use dictionary.com good!

Oh and lucky for me I can use dictionary.com too! so heres a word for you.

Irrelavant- Ir*rel"a*vant-
a. Not relevant; not applicable or pertinent; not bearing upon or serving to support; foreign; extraneous; as, testimony or arguments irrelevant to a case. -- Ir*rel\"a*vant*ly, adv.

Because thats what KQ is.



You making a joke of the century?? Will I EVER hide in a house because I see you?!?!?!? OMFG, please stfu now noobie.....

Its funny how you Fel and ISO guys talk $hit to me while i am inside the house and yet the corpses that show up at the end are 95% yours???


How does it feel when I talk $hit at your corpses all the time? You like my slogan in UO? "Quit UO, you die with better connection than me!"

I am sure you will be hearing alot of the above quotes until you really use your brain then you may have some chance to beat me
otherwise nope..

Lets just not talk about me going back to Canada or not.... because if i am really in Canada, it is really unpredictable how many Slippery I could take on at once... so lets talk about it while i am in Hong Kong with 250 ping 4% packet loss i will still own at least 1 slippery the corpse carpet no problem...

Now you get the picture?? If yes... please check out the following...

stfu and stop posting more lies, we all know you cant take on me alone by yourself without 5 others help.. trust me you cant. I am just simply too good for you noobie.... or you guys wouldnt be so mad that have to make a parrot named "ISOowns MightyJoeDung" to honor me in your Brit Gate house....


I'll stand by what I said. You all flap like you've accomplished something great and all you have done is zerg it up like COP did. You all complained and whined when COP did it all over the boards and now you're doing it and flaming me for pointing out that you are hypocrites.

The bottom line is that you attack attack me rather than my argument because, well, I'm right. So personal attacks are that's left. I get it. You got nothing else to say about my actual argument so you resort to ad homonim which is typical when you have no rational stand. So, guess I own u IRL (which is so much like a game).

From a 2 faced piece of bandwagon offal like u philos....dexer driver extrodinaire, got 0 skill, items and 50 allies for the win so I can boost my fragile, sensitive ego philos....who would flip on 3F/ISO on a dime should a new guild come along and kill him too many times and join the enemy for the win, you have no place to talk. You'd about join any zerg running if it was winning, so you can shush now, go read some oscar wilde and massage yourself.

As for Ron, that's great that you think KQ is irrelevant. But KQ rolled sonoma before you even played the game and we have had the same members more or less since it's inception. Minus various traitors who didn't have the sack to fight an outnumbered enemy so....flippity floppity....they run where they can huddle in a gang of gimps and not have to suffer the indignity of a 3v1 or 4v1 gank as their little baby egos couldn't handle it.

Like I said before, ISO has accomplished nothing more than be a member of a zerg alliance. You all talk the smack, I'm just responding to the dribble that comes out of your own guildie's mouths. And, you all have accomplished nothing extraordinary. Nothing COP hasn't in the past. Can't touch that statement can you? Had you all done anything without the japanese and Fel, you might get some props, but alas......just another zergorama.

Lord Ron Fellows

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

As for Ron, that's great that you think KQ is irrelevant. But KQ rolled sonoma before you even played the game and we have had the same members more or less since it's inception. Minus various traitors who didn't have the sack to fight an outnumbered enemy so....flippity floppity....they run where they can huddle in a gang of gimps and not have to suffer the indignity of a 3v1 or 4v1 gank as their little baby egos couldn't handle it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Pretty sure ive played longer than KQ.


This post wasn't intended to initiate more trash talk, lord knows i dont want to get sucked into that, but here's something that you should think about. I have always liked KQ, and have always considered them one of the more respectable, mature guilds. Looking back, pretty much all of that comes from the KQ members i have known, mainly Philos. The fact that he was in KQ for so long says alot about the character of the guild. In a very positive way. That being said, every time you post on Stratics with your desperate attacks, it tears down that respect alittle bit more. Not that you probably care what i think, but i can guarantee that I'm not alone in my opinion. So please, if you actually do care about the integrity of your guild as much as you claim to, do KQ (and yourself) a favor, and just...shush.


