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Sonoma PvP thread

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Lord Ron Fellows

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

slippery i dont know why you talk so big, i just fought you 1vs1 finally and i looted a lot of regs

[/ QUOTE ]
Slippery is 100 LRC, your a moron.
and who are you...




slippery i dont know why you talk so big, i just fought you 1vs1 finally and i looted a lot of regs

[/ QUOTE ]
Slippery is 100 LRC, your a moron.
and who are you...

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmm if I know most pvper's they loot those mages they kill to try and make sure that they are not up and back in combat so quickly so that being said perhaps you shouldn't call someone a moron for just stating that they looted regs off a corpse of you allaince mate.

In the end it just makes you look like a newb and we all know you having been playing for awhile and are giving you the benifit of the doubt that you are not newbish.

ChrlieBrwn [ISO]

I bet this guy is Varrius.. Lol

If you come to the boards to talk crap. please state your name. otherwise
your just another newb hiding.

ChrlieBrwn [ISO]

Damn guy. We took the spawn, We got the skull, WE got 2 "120's" we got our blues out safe. The three reds died OMG WE LOST THE FIGHT OMGOMGOMG only 13 People from PAS/IFC/COP came in to kill our 3 reds. Nice try bro.
Omg what will we do, we are losing our edge. we are going down hill. we must all quit uo. WE DIED AND WE ONLY GOT OUT WITH THE SKULL AND 2 120's AND LOST OUR 110's! OMG WE MUST QUIT UO ... "DELETES ACCOUNT" :&lt; Bye guys its been fun.



Ok Quit UO then...

Hope you guys dont produce more lies anymore this time...

Or is it just another bunch of lies from you guys??

Guess so.... We will see tomorrow when I log on UO....

probably still see the same corpses of Charlie Brown and Ron Fellows- lying around

maybe your next best reply to my post would be the following types of bull$hits...
"OMFG Joe... we are just being sacarcism"


"YEA I already quit UO, however i gave my account to a friend.... oh blah blah blah..."

ok thats all I gotta say and no...

please stfu

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Horse who are you??? Just curious. Have not seen that name around before any where pvping.

Charlie and Ron with miss ya guys!!!!!
. Now I will have to find somebody else with some skill to fight. You know I will have to go look into meeting some more ISO and 3F cuz COP, KQ and all the other ZERG guilds dont got none.

Note: Am bored and in no way am I represented E^E as a guild. Just being Bored!!!!


Ok what is your name in UO?

I am from COP and i have no skill... would you kindly try and kill me please?

We will go into a bet... if i die to you 1 v 1 in a pvp fight

more than 5 out or 10 times... i will quit UO immediately and give you all my goods before i quit. I dont have probably as much gold as you, but my peerless boss loot could probably pwns your bank account.

BUT... if you die, please do the same... and no please dont cry and say that you have no gold in UO, yes you do.. E^E is rich... and have artifacts.. so give me all doom artis cuz i have none.

My name is Mighty Joe Young

Ghost Mouse

F u K a D a

which type of characters you wanna fight?

try to rethink before anything you say next time noobie...

and no please stfu.

Bugz Bunny



slippery i dont know why you talk so big, i just fought you 1vs1 finally and i looted a lot of regs

[/ QUOTE ]
Slippery is 100 LRC, your a moron.
and who are you...

[/ QUOTE ]

i dont know who cambric is but obviously someone way smarter than you. charlie is right i'm varrius, why would i hide when i can beat anyone in your guild 1vs1 who isnt a gimp archer and i can even beat all of them cept maybe 2 or 3, goldy locks, gone postal and maybe 1 other. ron you just run everytime... i was grey at the gate and i said i hope you flag on me ron and you said "i bet you do" and then left. and charlie don't even get me started on you lol


"Finally Word of death is almost as lame as bushido, no one in ISO uses it and I see that all the noob guilds are starting to rely on it (and we still spank them) cant wait til all this gimp crap gets nerfed and all u noobs can stop thinking your all good." &lt;--- told by Slip always tell lies

Again this proves Slip is a liar of the century.... check out From the Trees [ISO] template before you even yap your mouth again. He is obviously one of the spellweave archer who 1 hit kill people with word of death and armor ignore.

Oh ya since at least one ISO is using word of death archer and bushido archer... doesnt that make ISO one of the noobie guilds also??

Now.... please once again slip... please stop with your lies.

stfu kthx!

