ping with traceroute as of 29 August, 2005 (11:39pm HK Time)
ip.address and host name is deleted dont feel secure showing those sorry...
Hop Ping Time Ping Avg % Loss Pkts r/s Ping best/worst
1 5ms 5ms 0% 41 / 41 4ms / 10ms
2 3ms 100% 0 / 40
3 3ms 14ms 0% 40 / 40 3ms / 229ms
4 3ms 4ms 4% 38 / 40 3ms / 64ms
5 3ms 5ms 0% 40 / 40 3ms / 109ms
6 4ms 4ms 0% 40 / 40 4ms / 4ms
7 218ms 228ms 0% 40 / 40 160ms / 280ms
8 219ms 226ms 0% 40 / 40 159ms / 277ms
9 225ms 225ms 2% 39 / 40 160ms / 416ms
10 229ms 227ms 0% 40 / 40 157ms / 292ms
11 232ms 236ms 6% 37 / 40 167ms / 312ms
12 228ms 221ms 0% 40 / 40 154ms / 255ms
13 221ms 219ms 0% 40 / 40 159ms / 262ms
Anyhow, thats the usual ping/connection i get in Hong Kong and average is around 200 to 300 ping with some packet loss.
I dont play UO much nor pvp much anymore since AoS comes in due to reason
#1. I am back in HK and do not like to pvp or play in such a bad lagged environment. I am not able to utilize/maximize the performance of what I wanted to do on my spells with my mage like when I was back in Canada.
#2. I am working in HK; therefore I do not have time to hunt all those godly items for my pvpers again, if you could check my characters, there is 0 doom artifact or a piece that is worth more than 2 mil. on my suit of ALL my pvp/pvm characters.
#3. My friend had been using my characters (even now) for awhile before pub.32 and had not been playing much so i play more again when pub.32 almost hit and the first char i use is Ghost Mouse, i am really sorry that I kicked your @ss everyday with that character on my 250 ping connection during that patch when you are still in your original TiC guild with slipperyarenoob and Ronfellowthetraitor.
I dont need to bi$ch about ping time, but the reason of my performance i could tell u that its 80% of the lack of connection and 10% of items. Yes I am sorry connection is really that important to me and that is a very big difference comparing to that in Canada to me.
Trust me actually Turbo Timmy in ISO knows me pvping and kicking people's butt in the guild !V! with Asher the Great back before AoS even hits. Ask him how many times i actually die in a WEEK when pvping in circumstances of 1 on 5 ALL THE TIME. You say your guild could 1 v 5? I am sorry I was the only TB myself back then and i take on 10 SLs (GuPowers, Debra O'Conney, etc.) or 10 minax (the Hong Kong guild) (Diamond Black, Tetekmyoue, YoX, etc....)at once no problem with my 40ping.
He probably even knows me when I have 3000+ kill points stored in my faction character when I was back in Canada and pre Aos when all these items even exist to save you item based losers.
Go ask Turbo Timmy about me and please stfu. Turbo Timmy aka. Justin aka. SirArrowHead is a good friend of mine. I surely hope he doesnt get infected by you and talk $hit like you also. But again from what I recall, he doesnt rarely talk $hit anyways.
HOWEVER, you are one freakin annoying dad. Please go take care of your wife and kid now OK??!?
Oh ya, and please STFU please!!! I BEG U!!! GEEZ!!!!!!!