Joe if you own us so bad why is your guild now getting beat down all over sonoma? Why is it the only thing you can pull of is sitting at brit gate on stealth archers? Kinda sad huh? Need to have a house? When your guild is actually able to make a difference in the real pvp of fel (harrowers, spawns, etc) let me know. Till then u can stay as you are a brit gate hiding guild whose gm has even gone to a stealth archer template cause he couldnt compete.


Dianna Moonchild keep talking shyt ISO doesn't 1v1... That's BS I just man handled you I mean destroyed you on my mage. That's pathetic you talk shyt about ISO then yet when it comes to a 1v1 you run? To what?Where? Your allies? Cant handle the 1v1? Dont talk shyt unless you can back it up. Point proven your a boardwarrior thats bout the only thing your good at. If you'd like to duel me anytime, anywhere. Like I said in game the 1st time I killed you, you cant compete so stop talking shyt that you cant back up.


Own all over Sonoma????? HMMM...

the only picture i see is this... look..

You guys say that I talk $hit on a bushido archer after i wooped you guys @ss over and over again at brit gate 1 on 4... ok fine...

I switched to a ninja archer, and start owning you guys again same story, still die under 5 to 10 seconds to my ninja archer.... hmmmmm

So ok ok i play an archer i am lame alright... so i logged on my mage yesterday and tonight, fighting some fel and iso archers one of them who died the most to me is probably Graville De FGBDKGR .... hmm ok maybe you should say i am lame that i use my fencer mage with 100 fencing too??

Ok maybe i will switch to my smith next time and see how well you guys do then....

Anyhow, i could careless about you doing spawns or whatever, simply i am busy at work and whenever i am logging on UO pvping, i only see you guys corpses 10 times more than my own corpses...

Now, please do me a favor and stfu....

As for Ron, posting pictures dont prove anything... oh $hit you got 1 magery 120 scroll, omfg... $hit omfg you got 10 mil now!! YAY!!

please stfu... also

Lord Ron Fellows

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No riley I needed to post it, I mean your guild did all the pvm for us, we just came in at the end, killed everyone &amp; took the reward. It wouldn't be nice if I didnt thank your guild! --Thx COP for the 120 Mage

PS) Riley888 you are still just a noobie archer and no one cares.

On another note... is KQ gonna allie COP? Moonchild loves to run around on his blue healing you guys...



lol owned. Riley you dont pvp you run and hide til you can ai someone so take your own advice and stfu!!!


Ron, you are Borla right?

Ok quit UO please.... all I see you everyday in UO is hiding behind your archers friend... so that explains anything??

By the way, you even bother to read someone post before you reply to it or you just read and reply part of it?

I already say that when i use bushido archers to woop you guys butt every single day, you guys whine about my bushido archer, so i then use my ninja archer, and you guys still die every single day to me WAY WAY more than i die to you guys, so u guys still whine about how i got 2 archers and that is lame...

Ok ok so i used my mage two days ago and yesterday, i still own you guys @ss even you guys are hiding inside your Fel house or using your archers... omfg, i dont know how many 3800 or 4100 I got off Gravialleveg De gegjej of ISO just yesterday. Please again do me a favor Ron stfu, when your little noobie friends got slaughtered by my mage last night, you're just the noobie @ss who res and hide inside the house.

Hmm and also to let you see how dumb you posted that pic up, lets read the below message...

"i got 2 120 magery scrolls off ISO corpse last few days

That's how stupid you sound. Posting pic is only making yourself look stupid because you know those events would be SO RARE to happen that you have to take some pictures in case that wont ever happen again. Just like how Charlie Brown have to brag immediately the time he killed Wasp after Wasp quit UO for 3 months and come back.

As for me being noobie archer??? YEA Ron, who cares, you guys got owned by my noobie archer all day long. So what do you guys plan to do? If I am you guys, i will quit UO immediately like i always say it on you guy's corpses because you guys get killed by someone slower connection than you. If i get killed by someone (except 1 hit kill) way slower connection than me, i will just log off and quit UO forever which never ever happened once in my 8 yrs of playing UO. Pfft... you and Slip just dont understand... just keep on getting slaughtered by me in game and then keep on talking smack here. That wont change you guys fate of being slaughtered by me...

