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Sonoma PvP thread

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if no one cares about me... why bothering to read my post and answer my post??

Why did you confuse yourself here??

HMMM stfu please noob.


Yea everyone would come up with something like... your english sucks!!

I dont understand your english!! blah blah blah

but end up replying to what I said previously... see again? You are just another noobie @ss who yap your mouth before you even think.... confusing yourself dont you see??? stffu please noob.

LOL and what??? You are whining on a ninja archer now when there is word of death and bushido archer that are WAY WAY stronger than a ninja... oh wow... like i said, my real gimped char is my bushido archer which got max out dci hci 140+ hit points, 1.25 swing speed, and enough mana to pwn you every single time we stand on the same screen... If i really would want to use those types of characters and talk $hit after i kill peeps, i wouldnt be using my mage, and my ninja archer instead just use my bushido archer to fight peeps at brit gate, do spawns and etc. So again, to be very honest, just learn the truth, you are not my level yet simply not my level yet..... just dont talk about pvp with me or talk about how bad my pvp is when in fact you know you are not the one who could kill me every single day 24/7 instead who could end up in the opposite way...

3f?? Dude to be honest... maybe 3F is living in Japan, but comparing my connection with them, i usually am unable to be as fast as their speed at all... especially peeps like Pinky, Judah, Jah, san, etc... dude maybe 90% of the 3F you could name would have faster connection than any people who play in Hong Kong...

You just dont understand what is the difference of playing in a bad lag situation compared to a lag free situation.... and if you dont.. just try and log on an oversea shard of yours and do it with a mage, an archer or any template and get a sense... you will realize what type of issues i am talking about...

Anyhow, like i said, I never try to whine about I died because of my 250 ping... but everytime someone who get killed by me every single day in game and come talk $hit here with me, they deserve a slap in the face by me... and i find that the best insult is to tell them that "You just get owned by someone who has 250 ping 4% packet loss, so it is really time to quit UO, because seriously i NEVER EVER get killed by someone with slower connection than me unless its a 1 hit kill, which of course is 100% true when i was back in Canada as I had one of the fastest connection in the shard back then"

Seriously, why would you want to talk smack to KMS??? KMS never talk $hit to peeps, maybe you are just jealous that he could be one of the only peeps that could hold a guild that is over 5 yrs long?? Dude get real, KMS own you in every aspect, just stfu and stop talking $hit to him you noobie. As long as teamspeak goes, I am sure most people in our teamspeak are mature enough to get along and have fun with each others.. our alliance never bragged how bad @ss we are, instead we just have fun killing people, killing monsters together... so again whats the point of talking $hit to people in our alliance again?? Is it really important that it is a necessity to bring up insult to my alliance members/guilds in every flame war involved?? Geez... just stfu you noobie....

And wtf do you mean no one care what I said or not??? I typed this post is not to seek someone to CARE about my post. I just try to express myself on the board, i have no control over to whoever want to CARE for my post, its really up to them. So again, to say that no one care only is confusing yourself thus far which is up to now, you are still reading my post carefully and responding to it carefully...

Another lesson for you beginner "Do not use words such as "no one care or i dont care" in a flame war, that only put yourself to the dumb@ss category"

Anyhow, cloudsong or not... I am sorry to tell you that I dont really understand what you are trying to say... but since I dont even know wtf a cloudsong is do you think I would have a cloudsong and someone could have stole it to piss me off??? Anyhow, just rethink something again instead of using the same insults... like you said, it gets old sometimes... beginner...

beginner Emu... there is still a long way to go for you... keep it up maybe one day, just maybe... one day...

And of course.. stfu is my own ending phrase for any of my posts, by copying me yourself would only put yourself into 1 stage "copycat"... I am glad you are not a copycat.. and why is saying stfu become a noobie instantly?? Check up in the dictionary please.. and check to see if both words have related or similiar meanings that lead to that stage immediately... IF NOT... just read below message beginner...



hey Mr. I pwn with 250ping and 4%packet loss. I got 20mil on a best of 3duels. Shall we do it? I'll bring the broker and i'll xfer!


hey Mr.none of your business, what shard are you from?

