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Sonoma PvP thread

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Well i just have to say i love reading Riley's post's, HES THE MAN! no seriously he is he can beat anyone 1v1 just ask him. ok well im done oh wait almost forgot, STFU! I LOVE MIGHTY JOE YOUNG!


not really i could beat him on any template you could think of hands down... but anytime i get him down or low... he would be chugging pots and running 1000 screens with his turbo speedhack

have a bad day.


No offense to you Joe but I seriously doubt you could kill nori one on one in any template.

Don Corleone

Busy Busy Busy week at the ole gate! And actually went and witnessed a nice little battle near the Y in the road by Oasis. Thank you Clementine for taking me. Anyway, I ID'd 1796 bodies.. died a handful of times and didn't gain a single point in forensics... it's impossible I say!

Congrats Guards I think you have made your monthly quota this week, coffee and donuts the rest of the week for you.

And for players, Congrats Grainne Ni Malle, I think you have collected enough insurance money to buy me a nice christmas present!

Remember.. I still can't make it to all the bodies as hard as I try. I can't get the bodies in the houses unless I'm around to see them die and I can't ID bones.

Again... this isn't who is the best, but it's who is killing when I am around to ID the bodies...

Oh new rule! Killing Lila doesn't count! Poor Poor Lila!

Here are the counts:
91 Guards-
85 Grainne Ni Malle-
58 Iceblood McBain-
50 Milt Helbringer-
47 Azal Dredfield-
39 Elessar Tasartir-
37 Slade (COP)-
34 Gordon Lightbow-
31 SkullSniper-
30 Ronin-
30 Runfast Miner-
29 Jackal-
27 Voodo-
26 Lan-
24 Apollo-
23 Aragorn-
23 BENT-
22 Angel (IFC)-
22 La O'La Lay-
22 Moo-
21 Andy-
21 Telran Nashakra-
21 Trammie sonia-
21 Waka Only-
20 Big Worm-
20 DeViLs-AdVoCaTe-
19 Kiss Of Death-
18 Jesse-
18 Joe S.-
18 Mallamis-
18 Wasp-
17 brian yellow-
17 gHetTo bLasTeR-
17 Masaaki Hatsumi-
16 Buck Tooth Betty-
15 Des Sanct-
15 SlIpKnOt-
14 Coop-
14 Lefty-
14 lol Loser-
14 Maple-
13 Mike JOnEZ(MOO)-
13 Mith-
13 Royal Assassin-
13 Shinta-
13 Vince-
12 Decius-
12 pk action barbie-
11 Everclear-
11 Luck-
11 Sir Legolas-
11 tyr-
10 Anarchy-
10 Famine-
10 Harry Potted II-
10 Mr Eggplant-
10 Slade (KQ)-
9 Ed-
9 Ghost Mouse-
9 ManicPimpSlapper-
8 Jerry Garcia-
8 Jethro-
8 Mason-
8 Michael Potato-
8 Nikita--
8 Sherminator-
8 Yoshinori Waryu-
7 Cheddar Bob-
7 Disaster-
7 Dyne-
7 Gormlaith-
7 Inoctious-
7 Maikutie-
7 Mourn-
7 Sloth-
7 Yami-
6 Boagrius-
6 D'artagnan-
6 Killamanjaro-
6 Mighty Joe Young-
6 Seifer-
6 Sethaniel Macray-
6 Shrek-
6 Skylar-
6 Stryker-
5 Apollyon-
5 Arciles-
5 FallenTear-
5 Gambit-
5 Hack Benjamin-
5 Matrix(COP)-
5 Merlin-
5 Pinky-
5 QP's-
5 Rikku-
5 Skull Smash-
4 Clementine-
4 Dante-
4 Ember-
4 Hooman-
4 Jerry Only-
4 Katrina-
4 Lilith Vysage-
4 Lithium-
4 McKnight-
4 Rosa-
4 San-
4 Sitara-
4 Sunrise Adams-
4 Swizzle-
4 Tootles-
3 Ashton-
3 Fiona-
3 Iron Bear-
3 Jayhyuk-
3 Kjeldorian-
3 Kosmos-
3 Lestat-
3 MuNkY-
3 Phoenixxx-
3 Ron Fellows~
3 shadow-
3 toombstones-
3 Trinity-
2 Darrian-
2 Drunken Angel-
2 Gail Kim-
2 Gallin-
2 Gaylord Focker-
2 Gluesniffer-
2 Hero-
2 If-
2 Jack Be Nimble-
2 Komodo-
2 Lithium(FEL)-
2 Matthew-
2 Of the Abyss(COP)-
2 Paris Hilton-
2 Rootin Tootin-
2 Sir Shootsalot-
2 sKiD MaRk-
2 sweet-b
2 Thraximus-
2 toymachyne-
2 vincent-
2 Winter-
1 Alexis-
1 Angel (Efl)-
1 Arthur-
1 Bladefist-
1 crystalmarie-
1 Espit-
1 Feiht Mood-
1 Freeze-
1 Glorious Lord-
1 helsod vedide-
1 Holy Knight Lans-
1 Hottie-
1 Hugo-
1 Jimmy Spellsword-
1 JumpSteady-
1 Kennith Houston-
1 KnightsAvernger-
1 Le Flamme Nakita-
1 Marquis De Sade-
1 Maxx-
1 Melkor-
1 Nyx-
1 Penelope Sniper
1 Princess-
1 Quadmaster-
1 Questor Thews-
1 Raidon Hyobanshi-
1 Raven Sky-
1 Remi-
1 Riverwind-
1 ShAdOw MaCeR-
1 Shandris
1 Stich-
1 Thamior Holimion-
1 The Cable Guy-
1 TuRbLeNcE-
1 Velg'Larn-
1 Wiz-

