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same babble, different thread

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i pwned that round with lag lol

oh god uncharted is so awesome, got that today. The graphics on that game are great.

imported_Chad Sexington

I grew up on console games and I still don't have any of the three... =/

I can't stand FPS games. (Ok, that's not true. The only two that I've really gotten into are Goldeneye and the original Halo.)

If I got a 360 right now I'd buy Oblivion. I'd get Eternal Sonata when it comes out.

If I got a Wii I'd get Mario and Zak & Wiki. Maybe Zelda. I bought Zelda for my DS. I beat it. It was pretty good.

If Square ever made a FF7 remake, I'd buy whatever console it was on. I haven't touched Final Fantasy since 8. Also waiting on DQ9 for the DS.

They need to hurry up and make Pikmin 3.

Actually, Sega needs to hurry up and make Monkey Target the game. I've probably put more drunken hours into the Monkey Target mini-game, that I did it all of the rest of Monkey Ball 2.


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i played oblivion and it was pretty good. there is one really annoying thing with mana though. as a mage you can get spells that require HUGE amounts of mana that you can never attain regularly. you have to cast weakness ot magic on yourself followed by fortify magic over and over. this gives you a giant mana pool so you can cast the spells but also takes the fun out of the game as everything dies in one spell



(Ok, that's not true. The only two that I've really gotten into are Goldeneye and the original Halo.)

[/ QUOTE ]

in all seriousness......Call of Duty 4 online is up there with goldeneye and Halo IMHO. Fast gameplay, fast rez, and insane graphics on a HDTV


Anyway... New Orleans &gt; All... Hand grenades, Tools concert, Strippers, and Drunkness. Can't ask for a better weekend.


COD4 reminds me alot of perfect dark (basically golden eye with new stuff and characters). Getting like xp and stuff, so fun :p


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i just got home for the beer fest. like 50 micro brewery's there with 2-4 beers each. so good, so drunk. time to go to the bar


:/ everyday i have work or school at 7am....so wish i could go out and drink alot more than i do now


I got work and/or class everyday too... Plus, I have a 7:30 class. Took this weekend off, it was well worth it. BTW who's comin' to Mardi Gras this year?


work from 630 -4. kids go to bed at 7 so me and my gf have a couple hours to have some beers together

charun I may be at mardi gras. not 100% yet. ill let you know


I usually get home at 9pm from work, then homework. So From 6:00-10:00 I'm busy. Keeps my outta' trouble though.


i wish i could make mardi gras at leat once, never been able to go, doubt i will next year either


guess what guess what!

I got in a fight with a 60yo man today at a supermarket. I pulled into a parking space that was being blocked by a shopping cart. I just put my hand out my car window to move the cart, but as i let it go it slowly went and bumped this dudes green truck.

he got out of the truck, and i was apoligizing because it honestly was an accident and NO damage on his car what so ever, but he grabs the cart without saying a word and throws it against my car leaving a little dent and some red paint scratched off from the cart.

i freaked out and started yelling at the guy for being so [censored] stupid and not accepting my apology on a complete accident

It was a heated conversation but when i started taking pictures of his face, my car, and his license plate and telling him to get me his insurance information he flipped on me and started grabbing at my cell phone and pushing me against my car.

Thats when i smacked his cellphone out of his hand and it broke on the ground.

So he goes over to my car and ditch kicks it, no real damage, but i take it as a sign to do a running karate kick against the tailgate of his car. And i left a good size dent and you could even see my shoe print in dirt lol.

So after i dent his [censored], he starts to try and throw punches but ive been in karate until i was 18 and training in brazilain jujitsu for almost 14 months now so i easily avoided his punch. He threw it so hard that he lost balance and fell flat on the ground, i could of kicked him in the face and knocked him out, or simply mounted him and thrown a mixture of fist and elbows to him but i didn't i just backed off.

He gets up and continues trying to get toe to toe with me, but i am like backing up and moving around cars telling bystanders who were watching entire time to call the cops cause this guy was attacking me.

So grocery store attendants run out and grab the guy who was still trying to come after me. and have us both wait for the cops to come.

Cops come, talk to both of us, and somehow since im the young guy and hes the old guy people said i was attacking him, which was kindof true, i knocked his cellphone out of his hand first, but he had laid hands on me and tried to grab my cellphone, but i had 2 misd's against me and 1 felony(for supposedly stopping him from calling 911 when i knocked the phone out of his hand)

But the cops could either taken us both in as victims and aggressors, or we could drop the charges and walk away. Obviously neither of us really wanted to get cuffed up right then so we both dropped charges and went our seperate ways.

