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Siege and PBDs... an idea.



I know alot of the Old Temple of Mondain from GL will come to siege if we get the #3 vote. They have wanted to for a new RP community but found things a bit unblanaced.


I would go with 3. People shouldn't be penalized because they lost their PBD due to game problems. Am also not fond of rewarding players for murder and disrupting the lives of others.

I do have some concerns.
1) have heard about an insurance bug on other shards where items become uninsured and therefor lost
2) Having been on siege since before AoS I'm not familar with what can be insured. I know that some bless an instrument and some bless a pet ball, can these items be insured or will the class of bard and tamer be at a disadvantage.

Few added comments. First an formost, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for posting and obviously following the tread and to you Mr. Tact for looking in. I feel better thinking that that added reward for murder is not being considered. Second, I would like to say that I do have PBD on 4 of my 5 accounts and losing them to benefit the whole shard doesn't bother me at all. My concerns do still stand tho and I still vote for 3, Allow everyone to insure one item for free. This is exactly the same as the context menu PBD, just using an existing system. However, this would make PBDs useless, which is something to consider.


I would also like to express my gratitude at the fact that our issue is getting some real attention.


I would have to say that Siege is about risk vs reward so some sort of cost attached would be appropriate to the spirit of this shard, but it would also be a touchy subject for the new players that we want to attract. I would therefore have to say that free for all players is the best option. I do also want to clarify that PBDs, which I have one of, should become useless or transformed into some little tidbit.


I didn't specify earlier but I'm gonna say #3 as well.
As for rewarding me for my PBD, hell I don't care honestly. Give me a nice blessed non-armor piece of clothing or something. Maybe a hooded umbra shroud like the trammelites in far off countries got. I would be happy with no reward as I've had my PBD here on Siege for almost 2 years. I've had my advantage for preordering but I'm sick of seeing players with no PBD getting screwed.
Problem is is if you don't replace the "promotional item" with some special reward you will have people crying....like the AoS rememberance thread on UOHall now.


I didn't specify earlier but I'm gonna say #3 as well.
As for rewarding me for my PBD, hell I don't care honestly. Give me a nice blessed non-armor piece of clothing or something. Maybe a hooded umbra shroud like the trammelites in far off countries got. I would be happy with no reward as I've had my PBD here on Siege for almost 2 years. I've had my advantage for preordering but I'm sick of seeing players with no PBD getting screwed.
Problem is is if you don't replace the "promotional item" with some special reward you will have people crying....like the AoS rememberance thread on UOHall now.


I still remember the day you lost your PBD, Felinious. Who knew we'd be talking about it so many moons later! It would give me great satisfaction to see you have one of those "things that stay with you when you die".

Barracoon Siege

Why are so many people worried about res killing? Ever try resing away from pks, its actually very simple. For instance, say you die in luna to a gank squad, instead of grabbing the res at luna gate 3 squares from the pks, go to the moongate find a safe town to res and restock. The only res killing I ever see is when a player just doesnt know when to shut up and wants to res to talk more trash, otherwise there is no reason to res near an enemy.

As for my vote, I think #3 would be ok if it was a bless spot not an insurance spot. Call me paranoid but I don't like or trust the word insurance with my artis when they cost more than the rest of the stuff I own combined. I think the menu should let you make something blessed for (insert name), that way if its lost to an exploit it can't be utilized by the offender unless you decide to unbless it through the menu and bless another item. Sort of a hitch to get them to return it to you rather than it just being like getting a free item.

Barracoon Siege

Why are so many people worried about res killing? Ever try resing away from pks, its actually very simple. For instance, say you die in luna to a gank squad, instead of grabbing the res at luna gate 3 squares from the pks, go to the moongate find a safe town to res and restock. The only res killing I ever see is when a player just doesnt know when to shut up and wants to res to talk more trash, otherwise there is no reason to res near an enemy.

As for my vote, I think #3 would be ok if it was a bless spot not an insurance spot. Call me paranoid but I don't like or trust the word insurance with my artis when they cost more than the rest of the stuff I own combined. I think the menu should let you make something blessed for (insert name), that way if its lost to an exploit it can't be utilized by the offender unless you decide to unbless it through the menu and bless another item. Sort of a hitch to get them to return it to you rather than it just being like getting a free item.


blessurance for all!
congrats you just invented the word of the week *grins*


<font color=purple> Vote #3 for teh win!

Gwendar, yes pet summoning balls can be blessed and there is great advantage to them for bards/tamers.

