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Sonoma PvP thread

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ChrlieBrwn [ISO]

Im very insulted by you calling me fat. Just because im 768 lbs doesnt mean im not speacial

Ron still loves me.


The chicken is a $70.00 value?

If so, does it cost that much on seige too?

Lord Ron Fellows

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

and i'm done talking to you geeks on here, go pop some more zits fatty and then think of how u can beat the great varrius in a video game

[/ QUOTE ]

haha charlie he called us fat. lmao

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
haha, yall keep this up. Makes me feel better bout UO. Glad I dont got a bunch of COP newbs talking [censored] to me. Had a guy from PAN the other night. Challenged me to a duel, fencer v. fencer. Gosh did he get alot out of them 0 hp he did too me. haha. That is the best that the zerg COP alliance has got. A bunch of PAN and KQ meatsheilds. KMS you are genius for coming up with that one.

Diclaimer: In no way am I talking about the select few in KQ i get along with. Most of KQ, you guys suck!!!


First of all who the **** are you?

Second, your dueling with a dexer there is no "dexer duels in most peoples eyes".

Third, if COP is such a newb guild, why not duel me pure mage for some money? Put your money were your mouth is.


HMMM Morph, maybe you should start to control your bad arse $hit talker Steven Foreman a little bit here?????????????

Alright, since you like talking $hit, and i dont know who you are in UO.... I will just repeat this again to you...

Steven Foreman where is our pvp bet?

If i die more than 5 times out of 10 times to you in a pvp fight in UO, i quit UO and give you all my items and golds.

If you die more than 5 times out of 10 times to me in a pvp fight in UO, you quit UO and give me all your items and golds.

Please respond to this.

But of course, if you are using one of those dumb 1 hit kill word of death archer, forget what i say in the above cuz its a waste of time, i will just work up mine spellweave archer and pwn you, if u really want one of those type of 1 hit kill pvp fight.

And if you're not using one of those dumb template, please reply to this now and take this bet... if not like i refer to awhile ago to you.... STFU and dont talk before you think clearly...

Yea like Freeze said and i have asked many times... who are you?? A trammie who got killed by me every single day and get pissed so have to post here? Yea guess so... please now just... do this for me and dont talk $hit about our alliance.....


Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

First of all who the **** are you?

Second, your dueling with a dexer there is no "dexer duels in most peoples eyes".

Third, if COP is such a newb guild, why not duel me pure mage for some money? Put your money were your mouth is.

[/ QUOTE ]

hehe. I am not going to the extremes. Just saying what everyone in the guild says bout COP. How bout this Riley. Ill make a mage. Yes make one and buy the suit. Then when I get him all good too go, 1 week max, we can " Mage Duel". Sorry you suck so bad on a dexer to duel anymore. And yes there are such things as dexer duels still left. It called no specials and no moving. Easy as that.

We will decide on the money value later. Not too worried bout it. Make enought money between champs and my luna vendor to cover it 5 times over.

Owww, BTW, I am Dark Stone, the fencer from hell. Ill stick my leave blade in your arse, just like I did you allies the other night.


If i die to you 5 out of 10 times in pvp, i quit UO and all my items are yours.
If you die to me 5 out of 10 times in pvp, you quit UO and give me all your items.

Btw... how do i suck being a warrior?? I never used my warrior to pvp at all? Please make up more lies now you noobie?? Yea, all you are is talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and then when we get into game all you are is corpse and corpse and corpse and corpse and corpse... which is of course corpes of Dark Stone....

I actually dont have a good memory about this Dark Stone person, but one incident i do remember is that whenver i attack him he will be running 100 screens away after i get 1 or 2 spells off and never come back...

Guess so... now please Dark Stone, you are only connection, only connection nothing else... go quit UO now dont play anymore, you are only a fencer who carries your shield and kryss around swinging... stop talking $hit... you cannot kill me, you are a noobie, you only run from me and die everytime you pvp... so here it is...


Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
... and yet he is the grandmaster board warrior. Would really like to duel you. Only time I run from mages atm is when they cast para. No resist, but that problem is being fixed. Soon I wont even worry bout mages. Yall do the same old things. Will just laugh when I come up with close wounds precast and ai ready. Then well see who is running.


dont lie please..

all i see is explosion release fs casting in process, you are already 5 screens away...

just stfu now.


riley we all really wish you would be quiet because you are just annoying and insignificant...take freeze's advice please.


slip does it really matter to you when i am not even replying to you at all?

Please... this is non of your business... just be a smart@ss and do me a favor before i pwn you again on this board for the 100th times.




... and yet he is the grandmaster board warrior. Would really like to duel you. Only time I run from mages atm is when they cast para. No resist, but that problem is being fixed. Soon I wont even worry bout mages. Yall do the same old things. Will just laugh when I come up with close wounds precast and ai ready. Then well see who is running.

[/ QUOTE ]

BS you run when you get disarmed was funny reading that tho.

As for the COP, IFC, PAN, GOR, KQ allaince
Seems like they got the job done today with 3 back to back harries.
Was really funny watching moo and ISO trying to ally togather to raid. Was pathetic to see the small showing of E^E that showed. But even they tried to ally against us and lost.

all in all I had a 250k day between the gate and the fights that broke out at the harries and then the raid of E^E's spawn and then the domination of moo close to thier house by ice along with some more E^E deaths to boot.

But I must say all parties did put up a fight as best as they could


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Keep talking that [censored] there Cambric it means nothing to us better yet you and your guild mean nothing to us because alone you are all worthless when you can hold and do [censored] alone then talk all the [censored] you want till then in the words of Riley STFU because here at E^E we dont need 30 or more to take out 5 kq we do it with 3. Laters man......... Hooman of E^E


Dude it took you 50 people to do a harrower (we usually do them with about 10) so keep talkin.

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
hahah Cambric. 250k day. I have not done that bad in owe, 5 months maybe. I make close to 1-1.5m a day on my vendor. Takes me all of 1 hours work then I can do whatever. Seems like you in the wrong business.


haha vendors mean nothing I make more than that on my vendors.
Try making your gold attended not using a npc to do the work k?
But ofcourse you not a real killer never have been eh stone?

Hooman if it takes us so many to kill you then how come when we kicked you from the allaince 2 kq owned 6 E^E outside your E^E gate house? Or how about when one Kq challenged you and you said for them to flag and you would but when they flagged you ran for the house? Yes you get owned real easy.

Kinda funny outside ice dungeon last night when I drop quad, AIA, and you by myself before any of my allaince mates could get to me to have fun too.

As for slip saying we use 50 players and they don't. Don't make me refer to past harries you all did at shame with the nerco wall you all did. I went in as ghost and counted between your allaince you had a impressive number there too. So you keep playing your cover story to make ya look good but we know ISO and thier lackies do the same thing.

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Why not do it smart, not hard. But then again anyone who is in the COP alliance is not very smart anyways. You go on ahead and make more than that. I really could care less. You stand at the bank and spam all you want. While your out doing that, Ill be out running a few champs and getting some more 120 Scrolls.


Yes I am not very smart and I am COP

and I hope to duel you or have a pvp bet with you for 10 rounds.

If I die more than 5 times, I give you all my items in UO and quit UO forever

If u die more than 5 times out of the 10, you give me everything you got (since you say you are so rich that you earn so much money, i expect you would have lots of gold to pay me after that), and of course just quit UO forever and stfu forever

Lets make it simple you garbage and take the above bet....

You wanna proves yourself a bad@ss pvper?? I will prove you wrong here with my 250 ping 4% packet loss.. Up for the bet you "Connection Only" Whiner?

And of course, if you get owned... please go check out with a mental doctor one day as you got owned by "Not smart" people... so you must have issue yourself.

now stfu


ISO alliance has never had more than max of 20 people at any harrower ever. I can guarantee you that ISO has never had more than 9 people at a harrower ever cause we always at least get a 20 stat. We never have more than 9. Be honest with yourself, ISO wins in even odds every time.



God. You all suck.

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
PHILOS, you have too much time on your hands

Riley, you just name the place and the char type and I will be there. Time to be determined. Mages suit is currently totally f***** up, so will need to rework it, but my dexers is just fine atm.

