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Powerscroll and pvp possible solutions?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I thought Messana said at a M&G that they were thinking of making the PS shard bound, that was months ago, did they just decide not to and not bother to mention it, or what?


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The PS and stat(which no one is complaining about as no use for pets) champ spawns have been in Fel for many years and there has not been constant complaints about this, this recent fuss is because tamers with multiple pets who will accept nothing less than 120s in skills on several pets are having issues obtaining enough scrolls,
Funny thing is that 115 is going to be like 95% as good as 120 in most cases anyway. I personally just scroll my pets up to 115 or 110 in a pinch, and leave points left over to upgrade to 120 whenever I get the scrolls. The pets are perfectly viable without perfect stats.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So there's no problem I guess. :D
I can farm scrolls all day long on Siege and never see another person 99% of the time once in a blue moon I run across a group of GIL doing a spawn and just remain hidden until they are done or check back later. Even more rare to see LB or any of the other vice guilds over the last couple of years heading into a spawn. Used to see the BO pretty regularly but don't even see him spawning much anymore.

Prodo is a much different story some shard you have pretty much zero chance of getting raided other shards you are going to get raided 99% of the time. Doing despise is almost a guaranteed raid on any shard.

I agree that the high prices are tough but this is always the way with a massive demand and a short supply, even before this revamp if I wanted a 120 tactics for a char on europa Id often find none available at all for weeks, value is in the eye of the beholder though isnt it, I wont pay 40 mil for one, if no one else would the price would come down as thats some big vendor fees isnt it, but the fact is someone will pay it so thats that.
Massive demand yes, short supply NO I asked one of the Seller sites if they could deliver 100 wrestle 100 anats, 100 tactics, 100 parry, 100 med and 100 focus. Reply was "Sure but we will need 24 hours to make them" and they shot me a price of $2,800 but since I wanted so many they would give me a 20% discount. No I had no intention of actually buying them was just curious as to how short the supply really is, turns out there is a infinite supply :) Also pretty much explains why the few scrolls I have bought over the last few weeks won't go into the scroll books and are dupes. Also not a problem on Siege.

ridiculous claims of mafias
Not really as ridiculous as you are claiming. More than a few posted how proud they are to be in guilds that control the champs and scrolls. Up until about a week ago......... Guessing someone told them it was a bad idea to post things like that :)

I and many others have told you that we do champs regularly
So you and many other do Champs regularly but you never see anyone else.............. Perhaps on Siege and at the off time when there are maybe 5 people online total.

No, what we have here is a collective dellusion held by people who dont even set foot in Fel, who all think the moment they do they will be set upon by gangs of evil PKs, it simply is not the case.
I spend 90% of my time in fel and you are correct you won't see a PK in most places. Except the champ spawns, yew gate, and which ever VvV town is active. Unless you count all of the script farmers and resource bots that you usually can't get to before they recall away over land or just eat the death in a dungeon. Also plenty of people scripting the spawns on one acct and defending the spawn from raids on a second client and supporting the bot acct when there aren't raids.

I like Tangles but Ive never done Navrey, dont even know where it is, never done the roof, never set foot in Doom, these arent things I want to do so I buy the items from people that do.
ANd you have the option to do those things unmolested. The same can't be said for power and stat scrolls.

The PS and stat(which no one is complaining about as no use for pets) champ spawns have been in Fel for many years and there has not been constant complaints about this
Not true at all this issue has came up fairly regularly over the years.

Stinky Pete

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
These claims of greed are funny too, like you really NEED those 120s to scroll up your 9th pet, what about my friend the thief a few posts back, what he enjoys most in the game is running the risk of stealing at Fel champs, and you wish to spoil his and other Fel players playstyle choice for something which has next to no effect on yours.
This is why power scrolls in Trammel will never happen. It will kill the common thief and thankfully, Messana has always had a soft spot for them. I would too in her position, the thief is one of the most unique and well-done systems UO has to offer.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Powerscrolls need to remain Fel only otherwise they will be farmed by scripted bots 24/7, especially on off-shards. The one thing keeping the supply/demand balance in check is death, ie: chance of dying by participating in champ spawns, it's quite difficult to "bot farm" something around an active PvP area.
We keep hearing how there is no chokehold and this player or that player regularly chains spawns for half a day without seeing someone. If that's the case, there seems to be little to stop scripters in Fel.
You can't have it both ways. Either Fel spawns are locked down by select few which would need to be fixed, or they are freely accessible in which case adding them to Tram will not have any negative effects. So which is it?


