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Siege and PBDs... an idea.



Actually, I'm not happy with the last two patches the shard I've been playing had, but what I do like is that I have no vested interest. I'm on hiatus now, hoping they revert what they've done and it doesn't cost me a dime. If they don't I'm free to check out other games/shards without losing items or money.

I guess my reaction is what EA community guys and devs imagine they deserve from the player-base, but what they refuse to grasp is there's a ginormous difference when you have a time AND $$$$$$$$$$ investment in a game.

I just have no expectations from something I can get for free. I have huge expectations for something I pay for.



&lt;br&gt;one last thing... before tram, there was none of this nonsense, you respected everyone you saw and nobody ever complained.

[/ QUOTE ]

What kind of dope are you smoking?
Trammel was brought about by players complaining about the rampant PKing/rez killing, which made a ton of players leave the game before Trammel was a thought.

Try to keep your facts straight.

As far as my own preferences I'd vote for #3, with current PBD holders recieving an extra token for a different promotional item to replace what they had. Could be a Vet reward ( which is probably more hassle to make happen), 8Th Age , 7th or Evil deco.


hehe, i lurk on that board you for the shard you played on and i can definitely see why you would not like those updates....

Faith Soulforge


I have to agree, I was 'hoping' for a PBD in pub 37, but since there has been absolutely NOTHING said about PBD or anything for that matter, I'm guessing once again it's not going to happen. I was a cheerleader for a while, but it's just seems to be going the same route as always: throw 'em a bone, then ignore them for a year, lather/rinse/repeat.

I'll give EA until pub38, then I'm done.


*laughs* actually it's more about the poison changes then the tamed pet changes, albeit I'm not happy with either. I agree both need to be nerfed, I just disagree with how it was done.

It just gave me too many flashbacks to UO where the community would pancake for months (years) about some overpowered issue and then finally they'd commit time to fixing it ... and then come out with something even worse.


I disagree Corwin I think the changes as ever were well handled .. i can understand from your point of view but as far as I know you are in a minority of one as someone whos considered a pvp that uses pets.