You guys should enquiry Turbo Timmy [ISO] or Wizman [Fel] about more of my history and background while i was in Canada before you even bother to talk more $hit... you guys just dont understand and is not at that level simply.

ok for now... please just STFU and quit UO already


LoL Slip! You die every single day in PvP, so take my advice and quit UO. Didn't I tell you every single time I walked up in front of your corpse? Guess you just wont listen dont you?

Oh and btw, I dont use Armor ignore on my archers. Ninja archer or bushido archer, i simply dont use armor ignore probably 95% + of the time.

So again, before you talk $hit to someone, maybe you should gather some facts up first?

please stfu now and take my advice to get on the path of quitting UO. Your worthless in this community and is a joke in pvp.... simply your name trammiesonia explains it all yourself..

again, please stfu already.


Riley please be more irrelevant. You dont own anything all you do is sit around waiting to gank. You cant fight one on one and now that MOO and EFL left your alliance you cant even gank me. You have finally shown us what you truly are....irrelevant just like the rest of your guild. Please go do some more spawns for us so we can get free scrolls, or wait here is one do a harrower so we can take it. Ill fight you any day mage to mage or mage to archer (of course you will just run off and hide on your archer), of course you are to chicken to take my generous offer of a one on one so take your own advice and fight me one on one or be quiet.


HMMM Slip... just a few updates...
how many FREAKIN time you just died to me within those 5 to 15 minutes in brit gate just now??

FOUR freakin times!! OMFG corpse carpets... noobs.... *shakes head*

PLEASE Slip, you are NOTHING at all to me. Even I am fighting you with this lag i still no need to worry about anything... gosh, you even died in front of 2 of your archers and 1 mage Thantos mage friend just now??

OMFG, please Slip do me a favor and take my advice, quit UO before you talk mad $hit... you are NOTHING.

You just died again Corpse carpet

stfu now..

Do spawns or not isnt determine by myself, so by shouting in front of me doesnt have anything to do with me killing your @ss every single day.

Lord Ron Fellows

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*reminds riley he is an archer*
and i look stupid when i post screens? YOU ARE A NO SKILL ARCHER AND NO ONE CARES WHAT YOU "USED TO" DO. The fact is you sit in the COP house and double click people and claim you own them, wow you can double click good. whatever you think of us dosent matter thats the bottom line. Your an archer on your main , <font color="red"> you cant talk </font> .


Hmmm.. yes I am an archer... is my archer special than anyone else's archer??

Also, just to tell you that you mean when I attack people i double click them??

HAHAHAHA what a noobie... go ask some better pvpers in your guild such as Timmy and ask him why you say double click attack is only a beginner way..

Sad... but true... Ron, you are still not at the level yet... no wonder you have to praise me as your idol... keep it up, maybe you will be better one day... but of course dying every single moment like Slip the corpse carpet wouldnt help you much in pvp..

Anyhow, please for once... stfu now.. and dont whine about archers when you guys are using the same templates.

Archer is not my main, i do not have a main, i play any type of characters i like to play, i got a beggar, i got a bard, i got a tamer, i got a smith, i got a fisher, i got a warrior, i got a bushido warrior , i got a ninja warrior, i got a ninja archer, i got a bushido archer, i got a archer mage, i got a treasure hunter, i got a inscribe alchemist

I have no main... and please stfu if you dont know anything... please quit UO now.

Oh also, to correct your mind, I NEVER EVER wanted anyone to care about what I say, but looking at you and slip replying to my post already proved that you do care about my post and is hurting your feelings! I am sorry! Sometimes facts hurt!! ouch

stfu now... for the 3rd time.


the arguement of you play a skilless archery is null and void guys.

All the guilds on sonoma are using archers. Lately Iso more than most. You never see charlie on his mage anymore. you hardly see philos on borla. No what ya see id silver nancy or ouch or kitsune or rikku and the list goes on with the Zerg allaince archers.

Have to say tho lastnight I did see two ISo mages on and what did they do? Sat in guardzones. funny how you all have a house at the gate and yet you still use GZ's a server lines yet complain to others when they do it.