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
We keep hearing how there is no chokehold and this player or that player regularly chains spawns for half a day without seeing someone. If that's the case, there seems to be little to stop scripters in Fel.
You can't have it both ways. Either Fel spawns are locked down by select few which would need to be fixed, or they are freely accessible in which case adding them to Tram will not have any negative effects. So which is it?
Scripters are not uncommon on Siege, possibly because stuff there is worth more in real money.

I dont know how long they manage to get away with it before they are noticed but once someone spots them and establishes its a scripter, word goes out about who it is and where, and people will make a point of checking the location on a regular basis and killing that char till the person no longer appears there.
Its not perfect but its a more satisfactory solution than paging repeatedly and seething about it as you watch it happening.

In the case of champ spawns, depending on the shard and time of day, the scripter could get away with it for a while, but I imagine once its noticed and word is passed around, that area would be frequently checked and the scripter repeatedly killed to the point its unprofitable.

So no, Fel spawns are not locked down, but I imagine if you farmed the very same place at the very same time for extended periods, you would draw attention, so you want to throw a few zigs and zags in there :)


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Glad to know I am a PvPer now. Its awesome especially since I don't have a character set for it, don't have billion gold suits, have no kills, and am being accused of it by people that don't even play my shard. Ozog was a good friend of mine, he kept me in the game long after I was ready to leave. His passing really made me lose even more interest in the game. I am so glad you know me so well. It really amazes me how people can get so worked up over things that they can make accusations about people that they do not even know. It is a game, if they move power scrolls to Tram I will be fine, if they keep them in Fel, I will be fine. Will you? I primarily play a tamer and a tamer/t-hunter. I have a sampire and abc archer that I use from time to time. Why don't you look up my posting history or come to the Chessy forums and look at the PvP thread and all of the other threads and see who I am before you make wild accusations.
We use many generalities on the boards.
The people who think the scrolls should stay in Fel use the PvP will die defense. And scripters will take over.

While the people who want to play the game without being harassed want to play all parts of the game also.

Hail Fellow Trammy, I hope you can continue to log in once in a while. The pet revamp is quite fun.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Why is it players that play in Trammel to this day complain about the 10 percent of the game they don't like? Trammel came out and instantly the playerbase was split and isolated in half(housing). 17 years later and just about every publish/expansion has catered to the Trammel player. Despite this there is still a devoted group of players that play mainly in Fel 17 years later. No its not as many people as are Trammys but it is a decent number of people and paying people at that. Yes people do still have thieves, people DO like to pk people and no, most pks and thieves don't discriminate. Itll never be old time UO but its as close as we have. Just because people like to rob and or kill other players(reguardless of whether they are pvpers or trammys) does not make them bleeps or psychopaths etc.

Most people left in Fel tend to have at least a few like minded people they run with for pvp, spawning etc. Its a very multiplayer like relationship. We tend to make sure our group is equipped and work together. We often work together to make our characters better at spawning, pvping, pking, defending, pvming and just about anything else.We like the variable of having other players that effect our outcomes whether positively or negatively. NOT ONE SINGLE PLAYER IN UO IS FORCED TO GO TO FEL. All this crying about it by Trammies is extremely selfish. Go to Fel and have an uncertain outcome at spawns, buy your scrolls which right now are a bit inflated because everyone wants them but no one wants to work for them, or go without. The choice is yours. Trammies are crying mine, mine, mine, mine. Get real people, there are other people in this game, many of which enjoy a different aspect of the game than you do.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Why is it players that play in Trammel to this day complain about the 10 percent of the game they don't like? Trammel came out and instantly the playerbase was split and isolated in half(housing). 17 years later and just about every publish/expansion has catered to the Trammel player. Despite this there is still a devoted group of players that play mainly in Fel 17 years later. No its not as many people as are Trammys but it is a decent number of people and paying people at that. Yes people do still have thieves, people DO like to pk people and no, most pks and thieves don't discriminate. Itll never be old time UO but its as close as we have. Just because people like to rob and or kill other players(reguardless of whether they are pvpers or trammys) does not make them bleeps or psychopaths etc.