Can't wait to have mine blessed again.... </font color=purple>


I like #3. You ask why? Cuz it has a good beat and I can dance to it!
Seriously, it levels the playing field. Peeps with a pbd don't have to pay to bless their one item and neither should anyone else. (It also gives our horse-breathed orcish friends one less reason to be cluttering up the towns). I bought AOS during the promo period but didn't get a pbd on Siege (didn't get my hooded shroud of shadows either but that is a different story). I also never used my pbd on Sonoma. Never could figure out what to use it on. So, let's look at this in context...people we are talking about ONE item here. If someone has ONE item that they really like then let them keep it! (Yes I know some items are a major factor in PvP but the situation we have now is one where some people have such blessed items and others can't).
I guess what I am saying here is that it will be worth more for individuals to have ONE item that they can keep than it will be to allow thieves and pks to take everything. I doubt that there are very many people that will decide to NOT come to SP now just because everyone will have ONE item that cannot be stolen or looted. And yeah, keep it simple, make it free for all so the new players are not penalized and the vets still have the benefit they had before.


Stark Naked, I know they can be blessed since i know several who use their PBD for that. My question was can they be insured or will tamers and bards be out in the cold on this.


<font color=purple> Gwendar,

I am sorry I thought that was what I was answering..... Yes, most definately Pet Summoning Balls can be insured. = )</font color=purple>


*turns off mod badge*

Number 3 is by far the best option and both my chars have pbd's and both
my husband's chars have pbds. We want balance and fairness to all on this shard. This looks like the most feesable option.


I think that was the most constructive thread re: PBD's I have ever read



I think that was the most constructive thread re: PBD's I have ever read


Amazing what happens when the folks who can't see past their own egos and self-perpetuating martyrdom are gone /php-bin/shared/images/icons/smile.gif



Why are so many people worried about res killing? Ever try resing away from pks, its actually very simple. For instance, say you die in luna to a gank squad, instead of grabbing the res at luna gate 3 squares from the pks, go to the moongate find a safe town to res and restock. The only res killing I ever see is when a player just doesnt know when to shut up and wants to res to talk more trash, otherwise there is no reason to res near an enemy.


i personally try to ress our victims whenever the situation allows me to. i want to show them that i don't want to grief or dryloot but do respect them. If the victim expects resskilling he will not accept a ress and i will never be able to show respect to him. My reputation would suffer. You surely understand that i wouldn't like that.



Amazing what happens when the folks who can't see past their own egos and self-perpetuating martyrdom are gone


Don't count your chickens before they're hatched. :/



Amazing what happens when the folks who can't see past their own egos and self-perpetuating martyrdom are gone


That was a pretty low blow , if you ask me.
These folks you talk about has no means of retaliation on this board, go post your slander on BV instead ?
Yes this post was constructive , and siege came out as pretty much a unanimous voice this time around. But for implementing this , we have no say and cant do anything, its all up to the devs.

Remember this ?


Let me remind everyone of the first sentence of my initial post:

"First, let me state that this is just an idea, and is in no way an indication of the direction we're going to go, or a promise of any kind. "

This was one idea of many on how to solve this issue. It may get implemented, or it may not. We may do something completely different. Please keep that in mind. That said, I'd like to thank everyone for their feedback as it has been most useful. I'll let you know when I have more information, which could take a bit of time.


This doesnt exactly look like an ETA or a timeframe.
Actually it looks like the survey they promised us 6 months ago, that didnt happen. Sounds like when fertbert ? visited siege and asked what we wanted.
The devs has for a long time known the solution to helping Siege, but nothing has been done. I cant see any reason to get my hopes up this time, just because MrTact spend an entire 1 minute to post in this thread.
Ill be saveing my jump for joy, when A) we all get PBDs or B) when all blessings are removed. Sorry



Well thats exactly it. There were some people who were believing that because Wilki and Mr Tact posted in this thread, that it was actually going to happen. But as you see, it is a maybe, we'll see, sometime in the future, we'll talk about it.


You beat me to the punch and hit the nail on the head.

Just because we have a thread like this, is no guarantee that anything will get done.

If nothing happens in the near future, all this thread did was stir up false hopes and expectations, and may finally push those sitting on the fence over the edge...



If nothing happens in the near future, all this thread did was stir up false hopes and expectations, and may finally push those sitting on the fence over the edge...


If that does happen, I'll personally take the blame for getting everyone's hopes up. In the meantime, I'll remain positive about it. /php-bin/shared/images/icons/smile.gif


#3 for the win!

But honestly, ANY of the options would be better than the current situation here, just please get one implemented!

Thanks for trying to help Wilki.