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Very good try at the defense last night ISO at the rat spawn E^E took from you. Was good fun and we know you all had very little chance. One feild with a stealther on the island and two guys onthe island. We came with about six and just decided to punk the champ. Well have to do it again sometime.

*begins to wait for endless $hit talk to come*

The Horselord

Was that right before server down? Thats about the only time you wont get overwhelmed by ISO for daring to attack a spawn.

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
naw primetime. Took it, punked the champ and ran. They came in with like 10 or so as soon as we had dead. Was fun.


Thats not how I remember it happening but whatever. The events as I recall them are as follows, 7 E^E come in at 3rd almost 3th level and kill our 3 spawn necros doing the spawn (Good work killing 3 chars with peacemaking...kinda sad that they still killed like 3 of you) and begin to work the spawn. By the time me (trammie sonia), Rikku (on Jackal i believe), Apollyon, Battery and Luck arrive (we were flagged at the gate) you have the champ down to somewhere around half life as you are all punking it. We proceed to absoultely own the 7 of you (i believe Luck was the only one of us you dropped) and take the spawn back. We then wait for the necros whose spawn it was to res up and come back and they drop the champ (getting a 120 bushido if memory serves me correctly....hard to remember cause we can and do spawn whenever we feel like it). So I believe I will have to say pwned Dark stone. Finally we havent lost anything in E^E (you all dont even raid our 10+ harrowers/oaks a week) other than a 120 fencing that was lost to xero lyte when Falcon/Shemanator ran into the star room without checking it first (what a noob).
Futhermore if you are gonna talk big you better back it up little man cause me and 3 other ISO mage dueled T*A on a 4 on 4 and wiped the floor with them and they field way more competent pvpers than you do.
Finally if you want to dispute any of this let me know cause I will begin posting our harrower times a couple of days in advance to see if we can get a fight (can you make the same claim?)

Thanks in advance we all know MOO/WAKA/ISO/3F owns the shard continue worshiping us

Btw Waka is all ISO members and 3F rarely plays so dont start complaining about amount of guilds cause ISO alone can wipe the floor with E^E.


well, you did own us on the ruff... but ISO/company have yet to beat us on the field even numbers without insane amounts of archers. You guys did well on the ruff, but it's field fights where it counts


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Slip there isnt any reason to reply as you did sir we didnt mention raiding your harry we said we took your despise. And yes T*A has some damn good mages ill give you that at least they use thiers alot of the times we fight iso wakka 3f and moo its all archers. And dont even say we dont have skill we are out there owning people everyday and would probably own most of you if you werent using WoD archers or Bushido archers lets wait till after the pub to see you keep saying who owns the shard, which we havent once said we do. We fight every fel guild everyday and we dont pancake if we die and we dont talk [censored] if we kill others, but if some of your members are going to keep talking [censored] then i can let up on it and allow my members to do the same. We are here to have fun we run spawns everyday we raid everyday and we gank in star room everyday. Dont deny this ask any of you alliance they will tell you and if not look at Aias report there buddy had we not been fighting T*A at the same time it would have been yall asses dead on the ground see we do it alone buddy we dont need to call in 15 to 20 archers from 4 to 5 different guilds to fight for us again we do it alone can you claim the same...... Hooman of E^E


Good stuff the last few days though. I was trying to find my screen shots of 1so punking us on the building, but they didn't save right.