ChrlieBrwn [ISO]

I made that char because i wanted to prove to moo they are nothing. only sw. i reversed what they do to us on the field. and they cannot handle it.
No riley

I already accepted your duel for 50m on hokuto..

Mage duel, Your rules.

Broker included.


Lol riley got owned...hahahahah.....oh and ill duel you any day varius cause you suck i owned you yesterday 1 on 1. EXP FS 4TW (Nice combo).


LoL? That is one vs one?

More like you go off screen then cast a spell and come back hit me with it and i am dead

Yea and how about the time when you attacked me ( F u K a D a) foolishly with your spellweave archer then get killed by my bushido archer instantly?? I guess i should come on here and brag about how great i am now because i could kill you also in 2 hits and the most stupid part is you run to my screen and die by yourself!! What's that called? Stupid death noobie... quit UO please

OH $HIT I am MAD NOW after watching you guys dead all around the brit gate, despise and fire dungeon the last two days then I died at brit gate last night for ONE BIG @SS time by an instant kill... I am really sad, i need to cry now cuz i died by a person who could cast word of death offscreeen then come on screen click on me and armor ignore me... cool! you got lots of skills....

Actually.. I dont like whining because I cannot gurantee that there will be no people in our alliance using that type of template... but come on ISO... when you guys are using it, stop trying to whine and complain... this only show how you guys are bunch of stupid liars...

And no you did not create that char to prove to moo they are nothing, you create that char to be just like one of moo to kill peeps in one hit because you used it on me and night last night... thats not called prove to moo they are nothing, there is no moo around.

Hmm charlie the noob... please stfu and stop lying kthxbye

But slip... please tell me why you lie?

k stfu also... did u guys quit UO yet??

ISO = bunch of lying community

HEHE sad.... wonder why you guys are still posting here... keep lying guys


Lol riley you and your guild are nothing but a bunch of noobs. You dont leave the house unless it is 10 on 2 odds in your favor. You suck at pvp and your guild is getting owned all over FEL, when was the last time you actually took a spawn from us....oh never cause there are no houses to hide in at spawns.


Hmm did u read the Coon at oasis article??

Thanks for the 120 evalint yesterday! Also, whats going on in the island 2 days ago? You guys cant get aboard?? You guys got all owned in YOUR OWN boat?? Yea it was me and the suck @ss KMS that owned you guys with our poison field meteor swarm... now begone from OUR island.

Yea sure that is not called taking a spawn, maybe i should call that taking a scroll..

Anyhow... why would i need to fight 3 archers 2 mages 1 warrior outside when i am just a mage? i am sorry, i dont want to be hero and i dont want to die like you every single day... i want money, i want fun and i get all those whenever i pvp with you... thanks for that now noobie.

Now please stfu.



Lol riley you and your guild are nothing but a bunch of noobs. You dont leave the house unless it is 10 on 2 odds in your favor. You suck at pvp and your guild is getting owned all over FEL, when was the last time you actually took a spawn from us....oh never cause there are no houses to hide in at spawns.

[/ QUOTE ]

When was the last time you stopped talking [censored] about how good you were?

No offense dude, but you suck. Our guild might have mistakes to correct, but you do also. Our guild is for simply fun like yours. Your guild is full of friends that want to have fun, ours is to. If we dont take a spawn, big deal. Its always fun fighting people, and your going way to over the line.


Yup, I am with Freeze on this one. I mean, whether or not you are over the line... everyones over the damn line in this thread. Plus, I had a dream that Freeze was in and he seemed alright in the dream.


Freeze I will stop posting when you tell joe to be quiet. I agree that I am not the best but he seems to think he is which is really funny. Finally riley you didnt take the spawn at oasis....we finished it while charlie and I held off 8 of you til we could get the stuff out....Thanks for lying tho kid. Oh and finally I am more then willing to stop posting if you stop him.!!!!

Bugz Bunny

rofl it was 1vs1 when we fought and you won? you really think explosion - flamestrike would kill me without say maybe an archer with ai? i guess you mean 1vs1 with just one ai from an archer, is that as close to as 1vs1 you can get without losing?


say varrius im willing to duel you any day....just let me know...Ill duel you for any amount of money.


LoL... no i will stop posting until you stop producing bull$hit... 90% of your post if not 100% are of bull$hit... I m sure many of us here are tired of smelling bull$hit here... you should just shut your fat @ss trap and stop manufacturing polluting bull craps...