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ISO and MOO. Was fun last night also. MOO only showed up in enought time to catch the last part of the battle with you, but I got some insurance off of it. ISO, was there for the whole thing and definitely had fun. No hard feelings kitusne bout the rez kill. Cant let you all get back up and in battle.

The Horselord

When an E^E says they had fun, that means they got their butts handed to them. Defeat is fun in the E^E world. In that case they must be the happiest UO players.


lets make it fun and simple...

mage vs mage

10 rounds in jhelom farm

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Who the F*** are you horselord. Ya E^E got out asses handed too us.

Owe wait, you must be one of the MOO that I got that extra 25k Insurance off of. Thats right.

Now ISO and us were pretty evenly matched you could say, but MOO. You all got your asses whipped. Beorn was the hardest to kill out there, that is becuase he had parry.




You wanna proves yourself a bad@ss pvper?? I will prove you wrong here with my 250 ping 4% packet loss.. Up for the bet you "Connection Only" Whiner?

[/ QUOTE ]

Let’s see that is the 500th time you have posted with your 250ping and 4% packet loss, sucks to be you. So stop using it as a crutch you say ohh I owned you with my 250ping, then you go to well yeah I lost I have 250ping! just drop the crutch dude,

let me guess someone stole your ****ing cloudsong?

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I'm soooooo cool

[/ QUOTE ]

You are though. You just dont know it. Still on Sonoma with factions???


Hmm first who are you?

Another nobody who got owned by me every single day..

When is the time you see me whining that I died because of 250 ping?

I am just telling you all the truth (even showed the trace route up there for my ping to Sonoma.owo.com) that I am pvping with my 250 ping.

Please if you dont read carefully or dont remember anything or dont know anything, just STFU and dont talk because you will eventually get pwned by me on this board and of course in the game also..

And no you can do NOTHING about it ^^ see ya noobie.

stfu now 2nd time please.



Hmm first who are you?

Please if you dont read carefully or dont remember anything or dont know anything, just STFU and dont talk because you will eventually get pwned by me on this board and of course in the game also..

And no you can do NOTHING about it ^^ see ya noobie.

stfu now 2nd time please.

[/ QUOTE ]

Nice comeback how long on the playground did it take you to pick that one up? funny someone thinks there a big man just because they can flame people on a message board. lol and the best you can do is threaten me with you will get pwned by me on a message board or in the game Once again I go back to takes a big man to flame people,

The only thing I’m saying is about every post you make the only thing you can post about is "pwned" you with my 250 ping, gets old man come up with something other then that to post about all the time.

And if you really think you need to call people noobies how about getting cable that works.

Good day to you sir

Also are you still mad at the fact that someone stole your cloudsong or what?


Ok I am sorry, this is a UO Sonoma message board, if I do not talk about stuffs in UO what should I talk about?

Moreover, can you read english letters?? What kind of thread is this? a PVP thread, please just stfu if you dont read and understand something carefully. I of course is talk about pvp stuffs that happened in UO with you guys la.

Otherwise do you think I should discuss about movies or my daily lives with you guys here?? You noob. This is a game. I could careless what I say here to @ss like you who would like to be get flamed when its non of your freakin business. You deserve the flame and the pwnization by me.

I am posting how my 250 ping constantly because I really want to refresh people mind that they are getting owned by someone with 250 ping 4% packet loss all over the places when they themselves are using a much better connection. I am sorry I find this a way of the best insult to reply to someone who talked $hit on me. If there is some problem with that, just stfu and ignore my post instead of entering into the conversation and then afterwards getting pwned by me left and right.

Anyhow.. I am sorry, but wtf is a cloudsong? And what do you mean by the fact that someone stole my cloudsong?? Are you SURE that it is a fact????? Just rethink again before you yap your stinky mouth again

just stfu now you noobie.....


Yea I got owned via stratics forum....

I am hurt now..

I go cry now...

Please spare me a moment to cry out loud....