Amazing what happens when the folks who can't see past their own egos and self-perpetuating martyrdom are gone

<hr></blockquote>Whats amazing is that if those same people tried to insult you here they would be silenced quicker than people here get their hopes up. Then again, we can't all have a guildmaster as a Mod.

Go back to BV and insult people to their face. They'll happily defeat you with logic and a good smattering of bad language. Again.

This is not the first thread where [almost] everyone has agreed. How quickly people forget Salt's poll... An almost unanamous poll which the Devs saw as mixed signals. On the other hand, i've never had a problem with MrTact in the past.

Otis The Drifter

"Added:4: Allow everyone to insure one item at the 3X the full production shard cost, with PBDs allowing people to bypass that cost, thus they keep their usefulness."

I like this one...so shoot me.



Go back to BV and insult people to their face. They'll happily defeat you with logic and a good smattering of bad language. Again.


Don't mean to de-rail the thread.. but have to address this..

Yeah.. hmmm.. I tried that. Was getting some great feedback as my intention was to hear from those who couldn't post to vote here... woke up this morning and my password was changed on BV. Not sure how that's different.


I like Option 4.

3x for none PBD holders

With these tweaks........

If you have a PBD, 1X Insurance Rate, not FREE

And for those "Blessed" items ... to remain blessed, 1X the rate just like PBDs.

I don't think "Blessed" items should remain free from any cost on SP. Just as anything on SP, nothing is free.

If they choose not to pay the 1x rate for "Blessed" items, the item decays at some rate... thus not needing a major code enhancement to remove "Blessed" from those items.

Anywho, just an idea to throw out. My apologies if someone has already stated this earlier in the post.


If you look on BV they are trying to get you a new password as we speak.

If they didn't ban darkness then (no offence intended) they are not going to ban an effective non-entity.


I have not played SP actively for the last 2 1/2 months and promised myself I would not legitimately until the PBD issue was resolved. For me, it was not a matter of needing a PBD (my main has one), but an issue of respect for the customer. I'm glad to see the issue is finally getting attention.

With that being said, I think option number three is the most fair resolution. PBD's were a promotional item that had limited benefit on other shards. On SP they have been the overriding factor in a character since their inception. I can safely assume that was not the intent of promotion. Additionally, unlike other promotional goods which could be purchased or sold after the promotion ended, PBD's were attached to their owners.

Although charging insurance costs is certainly viable, I am more in favor of balancing the playing field for all characters to compete. I do not believe some people should be subject to increased death penalties over others. There are many people who upgraded to AOS, but did not do so in the "window"...or even did so in the window but did not start a SP character in that time.

I do not believe they should be punished for eternity for that.

The PBD promotion has served its owners for well over a year. That benefit alone is enough to stop those who complain about the item they received being "worthless".



If you look on BV they are trying to get you a new password as we speak.


I'll take a look.. I gave up this morning.. not out of frustration.. just had car issues to deal with. /php-bin/shared/images/icons/smile.gif

Edit: hehe.. yeah.. they're talking about it.. no "trying" going on.. sent second request... the "send password" feature however is broken.



yeah.. they're talking about it.. no "trying" going on.

<hr></blockquote>Ohh. Irony attack...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Go back to BV and insult people to their face. They'll happily defeat you with logic and a good smattering of bad language. Again.


I looked at the board once. It just a collection of adolescents that ever other word out of their mouth is curse.


lol @ Spree.

Every time I venture over to BV I feel like I lose brain cells.



Every time I venture over to BV I feel like I lose brain cells.


Strange, I have the same reaction reading IA's endless spam-a-thon of this forum.


We have heard many, many suggestions regarding blessings, insurance, and loss of goods on Siege ever since the first PBD was ever issued. In all that time, for all the suggestions, the arguments, the well-meaning side-tracking, the insults, and the raised and fallen hopes, all we have to show for it is the ongoing chants of the cult of the PBD.

I like option three. Really. I am extremely fond of it. I will decorate my home with statues of the crafter who finally brings it into being.

However, I politely and enduringly ask this one simple thing: What will it take to make it become reality?



Strange, I have the same reaction reading IA's endless spam-a-thon of this forum.


Hope you didnt intend this for me. I am not in I^A and have not been in I^A for about 8 months.

In this thread Live Rust you have posted 6 times alone.
There are 3 people in this thread from I^A, Kelmo (3 posts), Spree (4 posts) and Homegrown (3 posts).

So who is spamming this thread? Looks like you are.


Note to Live Rust - Remove foot from mouth then speak.
Sorry couldnt resist that.