Most people left in Fel tend to have at least a few like minded people they run with for pvp, spawning etc. Its a very multiplayer like relationship. We tend to make sure our group is equipped and work together. We often work together to make our characters better at spawning, pvping, pking, defending, pvming and just about anything else.We like the variable of having other players that effect our outcomes whether positively or negatively. NOT ONE SINGLE PLAYER IN UO IS FORCED TO GO TO FEL. All this crying about it by Trammies is extremely selfish. Go to Fel and have an uncertain outcome at spawns, buy your scrolls which right now are a bit inflated because everyone wants them but no one wants to work for them, or go without. The choice is yours. Trammies are crying mine, mine, mine, mine. Get real people, there are other people in this game, many of which enjoy a different aspect of the game than you do.
The premise you use is biased. You claim "trammies" complain that they don't have free access to 10% of the game. I would have to point out that pvpers get access to 100% of the content. I have no horse in the race but certainly understand their concerns.

☆ For the record I do agree that just making them spawn everywhere else would certainly cause scripting issues. Making ones that don't drop in fel shard bound would cure that ailment.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
We are just going in circles really on this.

This thread was meant to have possible solutions so how about they put a load of pet only, non transferable PS in their store thing , or some sort of token for 120 of 8 skills on a pet, it losing a charge each time you train one skill?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Why is it players that play in Trammel to this day complain about the 10 percent of the game they don't like? Trammel came out and instantly the playerbase was split and isolated in half(housing). 17 years later and just about every publish/expansion has catered to the Trammel player. Despite this there is still a devoted group of players that play mainly in Fel 17 years later. No its not as many people as are Trammys but it is a decent number of people and paying people at that. Yes people do still have thieves, people DO like to pk people and no, most pks and thieves don't discriminate. Itll never be old time UO but its as close as we have. Just because people like to rob and or kill other players(reguardless of whether they are pvpers or trammys) does not make them bleeps or psychopaths etc.
Exactly why I and many others quit. When I returned I noticed all the trees were bare. Found out the moon gates had choices and one choice was the wonderful land of Trammel.

Too bad they waited so long. Would have been many that would have not left in the first place.

Great DC

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would have to point out that pvpers get access to 100% of the content.
Everyone has access to 100% of the game!!!!! These people choose not to do that part of the game, and insist on crying about what they aren't getting by not doing it. Its completely childish and pathetic on level that's no different then a kid who's mom wont buy him a candy bar he wants at 7-11. Its a video game people, if you go try and do get killed so what. If you go and live and get scrolls you'll be excited you completed something dangerous. Stop with the nonsense already. Talking to you trammel people is like this--:wall::wall::wall:


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Everyone has access to 100% of the game!!!!! These people choose not to do that part of the game, and insist on crying about what they aren't getting by not doing it. Its completely childish and pathetic on level that's no different then a kid who's mom wont buy him a candy bar he wants at 7-11. Its a video game people, if you go try and do get killed so what. If you go and live and get scrolls you'll be excited you completed something dangerous. Stop with the nonsense already. Talking to you trammel people is like this--:wall::wall::wall:
I think it is childish and pathetic for someone to raid a spawn or bother me at all in a video game. If I wanted to fight against other players I would choose one of the hundreds of options out there.

Very similar to a kid picking on another kid just because they can. Bang on that.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Maybe some kind of ranking system so everyone can see who's on top in their shard and have to kill people ranked higher than you to raise your rank or something.
We used to have something like that way back in the day. It was called being a "Dread Lord". During Pre-Renaissance UO, only the top, cream of the crop, creme de la creme, PKers would become Dread Lords. The kinds of PKs that gave other PKs nightmares. PKs like Ronald McDonald, Nighthawk, Oscar the Grouch, etc. Even the UO Parody songs by Midas references it.

The Captain EBolter remix is just hilarious.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Talking to PvPers/Felucccans is like this:wall::wall::wall:

Players want access to 120 Powerscrolls without being molested.

Working a spawn, and having someone come in at the last minute, and mug you is not access to content. Get that through your head!:talktothehand:

Other players coming in and taking what I've worked for is not access. It's a corrupt system that needs changing.

And what have I lost when I get raided..besides the powerscrolls...my TIME which is the most precious commodity in the Universe.

PvPers have 100% Access to the game. Trammel players have access to 90% of the game.

King Greg

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Talking to PvPers/Felucccans is like this:wall::wall::wall:

Players want access to 120 Powerscrolls without being molested.

Working a spawn, and having someone come in at the last minute, and mug you is not access to content. Get that through your head!:talktothehand:

Other players coming in and taking what I've worked for is not access. It's a corrupt system that needs changing.