Morph we field way more competent mages then you do. ISO is willing to go 5 on 5 mages any time. We are flat out way better than you at pvp so be quiet.



you want to post screeneys? give me a few days
ill show you what we are made of.

[/ QUOTE ]

I already know

JK, you know I love you ron, but seriously... moo is all archers :/.

It's been fun though... half my screenies didn't save... I was sad inside

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Thats not how I remember it happening but whatever. The events as I recall them are as follows, 7 E^E come in at 3rd almost 3th level and kill our 3 spawn necros doing the spawn (Good work killing 3 chars with peacemaking...kinda sad that they still killed like 3 of you) and begin to work the spawn. By the time me (trammie sonia), Rikku (on Jackal i believe), Apollyon, Battery and Luck arrive (we were flagged at the gate) you have the champ down to somewhere around half life as you are all punking it. We proceed to absoultely own the 7 of you (i believe Luck was the only one of us you dropped) and take the spawn back. We then wait for the necros whose spawn it was to res up and come back and they drop the champ (getting a 120 bushido if memory serves me correctly....hard to remember cause we can and do spawn whenever we feel like it). So I believe I will have to say pwned Dark stone. Finally we havent lost anything in E^E (you all dont even raid our 10+ harrowers/oaks a week) other than a 120 fencing that was lost to xero lyte when Falcon/Shemanator ran into the star room without checking it first (what a noob).
Futhermore if you are gonna talk big you better back it up little man cause me and 3 other ISO mage dueled T*A on a 4 on 4 and wiped the floor with them and they field way more competent pvpers than you do.
Finally if you want to dispute any of this let me know cause I will begin posting our harrower times a couple of days in advance to see if we can get a fight (can you make the same claim?)

Thanks in advance we all know MOO/WAKA/ISO/3F owns the shard continue worshiping us

Btw Waka is all ISO members and 3F rarely plays so dont start complaining about amount of guilds cause ISO alone can wipe the floor with E^E.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thats fine. Different memories, but I know for a FACT ISO never had anyone on the island til the champ was dead and most of us were in the star room. We had Xero Lyte Feilding the bridge as we killed coon. Four to five of our people got out and were gateing from the guild house for the few of us, me and a couple others that died. But you all did accomplish one thing.You all kill Dark Stone. Only took I beleive two of you and the spawn of terra keep too do. I was not worried bout it anyway. I only had a 110 disco scroll and some aids. If ISO that hard up for disco scrolls and aids, I am sure that I could just look in one of the bags that E^E uses to 110 cap all of its players. We prolly got a few of them. Have a good day though. Hope too see you on the battle feild tonight.


I don't see why not. E^E is a pvp guild who is active in FEL despite a few things.

1) They have no allies.
2) 90% of their players are not archers, or at least sport a good mix.
3) They don't crap talk in game.
4) Have a lot of new players, or inexperienced pvpers, but manage to put up a great fight.
5) Hard working and continue to spawn fel despite enemy numbers.
6) Class act all around.

I see no reason why they shouldn't come here and brag.

I'm not flaming anyone at all... I just think a guild who stands alone and continues to fight can say what ever they would like.
On a side note, I found it amusing that several COP members were calling T*A a worthless guild. We have had our ups and downs just like any new guild, but 99% of us play a mage, only anarchy is our full time dexer. Archers shouldn't throw rocks...Button mashers for the win.

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Lol E^E talking [censored] to ISO how funny.

[/ QUOTE ]

Im not talking $hit. I am just letting you all know. I am bragging. E^E is doing extremely well and I for one am very proud of the guild.


Guess ill just brag a bit....Thanks for the oaks skull oh and we were outnumbered too counted 14 of you and only 11 of us. Guess your not doin that well after all......next?


Sorry to say Ron, but you aren't really made of anything. Shoulda stayed dexxer man :/

Lord Ron Fellows

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Fallen, I respect you as a good mage, because you are, but some of those newbs you took from FEL, well, that would be the reason I say anything bad about T*A.