Yea transfer over first and we will see.

but for now just stfu

Bugz Bunny

he's from napa, but i don't know cookie monster, but i'd bet everything i had he'd own any of the gimps on this shard, just like i did....... and to all the iso flames that will follow this, come play a real shard


You owned everyone on the shard.....lolers!!! But you are correct ill bet everything i have on cookie monster against any mage on the shard (even timmy).


well Philos, being that this is a PvP thread, I have to give the advatange to Ron's sig. It is a high-end rendering of truly skillfull pvp, whereas yours seems to be a cry for a serious makeover.

.....actually love them both

Dvyim Tvar


ummmmmmmmm no acceptance on my 20mil duel yet. Just a "transfer over and we will see and stfu" lol u need to stop rambling about ur ping. If you ping that bad you need to xfer out of the westcoast BECAUSE if you want to talk about how u own on the west, then u deal with me and you put ur gold where ur mouth is! Until then please do not post anywhere except on the Uohall!!!!!



#1. I never posted that I own everyone in a duel with my ping

#2. I only talk $hit to whoever talk $hit to me by posting my ping that I owned them with that ping which is the truth

#3. duel is nothing, this game is called pvp.. will u get in a duel suddenly inside a team pvp situation???

#4. stfu now. dont talk anymore, just transfer over if you are so bad@ss you will just be another person who get smack talk by me with the same reason at the end.

Yea and $hit i should be dumb enough to duel you with my high ping packet loss with 20 mil being put on where i cant even fully utilize my spell casting speed... you are very good, you think well..

now just dont make yourself look like a connection only noobie and stfu aite?

Don Corleone

Ok, I think I may be back in the swing of things. Here are my weekly kill counts from 11-14 to 11-20. Remember, I can't make it to all the bodies and I only play a couple hours a night and it's always at the brit gate. This isn't who's the best, but it's just who is mostly fighting when I'm around and can make it to the body before it goes to bones.
For the week, I ID'd 1398 bodies. Tuesday was a very busy night with 274 bodies, oh the morticians are raking in the money.
Ok.. Here we go!

61 Guards-
60 Stoned Llama-
48 gHetTo bLasTeR-
37 Milt Helbringer-
36 Apollo-
36 Iceblood McBain-
36 Jackal-
33 Edge II-
30 DominatioN-
29 Dope Chops-
27 Yoshinori Yaryu-
26 Maple-
24 Grainne Ni Malle-
23 Joe S.-
23 Mr.Miyagi-
20 SlIpKnOt-
19 Coop-
19 Waka Only
18 toombstones-
18 Widjaya-
18 Zirk-
17 Telran Nashakra-
16 BENT-
16 Nemesis-
16 Trammie sonia-
15 Jerry Garcia-
14 Stryker-
13 Everclear-
13 Jesse-
13 Mistress Death
13 Shrek-
12 Buck Tooth Betty-
12 Kiss Of Death-
12 Michael Potato-
11 Balinor
11 LOL-
11 lol Loser-
11 Masaaki Hatsumi-
11 shadow-
10 Disaster-
10 Gawd Smack-
10 Horizon-
10 Lucy Van Pelt-
10 Mallamis-
10 Sunrise Adams-
9 Gail Kim-
9 Merlin-
9 raaWWWrrrR-
8 brian yellow-
8 Killamanjaro-
8 Lefty-
8 Miroku-
8 Mith-
8 Sir Legolas-
8 SkullSniper-
8 Vince-
8 Wasp-
7 Anarchy
7 Azal Dredfield-
7 Famine-
7 Harry Potted II
7 La O'La Lay-
7 Lan-
7 Ron Fellows~
6 Ashton-
6 Big Worm-
6 Camillia-
6 Decius-
6 D'lure-
6 Gordon Lightbow-
6 Hush-
6 Slink-
6 Trinity-
5 Chedder Bob-
5 Crack Monkey
5 DeViLs-AdVoCaTe-
5 Elton John-
5 Espit-
5 Herbal Insanity-
5 Johan Ironfist-
5 Of the Abyss-
5 Rhys Fa'lord-
4 Battery
4 Boagrius-
4 Duke-
4 Finch-
4 Jack the Ripper
4 Miriam-
4 Moo-
4 Shadowalker-
4 Special Delivery-
4 Swizzle-
4 Tootles-
3 Chibi-Trunks-
3 Ellessar Tasartir-
3 Meow
3 Shinta-
3 Skull Smash-
3 Slim-
3 Veloria Starns-
3 vincent-
2 Andy
2 Angel-
2 Beorn-
2 Coyote-
2 Damon Ishara
2 Drunken Angel-
2 Glamdring-
2 Goldy Locks-
2 Jimmy Spellwood-
2 Le Flamme Nakita-
2 Lion heart-
2 ManicPimpSlapper-
2 Morpheus-
2 Nikita--
2 pk action barbie-
2 ReeferMadness-
2 Rosa-
2 Voodo-
2 Vormicia-
1 Alexis-
1 Bullseye-
1 capatinginyu-
1 Code Red-
1 Cyber-Shot
1 Dark-
1 DarkManX-
1 Des Sanct
1 Devillin
1 Elmwrad
1 Emerald
1 Ezekial-
1 Gallin
1 Gorman-
1 Hack Benjamin-
1 Jack Be Nimble-
1 Lar-
1 Mason-
1 Mike Jones-
1 Mike JOnEZ-
1 Morticia-
1 Rose Nightfire-
1 Silver Nancy-
1 Sir Shootsalot
1 Skylar-
1 Sloth-
1 Taker of Souls-
1 The FREAK-
1 WizMan-
1 Xeslana-