You wanna know why Fl hasn't come to sonoma? No challenge. they know you all just sit in GZ or house hide when it came to field fighting or zerg it up more in order to win.

It's also really funny to watch one iso try and call out someone for a duel when they got 15 archers backing them. what you think they gonna be stupid and let you just gank them?

Iso is no better than any other guild, only difference is they zerg it up the most.


Ron's mage/necro is Borla. I, on the other hand, play Anath.

Nobody is denying that we play archers. We are just saying that if we had to play other characters we can. I think that's there point. Whereas, many pvp'ers out there have only ever played an archer and if thrust into the position of playing a real dexxer or a real mage they would likely fall apart.

All it means to zerg I guess is to have more players on than anyone else. Which is just a matter of what time of day you happen to goto the gate. In many cases, I would say that the talent level is much higher in ISO simply because it is constructed of almost all veteran pvp'ers. That's not to say that Freeze or Teotl or whomever from whatever guild doesn't have skill. But, we just have a lot talented mages and dexxers. There aren't many new pvp'ers in ISO.

Anyways, arguing about this is tiresome. If I could play Philos or Anath at the gate then I would. But, I last two seconds. Sure I could be like Lefty and do a parry/bushido character, but I don't want to. I like the pure warrior.



This post wasn't intended to initiate more trash talk, lord knows i dont want to get sucked into that, but here's something that you should think about. I have always liked KQ, and have always considered them one of the more respectable, mature guilds. Looking back, pretty much all of that comes from the KQ members i have known, mainly Philos. The fact that he was in KQ for so long says alot about the character of the guild. In a very positive way. That being said, every time you post on Stratics with your desperate attacks, it tears down that respect alittle bit more. Not that you probably care what i think, but i can guarantee that I'm not alone in my opinion. So please, if you actually do care about the integrity of your guild as much as you claim to, do KQ (and yourself) a favor, and just...shush.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sara Sara....tell u what, when u shut slippery, CB, Philos and Hamburglar up, I'll stop responding to their BS in stratics. KQ is a respectable guild because self interested people like Philos and Trinity are gone. KQ is respectable guild because most of us like eachother and don't recruit just to "own" like 3f, iso and fel do. KQ is a respectable guild because we don't have to ally a million people just so we can bash people in stratics and in game.

So don't get all self righteous with me sara when your allies talk yards more BS then I have ever thought of posting here. Slippery even has grief lines macro'd so tell ya what, shut him and charlie up, and you won't have an issue with me. If you're not willing to do that then mind your business and stfu cause u have no right to talk because frankly, nearly every KQ has to endure a ration of BS from slippery and CB everytime we see them in game. You wanna talk about being respectable? Look to your own house before you try to sound all shocked and amazed at the volume of my rants cause you obviously have no clue what's going on in game.........K thx.



aww steve....rumor is you got owned by the GM's. But hey, you don't cheat, right? Now u stfu....k thx.


I love it, slippery actually learned a new word and now he's wearing it out.....lol......typical dolt.


wow 3 post talking about me in a row.....worship me a little more please moon...oh and go ally COP well your at it (you already heal them every chance and dont attack them you might as well be allied).


Yea slip, we surely have to worship you as being the first "Corpse Carpet" being ever borned in this land...

Congradulation on having the highest death rate throughout Felucca of Sonoma!

Perhaps you would fit a little bit better if you stick to your name's meaning and stay in trammel instead??

Ok I know what you're gonna reply, so here is a word for you... stfu !

before i tell you to stfu again. HEHEHE


Sniff sniff......the smell of being right by manilpulating a fool.

and there ya go Sara....see what I mean? Shut up your allies before you even dare to say that I'm instigating this....honestly, with alliance members like slippery, hamburglar/camilla/billiy idol/apollo and CB, you can't really talk about respectability at all. Griefers extrodanaire, all....with preset action kung fu grief macros, right slip? Skilled or not, they run their mouths and spew their hate. I have to thank slippy for mouthing off right on time with his smack talk to prove my point. He's so predictable. Ring a bell and he drools.

