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Powerscroll and pvp possible solutions?


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Allow VvV to work on all shards and let 105-115 drop from non fel champ spawn in VvV players backpack. The non VvV players, who still are protected of their Trammel ruleset, can't get higher than 105 scrolls and can't protect VvV players to get more scrolls.

The "off shards" would then be a good place for players to start doing PvP and VvV. It would also be good for Felucca as lots of the hate between Fel and Trammel players would go away, when VvV could PvP on all facets and non VvV players could watch the fights and hopeful see, Fel players are not pure Devils.

Adding VvV to non Fel facets would also open up for a lot RP as it would be easier for some Evil RP. Lets take a group like the old Shadow Clan ORC. Players was traveling to near the fort to interact with them. A non VvV could still take part in the RP and give some gold and cider, when the ORCs surrounded them yelling "GIB TRIBUT" and máybe some of them would take up the challenge and turn VvV on to test their PvP skills vs a RP group.

Same with Powerscrolls, going to Fel to get them are a big step, but try turn VvV on and try some tram based champ spawn on a "off shards" would feel less dangerous and scripted bots could still be killed and looted unless they was only going for 105 scrolls.
NO.. VvV has NO place in Trammel... Don't want anything to do with it or PvP... don't want hassles of VvV in Tram just want to get the same rewards for doing the same thing .... you have PvP in Fel we have Paragons in Trammel... that is our added risk vs reward give us the scrolls we deserve.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
NO.. VvV has NO place in Trammel... Don't want anything to do with it or PvP... don't want hassles of VvV in Tram just want to get the same rewards for doing the same thing .... you have PvP in Fel we have Paragons in Trammel... that is our added risk vs reward give us the scrolls we deserve.
OK, how about they add scrolls to the Ilsh spawns but make the entire spawn paragons, including the champ?

Would make farming them a little harder and soloing them a bit of a challenge.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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OK, how about they add scrolls to the Ilsh spawns but make the entire spawn paragons, including the champ?

Would make farming them a little harder and soloing them a bit of a challenge.
Now you are just being ridiculous... I can make silly suggestions too... Why don't we just make a new Fel we'll use the Old map of the Alternate Moonglow... This way you won't have any trouble finding someone else to PvP... Once you go red you can't escape there... No need for housing or anything... it's PvP all the time everywhere... no guards...


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I wasnt being ridiculous, no more ridiculous than claiming a few paragons somehow constitutes a risk meaning you "deserve" scrolls, I dont think you can compare those to the risk presented by these mythical legions of PvP mafia that control the champs in Fel that you all think exist.

Paragons are comparable to the stam blocking you experience in Fel which in heavy spawn can trap you in the middle of a bunch of monsters if you miss a few shots in succession or get very unlucky with hit area RNG.

This thread was for solutions to this issue, Ive offered two, my previous one of pet only scrolls in UO store was ignored, you arent interested in discussing solutions beyond stamping feet and demanding PS at the Tram spawns which you apparently "deserve" somehow, and would badly impact many Fel players playstyle which is every bit as legitimate as yours.


Stratics Legend
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That's on your shard... I guarantee on mine they do care... I am up most all night they have been VERY active on my shard since the publish came out and continue to be...

And it's ALWAYS Been that way on my shard... if you do one or two spawns thats fine once in a blue moon but any more than that and it's like a bunch of starved vultures circling for the next 2 months or more ... hungry to feed and looking for easy prey...
Which spawn have you gone to? What time? How many days? How recently? Are you sure you aren't over estimating the opposition you are likely to find?

Finley Grant

Grand Inquisitor
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I am not a PvPer and I have done plenty of champ spawns in the past couple of years solo or with my wife. More times than not, we were able to run them for a couple of hours before anyone showed up. When we were raided, we almost killed one person before having to high tail it out. I am not uber by any means and was playing on a PvM sampire, no pvp skills or gear. It was fun worrying about raiding and was quite a thrill being raided, but since the champ was about to spawn, kind of sucked too.