And what have I lost when I get raided..besides the powerscrolls...my TIME which is the most precious commodity in the Universe.

PvPers have 100% Access to the game. Trammel players have access to 90% of the game.
It is 100% Content, and you can do it too to other players. Or try to. Find a pvmer working a spawn, you can show up at the boss and attack it and get just as many scrolls as they did for all the work done to the spawn itself, without even having to kill him you can take half the reward for 1/10th the time. That is spawns.

Great DC

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
LOLOL all you guys do is prove my point over and over and over, every time you post a tantrum. There are people who have posted saying they are not pvpers and still manage to get any scrolls they need, but somehow you cant. Its mindboggling how ridiculous you guys are being. If you don't like how the game is played buy your scrolls or play another game that suits your teary eyes.


Stratics Veteran
Talking to PvPers/Felucccans is like this:wall::wall::wall:

Players want access to 120 Powerscrolls without being molested.

Working a spawn, and having someone come in at the last minute, and mug you is not access to content. Get that through your head!:talktothehand:

Other players coming in and taking what I've worked for is not access. It's a corrupt system that needs changing.

And what have I lost when I get raided..besides the powerscrolls...my TIME which is the most precious commodity in the Universe.

PvPers have 100% Access to the game. Trammel players have access to 90% of the game.
Either way your time is going to be lost because even if scrolls were to drop in tram your still going to get raided at the last second by blues who will do nothing but leech off your hardwork and get the scrolls from the boss leaving you with nothing.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Either way your time is going to be lost because even if scrolls were to drop in tram your still going to get raided at the last second by blues who will do nothing but leech off your hardwork and get the scrolls from the boss leaving you with nothing.
Good thing it would not be a PvP problem and not something PvPs would have to concern themselves with.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
PS can stay in Fel, but the altar maps should be instanced just like peerless rooms are. Keys won't be required. Just some click-thingy to enter the room in your own personal instance, be it solo or in a party.
This has two major advantages:
1. Noone can steal your champ.
2. Multiple players/parties can do the same spawn in parallell without interfering.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Patron
PS can stay in Fel, but the altar maps should be instanced just like peerless rooms are. Keys won't be required. Just some click-thingy to enter the room in your own personal instance, be it solo or in a party.
This has two major advantages:
1. Noone can steal your champ.
2. Multiple players/parties can do the same spawn in parallell without interfering.
You do understand why powerscrolls were introduced into Fel right?

FIeryice at least had a clue about pvp.

There are really only 5 vocal PVMers in the board that are gunning for this, and without reason other than they're frustrated and they might die in Fel.

As much time was wasted here complaining about not getting scrolls they could have made a samp and farmed what they wanted by now.

Picus at the office

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
PS can stay in Fel, but the altar maps should be instanced just like peerless rooms are. Keys won't be required. Just some click-thingy to enter the room in your own personal instance, be it solo or in a party.
This has two major advantages:
1. No one can steal your champ.
2. Multiple players/parties can do the same spawn in parallel without interfering.
Might want to ask for a scroll generator at luna bank next.

In a role-playing viewpoint it only makes some reasonable sense that a power scroll could only be obtained from a situation where player vs player combat is involved. Given that a scroll only gives a boost to a char and, for 95% of game play, is not needed for any purpose other than advantage vs other players I can't see why trammies even care about them.

I did read a certain poster mention that she has 9 tamers on one shard and I could see how wanting a new uber pet for each of those chars could pose a problem scroll wise. Poor choices I guess, all that time but never bothered to make a effective PvM char, sigh.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Either way your time is going to be lost because even if scrolls were to drop in tram your still going to get raided at the last second by blues who will do nothing but leech off your hardwork and get the scrolls from the boss leaving you with nothing.
Negative. More :lie:

The thing you guys will say to keep the status quo.

I know what templates, and what damage works against what Bosses/Champions. Not doubt I will be a top damager to the Champion plus my "Protector" Justice scrolls.

The difference in Trammel is I will still be alive to collect my reward, therefore my time is not completely wasted like is is in Felucca where I have nothing to show for my time.
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Picus at the office

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You really think that the 8 char machine gunning bot squad of garg's isn't going to show up to your party, out damage your dragon and take every scroll...puleeze.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
You really think that the 8 char machine gunning bot squad of garg's isn't going to show up to your party, out damage your dragon and take every scroll...puleeze.
:lie: Sure they will...:thumbup:

"Don't add PS Scrolls to Trammel because you'll get raided" If you can raid me in Trammel, and come in at the last minute and steal all the scrolls (which is not the case) and then you can do the same in Felucca. What's the difference? Why put forth an argument adding scrolls against one when you can do the same in both facets?