Anyone not in your alliance has to endure sonoma smacktalk'o'rama 2005 from your alliance mates (read x-shard, TiC ****roaches) in game on a daily basis. Honestly, one post from me is nothing in comparison to the daily buckets of putrid BS that comes from your ISO buddies. So if you're so interested in being respectable, why are you allied with smack talking idiots like slippery and CB?

That was a rhetorical question. The answer is that, at least for you, I must assume that either it's because you only apply the respectability factor to guilds you're not allied with (that would make you a hypocrite...and I give u and raiden more credit than that).

Or, that deep deep down inside, you care nothing about respectability and you're playing the Spin game by playing the sypmathetic, victimized, cute blond to my mean evil nasty Moonchild image to play an emotional game to lure support from the majority of virginal prepubescent schoolyard boys that are in your alliance (that would mean you actually had to plan this - unlikely as I think your response to my post was right after u read it and I think you're more genuine than that.....though I could be wrong).

Or, the last, most likely, possibility is that you have no clue what an a$$hole Slip really is and the volume of crap that comes out of his mouth on a daily basis directed at everyone not in your alliance. You may not also know some of the unsolicited comments that have come out of CB's mouth as well though less frequently.

I would also like to think that respectability might really mean something to you Sara and that you might look to your own house and make sure that your allies aren't throwing all of the stones and initiating the grief fest. I mean, that's fair right? If your alliance mates were innocents in this I could see your point. But when the cause of the problem is in your own house, how can you accuse anyone else of the same transgression.

Or, are your convictions so strong that you would leave your alliance with them for your principles? Don't think so sara. Because really for you, isn't it all about winning? Respectability, manners and general friendly atmosphere in game come second fiddle to nailing down that harry, ganking cop or zerging for the win. So, it's really allright for your guildies to grief other people but you don't like it when someone pipes up and calls them on their BS....as I am apt to do.

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones Sara....slip chimed in right on time didn't he. And what did I really say? That Fel/ISO is essentially zergin it up to stay on top. Slip, CB and other ISo griefed COP for it then Cambric suggests that ISO/FEL is doing the same thing and get's attacked in forum. The proof is right here in stratics forums. Yards and yards of it since TiC infested Sonoma, how cop zergs it up and so on and so forth. That's hypocricy. And I called him on it. Big deal. I spiced up the boards a bit with some controversy that can't be refuted.

And like Pavlov's dog, Slippery drooled when the bell chimed. Gave me a wonderful opportunity to really point out who's griefing who. So, what is it Sara? Got that conviction and fire still burning in your belly? Are you really committed to stop the griefing? Look to your own house first, before you paint yourselves as victims. Let's see your comittment to a grief free environment in action.





wow 3 post talking about me in a row.....worship me a little more please moon...oh and go ally COP well your at it (you already heal them every chance and dont attack them you might as well be allied).

[/ QUOTE ]

Why should we fight COP? For your benefit? Pfft. I'll start doing what u tell me when u pay my monthly....now mind your business.



All it means to zerg I guess is to have more players on than anyone else. Which is just a matter of what time of day you happen to goto the gate. In many cases, I would say that the talent level is much higher in ISO simply because it is constructed of almost all veteran pvp'ers. That's not to say that Freeze or Teotl or whomever from whatever guild doesn't have skill. But, we just have a lot talented mages and dexxers. There aren't many new pvp'ers in ISO.

[/ QUOTE ]

NO it's zerging when you have 3 fel archer sitting in thier house at the gate and two unallied archer outside killing them where they stand int he house and all of a sudden you got 20 allied iso/fel popping in.

Get it right i have seen fel/ISO have thier rears handed to them in even fights or close to even fights. While I do admire your field fighting abilities. I have noticed that unless you have the numbers you all struggle to control the area yourselves.

at the gate this is even true and you all use two houses. Which is worst than guardzones cause if i was to attack someone then they could follow me into guards and attack without being guard whacked.
Cannot follow someone into thier house if that was to happen eh?

Yes ganks happen which is fine but when your page boy slip is hollering for mage duel and you got 8 archer sitting there don't be thinking you look tough cause actually you look weak if you need archer to back up a mage in a duel.