I believe that they need to stay how they are now but they really need to make them shard bound. I have a tough time finding them on vendors if I don't have them myself. I am working an old and long forgotten character on Cats and tried to find power scrolls for magery and myst skills. I found 2 over priced 110 scrolls for med and focus and one a bit high 120 magery scroll. I looked for other scrolls and there was almost nothing. Get a group of friends and try doing them together. To be honest, I don't think there are enough PvPers left on shards outside of Atlantic to do much. I think a group of PvM blues could stand a decent chance against many of the small PvP groups left scattered on the small shards outside of Atlantic. Unfortunately I think most power scrolls go to Atlantic anymore. :(

Shard bound is the worst idea ever.

If you really think you then will find them for Sale for cheap on your dead shard you are mistaken. I'd rather trow them in trash or just a PS book to keep them in case I need one than putting them in a vendor for a fraction of the price.

DreadLord Lestat

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Shard bound is the worst idea ever.

If you really think you then will find them for Sale for cheap on your dead shard you are mistaken. I'd rather trow them in trash or just a PS book to keep them in case I need one than putting them in a vendor for a fraction of the price.
Maybe they would or maybe they wouldn't but at least they wouldn't all be on Atlantic like everything else. Good to know you would rather keep or trash them instead of selling them for less, positive community outreach there! I don't think they should go to Tram because I am worried about scripting and bots but that is the exact reason so many want them in Tram. The fact that you would rather trash or keep them because you don't want to sell them cheaper, and people wonder why we are losing players and not gaining any. It truly is a sad state of affairs that cheating and greed are killing this game.


Crazed Zealot
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NO.. VvV has NO place in Trammel... Don't want anything to do with it or PvP... don't want hassles of VvV in Tram just want to get the same rewards for doing the same thing .... you have PvP in Fel we have Paragons in Trammel... that is our added risk vs reward give us the scrolls we deserve.
You realize you have to opt into VVV to participate right?

You seem to have a gross misunderstanding on how things really work.

I doubt this would include doing the cities.


Stratics Veteran
Everyone has access to 100% of the game!!!!! These people choose not to do that part of the game, and insist on crying about what they aren't getting by not doing it. Its completely childish and pathetic on level that's no different then a kid who's mom wont buy him a candy bar he wants at 7-11. Its a video game people, if you go try and do get killed so what. If you go and live and get scrolls you'll be excited you completed something dangerous. Stop with the nonsense already. Talking to you trammel people is like this--:wall::wall::wall:
I think is pretty childish to generalize like you did. Not all Trammel residents think as you and others portray them to think. While scripting doesn't **seem** to affect my game too much I think the scrolls should stay as they are because the scripters would have far too much area to farm in. The "carebear" voices you hear are a minority ... honest.

Picus at the office

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Stratics Legend
Of all the ideas in this thread shard bound is far from the worst. It would cut down on the flight to ATL and, could, cut down on the dead shard farming but I'm not sure what upside it could provide.

I would be surprised if it would help the shard economy at all and, could, harm it further. It seems hard to believe that you would see a influx of additional players as the risk of a lost spawn is low currently and, I think, you would just see the same few people farming scrolls anyways. The discount to ATL prices would increase I suspect and sales would drop most likely without the easy flip to the shard traders.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You do understand why powerscrolls were introduced into Fel right?
Yes, I do. It was the misguided attempt to revive declining non-consensual PvP because trammel was introduced.

There are 3 reasons, I regularly visit Fel:
1. Luck bonus.
2. Double resources.
3. Champ spawns.
PvP definitely is not a reason I go there. And just because I go to Fel doesn't mean I give my consent to being attacked. There's just nothing I can do about that. Wanna know, what I do, when I get attacked? I stop right there and wait. I don't have any PvP template, nor any PvP equip, nor do I carry any consumables. And first and foremost I don't have any experience with it. So why delay the inevitable. Wait for the kill and get back to your corpse. Ideally the "nice guys" are gone and don't rez-kill you.