Btw, what do you mean by getting pwned via stratics forum??? Howcome, I dont see what Emu typed is anything new at all compared to any others who talked $hit to me?? Dude, seriously he/she will just end up being pwned by me like any others, just watch... He/she cannot beat me in game... came here talk $hit... but look like the trend is... he/she is just gonna have a $hit stuck in his mouth to stfu soon.

Oh also, Dark Stone, how are you? Is the one sentence that you could come up with?? Guess so... just like how ONLY one sound you would produce inside the game also which is "ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGG" then your screen turns "You are Dead" after several seconds Ghost Mouse is attacking you.

Just stfu also... together with noobie Emu... not my level yet noobs.

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And Riley strikes at me again!!!!!!

*yawns and waits for Ghost to realize no one cares about him*



Ok I am sorry, this is a UO Sonoma message board, if I do not talk about stuffs in UO what should I talk about?

Moreover, can you read english letters?? What kind of thread is this? a PVP thread, please just stfu if you dont read and understand something carefully. I of course is talk about pvp stuffs that happened in UO with you guys la.

Otherwise do you think I should discuss about movies or my daily lives with you guys here?? You noob. This is a game. I could careless what I say here to @ss like you who would like to be get flamed when its non of your freakin business. You deserve the flame and the pwnization by me.

I am posting how my 250 ping constantly because I really want to refresh people mind that they are getting owned by someone with 250 ping 4% packet loss all over the places when they themselves are using a much better connection. I am sorry I find this a way of the best insult to reply to someone who talked $hit on me. If there is some problem with that, just stfu and ignore my post instead of entering into the conversation and then afterwards getting pwned by me left and right.

Anyhow.. I am sorry, but wtf is a cloudsong? And what do you mean by the fact that someone stole my cloudsong?? Are you SURE that it is a fact????? Just rethink again before you yap your stinky mouth again

just stfu now you noobie.....

[/ QUOTE ]

lol ghost mouse think before you type!

If I do not talk about stuffs &lt;learn to type English, before you reply to me!

Moreover, can you read English letters &lt; (same as above

If I do not talk about stuffs in UO what should I talk about &lt; (same as above)

Just stfu now you noobie..... &lt; (yup that’s me a noobie keep in mind that my chars don’t depend on hiding or any gimp skills. Also I must say you do like using noobie as your flame word of choice, come up with something a little more grownup

Just rethink again before you yap your stinky mouth again &lt; (oh now my mouth is stinky lol nice one how log did you take to think that one up?

Also if you call hiding and waiting tell someone is half dead pop out deathstrike them ownage then I really don't think you have any room to call anyone noobies. Also I have never been owned pwned or what ever you would like to call it from you. But guess you don't do so well at spawns on that gimp template of yours. Speaking of spawns how is your little guild of misfits that have no leadership doing? Guess those dreadhorns are keeping you guys busy

I have been in your teamspeak many many times, it is very funny to hear the lack of leadership and the immaturity that you and your so called pvp guild have. KMS has no control or doesn’t use it, it’s almost said hearing 13-18 year old kids over run a 30+ year old man in a TS that he so called runs.

Okay another point that I will bring to your attention most 3F live overseas they flatten you guys over and over and over but you never see them posting about there ping times or packet loss, but guess the better men don’t post about such things ever other post.

And I really don’t care what you post about just stop with the ping crap no one cares everyone who post on the message board can reframe from posting about there ping time ever other post why can’t you?

Also a Cloudsong is an inside joke to All ISO members who right now I am sure are laughing at you and shaken there heads going yup

So I will ask you once again Are you still mad at the fact that someone stole your ****ing cloudsong?

I said good day sir

Ps. Take note i didn’t tell you to stfu once or even sink to your level and use the NOOBIE word



You've been in our TS.

Probably just another one of those guildhoppers, that go from guild to guild to earn money. *Sigh* those guys are really pathetic, and if they cant stick with it in UO, who knows how are they going to stick with it in RL?



You've been in our TS.

Probably just another one of those guildhoppers, that go from guild to guild to earn money. *Sigh* those guys are really pathetic, and if they cant stick with it in UO, who knows how are they going to stick with it in RL?

[/ QUOTE ]

no sorry been in two guilds my 7 years of playing uo. Also i must say the dreadhorn channels are a nice touch lol
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