In all seriousness, If Powerscrolls are added to Trammel I may permanently activate another account because I will need a protector there to collect scrolls.

I doubt I would be the only one who does this, so the net result could be more dormant accounts get activated because the playerbase wants to maximize their chances for powerscroll drops.

Also, People will need to keep 8 active accounts in order to raid me in trammel:coco:...so this is also good for the game because it too forces people to keep a ton of subscriptions active.

Sounds like a win win for Mesanna and UO..right!?
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Stratics Veteran
Negative. More :lie:

The thing you guys will say to keep the status quo.

I know what templates, and what damage works against what Bosses/Champions. Not doubt I will be a top damager to the Champion plus my "Protector" Justice scrolls.

The difference in Trammel is I will still be alive to collect my reward, therefore my time is not completely wasted like is is in Felucca where I have nothing to show for my time.
Top damage really doesn't mean much and if there are 10 other players there you will be lucky to get even 1 scroll.
And what's this about protection scrolls? why would you benefit from Justice for doing a spawn in trammel lol? So your next argument of opening a 2nd account is already invalid because you would not be getting protection scrolls.

Picus at the office

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes, you are going to activate another account for all the champs you will do then.....uh huh. That's the same story as the "I'll shut down my 20 accounts for x reason" people always say, if you were so inclined you would have done so already. The guy who has already built his EM event team is going to show up to your champ all safe and sound in tram, that's his playstyle already and to think that type isn't showing up is foolish at best.

Justice is a fel only thing I do believe, though I could be corrected, and would require some nifty coding to get done. Reworking the code at this point is risky and I feel the potential downside does not justify our limited team spending time on such a wasteful venture.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You really think that the 8 char machine gunning bot squad of garg's isn't going to show up to your party, out damage your dragon and take every scroll...puleeze.
So explain how a person that is multiboxing 5 - 8 characters as you say, cant go to Fel and pcik off each person at the spawn one at a time with one shot. If the spawners fight back they would do damage to one of the 8 each. Possibly each damaging a different one of the 8. But by then they would all be dead in 8 shots.

Its amazing how nobody would consider cheating in Fel.

Picus at the office

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Who's saying they can't, it has been done at the gate before and could be done at a spawn if you wanted to. I might be implying that this playstyle is common, it is not for sure, but if you eliminated any ability to defend a spawn what could stop such a player? Now that same person could just as easily make a wither bot group and bang out champs like no tomorrow all day in fel and the same people would come here to complain anyways.

So explain how a person that is multiboxing 5 - 8 characters as you say, cant go to Fel and pick off each person at the spawn one at a time with one shot. If the spawners fight back they would do damage to one of the 8 each. Possibly each damaging a different one of the 8. But by then they would all be dead in 8 shots.

Its amazing how nobody would consider cheating in Fel.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There are really only 5 vocal PVMers in the board that are gunning for this, and without reason other than they're frustrated and they might die in Fel.
Don't put me in that group. I showed my stable of pets. In the last 24 hours of playing, I upped a newborn Lesser Hiryu to 5 slots. Upped a 2 slot frost Mite to 4 slots and it jumped to 5. Upped a 2 slot Reptalon to 4 slots and it jumped to 5 when I clicked the blue button, so it wont gain anymore. Then I started working on a White Tiger. I should have it done tonight.

I don't have time to be frustrated about death in Fel. But I do need more scrolls.

I mainly deal with Cus but here is my Lesser Hiryu collection:


I need to make a Mystic one next.

Tactics are getting tough to find.

How bout you PvPs quit pancakes about how easy they are to get and Go get some ****ing scrolls for our pets to eat.

Ill have 4 new Cus hatch on Sunday! Hurry up!


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
We use many generalities on the boards.
The people who think the scrolls should stay in Fel use the PvP will die defense. And scripters will take over.

While the people who want to play the game without being harassed want to play all parts of the game also.
Scripters and death of pvp are not even the main concerns. Lack of something to pvp over (won't kill pvp, but will take away an activity designed with pvp in mind) and active player scroll farming in tram are the real issues.