does it sound to anyone else like riley is laying the ground for a nicely worded excuse?

"I was lagged and couldnt get a spell off."
"My ISP was having a bad night. Really, I am good at this"
"I went to the store to buy a higher grade PING but they were all out, otherwise I would have pwnd you with my uber-l33tness"

I am running off a very nice connection. I just personally suck at pvp, no excuse needed. I mean, I am not CC getting owned by a giant rat at a spawn, but hey, who is? (just kiddin CC)

Skill is also being able to adapt to the situation at hand, not always having to count on things to remain the same.

Dyvim Tvar
E^E Giant Rat trainer


Pfft... where in the hack did i ever talk $hit to you again? I guess I didnt talk $hit to you.... but here it goes..

Please refer to a statement where I whine that I died because of my 250 ping???

Anyhow, like i always say that i am currently playing with this lag environment and i still own you guys left and right... then it is really time to quit UO for you guys... its so simple to understand... but howcome you dont understand??

Maybe you got some problem understanding my english?? If so.. time to stfu and dont talk $hit to me anymore or else you're just gonna be another noobie who get pwned by me on this board...

also please refer to this below sentence....

you no one noobie, please stfu.... thanks!

P.S. Btw, I think you are also there witness that I dueled your guildmaster Morph at ice island behind COP house that night with my char Mighty Joe Young... i guess that really explains everything that I just said aite??

Also, please ask Aia of E^E whats going on in the duel between me and him in front of a 2 story house??

Anyhow... i never claimed to be the best dueler or pvper, but if you guys wanna talk $hit to me, i will just bring up some facts to pwn you guys left and right... it would be a shame to die to a 250 ping 4% packet loss guy you know that? I never did once in my UO life except for 1 hit kill.


ok, so 'stfu', $hit, 'noobie' and 'pwnd' are the english I dont understand? My poor child, you have a severe complex though the level to which it reaches is beyond even my understanding. I saw the duel, and yes I saw you the victor, never had a lack of acknowledgement there. I just find it sad that someone with some skill cant handle even a little criticism without it becoming a "I will pwn you" issue. Seriously, too much of a "I am better then you" attitude, not healthy.

As far as one duel showing that you are the master, I dont think one duel qualifies. Hell, I suck at it and every once in a while I win one too. I might even be able to do it with a slower connect, an old computer, and a left handed mouse. But if I do lose one, maybe I can say it was because of the mouse, or the processor. See what I am saying?



no the problem you still dont get it sir...

the problem is someone starts talking smack on me, do you think i should just stfu and let it go???
you talk $hit to me, you expect to be flamed by me thats a very common sense...

So i found that the best way to pwn someone who starts talking smack to me is providing some interesting facts that they get owned by my 250 ping 4% packet loss with a much better connection which WILL NEVER EVER HAPPEN throughout my UO life except for 1 hit kill....

Connection = 1st priority in this game.... you just dont understand me if you havent pvped way before AoS or even faction or even precast day when I am pwning peeps like Falcor, Maximus every single day in deciet and shame.