In the end, i broke his phone, dented his tailgate, and made him look like a fool trying to fight someone 40 years his age and not landing a single blow out of the at least 5-10 punches he threw. i got minor scratch/paint damage from the shopping car but all and all it was a fun and exhilirating experience



guess what guess what!

I got in a fight with a 60yo man today at a supermarket. I pulled into a parking space that was being blocked by a shopping cart. I just put my hand out my car window to move the cart, but as i let it go it slowly went and bumped this dudes green truck.

he got out of the truck, and i was apoligizing because it honestly was an accident and NO damage on his car what so ever, but he grabs the cart without saying a word and throws it against my car leaving a little dent and some red paint scratched off from the cart.

i freaked out and started yelling at the guy for being so [censored] stupid and not accepting my apology on a complete accident

It was a heated conversation but when i started taking pictures of his face, my car, and his license plate and telling him to get me his insurance information he flipped on me and started grabbing at my cell phone and pushing me against my car.

Thats when i smacked his cellphone out of his hand and it broke on the ground.

So he goes over to my car and ditch kicks it, no real damage, but i take it as a sign to do a running karate kick against the tailgate of his car. And i left a good size dent and you could even see my shoe print in dirt lol.

So after i dent his [censored], he starts to try and throw punches but ive been in karate until i was 18 and training in brazilain jujitsu for almost 14 months now so i easily avoided his punch. He threw it so hard that he lost balance and fell flat on the ground, i could of kicked him in the face and knocked him out, or simply mounted him and thrown a mixture of fist and elbows to him but i didn't i just backed off.

He gets up and continues trying to get toe to toe with me, but i am like backing up and moving around cars telling bystanders who were watching entire time to call the cops cause this guy was attacking me.

So grocery store attendants run out and grab the guy who was still trying to come after me. and have us both wait for the cops to come.

Cops come, talk to both of us, and somehow since im the young guy and hes the old guy people said i was attacking him, which was kindof true, i knocked his cellphone out of his hand first, but he had laid hands on me and tried to grab my cellphone, but i had 2 misd's against me and 1 felony(for supposedly stopping him from calling 911 when i knocked the phone out of his hand)

But the cops could either taken us both in as victims and aggressors, or we could drop the charges and walk away. Obviously neither of us really wanted to get cuffed up right then so we both dropped charges and went our seperate ways.

In the end, i broke his phone, dented his tailgate, and made him look like a fool trying to fight someone 40 years his age and not landing a single blow out of the at least 5-10 punches he threw. i got minor scratch/paint damage from the shopping car but all and all it was a fun and exhilirating experience

[/ QUOTE ]

You know what i did today? Ate some pizza.


/agree... My friend brought me back a 3 liter bottle of Bacardi back from Mexico. It's quite nice.


i still cant move.i ate so damn much

but im going to do it all over again tomorrow morning


Cold turkey FTW... My Dad makes a killer fried turkey too. Miller Light = Nice too!


&lt;3 I miss you guys alot, i been thinkin about picking uo back up as soon as i get my own computer again, anywho miss u guys, twas thinkin bout ya'll TA!



bring a updated pimping UO2 and maybe ill play (with no trammys

[/ QUOTE ]

sure why not


UT3 gets in the mail finally. I put the disc in and get an error....doh Im still running my PC off Windows 2000 Professional lol.... I guess its finally time I upgraded to XP -.-''


Got Assassin's Creed... Pretty sweet. It's like a mix between Prince of Persia and Hitman. It's disappointingly easy as hell though.


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i want to pick that up and COD4. i was going to get them but i decided to wait till the semester is over so i actually study, lol


Yea, I had to pry myself away from it just a minute ago... Cookin' some Jambalaya and headin' to bed. Finals next week, stressin' me out.


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i have a speech, and my final 2 tests next monday. i think other than that i just have a paper due on friday and then finals start the 10th.


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the last test in my one class on monday is going to be very very hard. the final is only worth 10% so im not worried about that. im worried about that one test on monday and one of my finals.


assassins creed is WAY to easy, but damn it sure looks nice and is smooth to play.

COD4 is [censored] awesome, and hard too boot, the only thing that sucks it there is NO co-op mode so if you want to play 2 players then it has to be against each other.


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im kinda sad to hear that assassins creed is real easy. i was hoping i would be able to play it for awhile


You can kill a whole army holding down the Right trigger and tapping "x"... It's just soooooo cool when you assassinate someone.
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