As for playing the game without being harassed, I think calling getting raided in an area designed for pvp play harassment is a pretty big stretch, but again, if you want to skip that potentiality, then you can save your gold farming in tram and buy a scroll. Or you could be smart, get a group together, and figure out the most efficient way to run a spawn so you can get in and out with your scrolls and get raided far less often.

It all boils down to taking away from a group/facet that already has very little, simply to make life for people who refuse to go to a pvp zone a little more convenient.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
PS can stay in Fel, but the altar maps should be instanced just like peerless rooms are. Keys won't be required. Just some click-thingy to enter the room in your own personal instance, be it solo or in a party.
This has two major advantages:
1. Noone can steal your champ.
2. Multiple players/parties can do the same spawn in parallell without interfering.
See, that would never work. You are actually taking at face value the "arguments" that the PvPers provide. Let me help you. There are 2 main reasons they oppose scrolls in Trammel:
1. What they say: "It will ruin the market." What they mean: "How can I afford my multi-plat PvP suit if I can't sell scrolls for wildly inflated prices (60M for Tactics anyone)?"
2. What they say: "It will kill PvP." What they mean: "I need a steady supply of hapless victims in order to be entertained. Scrolls in Trammel would force me to PvP with only people who want to and ready (BAD!)."

So you see, none of the earnest solutions will be acceptable to PvPers, because under current design they "play" by abusing the PvMers. Anything that addresses this will make them unhappy.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
then you can save your gold farming in tram and buy a scroll.
Look at my post above yours. Each pet has 8 scrolls. And that is just 3 of 40 trained pets I have right now. Ive trained many more. Clearly I have been doing one of those 2 things you mentioned.

Just need More Scrolls!


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Why is it players that play in Trammel to this day complain about the 10 percent of the game they don't like?
10% is generous. Since the inception of the tram/fel split there have only been TWO notable content add ons with pvp activities in mind. The two champ spawns in the abyss, and VvV. All that pvp players have gotten outside of that are balance passes, and usually only when game play geared toward pvmers was conceived without enough thought put into it's effects in pvp forced the issue.

Literally every other content addition in the last fifteen years has been strictly for pvmers. I want the people calling for champ spawns to basically become obsolete to think about that.
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Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Look at my post above yours. Each pet has 8 scrolls. And that is just 3 of 40 trained pets I have right now. Ive trained many more. Clearly I have been doing one of those 2 things you mentioned.

Just need More Scrolls!
Make more gold! :D Or just use 115's and hold back some points and let it come naturally. The difference will be negligible.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
We keep hearing how there is no chokehold and this player or that player regularly chains spawns for half a day without seeing someone. If that's the case, there seems to be little to stop scripters in Fel.
You can't have it both ways. Either Fel spawns are locked down by select few which would need to be fixed, or they are freely accessible in which case adding them to Tram will not have any negative effects. So which is it?
It's really not that hard to understand. If you scrip in fel anywhere you will get spotted eventually, and killed, and your spot will no longer be worth scripting. If you script in an area players already go regularly you will get found out probably on day one and that's that. In tram, it doesn't matter if you get found out. You can script all day in plain sight and no one can do anything about it.

Now as to never seeing anyone at a spawn, you can mitigate you chances of seeing someone by being smart and prepared. If you can get in, and out within 20-30 minutes your odds of getting raided outside of peak hours (unless you are at despise) go down dramatically. If you sit there all day, you will be raided in most spots on most shards.

I would note again, scripting isn't even the issue. Active players would run tram spawns 24/7/365. Scripting wouldn't even matter most likely as they would be getting farmed to death already.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Scripters and death of pvp are not even the main concerns. Lack of something to pvp over (won't kill pvp, but will take away an activity designed with pvp in mind) and active player scroll farming in tram are the real issues.

As for playing the game without being harassed, I think calling getting raided in an area designed for pvp play harassment is a pretty big stretch, but again, if you want to skip that potentiality, then you can save your gold farming in tram and buy a scroll. Or you could be smart, get a group together, and figure out the most efficient way to run a spawn so you can get in and out with your scrolls and get raided far less often.

It all boils down to taking away from a group/facet that already has very little, simply to make life for people who refuse to go to a pvp zone a little more convenient.