My pvp skill difference from Canada 2 yrs ago using my 40 ping compared to nowadays in Hong Kong using my 250 ping avg. and 4% packet loss is about 10 times different... so you get the pic or not??

now please i gotta say this again since this is my sig...

stfu thanks!

Don Corleone

Ok as always: Remember, I can't make it to all the bodies and I only play a couple hours a night and it's always at the brit gate. This isn't who's the best, but it's just who is mostly fighting when I'm around and can make it to the body before it goes to bones.

Because of the Holiday I wasn't able to play the full week, so I had only ID'd 972 bodies this week. Congratulations Merlin!

53 Merlin-
40 Guards-
37 SkullSniper-
34 DominatioN-
32 Stoned Llama-
25 Grainne Ni Malle-
25 Vince-
23 Iceblood McBain-
22 Telran Nashakra-
18 DeViLs-AdVoCaTe-
17 Royal Assassin-
16 Xero Lyte
15 Apollo-
15 SlIpKnOt-
14 Ghost Mouse-
14 Jerry Garcia-
14 Waka Only-
13 Milt Helbringer-
13 Nikita--
12 Lucy Van Pelt-
11 Michael Potato-
11 tyr-
10 Ellessar Tasartir-
10 Freeze-
10 Masaaki Hatsumi-
10 Trammie sonia-
9 C Tripled-
9 Des Sanct-
9 Disaster-
9 DQN-
9 Le Flamme Nakita-
9 Mith-
9 Stryker-
8 Drunken Angel-
8 Everclear-
8 Sethaniel Macray-
8 Slade-
7 Lefty-
7 Maple-
7 Moo-
7 QP's-
7 Slim-
6 Harry Potted II-
6 Marlboro Man-
6 Mighty Joe Young-
6 Of the Abyss-
6 Sir Shootsalot-
6 Wasp-
5 Anarchy-
5 brian yellow-
5 Damon Ishara-
5 Edge II-
5 Hush-
5 Jackal-
5 Kiss Of Death-
5 La O'La Lay-
5 Rosa-
5 Shrek-
5 Slink-
5 Sunrise Adams-
5 Thomas-
4 Angel-
4 Big Worm-
4 Buck Tooth Betty-
4 Coop-
4 Dante-
4 Decius-
4 Jesse-
4 Princess Leia-
4 Ron Fellows~
4 Skull Smash-
4 Soul Slayer-
3 Ashton-
3 Azal Dredfield-
3 Bullseye-
3 Duke-
3 Ember-
3 Famine-
3 Finch-
3 Gawd Smack-
3 HAL-
3 Luck-
3 Mike JOnEZ-
3 Sloth-
3 Trinity-
3 yumiko-
2 Alexis-
2 Arciles
2 Beorn-
2 Chibi-Trunks-
2 Chuck-
2 dubie
2 Ed-
2 Elton John-
2 Gail Kim
2 gHetTo bLasTeR-
2 Kacy-
2 Lestat-
2 Lucifer-
2 ManicPimpSlapper-
2 McKnight-
2 Morticia-
2 PeeK-a-PwNeD-
2 Penelope Sniper
2 Ronin-
2 Runfast Miner-
2 shadow-
2 Shinta-
2 sKiD MaRk-
2 yumi
2 Zirk-
1 Alfred Bester
1 Ansatsu
1 Batman-
1 Boagrius-
1 Eternal Newbie-
1 Evil Gargamel-
1 Gallin-
1 Gibbon-
1 IdunTheImmortal-
1 inonn-
1 kaida
1 Katrina-
1 Killamanjaro-
1 Mandrake-
1 Matrix
1 Meow-
1 MuNkY-
1 Nemesis-
1 Panther-
1 Princess Ultima-
1 Relek
1 Swizzle-
1 Teotl
1 Veloria Starns-
1 Venom-


what do you care you dont play this shard so just be quiet


Hey... it's Rooster... I don't know you... but you could... wanna catch a ettin fight or a stroll along the Moonglow coast??? AND THEN BECOME MY UO WIFE???

I probably should just stop posting entirely...


A little piece of mind. . .

1. Archery is cool !

2. and Ron Fellow's smell's good enough to have my children

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Broke like everywhere else. 3/4 opponents is an archer. They like bushido archers. Really sad state atm, but hopefully will be fixed soon. Got soem good mages out there and some good dexers (not archers sorry). There are a couple decent archers out there (dont use bushido or any gimp tactics). Other than that lots of gate fighting and raiding hehe.