Open-World PvP is just a trainwreck. Is there any game out on the market, where that concept actually works? (I honestly don't know, because I never was looking for such a game.)

You seem to be vocal pro-PvP. So maybe you can answer this question:
Why does the average PvP player in UO always ask for that non-consensual world-PvP crap, where you can gank others, prey on the weak or unprepared, smacktalk people into oblivion on gen chat or run half across the continent if you try to get away?
Why does noone ever ask for instanced PvP, where both parties of a same size are prepared and determined to actually fight each other? Where there would be even ground for both sides, ideally where no communication between the two sides would be possible?

You don't really have to answer that. I guess it is more of a rethorical question...

Picus at the office

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And just because I go to Fel doesn't mean I give my consent to being attacked.

Why does the average PvP player in UO always ask for that non-consensual world-PvP crap, where you can gank others, prey on the weak or unprepared, smacktalk people into oblivion on gen chat or run half across the continent if you try to get away?
Uh, yes you did when you go through that red gate and you clicked "this is a PvP area".

No pvp player wants to "prey on the weak", if you are in Fel playing the game there is a reasonable expectation that you are capable of defending yourself and to imply that you are not is a excuse. If you are unprepared then that is your fault to which I should be able to take advantage of you wishing to play unprepared, just keep planning to lose and I will keep planning to win. Gen chat is for looser's who either want to smack talk or are unable leave the channel, not my fault(on ATL I'm not in channel and never deal with whiners). If you wish to run half way across the continent that is your choice, I am not sure if you are the runner or the chaser but I think you are stretching the truth a little here.

There is instanced PvP and it is called Yew gate, anyone that show's there is fully understanding what the game is all about.

Non-consensual PvP is a hallmark of this game and one of the last true through backs to the early days, stop trying to change a very small aspect of the game which makes this game truly unique in the world of MMORPG's. Why wouldn't you want to keep this amazing side aspect?
Last edited:


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Patron
Yes, I do. It was the misguided attempt to revive declining non-consensual PvP because trammel was introduced.

There are 3 reasons, I regularly visit Fel:
1. Luck bonus.
2. Double resources.
3. Champ spawns.
PvP definitely is not a reason I go there. And just because I go to Fel doesn't mean I give my consent to being attacked. There's just nothing I can do about that. Wanna know, what I do, when I get attacked? I stop right there and wait. I don't have any PvP template, nor any PvP equip, nor do I carry any consumables. And first and foremost I don't have any experience with it. So why delay the inevitable. Wait for the kill and get back to your corpse. Ideally the "nice guys" are gone and don't rez-kill you.

Open-World PvP is just a trainwreck. Is there any game out on the market, where that concept actually works? (I honestly don't know, because I never was looking for such a game.)

You seem to be vocal pro-PvP. So maybe you can answer this question:
Why does the average PvP player in UO always ask for that non-consensual world-PvP crap, where you can gank others, prey on the weak or unprepared, smacktalk people into oblivion on gen chat or run half across the continent if you try to get away?
Why does noone ever ask for instanced PvP, where both parties of a same size are prepared and determined to actually fight each other? Where there would be even ground for both sides, ideally where no communication between the two sides would be possible?

You don't really have to answer that. I guess it is more of a rethorical question...
Fiery ice was very successful with introducing powerscrolls to champ spawns. It provoked pvp and made champs useful. No one wanted to grind for a mere title.

If you regularly attend champ spawns in Fel, why is this even up for discussion?

The rest is a gross generalization.

When I go to champ spawns with the intention of pvp, if I run into a pvm char I just offer protection. They get 6 scrolls and so do I.

If they're from the pvp crowd, we do exactly that.

As far as instanced pvp at this point is mainly due to lack of PVPers and balancing.

Too add, you forget they did add the arenas which are used regularly but fighting the same people over and over is fun only for so long.

Fire Warrior

Sorry but that is:

Uh believe it or not, there is a difference between PVPer's and griefers and PK's. PVP has gotten 'combined' into a single group which is part of the problem. Why would someone such as you perpetuate this lie? Hmm maybe its because you arn't any good at it? Look in every game where people can be anonymus there will always be 'griefers'.