ISO fights any where, any time, in any odds so please dont talk. We are the only guild that comes outnumbered and more often than not we win outnumbered (6 of us took out 12 moo in star room a minute ago and sonia has screenies if you need the proof). ISO is more than happy to fight in even odds any time. We will gladly organize an even odds field fight if you want to. Of course i expect your usual response which is personal attacks so bring them on.

P.S. Moonchild ill just allow you to rant and make yourself look dumber and more irrelevant.



I have been fighting ISO members a lot lately and even they are in a group just fighting ME myself, you guys are struggling and eating dirt left and right???

You could fight 6 v 12 odds??? HMMMMMMM you noob... please stfu now.

You mean peeps like Lady Kitsune (who has only good connection and high damage, yet ate dirt in LESS than 10 seconds after She talked smack to me at the opening just beside the upper ISO house at brit gate), Holy Knight Lens (who said, whos stupid enough to attack a parry warrior like him then after 30 seconds get owned by my ninja archer), Apollo (Mr getting guard wracked all the time), Silver Nancy (getting owned by 2 deathstrikes in a row all the time), Shrek (whos a garbage armor ignore archer with only high damage but gets wasted in 50 seconds shortly he attacked me), Granvilla De Lar (got killed by me dont know how many numerous times already and even stated i am the best archer out there that could slay him easily alone; but this guy doesnt talk smack, so respect for him), Borla (who hides in house everyday and get wasted in 2 hits by me if there is chance hes outside), trammiesonia aka. you noobie who of course die EVERY single time EVERY single moment we encounter in a pvp fight..... the list could go on about the speciality of ISO members..

Anyhow,... time to shut your trap before you yap out more lies please?

Btw, i would say this again, please quit UO already if you are talking $hit and die left and right to a 250 ping person while yourself is sitting at 80 ping or lower.

I mean come on....

now stfu please slip and be gone from UO okay??????


Typical day today started off alright

hope the gate check to see what action there is

see two blue names think kewl there must be some action

Walk up north a bit see 5 names plus the two i seen before
yep you guessed it two archers against five fel/iso archers/mages.
[I say archer/mages cause trammie sonia was there so yes they had one mage there]

So I bid my time and wait and guess what they do as soon as i kill ne and they realize that there is more than just two they holler and even more of thier allies show up.ZERG IT UP

Your 200k of insurance was great today tho. really you should tell impala, robin, leg and maniac they need to leave the house sometimes.

Gotta gives chalmers respect tho he didn't house hide

Lord Ron Fellows

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend


I have been fighting ISO members a lot lately and even they are in a group just fighting ME myself, you guys are struggling and eating dirt left and right???

You could fight 6 v 12 odds??? HMMMMMMM you noob... please stfu now.

You mean peeps like Lady Kitsune (who has only good connection and high damage, yet ate dirt in LESS than 10 seconds after She talked smack to me at the opening just beside the upper ISO house at brit gate), Holy Knight Lens (who said, whos stupid enough to attack a parry warrior like him then after 30 seconds get owned by my ninja archer), Apollo (Mr getting guard wracked all the time), Silver Nancy (getting owned by 2 deathstrikes in a row all the time), Shrek (whos a garbage armor ignore archer with only high damage but gets wasted in 50 seconds shortly he attacked me), Granvilla De Lar (got killed by me dont know how many numerous times already and even stated i am the best archer out there that could slay him easily alone; but this guy doesnt talk smack, so respect for him), Borla (who hides in house everyday and get wasted in 2 hits by me if there is chance hes outside), trammiesonia aka. you noobie who of course die EVERY single time EVERY single moment we encounter in a pvp fight..... the list could go on about the speciality of ISO members..

Anyhow,... time to shut your trap before you yap out more lies please?

Btw, i would say this again, please quit UO already if you are talking $hit and die left and right to a 250 ping person while yourself is sitting at 80 ping or lower.

I mean come on....

now stfu please slip and be gone from UO okay??????

[/ QUOTE ]

Keep on double clicking good kid... you win UO...