A little piece of mind. . .

1. Archery is cool !

2. and Ron Fellow's smell's good enough to have my children

[/ QUOTE ]

I always had a feeling you were a batter for the other team Wasp. Thanks for confirming.



Hage Master here... I do miss you! On the other hand, I talk to you all the time... so I am conflicted. But, I will pretend, while I am here, that yes I do miss you.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok so I check out Sonoma on IRL friend's acct

Check out Brit Gate

"OooOOoOOooo Look at all those dudes' pwitty bows!"

*screen goes black
*xxxxxxx is attacking you!"
*You are dead.

Next time it's [suicide 4tw.

PEE-ESS: Someone even looted my 140 Magery scroll...now I know how riley feels T_T

Lord Ron Fellows

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

A little piece of mind. . .

1. Archery is cool !

2. and Ron Fellow's smell's good enough to have my children

[/ QUOTE ]

Sometimes when wasp is sleeping I smell his ice blue hair and run my fingers through it just to take him all in. (plz dont tell philos)

Don Corleone

Same ole song and dance about making it to all the bodies..
Again.. this isn't whose the best.. but that there is lots of activity in Felucca!
I've ID'd 1136 Bodies this week.. gained nothing in forensics!
Congrats DeViLs-AdVoCaTe and Sethaniel Macray.

38 DeViLs-AdVoCaTe-
38 Sethaniel Macray-
29 Guards-
29 Jackal-
28 SkullSniper-
27 Iceblood McBain-
25 Grainne Ni Malle-
23 Ansatsu-
23 Apollo-
21 DON-
21 Telran Nashakra-
20 Michael Potato-
20 Runfast Miner-
20 Wasp-
19 Vince-
17 Kiss Of Death-
17 Skull Smash-
16 Harry Potted II-
16 Trammie sonia-
16 Waka Only-
15 PeeK-a-PwNeD-
14 Disaster-
14 Merlin-
14 Mith-
14 Moo-
13 Milt Helbringer-
13 Rosa-
12 BENT-
12 Elessar Tasartir-
12 Slade (KQ)-
12 Voodo-
11 Arthur-
11 Ashton-
11 Jerry Garcia-
11 Lan-
11 Lucy Van Pelt-
11 Maple-
11 Stoned Llama-
10 Big Worm-
10 Dante-
10 gHetTo bLasTeR-
10 Ron Fellows~
9 Des Sanct-
9 Famine-
9 Luck-
9 Masaaki Hatsumi-
9 Shrek-
8 Killamanjaro-
8 Lefty-
8 McKnight-
8 pk action barbie-
8 Stryker-
7 brian yellow-
7 Coop-
7 La O'La Lay-
7 LOL-
7 Mike JOnEZ-
7 shadow-
7 SlIpKnOt-
7 Sloth-
6 Aragorn-
6 Edge II-
6 FallenTear-
6 Mighty Joe Young-
5 Adel Vysage-
5 Azal Dredfield-
5 Bender-
5 Drunken Angel-
5 Everclear-
5 Hack Benjamin-
5 Kacy-
5 Le Flamme Nakita-
5 lol Loser-
5 Philos-
5 Ronin-
5 Royal Assassin-
5 Thomas-
4 Count Wolfeyes-
4 JumpSteady-
4 Kjeldorian-
4 Mr Eggplant-
4 Rikku-
4 Slade (COP)-
4 Slink-
4 Winter-
3 Andy-
3 Angel-
3 Buck Tooth Betty-
3 Freeze-
3 Gail Kim-
3 Ghost Mouse-
3 Gordon Lightbow-
3 IdunTheImmortal-
3 Jerry Only-
3 Phoenixxx-
3 Sherminator-
3 Sunrise Adams-
3 Travesty
3 Trinity-
2 Amy-
2 Apollyon-
2 D'artagnan-
2 Evil Gargamel-
2 Ezekial-
2 Finch-
2 Glorious Lord-
2 If-
2 Komodo-
2 Nemesis-
2 Rose-
2 Rose Nightfire-
2 UHAwwwwwww-
1 Bainsworth-
1 Boagrius-
1 Chibi-Trunks-
1 Chuck-
1 DarK MaN X-
1 Davey Bowman-
1 deathdreamer-
1 Decius-
1 Espit-
1 Ghetto Child-
1 Gone Postal
1 Holock-
1 Hush-
1 Jayhyuk-
1 Jesse-
1 Jethro-
1 Joe S.-
1 Locryn Finck
1 Mandrake-
1 ManicPimpSlapper-
1 Marlboro Man-
1 Melkor-
1 Nyz Enysi-
1 Paris Hilton-
1 Penelope Sniper
1 Shandris
1 Shinta-
1 Sir Legolas-
1 sKiD MaRk-
1 Slim-
1 Swizzle-
1 Thamior Holimion-
1 Tootles-
1 Unholy Rising-
1 Veloria Starns-
1 vincent-
1 Wiz-
1 Yoshinori Waryu-