Funny, you and charlie held 8 of us at the oasis spawn with what? With your corpses??

Like i said, since charlie requested... he doesnt trust me about the 120 evalint..

however, i will go into a bet with both of u guys here now...

If i post a pic of evalint 120, u guys stfu forever on this board

If i post a pic of 2 evalint 120, u guys stfu forever on this board and give me 5 mil

if i post pic of 3 evalint 120, u guys stfu forever on this board and give me 10mil

if i cannot post any pic of evalint 120, i will stfu forever on this board and in UO and then give you guys 100mil + 1000 US dollars and then also all my peerless boss items... etc.. anything in UO.

UP for the bet or not? If not , please stfu and accept the fact that i owned you guys at the oasis and get the 120 evalint scroll


Oh i think u should consider think about it yourself first before u really consider propose this to dor as I believe what u are doing (creating different threads about bragging and whining of ISO members) is even worse than me stating stfu in every single of my thread.

Anyhow, STFU is just my signature is just a bunch of english characters.. s t f u... you know the characters "s" "t" "f" "u" ?? What's the meaning of "s" "t" "f" "u"?????

Yea if those 4 english characters annoy you then i could say every single of you word you responded to me is annoying me.. such as

"g" "u" "y" , "i" "s" , "b" "a" "n" "n" "e" "d"

HMM please Dor... ban him please, hes annoying me with his crying english characters

God.. Ron you noobie...

here's the characters for you again..

"s" "t" "f" "u"


Lol riley i would respond to make you look bad but you do a good enough job on your own.


u and charlie still havent answered my question...

do you want me to show you the pic of 120 evalint??

i guess not... slip... so here it is just


Bugz Bunny

i don't duel trammie sorry, i'd rather just fight you 1vs1 and yes to you aosers there is a difference, i read a post i think it was by you challenging ppl to a 5on5 duel, i might do that if the money is right. say 200 mil?

ChrlieBrwn [ISO]

Show a pic of oasis the scroll in your pack. you looting gold, an iso member in the pic since we were there. or at least a dead corpse. ill pay 10mil.

ChrlieBrwn [ISO]

You told me when you got DSL you would duel us. Hmm i think you are scared to duel us. If you want to keep it to field one vrs one Shut The heck Up ABout my wanding. Because wands are for field fights. and thats just the way it is. so tata.


varius i hope you got the stuff to back it up because ISO will go 5 on 5 mage vs MOO any day. 200 mil sounds good to me.


OH $tfu.... you first told me to show you an evalint scroll... now you tell me to show you anything... how about i show you the corpses of people i killed from 1997? Are you stupid? I dont take pictures at all you noobie. But if you wanna see my evalint scrolls i will gladly show it in my pack just to shut u up and grab your free 10 mil

That is how Ron Fellow says how he pwned COP by SHOWING A PIC OF 120 MAGERY IN HIS OWN HOUSE AND HIS OWN PACK...

Now... Charlie, i know you are scared... please just stfu and stop trying to act cool...

why would people trust you guys when you guys say you got all those 120 fencing blah blah blah and when others say they got 120 evalint or other 120 then its a no no no no no?

God are you ********?

anyhow stfu... now dont talk anymore


Riley your an idiot and its really funny. You only come out of the house when COP outnumbers other guilds 2 to 1. Dont think your good because you cant kill anyone one on one. In any case keep talking while your guild becomes more and more irrelevant (ISO hasnt lost a spawn in weeks and we have taken basically every spawn we raided in the last month except one i believe).


Ok slip... re-read your statement again and rethink again ONE more time...

What happened last time at guardzone me using my mage and u using your mage???

You DIED in ONE BIG @SS COMBO by me after u throw every spells u could at me and couldnt even get me down to half life for once...

Did i mention that my 250 ping casting circles come out more slower than when I was in Canada having 40 ping?? Ops... did i say u got owned by a 250 ping again with a better connection??? OH I would already be gone and quit UO already..

Oh anyhow? See you guys are still lying... you guys said u guys gonna quit UO.. howcome u guys are still here?? I dont need to prove further now??

You are full of lies and bull$hits... go take a bath now u bullcraps fertilizer

now stfu and be gone corpse carpet..