You own me riley? Then why do you run to gz everytime we fight one on one (me on a mage and you on a gimp bushido archer). Oh and what do you call owning? Oh thats right guard wacking me....listen kid anytime you want to duel me im game. If you want to stop running im game any day. Feel free to respond like a noob and insult me as always. In any case we know that COP needs numbers to do anything and that ISO owns the shard. Did you guys just ally PAN...lolers how amusing, i suppose kq is next.


you still use double clicking as a warrior??

hmm beginner

please stfu... before you make yourself even more shame.... you're simply not that level yet... noobie.


rofl... slip.... maybe if any of your ISO members have ever remember our fights, its usually you guys who run from me more than i run from you noobies even when its 1 on 2 to 3 odds...

slip slip slip... maybe you would like to practice more before you actually talk about pvp with me??

God, I am sure if Timmy read your post, he would also agree with me that you are not at our level yet... please stfu now.. you dont know what is pvp... you only got 1 method in your mind which is chase, run and kill. you have no tactics, you have no strategy, all you do is the above i stated...

that is not called pvp, that is called noobie pvp skills... please for once again, just stfu, you are not at my level yet... go rethink about pvp, and how to be a better pvper before you actually talk $hit.. even the basic knowledge of pvp, you still dont understand, how could you become good as a pvper???

You know what is the basic knowledge?? Yea, the basic knowledge of pvp is to keep yourself alive and be a safe person yourself all the time while waiting for the best chance to kill. This is not a head and tail game, your determination also plays a big role in this game.... when you see something wrong you dont keep on going, you dont rethink twice, you stop your action immediately or else its too late... Which none of the above names from ISO i mentioned have at all...

like i said, if i happen to be back to Canada in this coming Chinese new year Feb., i will show you some guide on what is called real pvp...

Of course at that time, you will be seeing me outrunning you guys like no tomorrow instead of running like a turtle right now at this stage. Hell would be coming for you guys on this Feb... noobies.

Perhaps, you guys better find some speedhack program for preparation just in case... just like a 3F who died at brit gate someday and turned on their speedhack to run back to their corpse and loot their items!!

ROFL i always remember that scene... but i forgot about that 3F name... it was a very long time ago,... but it was funny sorry 3F, that picture is just still in my mind no offense, but i cannot stop laughing.... HEHEHE the speed was amazing..

anyhow noobie Slip, enough said... please stfu for now.....

Yea as for allying with PAN or KQ??? whats the problem with that? I dont see a problem with that? Would you kindly stop your whine and instead practice on how to NOT die in EVERY SINGLE stupid pvp engagment between you and me?? Can you give me a good show at least ONCE???? Your skills disappoint me noobie, please QUIT UO now... omfg... LOL dying to a slower connection person every single time pvping :/// so sad... i will quit UO for now if i have had that happening to me.

I feel sorry for you slip... its okay... please dont cry... i know its hurt that i own you every single day... no worries "corpse carpet", you should feel honored as being the first one ever borned in Sonoma...


So what if we ally COP. Seeing as you don't want us to do it, we might as well since it's what you don't want. We resisted allying either of the 2 big alliances for many months. All that got us was mad smack talk from ISO. Maybe it's time to join COP and run your lame little guild off the shard. Wow, maybe I can get Moo to make peace with COP as well and we can ally the entire shard against ISO. And once you all start getting mowed down and Fel is pinned in their house, they'll bail to Napa, Origin or whatever shard they wanna run to and you will be done on sonoma cause I don't really see many 3f around anymore. Oops! No guild to carry you on their backs anymore? Couple that with the impending archer nerf, and you all maybe in trouble if you're that outnumbered. You reap what you sow Slippy, keep mouthing off.

Lord Ron Fellows

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Last I heard it want your choice what KQ does Mr. Moonchild. you bring shame to the face of KQ. Your Ego is the reason half the people I know that were in KQ left, oh yea and keep bragging about how you killed my blue mage at brit gate that I created last night with an advanced character token. yea you guys owned me with 2 dexors, lethal poison and a bleed. rofl


Moonchild didnt you say KQ would never ally a big guild? WOW can you say hypocrite (lol and you called me one). Please get any sort of skill before you open your big mouth again.

P.S. Riley is funny


Just incase you guys were not aware i will let you all in on a secret......
You keep posting the same S**t with a diffrent font.....(humor).... Atleast find something new to argue about.... We win, you suck....Deal
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