First off you are assuming anyone actually DOES the spawns in Fel and SELLS the scrolls.... because there is generally NO ONE THERE.... because there isn't anyone trying to do spawns from Tram because everyone got fed up with getting raided by the 2 or 3 dozen active PvP goon squads on a shard... looking for someone to kill because they are "bored" but they really don't want a challenge if there was one they would cry about it here on the forums and ask for a nerf!... so therefore NO ONE is doing the spawns in Fel as they don't care to be raided therefore NO ONE is selling scrolls or even getting scrolls for pets but those who normally terrorize everyone else on the shard... and they aren't selling them because they are too busy using them to make uber powerful pets to kill one another with in PvP because it has become the new flavor of the month killing template... ..... and it isn't they won't be doing the spawns... just stopping anyone else from doing them!... THIS is the issue.


Seasoned Veteran
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How bout you PvPs quit pancakes about how easy they are to get and Go get some shawarmaing scrolls for our pets to eat.
I imagine most of us doing these spawns are not "PvPers" by trade as such, I PvP a bit on my parry mage but thats not even the char I use for spawns, its a dexxer that I never even tried to PvP with, Im doing two or more a day and I have only fully scrolled one of my pets so you are doing better than me.
The only other players I ever see at spawns now are other solo spawners(who make no attempt to kill me, nor I them), are probably doing it to scroll their own pets like I am, I perfectly understand the issue that there is no way supply can keep up with the demand of hundreds of tamers each with like 20+ pets.

Surely we all have tamers, we are all in the same position as you, I just dont think this inconvenience warrants destruction of something that has done so much for Fel players since it was introduced, having to wait a bit for 120s is not a game breaker for our tamers, removing this unique feature from Fel would be a game breaker for a lot of Fel orientated players like thieves and PvPers, you may not like their playstyle, I personally never played a thief and I have never raided a spawn, but Im certainly not going support the idea of ruining their game like a spoilt brat because I cant scroll up 20 pets.

So you see, none of the earnest solutions will be acceptable to PvPers, because under current design they "play" by abusing the PvMers. Anything that addresses this will make them unhappy.
We havent had many solutions beyond "put PS in Tram spawns", I suggested earlier that they put a pack of pet only, non transferable scrolls in their store, or an item with charges like a runic hammer which functions like scrolls on pets and uses charges for each skill cap increase(1 for 105, 4 for 120 etc), no one even answered, bad idea? good idea?

All we are doing is going in circles, surely we are all aware of both sides of this argument now, what will satisfy this sudden massive demand for pet scrolls this patch has created, while leaving the situation in Fel as it was before this patch?


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First off you are assuming anyone actually DOES the spawns in Fel and SELLS the scrolls.... because there is generally NO ONE THERE.... because there isn't anyone trying to do spawns from Tram because everyone got fed up with getting raided by the 2 or 3 dozen active PvP goon squads on a shard... looking for someone to kill because they are "bored" but they really don't want a challenge if there was one they would cry about it here on the forums and ask for a nerf!... so therefore NO ONE is doing the spawns in Fel as they don't care to be raided therefore NO ONE is selling scrolls or even getting scrolls for pets but those who normally terrorize everyone else on the shard... and they aren't selling them because they are too busy using them to make uber powerful pets to kill one another with in PvP because it has become the new flavor of the month killing template... ..... and it isn't they won't be doing the spawns... just stopping anyone else from doing them!... THIS is the issue.
Well if no one is doing them like you claim, what's stopping you or your fellows from going and doing it? Memories of past bad experiences? :/