P.S. So u guys still taking bet on the pic of 120 evalint or not? Guess not since u guys are just too scared to lose your 10 mil la and to have the STFU forever on this board priviledge


You know, this is getting lame. Its just a big flame war of the same [censored]. Lets just get along be good sports and its a game. Who cares if somewhon got a 120 evalint. No hate on anyone but we needa stop the [censored] and just have fun.

Hey Riley just calm down bro, and same with you Slip ;P.

Bugz Bunny

we'll use a broker, since obviously nobody will trust each other with that much on the line. when transfers are back up, we'll pick a broker we BOTH trust, we'll make sure you have your 200 mil to give to him/her then i'll have 4 friends transfer over and we'll do the same with the 200 mil, mages only, no specials/pots? we'll go over the rules in greater detail if all this sounds good to you.

ChrlieBrwn [ISO]

whats this transfer [censored] ?

Ill transfer 4 oober pvpers over to duel for me too.

If you havent been on this shard for more then a month then this bet isnt for you. stop being a lil bi%^&amp; and have your own guild back it up. GOD SONOMA PVP GUILDS HAHAHAHA. ISO 4 Teh Win.

ChrlieBrwn [ISO]

Riley i can show you pics of any scroll on the game. It doesnt mean i got it from your spawn so now shush. listen to the moderator and STFU


Ok then dont talk anymore Charlie

still thanks for the 120 evalint from the spawn ^^

stfu please now.

Bugz Bunny

here's what happens when charlie brown tries to go gimp (he still sucks)


ChrlieBrwn [ISO]

Lol 2 kills...... and one time when i was talking to you in party.. nice try newb

Here is some pics of you runrunrun newb...


Owned. 5 to 2 i win.

Bugz Bunny

rofl i only killed you twice??????? i only took 2 screen shots and in 1 of them its 2 of your bodies and you killed me 1 time when it was 1vs1, nice shot of ganks tho, all it takes is explo fs to kill u, i killed u when 4 of your guildies were standing around u ROFL

Bugz Bunny

ROFL i just looked at all the pics u posted better and none of them are u killing me 1vs1 even tho i'll admit u did once with that 1 hit kill... actually i guess when i was in the house talking on icq u killed me also 1vs1. every other pic is u ganking me rofl, u notice im dead when it says above your head "you are attacking......"

ChrlieBrwn [ISO]

Thats because i kill you in one secound idiot. who is in the pics with me? the people one screen away? lucifer = blue... one was a gank yes. but hush. you cant take me mage ves mage so your point? i offerd you a duel. now shut the heck up untill you accept it.

untill then, i own you on my archer, my tamer, my mage, my smith/tailor my thief, my swordsman... get the point? untill we duel i own you becaus i offerd a duel.

ChrlieBrwn [ISO]

oh and res kills counts as a 1v1? ill post my res kills next time also. its called gift of life. i self resed and you killed me. OMG I GOT OWNED WITH 40% HEALTH BACK NO CLOTHS ON. OMGOMGOMG OWNED.. I MUST SUCK TO DIE WHEN I RES.

Bugz Bunny


oh and res kills counts as a 1v1? ill post my res kills next time also. its called gift of life. i self resed and you killed me. OMG I GOT OWNED WITH 40% HEALTH BACK NO CLOTHS ON. OMGOMGOMG OWNED.. I MUST SUCK TO DIE WHEN I RES.

[/ QUOTE ]
your life bar shows full health when you only have 40% life? you should page a gm your character is bugged, unless you're lying..... but let's just say for once you were telling the truth and u came back after rezzing are u that stupid to come back with less than half life to fight me?

ChrlieBrwn [ISO]


Are you seriously mentally challenged irl?
You went off screen. I self resed with gift of life. you came back. flamestrike me. i am dead.. Understand? or is this game too much for you to grasp? Its alright that you talk [censored] saying nobody can beat you in a duel. But you will never back it up. I'll just continue beating you on the field 24/7 every time i see you, on any of my characters.

Bugz Bunny

1st i never said nobody can beat me 1vs1 on this shard, i just said nobody in your guild besides a few of the archers.... LEARN TO READ BUDDY. 2nd all it takes to kill u is an exposion - fs.... and ron fellows look who's talking, do you ever fight anyone or just run? i'm sure you've ganked someone at least i hope? something besides run cmon right?

Bugz Bunny

and i'm done talking to you geeks on here, go pop some more zits fatty and then think of how u can beat the great varrius in a video game
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