PS. Clever abriviation! Although I would have gone with T&amp;A. hehehehe.

Lord Ron Fellows

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Sorry to say Ron, but you aren't really made of anything. Shoulda stayed dexxer man :/

[/ QUOTE ]

Duel me

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Guess ill just brag a bit....Thanks for the oaks skull oh and we were outnumbered too counted 14 of you and only 11 of us. Guess your not doin that well after all......next?

[/ QUOTE ]

11 my ass. I got 12 peeps in a screen shot not 30 sec after I died and about half of that were on guildies screen to the north.

Also you want to get particular. Only about 6-7 of us were on pvp chars. Great you can kill spawn chars. Glad for ya man. I got some nice shots though. By the way what are your char names. You prolly one of the [censored] heads in the star room that was constantly talking [censored] as the leaders of you guild were giving E^E props. The [censored] talk is the number one reason ISO is losing peoples respect. You all dont know when too keep your mouths shut. Got a few shots of you all saying "GIMP ARCHER FOR THE WIN", "E^E SUCKS" and countless other phrases. Sad you all cannot just take the win and be done with it. E^E rarely does it if at all. We try to be decent and respect our opponents, but I guess that is above all the heads of ISO except a few. Its no wonder people like Ron, and Philos made a new guild. To get the respectful few in there.



Fallen, I respect you as a good mage, because you are, but some of those newbs you took from FEL, well, that would be the reason I say anything bad about T*A.

PS. Clever abriviation! Although I would have gone with T&amp;A. hehehehe.

[/ QUOTE ]

Was this in regards to me or heebie? Silly silly ron.

I guess our noobies and your archers cancel eachother out then eh?

I love mages, but our biggest issue right now is we actually don't field enough dexers... lol. one or 2 more (dexers, not archers) would help a great deal.


Hey moron Im co gm of ISO and WAKA is a guild started by my closest friend in game (ron fellows) who I have pvped with for like 2 years now. I could be in their in a second but i have my own reasons for staying ISO. Not that it matters to you but didnt you brag about killing spawn chars in despise? Guess payback sucks. Oh and btw i have screenshots with 14 people of yours and i know we had exactly 11 people there cause thats what was in ts. In any case thanks for the skull we will enjoy it during the harrower we do with it.


Philos (05:14 PM) :
alright, I gotta get at some homework... I'm ALMOST done!!
Philos (05:15 PM) :
one more final
Philos (05:15 PM) :
Raiden (05:15 PM) :
the hell with that you dont need it
Philos (05:15 PM) :
Raiden (05:15 PM) :
where is that going top get you in life
Raiden (05:15 PM) :
Raiden (05:15 PM) :
Philos (05:15 PM) :
no where
Philos (05:15 PM) :
but my parents will be happy

Raiden (05:15 PM) :
quit and become a pro UO player
Philos (05:15 PM) :
Raiden (05:15 PM) :
iam a Free agent right now
Philos (05:15 PM) :
uo is unk... I think I like sex better
Raiden (05:15 PM) :
Raiden (05:16 PM) :
a porn star?
Philos (05:16 PM) :
Raiden (05:16 PM) :
Raiden (05:16 PM) :
not me i like UO Better
Raiden (05:16 PM) :
UO &gt; Sex
Raiden (05:17 PM) :
and that can Go on Stratics!

Philos (05:17 PM) :
why are you free agent?
Raiden (05:18 PM) :
well just hoping PAS picks me up

Philos (05:18 PM) :







Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hey Trinity my guys dont even know who you are shows how much your are really out in the field hhmmmmmmmmmmm i wonder maybe you been playing a gimp archer too like most in your guild, Darkstone if you did not know that was Trinity formerly of KQ now in ISO..... You have the right to open your mouth when we start seeing your mage in the field only then do you have my permission to do so sir now get back on your archer and go gimp some more. Sincerely Hooman of E^E.........


The fact that you or your guys don't know Trinity doesn't say anything about him. He's been around forever (well, I have been around longer, technically, because I am his DADDY! I'll say hi to yo momma for you Trin).