Personally I don't really like bad pvpers who were wanna be pks either. I actually had fun killing them back in the day - after which they got really mad (proving they wern't real PVPers...).

People like yourself pretend these differences do not exist. Also, sometimes when I was PVPing a while ago, I would get in the mood to kill someone / anyone because I was honestly bored.

So I did. That said I didn't do it alot because it wasn't that fun. It was not a challenge or interesting. The only people who get off on murdering some poor PVMer - are not very good PVPer's typically. Even if they do - its probably due to taking your power scrolls - if you have any.

Alot of you people have no idea what hard is. In the early days of UO you would run around NAKED and try to loot corpses and if you walked back to the bank with a 3k in gold that was a good day.

Not that you have to live up to that but I am just saying you guys whine about SILLY stuff. Genuine honest criticism I have no problem with, but your 'throw junk against the wall' mentality leaves most PVP types with a sour taste in our mouths. What is your response going to be 'how does it feel?' Gimme a break, give all of us a break and think before you post. Message board Warrioring isn't worth much - maybe try a little harder when you post. Ironically your post reminds me of the same nonsense I'd see from wannabe PK's who always got destroyed when they went up against anyone really good and then blamed someone else. I know its a bit different now with the different issues in PVP etc - fine, but your attitude still stinks IMO.

Picus at the office

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sorry but that is:

I understand your want of drama and lack of thoughtful input to much of any discussion at all but I'll fall for the trolling and ask how this is BS?

Why would I, or anyone eles, want to "prey on the weak"?

This is nothing more than an assumption with no evidence to back up your thoughts, pure looser talk and not much else.


Crazed Zealot
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I understand your want of drama and lack of thoughtful input to much of any discussion at all but I'll fall for the trolling and ask how this is BS?

Why would I, or anyone eles, want to "prey on the weak"?

This is nothing more than an assumption with no evidence to back up your thoughts, pure looser talk and not much else.
DrAJ reminds me of a kid holding his breathe until he gets what he wants, along with ShriNayne, Malagaste, and HoneythornGump.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend

Shard bound is the worst idea ever.

If you really think you then will find them for Sale for cheap on your dead shard you are mistaken. I'd rather trow them in trash or just a PS book to keep them in case I need one than putting them in a vendor for a fraction of the price.
Shard bound is the best idea ever. Because it would stop the ZERGs from farming on our shards to supply Atlantic demand. Would stop a lot of the duping and would concentrate the PvP action on a couple of shards and really give the PvPrs what they say they want. It is after all....... All about the PvP and getting more people into the fight........... right? or is that just a straw argument??


Babbling Loonie
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I would like to cordially escort @ShriNayne , @MalagAste , @TheDrAJ , @HoneythornGump and anyone else who is outraged about the current state of the power scroll "situation" on a hunt to go farm some. I only ask that you PM me or ICQ me at your convenience and we can set up a time and location to do this. I have characters on 80% of shards (just not asian) and I will provide escort service for no additional fee and whatever scrolls you get, you get. My hope is to:
  1. Debunk your belief that felucca is a bad place filled with bad people. :smooch:
  2. Earn you a couple free 120s :thumbsup:
  3. End these tireless threads of repetitious arguments :bdh:
  4. Maybe get raided and teach you some basics of teamwork and spawn defense :sword:
  5. Show you that you do actually have access to 100% of the games content!!! :wall:
Because the undeniable truth is that it won't change guys...

See you in FEL :party:

I'll wait for your messages!


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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You realize you have to opt into VVV to participate right?

You seem to have a gross misunderstanding on how things really work.