Stratics Legend
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How bout you PvPs quit pancakes about how easy they are to get and Go get some shawarmaing scrolls for our pets to eat.
I'm not a pvper, but I would if I played your shard. There is clearly easy gold to be made here.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
First off you are assuming anyone actually DOES the spawns in Fel and SELLS the scrolls.... because there is generally NO ONE THERE.... because there isn't anyone trying to do spawns from Tram because everyone got fed up with getting raided by the 2 or 3 dozen active PvP goon squads on a shard... looking for someone to kill because they are "bored" but they really don't want a challenge if there was one they would cry about it here on the forums and ask for a nerf!... so therefore NO ONE is doing the spawns in Fel as they don't care to be raided therefore NO ONE is selling scrolls or even getting scrolls for pets but those who normally terrorize everyone else on the shard... and they aren't selling them because they are too busy using them to make uber powerful pets to kill one another with in PvP because it has become the new flavor of the month killing template... ..... and it isn't they won't be doing the spawns... just stopping anyone else from doing them!... THIS is the issue.
I am active PvM champ Spawner with no large guild affiliations on Atlantic and most of the argument is just not true. The one true part is that PvPers will raid your spawn and that is true. The stuff that is not true is that id say most PvPers dont even care anymore at this point of locking down the whole Champ Spawn scene . I did despise Barracoon on a Atlantic this afternoon and it was a success as i usually get 90% spawns completed these days. My template is rather high end but this character has been made over the last 4 years so it rather should be pretty decent. At the time i was doing this spawn another solo spawner was having success at another spawn site . I get its the fourth of July but this pretty routine at any low level pop this is pretty standard. I obtain the scrolls and unload them instantly on VS for 10-20% of what even the lowest price is because i know the market price is not the real price. I personally feel the Devs can see the amount of spawns being done in fell and it is no where 0 and not one guild or group is controlling them all.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I am active PvM champ Spawner with no large guild affiliations on Atlantic and most of the argument is just not true. The one true part is that PvPers will raid your spawn and that is true. The stuff that is not true is that id say most PvPers dont even care anymore at this point of locking down the whole Champ Spawn scene . I did despise Barracoon on a Atlantic this afternoon and it was a success as i usually get 90% spawns completed these days. My template is rather high end but this character has been made over the last 4 years so it rather should be pretty decent. At the time i was doing this spawn another solo spawner was having success at another spawn site . I get its the fourth of July but this pretty routine at any low level pop this is pretty standard. I obtain the scrolls and unload them instantly on VS for 10-20% of what even the lowest price is because i know the market price is not the real price. I personally feel the Devs can see the amount of spawns being done in fell and it is no where 0 and not one guild or group is controlling them all.
That's on your shard... I guarantee on mine they do care... I am up most all night they have been VERY active on my shard since the publish came out and continue to be...

And it's ALWAYS Been that way on my shard... if you do one or two spawns thats fine once in a blue moon but any more than that and it's like a bunch of starved vultures circling for the next 2 months or more ... hungry to feed and looking for easy prey...


Crazed Zealot
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That's on your shard... I guarantee on mine they do care... I am up most all night they have been VERY active on my shard since the publish came out and continue to be...

And it's ALWAYS Been that way on my shard... if you do one or two spawns thats fine once in a blue moon but any more than that and it's like a bunch of starved vultures circling for the next 2 months or more ... hungry to feed and looking for easy prey...
if you're referring to Great Lakes, you're lieing.


Crazed Zealot
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And here comes the truth folks...it's all about money, and maintaining a monopoly.

Pure greed ladies and gentlemen.

Time to end the Prohibition of Powerscrolls, and legalize them in Trammel. Take them out of the hands of the criminals and sociopaths...

What we have here is a Mafia style system in place supported by the Devs where the good people of the land suffer at the hands of bullies.:thumbdown:
And what, exactly, is stopping you from DOING SPAWNS IN FEL? For the love of god, I HAVE DONE HARROWERS (with a few other people) and nobody showed up. Once we got it set up, we were done in maybe 20-25 minutes. If you can get a Harrower done and not have it raided, you can literally do ANY Fel Spawn. So let's hear the excuses.


Queen of The Outlaws
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Powerscrolls need to remain Fel only otherwise they will be farmed by scripted bots 24/7, especially on off-shards. The one thing keeping the supply/demand balance in check is death, ie: chance of dying by participating in champ spawns, it's quite difficult to "bot farm" something around an active PvP area.
Allow VvV to work on all shards and let 105-115 drop from non fel champ spawn in VvV players backpack. The non VvV players, who still are protected of their Trammel ruleset, can't get higher than 105 scrolls and can't protect VvV players to get more scrolls.

The "off shards" would then be a good place for players to start doing PvP and VvV. It would also be good for Felucca as lots of the hate between Fel and Trammel players would go away, when VvV could PvP on all facets and non VvV players could watch the fights and hopeful see, Fel players are not pure Devils.

Adding VvV to non Fel facets would also open up for a lot RP as it would be easier for some Evil RP. Lets take a group like the old Shadow Clan ORC. Players was traveling to near the fort to interact with them. A non VvV could still take part in the RP and give some gold and cider, when the ORCs surrounded them yelling "GIB TRIBUT" and máybe some of them would take up the challenge and turn VvV on to test their PvP skills vs a RP group.

Same with Powerscrolls, going to Fel to get them are a big step, but try turn VvV on and try some tram based champ spawn on a "off shards" would feel less dangerous and scripted bots could still be killed and looted unless they was only going for 105 scrolls.