All it really shows is how you guys are noobs and have pvp'd for 2 months. Now, I realize this looks like I am [censored]-talking. But, I enjoy the fact that new people are PvP'ing... it keeps things fresh. The point is--and there isn't really anything wrong with being a noob... sooner or later you won't be--just because you don't know him is not a valid argument. Trin's a deadly mage and you will be learning that in the upcoming days.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Philos I know who Trinity is and have fought him many times and I also know he is a good mage one of the better on the shard all im saying is dont dish out the [censored] talk if you cant take it and honestly I pvp everyday on sonoma and it has been at least a month since I have seen Trinity anywhere. And dont even begin to start calling people noobs I play a mage 24/7 and do ok I never changed to archery just to get kills I do alright on my own.... I also know that we kill enuff ISO and MOO to know for myself and my guild that when you call us noobs its just total [censored] I just like throwing it back in yalls faces since yall like to [censored] with us.....


Now Philos, give me a break, his Strat name is Trinsauce (dont even want to know what that is in reference to *shudders*) that doesnt mean everyone would think of Trinity when they read that name. I myself sign each post so people have no doubts on the matter. I am out there everyday/night, though rarely at the gate, and it is not often I see Trinity, and I go everywhere (quite often with a lot of grey on my screen). Some people are out there in the field more then others, and Trinity is not one that I find in the field very often at all.

Kiss if Death, Apollo, Apollyon (stole the name), and others I see quite a bit more. I hate to say this, but lately I have seen Skylar away from the gate more then Trin.

So if you are not using your chars name in your strat title, sign off with it. As far as Philos, my thinking on your name and title, well, at least they match (but so does bright orange polyester pants and a plaid golf hat).

Dyvim Tvar



So if you are not using your chars name in your strat title, sign off with it. As far as Philos, my thinking on your name and title, well, at least they match (but so does bright orange polyester pants and a plaid golf hat).

Dyvim Tvar

[/ QUOTE ]

WHERE'S A MOD... She's making fun of the way I dress IRL isn't that against the rules!! It's a personal slander! I love golf... get off me.

I didn't say anything about the [censored] talk did I? No. I just said you should know who Trinity is which YOU DID SAY that you didn't. I can go up and quote it for you but I know you E^E are all big boys and girls.


oh, I do know who Trinity is, all I said was not everyone might associate Trinsauce with Trinity. As far as your choice in clothing goes, there is therapy and they are always making breakthroughs in gene work and new medications.



Dont ever talk [censored] cause ISO will wreck any guild mage to mage in even numbers we field the best mages on the shard we wrecked all day on nothin but mages (The new pub is awesome). Any day you want to set up a 4 on 4 ISO vs E^E for say 10 mil im down.


Slip, not quite sure where you come from in your posts, seems most out of the blue to me (reminds me of another that suffered from PvP-envy)

I dont believe I talked smack about anyone except Philos' fashion faux-pas. Never said Trin wasnt a great mage, what I said was that I rarely see them around. So before you get all jumpy and start laying out challanges, learn to not only pronounce the words, but understand their meaning.



Lol dont get mad cause you suck and arent good enough to meet my challenge.

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well, as Dyv said. I did not associate Trinsauce with Trinity. I know who Trinity is. If I am correct she used to be in my RL uncles guild, UGK. Well, if you ever up for a duel ICQ me Trinity. I will duel anytime. Win or lose, it all in fun. ICQ below.

Also I am up for any duels from anybody. I will duel you on my dexer, but he not that hard for a skilled mage
. Just give me a yell over ICQ. A good bit of training and learning new things about my char.



Well, as Dyv said. I did not associate Trinsauce with Trinity. I know who Trinity is. If I am correct she used to be in my RL uncles guild, UGK. Well, if you ever up for a duel ICQ me Trinity. I will duel anytime. Win or lose, it all in fun. ICQ below.

Also I am up for any duels from anybody. I will duel you on my dexer, but he not that hard for a skilled mage
. Just give me a yell over ICQ. A good bit of training and learning new things about my char.

[/ QUOTE ]

Dark Stone, was ur uncle Malice??? If so u can ask him bout me...And yes I was a part of UGK... I was a part of each of the recent dominant pvp guilds from '98-the presenton this server... PkP, UGK, CH, ELM, C*D briefly, ISO/Waka.... and in the dread lord days I ran with MO...




[/ QUOTE ]

U shouldn't be one to say something else is ghey... U openly brag bout showering with the guys after football practise... pipe down kid...
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