I doubt this would include doing the cities.
No you don't ...... You can be standing next to someone helping them do whatever... they are completely blue to you.... but they are poisoned so you opt to heal them.... and yep now you are in VvV... but you didn't want to be... you didn't opt into it... Oh their pet is dead Oh I'll rez that for you..... oh.. now you are in VvV again..... great... No there is NO opting OUT... there is no knowing who's in.... so you are in the middle of and EM Event and trying to help people (which healing others gives you points towards the boss and drop) ....... Well imagine how THAT is going to work!?!?

NO I don't want that crap in Trammel... EVER. If it worked like the old ways and you COULDN'T heal them and they were sol until they found someone else in VvV with them... maybe... but No that's not how it works... and NO I don't want that... since there is ZERO way of telling if someone is or isn't VvV... And even less way of knowing if their pet is...


Stratics Veteran
OK, how about they add scrolls to the Ilsh spawns but make the entire spawn paragons, including the champ?

Would make farming them a little harder and soloing them a bit of a challenge.
Not a bad idea. If scrolls were to be added to Tram, they should have an extra challenge added to make up for the loss of risk of doing it in fel. The champs themselves should also be paragon versions


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
and on my shard if you even visit a VvV town during an event or sail by in a boat you turn orange.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
and on my shard if you even visit a VvV town during an event or sail by in a boat you turn orange.
Which is how it works on every shard. Congrats, Siege isn't special.

No you don't ...... You can be standing next to someone helping them do whatever... they are completely blue to you.... but they are poisoned so you opt to heal them.... and yep now you are in VvV... but you didn't want to be... you didn't opt into it... Oh their pet is dead Oh I'll rez that for you..... oh.. now you are in VvV again..... great... No there is NO opting OUT... there is no knowing who's in.... so you are in the middle of and EM Event and trying to help people (which healing others gives you points towards the boss and drop) ....... Well imagine how THAT is going to work!?!?

NO I don't want that crap in Trammel... EVER. If it worked like the old ways and you COULDN'T heal them and they were sol until they found someone else in VvV with them... maybe... but No that's not how it works... and NO I don't want that... since there is ZERO way of telling if someone is or isn't VvV... And even less way of knowing if their pet is...
If you voluntarily heal someone IN FEL who's in vvv, I'd think you kinda know what you're getting into. As a general rule, it'd be faster to assume someone is vvv, unless it's obviously a pvm character. Granted, there are some people who put tamers and sampires in vvv for the artifacts, but I'd guess they're a rarity...and it's not like 5 minutes of stat loss actually matters if you never pvp.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
except we don't have Tram or insurance or VvV artifacts


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Which is how it works on every shard. Congrats, Siege isn't special.

If you voluntarily heal someone IN FEL who's in vvv, I'd think you kinda know what you're getting into. As a general rule, it'd be faster to assume someone is vvv, unless it's obviously a pvm character. Granted, there are some people who put tamers and sampires in vvv for the artifacts, but I'd guess they're a rarity...and it's not like 5 minutes of stat loss actually matters if you never pvp.
My comments were directed at someone else for once again suggesting that we have VvV everywhere again... which IMO is a NO... I'm 100% against it... if there isn't a hard wired opt out then I am 100% against it EVER being everywhere...

Edit: And to add to that I know the kind of people on my shard and if there is some way to exploit getting people ganked and killed they will find it and be using it...


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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No you don't ...... You can be standing next to someone helping them do whatever... they are completely blue to you.... but they are poisoned so you opt to heal them.... and yep now you are in VvV... but you didn't want to be... you didn't opt into it... Oh their pet is dead Oh I'll rez that for you..... oh.. now you are in VvV again..... great... No there is NO opting OUT... there is no knowing who's in.... so you are in the middle of and EM Event and trying to help people (which healing others gives you points towards the boss and drop) ....... Well imagine how THAT is going to work!?!?

NO I don't want that crap in Trammel... EVER. If it worked like the old ways and you COULDN'T heal them and they were sol until they found someone else in VvV with them... maybe... but No that's not how it works... and NO I don't want that... since there is ZERO way of telling if someone is or isn't VvV... And even less way of knowing if their pet is...
Except for the big VVV tags on them....