now someone help me out with this list please. What is it of and why should I care?

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
He goes out and weekly counts the bodies of people he sees at the gate and makes a list. This is the last weeks body count that he was able to identify. I particuarly dont care much about it. Only shows who is easiest to gank if at gate. Others might though. Hope that helped.


You don't need to care, but it's just what Don does. And there is generally an unwritten rule that we all leave Don alone to conduct his business. It's a rare service he provides. I think it's humorous mostly.

edit- Who else have you ever heard of having Forensic Eval???

Rooster ^^


how goes the battle Rooster? pm me


[/ QUOTE ]

Its not bad, Napa is home..
threw down some round fuzzy ones last night and got harry @ despise..
7 W@R mages defending
held off 30+ (90% archers mixed woders) for the longest time
eventually lost it, but the entertainment was well worth its weight in insurance

dec 12th
nerf 4tw


Good stuff last night. Was fun fights against ISO/MOO.

We just formed, just testing out how well we did and what we needed to work on. Good stuff for sure.


the fights were great the last bit....wish COP would pull a harry.

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Good Fun Last night ISO. I ran into Despise to find you all on what I thought was 2nd level rat. Now maybe it was 3rd, maybe 4th but as soon as I hit entrance to dungeon on my way out to group up in starroom with other guildies they say champ is up (we had a stealther). Yall are fast.

Now the fighting in the star room was nice (i got paid 4 times). Yall just kept coming through and with ostards beetle, feilds, archers and dexers there was no getting out of it. A couple managed to get through when feilds dropped and you all headed to terra. Now the the rush you all made through terra was a great. Caught us w/o feilds and still checking other corpses. Came back faster then we thought. Also I might add we killed one lone KQ member I know of (think he was checking spawns). Great job on everyones part there.

Now the spill over to khaldun entrance was nice. Just happened to run into one of you all there. Really fun I will say. We were getting yall but more just kept coming and we were having trouble getting back up. Yall did get us though. Later we all came back after you all managed to kill us all off. Prolly 10 of us then. We were ready and all we saw was CB and Ron Fellows. They were in house so we just moved on and did riktor. All fun though and thanks for entertainment.

Much Respect for you guys. Great job.


Ok finally a 3F talked [censored]...

his name is Pinky/Judah/Ruri

Anyhow, if you wanna talk $hit dont talk $hit when you could only ever kill me with outnumbered people 10 on 1 alone in deciet took you 5 minutes to kill me with that number, better connection than me, and on a bushido gimp archer doing 80 damage to me 1 out of 4 hits...

If you wanna see who is better do a pure mage duel 1 v 1... put down 100 mil put up or shut up... otherwise never talk $hit again.... you know you are not better than me and could only take the chance to laugh when you gank me with outnumbers... How many times i killed you on Ghost Mouse again and again?? Oh yea forgot how many freakin damn times already cuz its too many... only time you could ever kill me is when i am on my mage and u are on your bushido archer period... Talk more $hit,, but i know u just dont have the skills to have a 100 mil bet anyways la &gt;.&lt; feel sad for you noobie..

Please talk $hit when you know you could beat me in a 1 v 1 situation... otherwise, just stfu and play the game.... the only word ever comes out of your mouth is "Chicken" is that all you could say?? poor you i am sorry &gt;.&lt;

Lord Ron Fellows

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That was Nori the leader of the 3F alliance, he dosent speak english very well and he will wreck you hands down on any template you can think of.

Have a nice day.
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