You do understand why powerscrolls were introduced into Fel right?
Yes, I do. It was the misguided attempt to revive declining non-consensual PvP because trammel was introduced.
There are 3 reasons, I regularly visit Fel:
1. Luck bonus.
2. Double resources.
3. Champ spawns.
PvP definitely is not a reason I go there. And just because I go to Fel doesn't mean I give my consent to being attacked. There's just nothing I can do about that. Wanna know, what I do, when I get attacked? I stop right there and wait. I don't have any PvP template, nor any PvP equip, nor do I carry any consumables. And first and foremost I don't have any experience with it. So why delay the inevitable. Wait for the kill and get back to your corpse. Ideally the "nice guys" are gone and don't rez-kill you.
Open-World PvP is just a trainwreck. Is there any game out on the market, where that concept actually works? (I honestly don't know, because I never was looking for such a game.)
You seem to be vocal pro-PvP. So maybe you can answer this question:
Why does the average PvP player in UO always ask for that non-consensual world-PvP crap, where you can gank others, prey on the weak or unprepared, smacktalk people into oblivion on gen chat or run half across the continent if you try to get away?
Why does noone ever ask for instanced PvP, where both parties of a same size are prepared and determined to actually fight each other? Where there would be even ground for both sides, ideally where no communication between the two sides would be possible?
You don't really have to answer that. I guess it is more of a rethorical question...