Again, no clue what you're talking about.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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My comments were directed at someone else for once again suggesting that we have VvV everywhere again... which IMO is a NO... I'm 100% against it... if there isn't a hard wired opt out then I am 100% against it EVER being everywhere...

Edit: And to add to that I know the kind of people on my shard and if there is some way to exploit getting people ganked and killed they will find it and be using it...
Lol, Great Lakes? Again?

Clearly they're not going to add VVV to tram, they can't even get the Fel one to work right. Even if they did there would probably be exclusions / inclusions given the facet.

It helps to gather information before coming to a conclusion.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Except for the big VVV tags on them....

Again, no clue what you're talking about.
If you aren't IN VvV you don't see the tags... You don't get the warnings... you get nothing... You are the one without a clue of which you speak.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
On a very serious note, and to get to the nuts and bolts of this issue. As a result of this ongoing thread I decided to start doing a vendor search on various 120 Powerscroll prices. To check out the current market...

I cannot believe the current prices. I mean this is absolutely crazy...

So much so that I am going to cash out my scrolls. The prices on scrolls are 5-6 times what I paid about 12 months ago.

I have about 7-8 each of the 120 of following scrolls: Parry (30M), Tactics (40-50M), Anatomy (24M), Wrestling (20M), Focus (20M)

So I will net roughly:

Parry 240M
Tactics 280-350M
Anatomy 196M
Wrestling 160M
Focus 160M

Scrolls that 12 months ago cost me somewhere in the neighborhood of 150-200M will gross just around 1 Billion today after I liquidate all my scrolls (which I plan on


So I am going to net about 800M thanks to this nonsense of sky high prices (which I will take full advantage of). To date sold 100M via 4 scrolls...

Should I thanks Mesanna for the 800M gold profit I'm going to make, or should I continue to advocate how much BS this is, and how it's wrong on so many levels that

players have a monopoloy on this resource, as well as the injustice to those players who have to pay through the nose to get scrolls these days?

Quite a bizarre arrangement giving a small minority of players a monopoly over such a lucrative resource in game don't ya'll think?


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Imagine being a returning player thinking you got it made with 100M in the bank and looking at those prices...

Make you want to close them back down and say forget it!

Or just imagine being the average player and having maybe 50 Mill looking at prices like that getting raided all the time and think about trying to get scrolls... you just want to quit.

Oh but wait that's right I can farm them all I want because there isn't anyone in Fel PvPing... and all that talk in Gen Chat is what??? Wishful thinking???

Great DC

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
On a very serious note, and to get to the nuts and bolts of this issue. As a result of this ongoing thread I decided to start doing a vendor search on various 120 Powerscroll prices. To check out the current market...

I cannot believe the current prices. I mean this is absolutely crazy...

So much so that I am going to cash out my scrolls. The prices on scrolls are 5-6 times what I paid about 12 months ago.

I have about 7-8 each of the 120 of following scrolls: Parry (30M), Tactics (40-50M), Anatomy (24M), Wrestling (20M), Focus (20M)

So I will net roughly:

Parry 240M
Tactics 280-350M
Anatomy 196M
Wrestling 160M
Focus 160M

Scrolls that 12 months ago cost me somewhere in the neighborhood of 150-200M will gross just around 1 Billion today after I liquidate all my scrolls (which I plan on


So I am going to net about 800M thanks to this nonsense of sky high prices (which I will take full advantage of). To date sold 100M via 4 scrolls...

Should I thanks Mesanna for the 800M gold profit I'm going to make, or should I continue to advocate how much BS this is, and how it's wrong on so many levels that

players have a monopoloy on this resource, as well as the injustice to those players who have to pay through the nose to get scrolls these days?

Quite a bizarre arrangement giving a small minority of players a monopoly over such a lucrative resource in game don't ya'll think?
How did you get so many scrolls without going to felucca? This is mindboggling to me. LOL
Bout time you realized its better to sell them, then take your billion gold and make all your chars better and farm some more. Its that easy.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
On a very serious note, and to get to the nuts and bolts of this issue. As a result of this ongoing thread I decided to start doing a vendor search on various 120 Powerscroll prices. To check out the current market...

I cannot believe the current prices. I mean this is absolutely crazy...

So much so that I am going to cash out my scrolls. The prices on scrolls are 5-6 times what I paid about 12 months ago.

I have about 7-8 each of the 120 of following scrolls: Parry (30M), Tactics (40-50M), Anatomy (24M), Wrestling (20M), Focus (20M)

So I will net roughly:

Parry 240M
Tactics 280-350M
Anatomy 196M
Wrestling 160M
Focus 160M

Scrolls that 12 months ago cost me somewhere in the neighborhood of 150-200M will gross just around 1 Billion today after I liquidate all my scrolls (which I plan on


So I am going to net about 800M thanks to this nonsense of sky high prices (which I will take full advantage of). To date sold 100M via 4 scrolls...

Should I thanks Mesanna for the 800M gold profit I'm going to make, or should I continue to advocate how much BS this is, and how it's wrong on so many levels that

players have a monopoloy on this resource, as well as the injustice to those players who have to pay through the nose to get scrolls these days?

Quite a bizarre arrangement giving a small minority of players a monopoly over such a lucrative resource in game don't ya'll think?
Are you insane! Make a tamer and feed them to your pets! What's gold gonna kill?

Picus of Napa

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm sure a few people posting in here will either send you a pm, be spawning or not making that uber pet.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
On a very serious note, and to get to the nuts and bolts of this issue. As a result of this ongoing thread I decided to start doing a vendor search on various 120 Powerscroll prices. To check out the current market...

I cannot believe the current prices. I mean this is absolutely crazy...

So much so that I am going to cash out my scrolls. The prices on scrolls are 5-6 times what I paid about 12 months ago.

I have about 7-8 each of the 120 of following scrolls: Parry (30M), Tactics (40-50M), Anatomy (24M), Wrestling (20M), Focus (20M)

So I will net roughly:

Parry 240M
Tactics 280-350M
Anatomy 196M
Wrestling 160M
Focus 160M

Scrolls that 12 months ago cost me somewhere in the neighborhood of 150-200M will gross just around 1 Billion today after I liquidate all my scrolls (which I plan on


So I am going to net about 800M thanks to this nonsense of sky high prices (which I will take full advantage of). To date sold 100M via 4 scrolls...

Should I thanks Mesanna for the 800M gold profit I'm going to make, or should I continue to advocate how much BS this is, and how it's wrong on so many levels that

players have a monopoloy on this resource, as well as the injustice to those players who have to pay through the nose to get scrolls these days?

Quite a bizarre arrangement giving a small minority of players a monopoly over such a lucrative resource in game don't ya'll think?
But I thought you never went to Fel. How did you get those scrolls, hm?

And what players have a monopoly on scrolls now? I mean, if there WERE an actual monopoly, posts like this one (which you conveniently ignored) wouldn't be able to happen:

And what, exactly, is stopping you from DOING SPAWNS IN FEL? For the love of god, I HAVE DONE HARROWERS (with a few other people) and nobody showed up. Once we got it set up, we were done in maybe 20-25 minutes. If you can get a Harrower done and not have it raided, you can literally do ANY Fel Spawn. So let's hear the excuses.
Your scroll collection aside, what is stopping you from going to Fel and doing spawns of your own? Same question for people like @MalagAste. If you want them/need them, and don't have the gold now thanks to the ridiculous prices from the pet revamp, you can find some random t2a spawn (that isn't Oaks) and run a marathon. I've offered this before, but if you want the templates to speedrun them, all you have to do is ask. The suits won't even cost that much since you can just use imbued gear.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
And here comes the truth folks...it's all about money, and maintaining a monopoly.

Pure greed ladies and gentlemen.

Time to end the Prohibition of Powerscrolls, and legalize them in Trammel. Take them out of the hands of the criminals and sociopaths...

I have about 7-8 each of the 120 of following scrolls: Parry (30M), Tactics (40-50M), Anatomy (24M), Wrestling (20M), Focus (20M)

So I will net roughly:

Parry 240M
Tactics 280-350M
Anatomy 196M
Wrestling 160M
Focus 160M

Scrolls that 12 months ago cost me somewhere in the neighborhood of 150-200M will gross just around 1 Billion today after I liquidate all my scrolls (which I plan on doing).


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
If you aren't IN VvV you don't see the tags... You don't get the warnings... you get nothing... You are the one without a clue of which you speak.
Do me a favor and step into Fel and find a VVV player.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
On a very serious note, and to get to the nuts and bolts of this issue. As a result of this ongoing thread I decided to start doing a vendor search on various 120 Powerscroll prices. To check out the current market...

I cannot believe the current prices. I mean this is absolutely crazy...

So much so that I am going to cash out my scrolls. The prices on scrolls are 5-6 times what I paid about 12 months ago.

I have about 7-8 each of the 120 of following scrolls: Parry (30M), Tactics (40-50M), Anatomy (24M), Wrestling (20M), Focus (20M)

So I will net roughly:

Parry 240M
Tactics 280-350M
Anatomy 196M
Wrestling 160M
Focus 160M

Scrolls that 12 months ago cost me somewhere in the neighborhood of 150-200M will gross just around 1 Billion today after I liquidate all my scrolls (which I plan on


So I am going to net about 800M thanks to this nonsense of sky high prices (which I will take full advantage of). To date sold 100M via 4 scrolls...

Should I thanks Mesanna for the 800M gold profit I'm going to make, or should I continue to advocate how much BS this is, and how it's wrong on so many levels that

players have a monopoloy on this resource, as well as the injustice to those players who have to pay through the nose to get scrolls these days?

Quite a bizarre arrangement giving a small minority of players a monopoly over such a lucrative resource in game don't ya'll think?
The irony of this post.

You clearly don't seem to be having issues getting powerscrolls.

/end thread


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
@Mesanna You realize by allowing the scrolls to be controlled by such a small percentage of players it will push many players to use 3rd party sites to purchase them for rmt... Will a player spend half a billion in gold or 12 bucks rmt? Some kind of compromise really needs to be made here.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Did everyone just ignore @jopromol and his offer of showing you how to get scrolls for free? I would take him up on that, it seems like a good deal.
Without knowing for sure, I would guess, yes, no one took him up on it. These people have already decided they aren't going to make the effort, or they already do, and know it's perfectly possible to get your own scrolls, and just want it to be easier.


Stratics Veteran
Without knowing for sure, I would guess, yes, no one took him up on it. These people have already decided they aren't going to make the effort, or they already do, and know it's perfectly possible to get your own scrolls, and just want it to be easier.
Obviously he is a stereotypical fel player and is just trying to lure them into fel to do a champion spawn for him when he will turn around and slaughter everyone the second the champ spawn's and keep all the loot for himself. He never clearly cannot be an honest person because felucca = scammers, thieves, hackers, scripters and cheaters.

Stinky Pete

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Obviously he is a stereotypical fel player and is just trying to lure them into fel to do a champion spawn for him when he will turn around and slaughter everyone the second the champ spawn's and keep all the loot for himself. He never clearly cannot be an honest person because felucca = scammers, thieves, hackers, scripters and cheaters.
I also offered to help them if they want to make a thief on Atlantic. To be fair... I might steal from them so I can see why they wouldn't take me up on that. I just can't help myself!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Actually I assumed he was joking. His offer is very kind but my mother warned me about going to unfamiliar places with strange men... :p
Seriously though, the only time I ever go to Champ spawns is on guild hunts. I don't ever do them for fun, just to help out.

Picus at the office

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So I am going to net about 800M thanks to this nonsense of sky high prices (which I will take full advantage of). To date sold 100M via 4 scrolls...
Good for you but I fail to see the issue. Clearly there is a market looking for your product and you are filling the need, what's the beef again?
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